王 維
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.63, no.2, pp.209-231, 1998-09-30

本稿では, 長崎華僑社会を一つのエスニック・グループとしてとらえ, 祭祀や芸能に焦点を当てることにより, 華僑文化のダイナミズムを再検討した。祭祀と芸能は, 変動するエスニシティにとって重要な意味をもつ文化要素である。日本華僑の場合, 住居, 服装, 生活様式など文化の日常的側面においては, 日本社会への同化の傾向が強い。その代わりに弁別的特徴として重要な役割を果たしてきたのが祭祀と芸能である。祭祀については次の3タイプに類型化することができる。1)「被受容祭祀」 : 江戸時代に日本人社会に受容され日本の祭と混淆して現在に受け継がれているもので, 「長崎くんち」に代表される。2)「伝統祭祀」 : 同郷組織等によって運営され, 華僑の寺院で行われる「普度勝会」(盂蘭盆)などの祭祀。3)「新伝統祭祀」 : 中華街の活性化を目的として, 近年に春節(旧正月)・元宵節等を再編して創造された新たな祭。旧来のエスニック・アイデンティティのシンボルとしての「伝統祭祀」は同郷組織によって維持されてきた。しかし, 第二世代は伝統祭祀への関心を失いつつあり, 長崎華僑社会は近年急速に変化を示している。それは, 特に「新伝統祭祀」ランタンフェスティバルの創設過程にみることができる。ランタンフェスティバルは, 政治的変化(日中国交正常化)を契機とし, 観光と地域活性化という新たなニーズによって, 新たなエスニック・アイデンティティのシンボルとして中華街を中心に創造されたものである。それに先だって, 中華街の二代目店主らは, 日本人店主らとともに, 新しい組織として中華街商店街振興組合を結成した。こうして, 長崎華僑のエスニック・アイデンティティは, 同郷組織を核とし「伝統祭祀」をシンボルとするものと, 振興組合を核とし「新伝統祭祀」をシンボルとするものとに二極化してきた。さらに, 長崎市は, 中華街で創設された「新伝統祭祀」を市全体の祭として取り込んだ。長崎は, 古くから華僑の文化を「被受容祭祀」として取り入れることにより, 自らの地域文化を構築してきたが, そうした過程が現代的な形で再生産されているととらえることも可能である。このように, エスニック・グループとしての長崎華僑社会は, 上位社会(日本社会及び長崎地域社会)や出身社会(本国)との交渉の中でエスニシティ再構成をしているのみならず, 上位社会に対しても影響を与え続けていると言えよう。
渥美 一弥
民族學研究 (ISSN:13490648)
vol.81, no.3, pp.504-521, 2016

<p>本稿では、カナダにおける多文化主義政策の先住民への影響について、カナダのブリティッシュ・コロンビア州の先住民族、サーニッチを事例として検討する。そして、現時点において「多文化主義」がカナダ先住民にとって、社会的地位や経済的状態の改善に寄与している状況を評価する立場をとりつつ、先住民集団内においても、その受け取り方は複数存在することを指摘する。サーニッチの場合、多文化主義の政策を活用して経済的な自立をめざす人々と、従来の社会福祉政策に依存した暮らしを望む人々に大きく二分されているように筆者のような部外者には見える。 </p><p>多文化主義は、「言語」あるいは「アート」を守ってきた先住民に対し経済的後押しをしている。独立し た学校区が生み出され、学校が建設され、教員や職員としての雇用が生まれた。トーテム・ポール等の先住民アートは、非先住民の地域住民を対象に含む市場を創造し、その作品に対する注文は増加し続けている。このような先住民の経済的自立の背景にカナダの多文化主義が存在する。しかし、それは同時に、「言語」や「アート」を身につけた人々と、そうでない人々との間に経済的な「格差」を生む結果となった。 </p><p>かつて「白人」から銃火器などの「武器」を手に入れた集団と手に入れなかった集団との間で格差が生まれたように、サーニッチの間で「多文化主義」の恩恵を受けることができる人々と受けられない人々の間に格差が生じている。多文化主義においても、結果として主流社会との関係が先住民の運命を左右する決定的要素となっている。 </p><p>本稿はまずカナダの多文化主義を歴史的に確認する。次に多文化主義が先住民にとって持つ意味を考察する。そして、具体例として、筆者が調査を行っているサーニッチの事例を紹介しながら、多文化主義政策が先住民の人々の間に「格差」を生じさせている状況があることを指摘する。しかし同時に、現在のサーニッチはその「格差」を乗り越えて結束している。最後に、その彼らを結びつけているのは同化教育という名の暴力に対する「記憶」であることを明示する。</p>
宇田川 妙子
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.57, no.4, pp.411-436, 1993-03-30 (Released:2018-03-27)

牧野 巽
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.14, no.2, pp.115-127, 1949

The paper is one of a series of studies by the author on the languages and peoples of the Nan-chao and Ta-li kingdoms of Yunnan Province, China. The first study, "The Surviving Peoples of the Nan-chao and Ta-li" (to be published in the Toyo Gakuho) deals with the process whereby the main survivor of the Ta-li, called Pe-jen, retained their own characteristics, as distinct from those of the Chinese, after their kingdom was annihilated by the Mongols, until, under the Ming dynasty, they were gradually assimilated to the Chinese people and were called the Min-chia (common people or natives). In the second study, "Legends of the Descent of the Min-Chia in Yunnan" (to be published in the present journal), the author deals with the legend of the descent of the ancestors of the Min-chia from Chinese migrants from Nanching. He assumes that the legend was first prevalent among the Chinese in Yunnan and then diffused among the Min-chia, who had lost their own independent characteristics. The present paper is the third of the series. The author takes up a fragment of the Yunnan-chih by Li-Ching during Yuan period, cited by Ku-jen-wu in his T'ien-hsia-chun-kuo-li-ping-shu (The Book of the Good and Evil in the Provinces and Districts of all the Land), vol. 69. After determining that this fragmental record referred to the Pe-jen, i.e., the surviving descendants of the Ta-li, he states that the vocabulary contained therein coincides with that of the present Min-chia. He further argues that the vocabulary of the Nan-chao, found in the Man-shu by Fan-ch'uo, also coincides in many points with that of the Min-chia of present day and of the Yuan period, and concludes that the languages of the Nan-chao, Ta-li and Min-chia belong to the same group. The author is further preparing two more papers, "Lineage of the Min-chia Language of Yunnan" (No. 4) and "Ethnic Structure of Ta-li Kingdom as it appears in the Yuan-shi, Ti-li-chih" (No. 5). In the former he assumes that the Min-chia language belongs in all likelihood to the Tibeto-Burman family (although it differs considerably from the Lolo group, and probably constitutes a separate Nanchao-Minchia group), and that therefore Nan-chao was not a Thai kingdom as is generally assumed. In the latter article, he would argue that not only the ancestors of Min-chia, but also those of other ethnic groups that constituted the Ta-li kingdom, were mostly Tibeto-Burman, and that the great bulk of the Thai people, who are generally considered to have been driven from Yunnan south and west by the Mongols, are unlikely to have lived in Ta-li even long before the Mongol invasion.
ノーベック エドウォード
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.16, no.1, pp.38-45, 1951

<p>The material presented is drawn principally from one datum area, the fishing buraku of Takashima on an island of the same name in the Inland Sea, lying very close to Kojima Peninsula, in Okayama Prefecture. The buraku studied is thought by the author to represent a cultural blend between Inland Sea island fishing villages and fishing villages of the adjacent area of Honshu. It has been found that there is no aspect of the life of the people of Takashima in which Westernization is not evident in some form either directly or indirectly. The impact of such Westernization varies from a powerful force which has brought about great changes in some matters of living to a relatively pale and weak influence in other sectors. Briefly stated, some of the effects of Westernization evident are : Clothing has become predominantly Western particularly for the young. Permanent waves are the rule for young single and married women. Fishing is almost exclusively by motorized craft. Housing and diet are relatively little affected, but household equipment shows a fairly marked influence. Entertainment for the young is Western, movies, baseball, pingpong, social dancing. The old prefer traditional folk dances and Naniwa bushi. The visiting of shrines as a form of entertainmen wanes in importance year by year. Marriage customs are still fairly traditional and Japanese clothing is always worn by brides. The shimada coiffure has been replaced by wigs as permanents do not lend themselves to the traditional hairdress. Sexual freedom is, for the most part, a thing of the past ; present day sex mores are circumspect, and at least suggest the influence of the West. Theories of disease and treatment of illness or injury are, fot the most part, Western. Some religious and magico-religious methods of curing illness still obtain, however. Religious practices have changed greatly in the past few decades. Visits to shrines and temples have become infrequent, and many old customs have been abandoned by the majority of the people. Many beliefs and customs are regarded by young and middle-aged persons with some degree of scorn as "superstition". Most striking is the dichotomy between the young, in whom Western influence is extremely marked, and the aged, who follow the traditional and non-Western ways. Most old persons have received no formal education. All young and middle-aged persons have had at least elementary school educations. A numer of practices which are in effect today, such as menstrual restrictions for women, are observable only in households in which there are aged parents or grandparents. It seems likely that many of the remaining traditional beliefs and customs will be abandoned as soon as the present generation of old persons dies. Some years ago American scholars devoted considerable effort to consideration of the question of whether material aspects of culture were more quickly and more profoundly affected by acculturation than non-material aspects. It does not appear that material aspects of the culture of Takashima have been more seriously or easily affected by acculturation than non-material aspects. Study of the effect of change of one part of culture upon other parts seems more profitable than attempts to set up and deal with discreet categories of "material" and "non-material" aspects. It seems reasonable to state that no important facet of culture can be seriously affected without concomitant and/or resultant changes in other facets of culture. Religious beliefs and practices of Takashima appear to the author to be one of the sectors of culture most strongly affected by Western influence. It is not immediately evident, however, that the decline in strength of religious belief and the abandonment of old customs are the result of contact with the Western world. The explanation offered by a number of Takashima informants for the decline in strength of</p><p>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)</p>
三浦 敦
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.55, no.2, pp.149-171, 1990

本稿では, 日本の一村落の政治過程とその背景となる社会秩序との分析を通して, そこに働く権力過程やその相互関係を, F.Barthの企業家モデルのアイデアを使って明らかにすることを試みる。こうした日本における政治現象の過程論的視点からの人類学的研究はまだ十分とはいえない。ここで対象とするZ村は主要産業である漁業と林業の不振と過疎化に直面して新たに農業の商品化を試みようとしているのであるが, それを推進する現村長と農協理事長への支持は, その活発な活動にもかかわらず芳しくない。この不支持の理由は交換関係に基く村の社会秩序の考察を通して明らかになる。村には贈与交換と商品交換という二つの交換関係が, それぞれ異なる権力過程によって維持されている。役場と農協の活動はここに新たな交換関係を導入し村社会を変化させるものとして考えられるが, そこでの彼等の権力過程は社会秩序によって制限されるのである。
杉井 信
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.59, no.3, pp.221-243, 1994

林 善茂
vol.20, no.3, pp.204-208, 1956

The agriculture of the Ainus was very primitive and extentive, but the cultivation was undertaken not so carelessly as nothing was done about cropmanagement. The Ainus made fences around their fields to protect them from the depredations of deer. These fences were called "toikochashikaru" or "toitachashi" in Aino. Until about seventy or eighty years ago, there were many deer throughout Hokkaido. In those early days, herds of deer rather than destructive insects were the cause of great damage to crops. The produce of a year was often ruined by deer in one night or almost even in one hour. Under such circumstances, it was necessary, in order to protect crops, to make fences so as to prevent destruction by deer. The Ainus not only made fences around their fields, but also stuck into the fences two or three stakes so as to cause the deer to stab themselves. These stakes were called "isoushini" in Aino. The stakes were not stuck into the fence at the time of erection, but after the deer had once jumped over the fence. The Ainus believed that deer had a habit of passing over the same course and of jumping in at the same place repeatedly. The stakes were therefore inserted after selecting a suitable position and angle to stab the breast of the deer which had previously jumped into the enclosure. Thus, the Ainus were very eager to prevent the incursions by the deer. Nevertheless, they had no understanding of manuring to promote the growth of crops, so they did not manure their fields at all. Moreover, they objected to the practice. It should be noted, however, that they did resort to magic to promote the growth of crops. This magic was called "pipetunika" in Aino. Before seeds were planted, they mixed them with bird's eggs or chopped leaves of parasites. They did so not for fertilizing but for magical purposes. In addition to this, there were various forms of magic for to ensure rich harvests and for the prevention of damage by animals. The Ainus believed that their fields would have rich harvests if they possessed bird's nests or snake's exuviae as charms. And, they forecast by the songs of cuckoos or reedwarblers whether the harvest of the year would be abundant or not. There were other forms of magic to prevent damage by animals. The Ainus prevented hares from spoiling crops in the fields by using the corpse of a hawk or an eagle as a scarecrow. They also prevented wood・mice from spoiling the roots of crops by offering them "sake" and "inau". Lastly, we must mention something about weeding. The Ainus were not indifferent to weeding, but were apt to neglect it. Their agriculture was so extensive that it was not necessary for them to weed regularly. From the above, we may see the outlines of cropmanagement the Ainus practised. Accordingly, we can understand that the Ainus although very careless so far as manuring and weeding were concerned, had nevertheless, some techniques to prevent damage by deer and magic to promote the growth of crops. Rational techniques and irrational magic were united together in the agriculture of the Ainus. Herein lies the greatest characteristic of the crop-management of the Ainus.

1 0 0 0 蚊火

宮本 馨太郎
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.12, no.2, pp.108-121, 1947-11-01
小林 勝
民族學研究 (ISSN:00215023)
vol.56, no.4, pp.407-428, 1992-03-30
