松井 健一
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.74, no.2, pp.238-261, 2009-09-30

佐々木 重洋
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.73, no.2, pp.200-220, 2008-09-30

金 明美
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.74, no.1, pp.176-189, 2009-06-30

This paper is a reconsideration of two earlier case studies concerning the minzoku (ethnic group, nation, or race) education of Koreans living in Japan based on fieldwork that I conducted about 12 years ago. Its major objective is to explore the mechanism by which power relations between two different minzoku (Koreans and Japanese) are maintained, as one problem of the social structure that tends to be covered by tabunka-kyosei (multicultural coexistence) policy or slogans. Through that, I want to find clues about practicing tabunka-kyosei in actuality. The first reason for reconsidering the past case studies is that they offer concrete data concerning the realities of the relations between Korean children in the minzoku education practice left unanalyzed by the previous work. The second reason is that the case studies represent significant data examining the internal nature of the tabunka-kyosei policy, which promotes minzoku education within the framework of national education as a means of empowering a minority group. Chapter 1 examines a case study in Fukuoka City, including a description and analysis of the children's minzoku consciousness-formation process, based on participant observation of an informal group activity within minzoku education. The observation revealed contradictory facts within minzoku education's aim of forming minzoku solidarity. The minzoku framework on the management side (a Korean activist and schoolteachers) of the group represents one view representing power relations between minzoku. Meanwhile, children's consciousness of their own minzoku as a minority was formed "in isolation" under the strong influence of their parents' "habitus" (a set of dispositions which generate practices and perceptions), formed structurally under the everyday power relations between separate minzoku. Chapter 2 examines a case study in Itami City, giving a description and analysis of how the official recognition of minzoku education in public schools has influenced schools and local society. The work was based on a field survey in the school district, which has a large population of resident Koreans. It found that Itami, where minzoku education was actively promoted, more strongly looked upon the Korean children as a certain minzoku than did Fukuoka. More concretely, when the minzoku discourse, as agreed upon by Korean activists and their Japanese supporters, was presented as "multiculturalism education," "culture" became a paraphrase for minzoku. That process maintains the potential cultural nationalism based on racial thinking in daily life. That is, there is an invisible process found here that strengthens the macro-micro relations. The academic results of the above analysis can be viewed as a contribution to ethnicity research in Japan. That is, the effectiveness of the study - which focuses on power relations - was illustrated by analyzing the process in which minzoku (a vague concept whose meaning changes depending on context) is reified as an entity: namely, the process of "invisibility" in which the macro relates to the micro. The following point can also be made as a result of the applied anthropology. Under the current situation in Japan, where little fundamental change has been seen in the the assumption by the national and local governments that equates minzoku with "nation," research and the movement will be swallowed up by the concept of tabunka-kyosei as long as administrative measures and the popular discourse are not examined, making the slogan of tabunka-kyosei relative. That suggests a way that anthropology can contribute to the practice of tabunka-kyosei in actuality.
小尾 章子
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.70, no.1, pp.99-113, 2005-06-30

This paper is an examination of the process through which the mushiyoke rite, performed by the Nenbutsu-ko folk-religious group, has been historically transmitted through changes. In particular, its primary goal is a clarification of historical continuity through transformation, as evidenced in the repeated recuperation of traditional rites in the face of modernity's onslaught, including mercury poisoning (the socalled "Minamata disease"). The field data in this paper come from the village of Sentoji, Yasuda-machi, located in the Kita-Kanbara region of Niigata Prefecture. Drawing on my fieldwork in the village, I will demonstrate the process in which a new jizo carved out of the stone from the shore of Minamata (Kumamoto Pref.) by the patients becomes incorporated into the rite of propitiation conducted by the Nenbutsu-ko religious group. The process demonstrates two points. First, in Sentoji Village, where not only the distinction between the patients and non-patients, but also that between the plaintiffs and non-plaintiffs of the Minamata suit, had separated the population into various groups, the act of constructing the jizo was considered part of the official activities of the village as a whole. Second, the mushijizo, abandoned as a result of the eradication of the Tsutsugamushi disease, has been restored through transformation by the installation of a new jizo from Minamata. The social changes triggered by the modern intervention have been discussed in terms of the "waning [or vanishing] of tradition". The idea that equates the organic whole with the past has been the most dominant mode of discourse in both anthropology and Japanese folklore studies. However, it has proved to be insufficient to understand the local reality in which the people of Sentoji connected their experience of Minamata disease with the traditional mushiyoke rite. In order to emphasize the dynamic aspect of these historical changes, I propose to understand the tradition, borrowing a term from James Clifford, as "authentically remade," which is the concept that highlights the idea of change without letting go of that continuity. The fact that the local people connected the experience of Minamata disease with the traditional rite of mushiyoke is an indication that they have tried to overcome the political division of the village with the help of local tradition-namely, the antagonism produced by the Minamata disease itself. I examine ethnographically how local people have coped with the contradictory nature of modernity: while modernity contributed to the eradication of the Tsutsugamushi disease, it also introduced a new disease-the Minamata disease-to the local community. As discussed above, the transmission of tradition through the dark side of modernity, a seemingly contradictory historical process, has not been explicitly discussed in the previous studies on Minamata disease, which were conducted mostly by sociologists. Its secondary goal is a somewhat theoretical one: namely, the reopening of the field site discursively constructed as "Sentoji, Yasuda-machi," by social-science studies on the Minamata disease, viewing it as an ongoing historical process whose future has yet to be determined.
金子 毅
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.69, no.4, pp.520-539, 2005-03-31

卯田 宗平
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.73, no.1, pp.1-24, 2008-06-30

杉島 敬志
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.69, no.3, pp.386-411, 2004-12-31

深田 淳太郎
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.71, no.3, pp.391-404, 2006-12-31

The Tolai people in the province of East New Britain, Papua New Guinea, have long used a form of shell money called tabu. They use that indigenous currency for various purposes: as "bride price," as a valuable shown and distributed in rituals, and as a medium of commercial exchange. These days, the provincial government is planning to recognize the tabu as the second legal tender in the province alongside the kina, which is the legal tender for all of Papua New Guinea. In this article, I will consider how these two currencies coexist and relate to each other, especially as media of exchange. Analyzing several practical cases of transactions, I will show that the relation between the two currencies falls into three patterns, as follows: (1) The two currencies are used for discrete transactions that differ in terms of the goods exchanged, as well as the situation, and so on. For example, only the tabu can be used as payment for initiation ceremonies into a secret society, and only the kina can be used in stores in town. They form different spheres of exchange that are exclusive to each other and have their own intrinsic value. (2) Either of the two currencies may be used for transactions that deal with the same goods in the same situation. In such transaction, both the tabu and the kina form a common standard of value via a fixed exchange rate. For example, in small village stores, various goods are valued under this single standard and are sold in both currencies. And these days, one can pay taxes, court fines and other fees at the government office using either of the currencies. (3) Besides pattern (2), this pattern involves the use of both currencies for the same kind of transactions, without necessarily maintaining a common value standard between the two. The use of both currencies takes place in an incoherent fashion for the exchange of exactly the same goods in the same situation. Transactions of this kind are typically seen by small vendors who deal in snacks and small goods used after a funeral. Patterns (1) and (2) can be understood as a single model, in which the tabu and kina keep their own separate spheres of exchange while maintaining an overlapping common area in each of their peripheries. In that common area, the two currencies are used together for various transactions under a fixed standard of value. But, at the same time, transactions according to those patterns keep the clear distinction between the two spheres of exchange. Meanwhile, this single model does not include the other pattern, pattern (3), in which the tabu and kina are used for similar transactions without having a common standard of value. That means that the two currencies can coexist and be used together, albeit incoherently, without adjusting the value through an exchange rate. As described above, the model that integrates patterns (1) and (2) is not consistent with pattern (3). But that is never an either-or situation. The relation between the tabu and kina in Tolai society is what allows these three inconsistent patterns to exist simultaneously.
春日 直樹
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.86, no.4, pp.527-542, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-07-20)

呪術的行為を構成する直裁的な表現は、まったく異なる2つのカテゴリーがいかに結合できるのかを人類学者に問いつづけてきた。本稿はパプアニューギニアの民族誌に報告された呪術的行為を、数学の圏論での同型の観点から再解釈する。まずは、生者の領域で呪術を構成する要素の集合と霊の領域での同様な集合とが同型であることを明らかにして、それによって2つの間に置き換えが可能なほどの等しさが生まれていることを導く。生者の領域における操作は霊の領域における操作と対応し、反対に霊の領域での操作も生者の領域での操作に対応することが必然的に成り立つ。呪術の研究が傾注してきた異なるカテゴリーの結合、特有の因果関係の追求は、このように同型の観念によって簡潔に説明できる。これらはすべて同型に由来しており、同型の必然的な帰結である。隠喩的な表現をはじめとする呪術のもろもろの特徴は、同型からの要請を充たすための工夫や努力とみなせば、その限定的な役割が明らかになる。 ただし、生者の側の集合の要素と霊の側の集合の要素とが1対1に対応する、という同型の条件はまったく保証されていない。パプアニューギニアの人々はどのように保証されていないのか、どのように努力すべきなのかをよく知っているようであり、この条件下で同型の実現に励み、つまりは呪術の実践をつづけている。呪術的行為は、同型の理念に依拠するとともに同型の実現を志向する、という重要な性質がここに明らかになる。
大川 真由子
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.80, no.4, pp.534-548, 2016 (Released:2017-02-28)

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河野 正治
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.85, no.1, pp.042-055, 2020 (Released:2020-10-08)

With the blurring of social boundaries in the global age, there has been considerable interdisciplinary attention on the concept of hospitality regarding the relationship between the self and the other. Jacques Derrida uncovered an aporia between the ethical requirement of absolute openness toward the other and the exclusionary sovereignty of the self. From an anthropological perspective, however, the philosophical discussion of hospitality pays little attention to details and scales of a particular situation with regard to receiving the other as a guest. Rather, it is through an ethnographically grounded engagement with hospitality that anthropologists should grasp the complexity of the situation relating the self to the other. In this special theme, we will attempt to hospitality as a heuristic concept for eliciting multiple heterogeneities of social relations and moral principles and thereby aim to reveal ethnographically diverse ways of relating the self to the other.
外川 昌彦
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.86, no.4, pp.563-583, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-07-20)

本稿では、バングラデシュのイスラーム主義を掲げる宗教政党と、それを「原理主義」として批判し、世俗主義を標榜するNGO団体との関係を、1990年代を中心とした多様な相互交渉と対立の過程を通して検証する。公共領域でのイスラーム的価値の実現を求めるバングラデシュの宗教政党と、社会開発への取り組みを通して公共領域から宗教の分離を試みるNGO団体との、互いの参照や批判を通した二極政治の形成過程を跡付ける。 一般にイスラーム主義は、社会のイスラーム的変革を求める政治的イデオロギーや運動とされ、日本語ではバイアスを含んだ「イスラーム原理主義」に代わる用語として用いられるが、実際には、改革運動からジハード主義までを含む多様な用法が見られ、たとえば、日本人7名が犠牲となった2016年のダカ・テロ事件では、イスラーム政党・団体は一括りにイスラーム主義とされた。しかし、イスラーム主義が、西洋近代の「世俗」概念との対比から、それを逸脱する「宗教」運動として一元的に規定されると、それはかつての「原理主義」と同様の問題を内包するだろう。本稿では、バングラデシュの二極政治の構成が、「公共領域」の変容をも導く経緯の検証を通して、イスラーム主義を、「ムスリム社会が国民国家や市民社会を構成する過程で、イスラーム的価値を政治的イデオロギーとして再認識し、実践する運動」と定義する。
若松 大樹
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.76, no.2, pp.146-170, 2011-09-30 (Released:2017-04-17)

大村 敬一
文化人類学 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.86, no.1, pp.057-075, 2021-06-30 (Released:2021-09-23)
