吉田 文 村澤 昌崇 濱中 淳子 二宮 祐 田中 正弘 福留 東土 黄 梅英 李 敏

濱中 淳子
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.87, no.2, pp.190-202, 2020 (Released:2020-09-30)

矢野 眞和 濱中 淳子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.85-104, 2006-12-10

Since 1976, the application rate of high school students for university has remained level at around fifty percent, and this seems to have contributed to the excess supply of higher education caused by the demographic decline. However, previous research has not clarified the reason why students do not go on to university despite the ease if access. This paper examines the extent to which economic factors underlie the stabilization of the application rate at 50%, through an analysis of the determinants of entrance rates for senmon gakko (technical schools) and employment rates after high school graduation from 1970 to 2004. The results of the analysis of the obvious demand factors indicate that household income has a strong positive impact, the price of private university tuition has a negative impact, and the unemployment rate has a positive impact on the application rate. Statistically, these results are weak, as they have a low value on the D. W. criteria, so the author uses the chow test approach to this problem solving. The test shows that there are structural changes in the trend of the determinants factor of the application rate during three decades, meaning that it would be better to divide it into three period times, 1970-1975, 1976-1996 and 1997-2004. In the first period, household income increases demand without an influence from price, and in the second period there was a positive effect of income, negative effect of price, and positive effect of the unemployment rate. In the third period, only unemployment had an impact, and there was no effect of income and price. It is possible to understand the leveling off of demand for higher education by considering household budget conditions, the rapid price increases since 1975, and in particular the high unemployment rate since 1997. However, the demand for higher education is actually higher than the application rate, since there are students who find employment or go to technical schools as a substitute for going to university. In order to consider this latent demand for higher education, an analysis of the determinants of the employment rate and entrance rate for technical schools is introduced. This analysis shows that there are individuals who find employment instead of going to university for the reason of the high price, and who go to technical schools for the reason of the high prices and low acceptance rate for entrance examinations. This result indicates that, considering this latent demand, the demand for higher education is larger than that indicated by the application rate. One policy implication of this study is that the application rate will increase in the near future as the economic recovery makes the latent demand obvious. Second, since there is still inequality of educational opportunities, low tuition and student aid should be introduced to equalize enrollment difference based on family income.
濱中 淳子
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.83, no.4, pp.411-422, 2016-12-30 (Released:2017-05-26)

金子 元久 矢野 眞和 小林 雅之 藤村 正司 小方 直幸 山本 清 濱中 淳子 阿曽沼 明裕 矢野 眞和 小林 雅之 濱中 淳子 小方 直幸 濱中 義隆 大多和 直樹 阿曽沼 明裕 両角 亜希子 佐藤 香 島 一則 橋本 鉱市 苑 復傑 藤墳 智一 藤原 正司 伊藤 彰浩 米澤 彰純 浦田 広朗 加藤 毅 吉川 裕美子 中村 高康 山本 清

矢野 眞和 濱中 淳子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.79, pp.85-104, 2006-12-10 (Released:2011-08-04)
7 1

Since 1976, the application rate of high school students for university has remained level at around fifty percent, and this seems to have contributed to the excess supply of higher education caused by the demographic decline. However, previous research has not clarified the reason why students do not go on to university despite the ease if access.This paper examines the extent to which economic factors underlie the stabilization of the application rate at 50%, through an analysis of the determinants of entrance rates for senmon gakko (technical schools) and employment rates after high school graduation from 1970 to 2004.The results of the analysis of the obvious demand factors indicate that household income has a strong positive impact, the price of private university tuition has a negative impact, and the unemployment rate has a positive impact on the application rate. Statistically, these results are weak, as they have a low value on the D. W. criteria, so the author uses the chow test approach to this problem solving. The test shows that there are structural changes in the trend of the determinants factor of the application rate during three decades, meaning that it would be better to divide it into three period times, 1970-1975, 1976-1996 and 1997-2004. In the first period, household income increases demand withoutan influence from price, and in the second period there was a positive effect of income, negative effect of price, and positive effect of the unemployment rate. In the third period, only unemployment had an impact, and there was no effect of income and price.It is possible to understand the leveling off of demand for higher education by considering household budget conditions, the rapid price increases since 1975, and in particular the high unemployment rate since 1997. However, the demand for higher education is actually higher than the application rate, since there are students who find employment or go to technical schools as a substitute for going to university. In order to consider this latent demand for higher education, an analysis of the determinants of the employment rate and entrance rate for technical schools is introduced.This analysis shows that there are individuals who find employment instead of going to university for the reason of the high price, and who go to technical schools for the reason of the high prices and low acceptance rate for entrance examinations. This result indicates that, considering this latent demand, the demand for higher education is larger than that indicated by the application rate. One policy implication of this study is that the application rate will increase in the near future as the economic recovery makes the latent demand obvious. Second, since there is still inequality of educational opportunities, low tuition and student aid should be introduced to equalize enrollment difference based on family income.
濱中 淳子

濱中 淳子
大学論集 (ISSN:03020142)
vol.43, pp.189-205, 2011

Many studies have looked at the effectiveness of university education. It can be said that this research has involved mainstream themes, such as the sociology of education and the economics of education. In a previous research project a "practice of learning" hypothesis was constructed from an analysis of a survey of engineering graduates, that considered how current learning related to university studies, leading to better performance at work and increased income. This paper aims to compare and verify the results of the analysis of a survey of engineering graduates, to test the validity of this "practice of learning" hypothesis and whether similar results could be obtained in the field of economics.This paper uses two types of data. The first is that of a questionnaire survey of 976 engineering graduates undertaken in 2004. The second is that of a questionnaire survey of 596 economics graduates conducted in 2009. Both of these surveys were carried out with a random sampling of graduates at the same national university.The main points resulting from the analysis are as follows: firstly, it was confirmed that educational benefits were derived from the practice of learning among economics graduates but that overall these benefits were smaller than those for engineering graduates. In other words, the benefits of a link to studying shown in the practice of learning hypothesis was confirmed among economics graduates, but in their case, this was because the knowledge obtained during time spent at university had a directly negative effect on income that could not be ignored. More specifically, it was discovered that economics graduates felt that the knowledge and skills they had acquired at university were more of a hindrance. Secondly, however, the negative effects of the knowledge and skills learned at university disappeared over time, and as a result, the educational benefits we are accustomed to seeing among economics graduates are particularly striking from middle-age onwards. In general, the occupational positions held by economics graduates and engineering graduates, differ. Most economics graduates work in white collar occupations, such as administration or sales, whereas most engineering graduates become technicians. To put it another way, on the one hand economics graduates occupy positions that do not have a direct connection with what they studied at university, whereas engineering graduates occupy positions that can be said to be an extension of their time at university. Such differences appeared immediately when those who had studied engineering began work, but it is possible that this may be connected to the differences in the practice of learning accumulated in the fields of engineering and economics. The results for economics graduates seemed to gradually manifest themselves as their careers progress.Finally, we also investigated the graduates' own recognition of the outcomes of their education. As stated above, it was also confirmed that a university education really did benefit economics graduates, but few of the graduates were themselves aware of these benefits, probably due to the time it took for the effects of education to become manifest. In Japan, particularly in relation to the Arts, there is often skepticism about the effectiveness of a university education, but possibly the kind of mechanism considered above, exists behind the scenes.
濱中 淳子
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.87, no.2, pp.190-202, 2020

<p> 今般の大学入試改革は、新体制に切り替わる直前に「英語民間試験導入」と「国語・数学の記述式問題導入」が見送られるなど、迷走状態にある。なぜ、このような状態に陥ったのか。今回の改革の特徴は、教育測定や教育社会学、英文学者や言語学者等の研究者が危うさを訴えているなかで進められた点に求められるが、本稿では、推進派の問題とともに、研究者が何を主張してきたのかについても踏み込みながら、迷走の背景を描写した。</p>
濱中 淳子 HAMANAKA Junko
名古屋高等教育研究 (ISSN:13482459)
no.20, pp.235-252, 2020-03

教育のあり方を考えるにあたって、教育効果の実証的検討を出発点とすることに大きな異論を唱える人はいないはずだ。在学時代に培ったものが、その後のキャリアに及ぼす影響を理解せずして、政策や現場の方向性を議論することなどできないからである。こうしたなか、本稿では、国内においてあまり研究の対象とされてこなかった「学力トップ層」を取り上げ、大学入学以前の状況にまで視野を拡げながら、企業人として働く場合に在学時代の何がキャリアに活きているのかを実証的に明らかにすることを試みた。具体的に用いた方法は、全国的に進学実績がトップクラスに入る2つの公立高等学校ならびに2つの私立中高一貫校の卒業生に実施した質問紙調査のデータ分析である。所得関数を計測し、在学時代の「学習」「課外活動」「人脈」のそれぞれがどのようにキャリアに影響しているのかを男女の別に浮き彫りにした。そのうえで結果を踏まえながら、とくに大学教育に焦点を当てた場合、学力トップ層の進学先となる機関の教育をどのような観点から問い直すべきか、若干の考察を行った。No one would disagree with the empirical examination of educational effects as a starting point for educational debate. This is because we cannot discuss public investment and the direction of educational policy without knowing the impact of school experience on careers. This paper examines the educational effects of the highest-ranking level of academic achievement, which have not been analyzed in Japan. How can we determine that the experience at school is useful for a career when looking at people working in companies? Which are more important, experiences at high school or at university? Or is the current self-learning more important? Specifically, the method used was data analysis of a questionnaire survey conducted with graduates of four famous advanced schools. Approximately 3,600 graduates answered the survey, and more than half of them work in companies. After analyzing the determinants of income, we tried to identify what should be noted when we re-examine the education provided by top universities.