近藤 悟 長谷川 光司 湯山 一郎
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.51, no.2, pp.149-156, 2013-04-10 (Released:2013-09-10)

The frictional force between a fingertip and a flat surface of an object is not stable and changes each time. We measured the frictional force through rubbing on the surface of acryl plate by fingertip of forefinger of three men and eight women in life environment and reconfirmed that the frictional forces were not stable. Ten of eleven subjects succeeded to evaluate the difficulty to move the finger rubbing on the surface of the plate using a subjective rating scale method in five degrees. A subjective score revealed that the perceived interference was correlated to the magnitude of the frictional force between the finger and the surface. We recognized the sweat on the fingertip according to correlated value of the maximum coefficient of friction in the ten subjects though the sweat on the fingertip was not confirmed visually.
田中 志信 本井 幸介 野川 雅道 山越 健弘 山越 憲一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.44, no.3, pp.467-474, 2006 (Released:2008-05-01)

The daily monitoring of health conditions at home is a very important subject not only as an effective scheme for the early diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular and other diseases, but also for the prevention and control of such diseases. From this point of view, we have been developing a fully automated “non-conscious” monitoring system for home healthcare. In this paper, we describe the structural details of a newly developed blood pressure (BP) measurement system built into a toilet seat and some results obtained using the system. The principle used for BP measurement was the volume-oscillometric method. A reflectance-type photoplethysmographic sensor was installed in an appropriate position on the toilet seat, and it was automatically lifted and lowered using a newly designed helicoid-type actuator. Systolic (SBP) and mean BP (MBP) were obtained using the arterial volume pulsation signal obtained by the sensor. In order to evaluate the accuracy of the BP measurements, simultaneous measurements were carried out using two types of commercially available BP monitors (upper arm and wrist). Simultaneous measurement using an “invasive technique” via catheterization to the right brachial artery was also conducted. From the results obtained (bias[s.d.] for SBP; Upper arm: -1.20 [7.90] mmHg, Wrist: 0.44 [7.28] mmHg, Invasive: -0.41 [4.91] mmHg, bias [s.d.] for MBP; Upper arm: 4.40 [6.91] mmHg, Wrist: 5.07 [8.04] mmHg, Invasive: 3.68 [5.69] mmHg), reasonable accuracy of the present system was clearly demonstrated. This system, which requires no cumbersome procedures for BP measurement such as cuff setting, proper positioning of measuring site and so on, appears to be a useful means for long-term home healthcare monitoring.
赤澤 堅造 奥野 竜平 一ノ瀬 智子 竹原 直美 松本 佳久子 中山 実音 益子 務
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.53, no.Supplement, pp.S341-S346, 2015 (Released:2016-06-18)

We have been developing a novel electronic musical instrument Cymis (Cyber Musical Instrument with Score), showing that persons with neural or motor impairments such as cerebral palsy can play the piece easily. The aim of the present study is to propose a basic idea of prospective music performance on the Cymis which may attenuate cognitive impairment and reduce the risk of dementia in the elderly. In the beginning, we have tried to show that Cymis performance could be an effective cognitive stimulus. Five subjects, university female students majoring music, were instructed to perform a song, keeping the constant tempo, with pointing each head of note displayed on the touch monitor. Two popular songs that they knew well were selected, under the conditions of with and without sound production, and regular tempo of 84[BPM ] and extraordinarily fast tempo of 150[BPM]. By examining both answers to fourteen questions regarding cognitive functions and results of performance, it was indicated that Cymis performace could be an effective stimulus to cognitive function.
斉藤 飛翔 笹川 和彦 森脇 健司 藤崎 和弘
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.57, pp.S143_2, 2019

飯島 淳彦 小杉 剛 木竜 徹 松木 広介 長谷川 功 板東 武彦
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.49, no.6, pp.946-951, 2011-12-10 (Released:2012-04-10)

We investigated an effective method for evaluating chronic stress in humans by using pupillary responses to visual motion stimuli. Nine subjects watched movies including 18 short video movies (duration:10s in each). The pupil diameter responding to the movies were measured with a video oculography and calculated the difference between the maximum and minimum pupil diameters responded to the stimuli was highly correlated with the salivary α-amylase (R=-0.76, p=0.018) activities. The sympathetic nervous system is activated by a stress and secretes the salivary amylase. We found that there were some autonomic different responses in the stress subject from pupillary and salivary observations. These phenomena were clearly observed under the visual movie stimulation which was able to reveal the steady pupillary responses.
城屋敷 健志 和田 親宗
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.56, no.2, pp.44-51, 2018-04-10 (Released:2018-10-18)

Body-conducted sound sensors have an electret condenser microphone with an exposed diaphragm. By covering the sensor with a urethane elastomer, the sensor can be used as a bioacoustic sensor with high sensitivity and resistance to external noise. The body-conducted sound sensors constructed in the past had different parameters such as contact area, thickness of the propagation layer and mass, and the extent of their influence on frequency characteristics is unclear. This study aimed to investigate the influence of the mass and shape of body-conducted sound sensor on pressure sensitivity. The methods comprised ( 1 ) simulation using the equivalent circuit model, ( 2 ) production of body-conducted sound sensors and measurement systems, and ( 3 ) sensitivity measurements and analyses. The simulation results demonstrated that the sensitivity increased when the body-conducted sound sensor had a small mass and a large contact area. In the sensitivity measurement system, a compact acceleration sensor was used as a reference sensor, and the sensitivity to pressure was calculated. The results obtained from the sensitivity measurement system correlated strongly with the frequency characteristics of the simulations, with a correlation coefficient of 0.90-0.95 in the frequency range of 100-2,000Hz. In the statistical analysis, by varying the mass and contact area, significant differences were observed in the frequency range of 700-2,000Hz while no significant differences were observed in the frequency range of 100-600Hz. Moreover, as a result of reducing the housing mass, sensitivity was increased. In conclusion, body-conducted sound sensors with a small mass and large contact area exhibit high pressure sensitivity in the frequency range of 700-2,000Hz, and their frequency characteristics can be estimated by simulation.
ダグダンプレブ スミヤクハンド 光鎬 孫 重人 阿部 岳巳 松井
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.55, no.3, pp.162, 2017

藤原 義久 冷水 一也 源野 広和 松浦 英文 安田 昌司 飯田 健夫 牧川 方昭
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.43, no.1, pp.162-171, 2005

This paper describes the development of a sensor incorporating an algorithm that estimates the quality of comfortableness by measuring peripheral skin temperature, pulse, and galvanic skin response (GSR) that reflect autonomic nervous system activity. A correct answer rate of 83% was obtained between the subjective comfortableness and the estimated comfortableness by the developed sensor. For the application of this human feeling sensor, we used it to estimate the comfortableness of subjects receiving massages, then developed two alternative adaptive massage control procedures based on the sensor's estimate, and verified the effectiveness of the results through testing the subjects. We observed that in course A (dynamic comfortableness) the peripheral skin temperature dropped and the GSR and pulse rate increased, while in course B (static comfortableness) the peripheral skin temperature rose and the GSR and pulse rate dropped. By the end of the control sequence, there was a statistically significant difference in the amounts of change in both the peripheral skin temperature and the GSR between the two sequences (<i>p</i> < 0.05). To examine the effects of each course more closely, we mapped the trajectories of physiological change during the control sequences of each course at twentysecond intervals, and the results correlated closely with the subjective assessments. These results suggest that bio-control adapted to comfortableness is feasible.
荒川 貴博 三林 浩二
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual57, no.Abstract, pp.S130_1, 2019 (Released:2019-12-27)

近年、生体の化学情報を無拘束・非侵襲的にモニタリングすることを目指し、様々な生体センシングに関する研究開発が行われている。近年、Google プロジェクトにて、グルコースセンサと無線アンテナを内蔵したスマートコンタクトレンズのプロトタイプが発表され、国内外で注目を集めた。当研究室においても、これまでにフレキシブルグルコースセンサを開発するなど、生体成分モニタリング用のバイオ/化学センサを多数開発し、日常ケア用の体腔(Cavitas; Cavity)に装着可能なデバイスとして「キャビタスセンサ(Cavitas Sensor)」を提唱している。既存の外科治療を必要とする「インプランタブル」や、活動量計として一般的な「ウエアラブル機器」に対して、キャビタスセンサは近未来の医療や健康科学を見据えた新規医療デバイスとして、結膜嚢や口腔、咽頭などの体腔への着脱が可能な化学/バイオセンサである。本講演では、キャビタスセンサとして開発している「ソフトコンタクトレンズ型バイオセンサ」について、その日本白色種家兎の眼部に用いた涙液グルコース計測応用、また歯科用マウスガードをもとに作製した「マウスガード型の唾液糖グルコースセンサ」についても発表する。
平澤 宏祐 白松 直樹 山本 知仁 原田 久 三宅 美博
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.41, no.4, pp.466-474, 2003-12-10 (Released:2011-09-05)

In radiotherapy, it is essential to focus the radiation on the affected parts of the internal organs, like lung, liveretc., while minimizing the exposure to healthy tissues. Although methods that apply the beam to affected parts in synchronization with the patients' breathing have been used extensively, irradiation accuracy is not sufficient when the respiratory status of the patient is unstable. In this paper, we propose a new irradiation system that features (1) stabilizing the patients' respiration by synchronizing the rhythm of his/her breathing with that of music being played, and (2) controlling the timing of the irradiation based on the predicted respiratory phase instead of the measured phase that has been used widely. From experimental results using 12 subjects, it is possible to clarify that deviation of the beam irradiation position from the targeted point has been decreased to one-third as compared to conventionalmethods, resulting in a dramatic improvement in the accuracy of the irradiation system.
白川 修一郎
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.46, no.2, pp.160-168, 2008-04-10 (Released:2008-10-06)
富樫 亮太 宍戸 道明
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual56, no.Proc, pp.5-6, 2018 (Released:2018-09-14)

Recently, development of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) which are enables non-contact operation of external devices by using electroencephalograms are progressing. This system is expected as an alternative communication tool for patients who are limited body function. However, BCI has expanded the area of research, it has problems such as high cost and instability due to requiring complicated control operation. On the other hand, evaluate the responsiveness and voluntariness of the system are also expected. Therefore, in this study participants conducted motor control tasks and clarified the voluntariness of the BCI based on the task success ratio. Also, "attention" acquired from the electroencephalogram sensor was used as the driving threshold of the motor, and 40, 50, 60, and 70 were set. As a result of comparing the task success ratio at each threshold value, when threshold is 60, the average is 50.8% and the result that the malfunction is small is obtained.
又吉 淳二 比嘉 広樹
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.57, pp.S238_2, 2019

<p>非侵襲型ブレイン・コンピュータ・インタフェースでは,精度の問題や即応時間などの問題がある.本研究では,上下左右の方向判別を行うことを目的に,事象関連電位(ERP)P300に着目し,その判別について検討を行っている.今回,健常被験者に視覚刺激を呈示した際のERPを取得し(図1),反応が大きい電極を選定した後,P300の有無を判別する学習器を作成,オフライン/オンライン判別の結果から各アルゴリズムにおけるERPの有用性を検討した.判別アルゴリズムには,線形判別分析(LDA),サポートベクタマシン(SVM)を用いた.学習の結果,各アルゴリズムでの学習率は94%程度となり,オフライン判別実験の結果はLDAでは83.3 %,SVMでは75.0 %となった.オンライン判別の結果はLDAでは60.4 %,SVMでは47.9 %であった.判別率の低下の理由としては,1方向に絞れていない結果がオフライン判別実験よりも多くなってしまったことや,過学習があげられる.今後は方向の絞り込みや信号処理部分の工夫を行い,システムの向上を行う.</p>
島袋 雄一 比嘉 広樹
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.57, pp.S84_2, 2019

具志 翔太朗 比嘉 広樹
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.57, pp.S194_2, 2019

<p> 社会には生まれつき身体に障がいを有する人々や,事故や病気,老化などが原因で日常生活に支障をきたしている人々が多く存在する.本研究では,上肢不自由者の日常生活動作を支援する目的で,ロボットアームを用いた食事支援に関する検討を行っている.今回,様々な食事動作を支援できるように人間の腕を模倣した7自由度のロボットアームを製作し,その手先に食物に見立てたビーズ入りスプーンを握らせた状態で移動させて,動作確認を行った.ここで,ジャイロセンサを使用してロボットアームの手先を水平に保つように設定した.実験結果より,ロボットアームのサーボモータを3.90 rpm 以内の回転速度で動作させた場合に,ビーズをこぼさずにスプーンを移動させられる(図1)ことが示された.ビーズをこぼさずに更に速い回転速度でスプーンを移動させるには,動作周波数の高いマイコンを用いた制御が必要であると考えられる.今後の課題として,食物を用いた動作実験を行うことが挙げられる.</p>
塚尾 浩
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual57, no.Abstract, pp.S22_1, 2019 (Released:2019-12-27)

鎮西 清行 光石 衛 佐久間 一郎
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.Annual57, no.Abstract, pp.S19_2, 2019 (Released:2019-12-27)

筆者らはPMDA科学委員会が2018年3月に公表した「AI を活用した医療診断システム・医療機器等に関する課題と提言2017」(PMDAレポート)の起草に参加した.その後,本邦での機械学習応用製品の承認事例が登場し,AI技術を利用した画像診断支援システム(AI-CAD)に関する開発ガイドライン・評価指標が公表に近づいている.これらを踏まえてAI応用医療機器のレギュラトリーサイエンスの観点からいくつかの論点を提供する.1) PMDAレポート: AIの特徴と,AIが医療診断システム・医療機器等に応用された時に考えるべき点を述べている.技術側面,規制側面にとどまらず,倫理的影響まで中長期的視点から述べている.2) AI-CAD開発ガイドライン・評価指標: 次世代医療機器・再生医療等製品評価指標は審査の際の参考文書,開発ガイドラインは開発者のための参考文書である.前者は学習データとテストデータの分離,データの品質,市販後学習の留意点などを述べ,後者はAI応用製品の開発プロセス,統計技法について述べている.3) 市販後学習は有効か: 日米では市販後学習を含む製品の承認例がない.規制上の困難だけが理由ではなさそうである.結局「ペイするか」が課題ではないだろうか.
澤口 裕太 木村 主幸 菅原 俊継 三澤 顕次 有澤 準二
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.42, no.4, pp.384-389, 2004-12-10 (Released:2011-09-05)

Although many studies have been conducted in relation to the biological effects of extremely-low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields, there is little agreement as to their total effects on living organisms. Related to this, we are concerned with the viral infection system; consisting of viruses and cells, and the following infection process: (1) absorption, (2) penetration, (3) synthesis of viral components, (4) maturation, and (5) release. This system enabled us to observe the effects of ELF magnetic fields more easily than using experimental animals. We divided these five steps into two groups. The first group is called the absorption period, which includes steps (1) and (2). The second group is called the proliferation period, which includes the remaining steps. In this investigation, we compared the two groups from the viewpoint of the effects when they were exposed to a 50Hz 62mT magnetic field. As a result, the 50Hz 62mT magnetic field inhibited the growth of the virus as compared to sham exposures. When either the absorption period or the proliferation period was exposed to the 50Hz 62mT magnetic field, growth was inhibited as well. It was clearly proven that the 50Hz 62mT magnetic field has an inhibitory action on viral infections, and the action can be observed throughout all processes in the viral infection system.
山越 健弘 小川 充洋 松村 健太 板坂 優希 宮崎 慎平 山越 康弘 ROLFE Peter 廣瀬 元 山越 憲一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.50, no.2, pp.237-247, 2012-04-10 (Released:2012-07-13)

In this preliminary study, we examined in human volunteers the performance of the developed prototype device for non-invasive quantification of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) by near-infrared light which is highly transparent to the body. We aimed at applying the results to the final goal of developing a novel alcohol-based vehicle ignition-interlock device. Accumulating evidence shows that one of the ethyl alcohol absorption peaks in the near-infrared region is present at 1,185 nm. We combined this with our recent development of a non-invasive optical method for blood glucose measurement, which we call pulse glucometry, using blood volume pulsations in a finger within a cardiac cycle. Thus, we developed a novel method, pulse alcometry, for non-invasive measurement of BAC. We calculated second derivative values of optical density (ODλ”) to remove baseline over a band including three wavelengths, 1,150 nm, 1,185 nm, and 1,220 nm. Then, a simple linear regression analysis was performed with the measured ODλ” to predict BAC levels. In 3 healthy male volunteers, during alcohol intake and washout, periodic optical measurements using the present device were made simultaneously with collection of blood samples for in vitro BAC analysis. In leave-one-out cross validations within an individual, the measured BAC and the predicted BAC correlated well (r = 0.773∼0.846, mean absolute error = 0.134∼0.333mg/ml). We conclude that, from the results of this preliminary study, the new method appears to be able to estimate BAC levels non-invasively. However, further investigations in a larger group of subjects will be needed in order to determine fully the operational performance of this new measurement system.