佐野 文哉 岩崎 学
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.44, no.2, pp.199-207, 2017 (Released:2018-04-26)

Experimental study with random allocation of treatments is regarded as the gold standard for estimation of causal parameters in statistical causal inference. However, when non-compliance among participants exists in the experiment it is likely to result in biased estimates of the parameters of interest. This paper discusses a sensitivity analysis in the estimation of causal parameters under apparent non-compliance. A motivating example is shown that concerns students' performance in university lectures. A procedure of sensitivity analysis for the estimates of causal parameters is presented that incorporates existence of apparent non-compliers, who are genuine compliers but act as non-compliers. An example of such procedure is shown for the case considered.
盛山 和夫
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.24, no.1, pp.1-10, 1997-09-30 (Released:2010-08-10)
3 1

Quantitative studies of social stratification and social mobility have greatly contributed to the spread and popularization of statistical analysis among sociological researches. Various new statistical methods were promptly utilized in the field of stratification studies and this helped not only sociologists to analyse the stratification data with greater conceptual clarity and precision but statisticians to develop their methods with concrete empirical applications. However, in recent days the fever which in past days activated many stratification researches seems to have declined from its highest level. One reason for this is undoubtedly the general, both in academics and in populace, decline of concern over the class problems in modern society. Another reason seems to reside in the quantitative stratification studies themselves. This paper analyses the methodological problems which we the stratification researchers need to solve in order to reactivate the social stratification studies.
樊 怡舟 中尾 走 西谷 元 村澤 昌崇
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.48, no.2, pp.69-77, 2021 (Released:2022-04-27)

In the research area of evaluating the effectiveness of study abroad programs, adopting counterfactual frameworks such as DID, PSM or IV has been considered a valid analytical approach. Previous findings drawn based on these conventional frameworks suggest that even short-term study abroad programs have a significant effect on the improvement of TOEIC scores. However, these studies are often designed to estimate the effects with students’ prior TOEIC scores, and only controlling departmental or school affiliations, while confounding factors, particularly students’ competency such as learning attitudes as well as learning motivations, remain uncontrolled. This study attempts to extract students’ competency from high-dimensional data with a large volume of missing values in student’s test score sheets, using the Alternating Least Squares (ALS) method. Injecting the extracted competency in the subsequent regression analysis en ables us to accurately estimate the causality between the study abroad experience and the observed outcomes. Our analysis result reveals that, unlike findings from earlier studies, once students’ competency is properly controlled, the estimated effect of the study abroad programs becomes negligible with no significance. Therefore, the finding suggests that the causal effect claimed by the previous studies might be due to a bias engendered by students’ self-selection. The result also indicates that datasets readily accessible at any university, such as student test score sheets, could effectively be used for project evaluations within an institution, notably because the confounding factors are properly controlled as suggested by the current study.
金 勝鎮 多田 伶 勝又 壮太郎
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.47, no.2, pp.99-109, 2020 (Released:2021-04-21)

This study proposes LDA with evaluation information. The authors focus on online consumer reviews with “helpfulness of review”. The purpose is to find specific topics that affect consumer's decision making from many consumer reviews. The authors exploit an evaluation score in addition to review text which is described in the natural language for simultaneously classifying topic model. The “helpfulness” scores are accessed by readers and are with integers of zero or more. The authors apply the suggested model in reviews for coffeemakers crawled from consumer's review website. The results show that the model distinguishes two topic groups with extremity which indicates that is helpful or not. Also, it shows that the two topic groups also have qualitative differences among firms (brands). The authors discuss the application of the model and findings for both review website managers and firm's marketers.
中野 暁 近藤 文代
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.46, no.1, pp.19-31, 2019 (Released:2019-11-28)

The size of E-commerce market in Japan continues to grow, particularly, for Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). The aim of this study is to understand online channel use behavior, assuming that the growth of a consumers' online channel use continues. The authors proposed a Latent Growth Model to estimate the online purchase incidences (purchase or non-purchase) in FMCG. As a result, the authors identified consumer characteristics that the consumers who are likely to purchase online have a lot of time, make bulk purchases and the consumers whose online purchasing increase are time-constrained for shopping, make purchases in holidays, have high price sensitivity. It is also suggested that understanding purchase characteristics (not demographics) is important in a longitudinal perspective. Furthermore, online purchasing in FMCG has strongly influenced the experiences of the usage of EC website on PCs compared with mobile. However, the authors also suggested that the influence of mobile is increasing by consumers gaining experience over time.
増田 真也 坂上 貴之 北岡 和代
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.44, no.2, pp.117-128, 2017 (Released:2018-04-26)

This study examined whether responding to many items increased middle category response. In two internet-based experiments, respondents were randomly assigned to one of the four versions of the questionnaire. In Study 1, the respondents completed a Big Five questionnaire that had varied item arrangements. The results showed that the endorsement of the middle category increased for items placed later in the questionnaire for all versions. In Study 2, the Big Five questionnaires differed in that all items were administered at once or were facially divided into two scales. The results indicated that less middle categories were selected in the first 5 items of the second half scale than in the last 5 items of the first half scale for the divided formats, but the endorsement rates increased for items placed later toward the end of both half scales. An increasing middle category response was also found for another scale. Therefore, this phenomenon seems reliable.
福田 昌史
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.44, no.1, pp.85-94, 2017 (Released:2017-12-01)

The Yomiuri Shimbun introduced dual-frame RDD surveys of landline and cell-phone users for monthly public-opinion surveys. To improve the survey methods, this study investigated experimental dual-frame RDD surveys. The results show that cell-phone surveys are a feasible method for use in Japan, improve the coverage of telephone surveys, effectively reach young respondents, and produce data of adequate quality. The unequal weighting effects (UWEs) of the dual-frame surveys were also examined to measure increases in variance. Increases in variance due to weighting were small, and the UWE was better than in single-frame landline surveys.
狩野 裕
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.29, no.2, pp.138-159, 2002 (Released:2009-04-07)
48 19

It is well-known that structural equation modeling (SEM) can represent a variety of traditional multivariate statistical models. This fact does not necessarily mean that SEM should be used for the traditional models. It is often said that a general model is more difficult to handle than a specific model developed for a given situation. In this paper, we shall clarify relative advantages between SEM and several traditional statistical models. Rather than comparison in mathematical properties, we shall discuss how and when SEM outperforms corresponding traditional models in practical situations. Special attention is paid to statistical analysis of a scale score, the sum of indicator variables determined by factor analysis.In particular, we shall study relative advantages between (i) confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis, (ii) multiple indicator analysis and correlational and regression analysis of scale scores, (iii) analysis of factor means and analysis of variance of scale scores, and (iv) path analysis and multiple regression analysis.
柴田 義貞
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.43, no.1, pp.35-43, 2016 (Released:2016-09-09)

Health effects of radiation exposure is not easy for laymen/laywomen to understand because of numerous and complicated technical terms. First, basic notions on radiation including deterministic effects and stochastic effects are introduced. Second, the long-term cohort study on radiation effects to the atomic bomb survivors' health is introduced. Third, evaluation of health effects of radiation exposure is discussed with an illustration of misuse of linear non-threshold model. Finally, we touch briefly the fundamental issues in statistics regarding the interpretation of probability, with an introduction of the journal which recently declared to ban p-value.
坂本 亘 五十川 直樹 後藤 昌司
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.35, no.2, pp.177-192, 2008 (Released:2009-04-07)
5 1 2

The article by The Examination Committee of Criteria for ‘Obesity Disease’ in Japan and Japan Society for the Study of Obesity (2002) established cut-off points of waist circumference at 85 cm for males and 90 cm for females as criteria of obesity disease. Their article has also become a basis for criteria of metabolic syndrome in Japan; however, their article has various problems on statistical aspects. How the criteria on waist circumference should vary was investigated through reexamination based on descriptions in their article. First, their article obtained criteria on visceral fat area (VFA) from data in which males and females were pooled, while our reexamination suggested that we should use separate criteria on VFA between males and females. Second, their article inappropriately used regression lines to estimate waist circumference corresponding to VFA cut-off points. Our reexamination with errors-in-variables models suggested alternative cut-off points of waist circumference at 87 cm for males and 85 cm for females. Our simulation confirmed that the criteria by their article might lead to inappropriate diagnosis which is strict for males and easy for females.
野々田 聖一 分寺 杏介 岡田 謙介
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.48, no.2, pp.53-68, 2021 (Released:2022-04-27)

Paired-comparison format questionnaires that measures two latent traits suffer from the problem of unidentifiability in the Thurstonian item response model. This study proposes a new method that enables us to identify this model. Specifically, we pro- pose to use every item twice in the questionnaire. In simulation studies, our proposed method recovered the respondent parameters at least as well as the control method, which required analysts to fix some of the parameters to their true values. In the real data analysis, the proposed method was applied to data obtained by two types of psychological scales, one of which contained only positively keyed items, whereas the other contained both positively and negatively keyed items. Item parameters and trait scores estimated using the former data resulted in large posterior standard deviations. In contrast, those estimated with the latter data exhibited better estimation proper- ties. Although it generally does not allow for precise measurement, we show that the proposed method is applicable to empirical analysis. It achieved progress, in that, it negates the need for the unrealistic assumption of fixing parameters to their true values.
野際 大介
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.46, no.2, pp.73-85, 2019 (Released:2020-03-31)

Customers who hunt only for sale items in shopping are commonly referred to as cherry pickers. However, the quantitative identification of cherry pickers remains controversial in the relevant literature. This study proposes a new approach for identifying cherry pickers with a latent transition model. The proposed approach is sufficiently flexible such that the associated latent class vary over time with the purchasing attitudes of customers. Also, the covariates of the model include the demographic characteristics and the purchase experience of individual customers. The investigation for the purchase experience effect is so important for establishing marketing strategies. In practice, the inference is performed with a stage estimation method. This study illustrates the proposed approach with a purchase data set on an E-commerce website. The results reveal the dynamic patterns of the purchasing attitudes including the latent states of cherry-picking behavior.
寉田 知久
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.29, no.1, pp.62-69, 2002-03-29

In the July 2001 election of the House of Councillors, THE YOMIURI SHIMBUN was able to conduct an accurate forecast of the landslide victory of the LDP in its nationwide survey on more than 60,000 eligible voters. For this poll, the YOMIURI adopted the telephone survey, selecting samples randomly from electoral registers. The suggested reasons for the gratifying results are the influence of "Koizumi phenomenon" and the improvements of the method of the survey. However, due to the large number of unlisted numbers, this survey actually failed to reach a considerable number of eligible voters. Furthermore, since listed numbers are already gradually on the decrease, by the next national election, the dilemma of reaching a significant number of voters will be even more problematic. Therefore, toward an accurate survey for the next election, improved methods of sampling are necessary, and in the case of the telephone survey, an adoption of RDD (Random Digit Dialing) is suggested.
佐部利 真吾
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.44, no.2, pp.209-219, 2017 (Released:2018-04-26)

A maximum likelihood method for asymmetric multidimensional scaling, which was proposed by Saburi and Chino (Comput. Stat. Data Anal., 52:4673-4684, 2008), uses the additive error model in which the normally distributed error terms are added to the dissimilarities. In this study, we introduce in this method the multiplicative error model, where the log-normally distributed error terms are multiplied by the dissimilarities, and the corresponding representation of the dissimilarities. It was applied to the visibility data for the combinations of foreground and background colors, assuming the multiplicative as well as the additive error model. The optimal model was found with the multiplicative error model according to AIC.
鄭 躍軍
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.32, no.2, pp.161-172, 2005 (Released:2005-12-27)
1 3

Confucianism, as the typical Chinese thought, has influenced the people's attitude toward life, set the patterns of living and the standards of social values in China, Japan, Korea, and the other Oriental countries historically. Confucian ethical teachings include the traditional values such as benevolence & humaneness (Ren), righteousness (Yi), ritual & etiquette (Li), love within the family (Xiao), loyalty to the state (Zhong), honesty & trustworthiness (Xin) etc. This paper presents the results of comparative analysis of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean values based on the East Asian values survey conducted with the face-to-face interview in the mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan from October 2002 to November 2003. Data analysis in this study was mainly focusing on some aspects of people's attitudes toward family, marriage, gender, traditional values using correspondence analysis. Except general pattern classification based on “Traditional-Modern” axis, the relationship between people's attitudes and their attribute variables such as gender and age have also been identified.
福田 昌史
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.35, no.1, pp.59-71, 2008-03-28

Exit polls are excellent sources of information to understand voter behavior and to predict election outcomes. This paper presents the current methods of exit polls, which is conducted primarily by the Mainichi Newspapers, and discusses issues related to exit polls.<br>Exit polls are based on a two-stage sampling design, with a polling precinct as the primary sampling unit and a voter as the final sampling unit. Precincts are stratified and selected systematically with probability proportional to the precincts' forecasted number of voters. The voters of a precinct are first selected systematically, with the interval predetermined based on the forecasted numbers of voters, and subsequently, asked for interviews.<br>The datasets of exit polls that have been collected during 23 governor elections held since April, 2003 are analyzed. Standard errors of the estimated proportions of votes for 90 candidates are, on average, 1.5 times larger than the respective standard errors based on the simple random sampling.<br>The analysis also reveals that the estimated proportions of votes for 20% of the candidates are outside the 95% confidence intervals, which suggests that there exist some sources of errors apart from the sampling error. The issues related to exit polls, including those concerning errors caused by an increasing number of early voters and non-responses, are discussed.
狩野 裕
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.29, no.2, pp.138-159, 2002-12-25
20 26

It is well-known that structural equation modeling (SEM) can represent a variety of traditional multivariate statistical models. This fact does not necessarily mean that SEM should be used for the traditional models. It is often said that a general model is more difficult to handle than a specific model developed for a given situation. In this paper, we shall clarify relative advantages between SEM and several traditional statistical models. Rather than comparison in mathematical properties, we shall discuss how and when SEM outperforms corresponding traditional models in practical situations. Special attention is paid to statistical analysis of a scale score, the sum of indicator variables determined by factor analysis. In particular, we shall study relative advantages between (i) confirmatory factor analysis and exploratory factor analysis, (ii) multiple indicator analysis and correlational and regression analysis of scale scores, (iii) analysis of factor means and analysis of variance of scale scores, and (iv) path analysis and multiple regression analysis.
星野 崇宏
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.32, no.2, pp.121-132, 2005 (Released:2005-12-27)
1 1

We propose a propensity score weighted M-estimation method for marginal parametric models for groups in which all subjects are missing. It is shown that the propose estimator is consistent and its limiting distribution is normal. We also propose a hypothetsis testing method using the proposed estimator. Using the proposed method, we estimate the intervention effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy on the development of the child's cognitive functioning from data obtained from the US National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth.
菱山 完 伊藤 徹郎 岡田 謙介
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.47, no.2, pp.153-160, 2020 (Released:2021-04-21)

Iterative learning of simple assignments such as memorization of letters and words have shown to improve students' test scores of the learned assignments. Meanwhile, existing studies have mixed results as to whether simple repetitive learning improve the general academic performance or not. Using educational big data collected from more than four hundred thousand high-school students thorough crowd system, the current study investigated the effect of re-solving questions to the general academic achievement. Although descriptive statistics have not revealed steady tendencies, the results of hierarchical linear models that controlled for heterogeneity of schools, grades and individuals showed consistent positive effects of iterative learning towards general academic performance. The results suggest the importance of iterative learning, as well as controlling for the heterogeneity in large-scale educational dataset.
菊池 愛美 髙岡 昂太 坂本 次郎
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.48, no.2, pp.79-87, 2021 (Released:2022-04-27)

A comprehensive survey of child abuse by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Wel- fare of Japan (2019) identified 420 potential risk assessment items. However, using all of these assessment items at a child guidance center would overwhelm their capacity and be thus unrealistic. This study aims to select essential assessment items so that they are usable in actual practice, while maintaining its predictive validity. Here, we used the Random Forests algorithm and predicted classifications to identify the need for child protection by child guidance centers or referral to them from child welfare facili- ties of each municipality. We selected the top 30 items adopted by feature importance in the algorithm from the items evaluated to be easily acquirable in the initial action (50 points or more). The model maintained a moderate level of accuracy 0.783 and AUC-ROC 0.900.