増田 真也 坂上 貴之 北岡 和代
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.44, no.2, pp.117-128, 2017 (Released:2018-04-26)

This study examined whether responding to many items increased middle category response. In two internet-based experiments, respondents were randomly assigned to one of the four versions of the questionnaire. In Study 1, the respondents completed a Big Five questionnaire that had varied item arrangements. The results showed that the endorsement of the middle category increased for items placed later in the questionnaire for all versions. In Study 2, the Big Five questionnaires differed in that all items were administered at once or were facially divided into two scales. The results indicated that less middle categories were selected in the first 5 items of the second half scale than in the last 5 items of the first half scale for the divided formats, but the endorsement rates increased for items placed later toward the end of both half scales. An increasing middle category response was also found for another scale. Therefore, this phenomenon seems reliable.
木原 深雪 北岡 和代
金沢大学つるま保健学会 = Tsuruma Health Science Society, Kanazawa University
金沢大学つるま保健学会誌 = Journal of the Tsuruma Health Science Society, Kanazawa University (ISSN:13468502)
vol.38, no.2, pp.1-10, 2014-12-26

本研究は、アルコール依存症の治療過程で重要な課題であるアルコール依存症者の感情体 験を明らかにし、看護ケアの方向性を検討することを目的とした。断酒期間1 年から15 年 までのアルコール依存症者20 名に半構造的面接を行い、断酒期間別に質的帰納的に分析した。 その結果、断酒期間5 年未満群の参加者は周囲の状況を被害的に感じていたために孤立を深 めていたが、自助組織に通っているうちに仲間と心が通じるようになっていた。断酒期間5 - 10 年未満群の参加者は客観的に自己を見つめながら、酒を飲まない生活習慣を形成して いた。断酒期間10 - 15 年群の参加者は長期間断酒していてもまだ自己の復興の途上である ことを自覚しながら、断酒継続の努力を続けていた。以上、断酒期間別の感情体験に応じた 看護ケアを考えていくことが重要となることが示唆された。また、参加者は孤立しがちな気 質に加え、防衛手段として飲酒を続けたために孤独を深めていた。アルコール依存症者に関 心を持ち続け、必要な他者とつないでいく支援を行っていくことが看護職に求められている と考えられた。
長田 恭子 北岡 和代
Journal of wellness and health care (ISSN:24333190)
vol.41, no.1, pp.113-123, 2017

This study was performed to examine changes after talking to alleviate suicidal ideation in people with depression or bipolar disorder that have attempted suicide, and to clarify the role of the researcher in this process. Data were collected through unstructured interviews with participants suffering from depression or bipolar disorder that were hospitalized because of attempted suicide. The interview began when they emerged from the crisis situation, and continued after discharge from hospital. From the contents of the interview, we analyzed the parts where emotions and thoughts before and after suicide were expressed and the remarks of the researcher. The participants were five women, and the interview number ranged from three to eight times. We extracted six categories based on analysis of participantsʼ narratives. There were four categories regarding strong obsession with death and great anxiety and loneliness: "Obsession with death," "Loneliness the same as before suicide attempt," "Anxiety about an uncertain future," and "Losing self-confidence by confronting reality." In addition, there were two categories regarding alleviation of suicidal ideation and newfound affirmation of life: "Feeling inclined to live" and "Developing motivation for life." Throughout the interview process, the researcher strove to "wait patiently for participants to express their feelings and thoughts," never hurrying them or interrupting their remarks. In the second half of the interview, to address participantsʼ everyday problems "the researcherʼs ideas were shared so that participants could change their behavior." When attendees made an effort and experienced behavioral changes, the researcher focused on the positive by "urging participants to be aware that they are changing and to notice what they are doing." The results of this study clearly showed that after a suicide attempt patients with depression were moving forward but still vacillating between life and death. Even those that were hopeless and desperate enough to choose their own death had taken definite steps toward the future. Nurses need to recognize this, come close to their wavering emotions, and provide support to help them think positively and find hope for the long term.本研究は、自殺企図を行ったうつ病あるいは双極性障害をもつ者の希死念慮を緩和していく過程における語りの変化と研究者の関わりを明らかにすることを目的とした。自殺未遂が原因で入院となったうつ病あるいは双極性障害をもつ者を対象に、ナラティヴ・アプローチの原則に基づいた非構造化面接を行った。面接内容より、自殺に至るまでや自殺企図後の感情や思考が表現されている部分とその前後の研究者の発言を分析対象とした。 参加者は女性 5 名、面接回数は 3 ~ 8 回であった。参加者の語りを分析した結果、1)死への執着があり不安や孤独感が強い時期には【死への執着】【自殺前と変わらない孤独感】【先がみえない不安】【現実に直面することによる自信喪失】の 4 つのカテゴリー、2)自殺念慮が緩和し生きることを肯定し始めた時期には【生きることに気持ちが向く】【生への意欲の芽生え】の 2 つのカテゴリーが抽出された。研究者は、参加者が考えや気持ちを表現できるようにゆっくり待つ姿勢を示した。面接の2回目以降は、参加者が多面的な見方ができるよう、また変化を自覚できるよう問いかけた。参加者は生と死の間を揺れ動きながらも前に進んでいること、一度は自ら死を選ぶほどの絶望の淵に立たされた人であっても、わずかながらの希望をもち将来に向かって歩き始めていることが明らかになった。看護師は、自殺企図に至ったうつ病者の揺れ動く気持ちに寄り添い、肯定的に思考を変化させて希望を見出せるよう長期的にサポートしていくことが重要だと考えられる。
北岡 和代 増田 真也 森河 裕子 中川 秀昭
The Japanese Association of Administrative Science
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.28, no.1, pp.53-63, 2015 (Released:2015-12-25)

The Center for Organizational Research & Development, Acadia University, Canada developed a new measure, Areas of Worklife Survey (AWS) that measures six areas in the work environment. The objective of the present study is to translate the AWS into Japanese and evaluate factorial validity and examine criterion-related validity as well as reliability. The Japanese AWS was prepared and administered to a sample of employees at one IT enterprise. A total of 1,214 valid data was obtained. The AWS consists of 29 items that produce distinct scores for each of the six areas of worklife: workload, control, reward, community, fairness, and values. The exploratory factor analysis replicated the same six-factor structure as the original. The confirmatory factor analysis supported a six-factor model. Cronbach's alpha coefficients for all six subscales were .66-.88. The AWS had significant correlations with three subscales of the MBI-GS but not for workload-professional efficacy. In all, the examination found support for the validity as well as reliability of the Japanese AWS although a couple of issues to be resolved in the near future remain.
大西 香代子 中原 純 北岡 和代 中野 正孝 大串 靖子 田中 広美 藤井 博英
一般社団法人 日本看護研究学会
日本看護研究学会雑誌 (ISSN:21883599)
vol.35, no.4, pp.4_101-4_107, 2012-09-01 (Released:2016-03-05)

倫理的悩みは,倫理的に正しい意思決定をしたが現実的な制約により実行できないときに生じる。本研究は,倫理的悩み尺度精神科版を用いて,人員配置や社会資源が異なる日本とイングランドの精神科看護者の倫理的悩みの程度と頻度を比較し,属性との関連を検討することを目的とする。 有効回答は日本289人,イングランド36人であった。両国の倫理的悩みの程度は,「同僚の非倫理的行為」「少ない職員配置」「権利侵害の黙認」のいずれの下位尺度においても有意差はなかった。一方,倫理的悩みの頻度では,いずれの下位尺度においても両国間で有意な差があり,日本の看護師のほうがより頻繁に倫理的悩みを体験していた。さらに,日本では年齢や経験年数は倫理的悩みに影響していなかったが,イングランドでは年齢や経験年数が高くなると倫理的悩みの程度も頻度も低くなっていた。
片山 美穂 北岡 和代 片山 美穂 北岡 和代
Journal of wellness and health care (ISSN:24333190)
vol.41, no.2, pp.9-22, 2017

Objectives: To explore the psychosocial process in mothers that continue to fulfill their parenting responsibilities despite a depressed mood.Methods: Semi-structured interviews were performed with 11 mothers with suspected depression based on Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (≥ 9) or with strong anxiety about parenting that was detected at the 1-month postpartum examination or the 2 ‒ 4-month newborn house visit. The grounded theory approach was used for the analysis.Results: The mothers found <difficulties in parenting>, and ultimately reached a state of either <awareness of own inability> or <confidence in oneʼs own parenting> through various routes. For example, depressed mothers, without help from their own mother and/or husband, felt lonely and isolated in <solo parenting>. Gaining «awareness of the current situation» was a decisive point. Those that gained awareness of their own effort became able to have a <change of mood> and <confidence in oneʼs own parenting>, while those that did not gain awareness of their own effort underwent <parenting with a sense of resignation>, leading to <awareness of own inability>. Upon encounters with difficult <sudden incidents> during parenting, the lack of <connection to social support> immediately led depressed mothers to <awareness of own inability>.Discussion: Mothers with depressed mood, without support, have limited capability to continue fulfilling their parenting responsibilities. The results of this study suggest that depressed mothers require support to prevent exhaustion from their own mothers, psychological support from their husbands, and support to reduce the sense of loneliness and isolation from their social networks.目的:抑うつ状態にありながらも育児を継続している母親の心理社会的プロセスを明らかにする。方法:産後 1 か月健診時または生後2~4か月の新生児家庭訪問時、エジンバラ産後うつ病自己調査票による抑うつ状態が疑われる 9 点以上の高得点者あるいは、育児不安が強く抑うつ傾向が高いと判断された母親 11 名に半構成的面接を行った。分析にはグラウンデッド・セオリー・アプローチを用いた。結果:抑うつ状態にある母親は、日々≪子どもへの対応の困難さ≫を感じていたが、その後に辿るプロセスはさまざまな形を呈しており、最終的に≪できない自分の自覚≫あるいは ≪子どもの対応への自信≫のどちらかに至っていた。母親は身近にいる実母や夫からの支援や理解が無いと≪自分ひとりの育児≫となり、孤独な孤立した育児となっていた。しかし、育児プロセスの中で【現状への気づき】ができるかどうかが重要な分岐点となっていた。現状の自分の頑張りに気づけた場合は≪気持ちの切り替え≫ができ≪子どもの対応への自信≫となっていた。自分の頑張りに気づけなかった場合は≪あきらめの育児≫となり≪できない自分の自覚≫となっていた。また育児中、対処困難な≪突発的な出来事≫が起こった時、≪ソーシャルサポートとつながる≫ことができないと、直ちに≪できない自分の自覚≫となっていた。考察:抑うつ状態にある母親が自ら持つ育児能力だけで育児を継続するには限界がある。抑うつ状態にある母親が安定して育児継続できるためには、支援者である実母には疲弊防止の支援、夫には精神的サポート、ソーシャルサポートには孤独感・孤立感の解消が求められていることが示唆された。
荻野 佳代子 稲木 康一郎 北岡 和代 増田 真也

対人援助職のバーンアウトへの介入に向け,ワーク・ライフ・バランス(WLB)風土の測定尺度を開発し,バーンアウトとの関連を検討した.この結果, WLB風土は「上司の支援」,「スタッフのチームワーク」,「'ワーク'最優先」,「'ライフ'の尊重」の4因子から構成されていた. 4因子すべてがバーンアウトに関連していたが,とくに「上司からの支援」にバーンアウトに対するより強い関連がみられた.さらにWLB風土醸成によるバーンアウト予防プログラムを開発・実施した.
北岡 和代
精神看護 (ISSN:13432761)
vol.16, no.5, pp.66-75, 2013-09
増田 真也 坂上 貴之 北岡 和代 佐々木 恵
日本心理学会 = The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.4, pp.354-363, 2016-10

Certain participants are insincere, or careless when they respond to questionnaires. To identify such participants, we included three items in a questionnaire that instructed participants to choose a particular response category. Nurses (N = 1,000) responded to this questionnaire in a Web survey. One-hundred-twenty participants failed to follow the instructions for at least one item (non-followers). Analyzing their responses indicated the following: (a) non-followers were more likely to give identical, or midpoint responses; (b) the correlations between their responses to regular and reversed items were low or positive, and their responses to scales containing reversed items tended to show lower internal consistency; and finally, (c) the mean scores of non-followers were closer to the midpoint of the scale, regardless of whether the scale included reversed items. One reason that including reversed items lead to lower internal consistency could be because participants occasionally missed responding to these items. However, the results suggested that non-followers were not diligent in responding to regular items, and merely deleting reversed items from scales will be insufficient to ensure accurate results.
増田 真也 坂上 貴之 北岡 和代 佐々木 恵
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.87.15034, (Released:2016-07-09)

Certain participants are insincere, or careless when they respond to questionnaires. To identify such participants, we included three items in a questionnaire that instructed participants to choose a particular response category. Nurses (N = 1,000) responded to this questionnaire in a Web survey. One-hundred-twenty participants failed to follow the instructions for at least one item (non-followers). Analyzing their responses indicated the following: (a) non-followers were more likely to give identical, or midpoint responses; (b) the correlations between their responses to regular and reversed items were low or positive, and their responses to scales containing reversed items tended to show lower internal consistency; and finally, (c) the mean scores of non-followers were closer to the midpoint of the scale, regardless of whether the scale included reversed items. One reason that including reversed items lead to lower internal consistency could be because participants occasionally missed responding to these items. However, the results suggested that non-followers were not diligent in responding to regular items, and merely deleting reversed items from scales will be insufficient to ensure accurate results.
増田 真也 北岡 和代 荻野 佳代子
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.25, no.1, pp.31-41, 2012

This study addressed a problem that researchers are likely to encounter when employing mixed-worded scales, which are scales that contain both positively and negatively worded items. In Study 1, two versions of a self-esteem scale were developed. In the first version of the scale, the order of the 10 items remained identical to that of the published instrument (normal items). In the alternative version of the scale, the items were arranged such that positively worded items appeared earlier and negatively worded items later (grouped items). Results indicated that the scores of the grouped positively worded items were higher than those for normal items. In study 2, although professional efficacy is measured by positively worded items in common Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), this study included negatively worded items. Participants responded to 1 of 3 versions (normal items, grouped items, negatively worded items) of the MBI-GS. Results indicated that compared to normal efficacy items, negatively worded items and grouped items were more strongly related to the other two burnout components (i.e., exhaustion and cynicism); and (2) had higher total score. Moreover, (3) it was indicated that the middle response category was chosen less often.
森河 裕子 三浦 克之 西条 旨子 中西 由美子 中川 秀昭 北岡 和代 西条 旨子 中西 由美子 中川 秀昭 北岡 和代
