増田 真也 坂上 貴之 森井 真広
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.90, no.5, pp.463-472, 2019 (Released:2019-12-25)

Certain participants are insincere when responding to questionnaires. Two current approaches for detecting unmotivated or dishonest respondents, the instructional manipulation check (IMC), and the seriousness check, were examined. We also attempted to improve the quality of survey responses by asking respondents to take an oath that they would be serious before they started answering the questionnaire (TO). The respondents in two Web surveys were randomly assigned to one of four versions of the questionnaire. The main results indicated that (a) response quality tended to improve when respondents who did not follow instructions were excluded from the sample; and (b) respondents that who took an oath to answer seriously chose fewer “don’t know” options, straight line responses, and midpoint responses than the control group, suggesting that respondents behaved consistently with their initial commitment. The results indicate that although IMC is superior for improving data quality, techniques for deterring less serious responses including TO were desirable in that they did not reduce the sample size.
増田 真也 坂上 貴之 森井 真広
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.90.18042, (Released:2019-09-20)

Certain participants are insincere when responding to questionnaires. Two current approaches for detecting unmotivated or dishonest respondents, the instructional manipulation check (IMC), and the seriousness check, were examined. We also attempted to improve the quality of survey responses by asking respondents to take an oath that they would be serious before they started answering the questionnaire (TO). The respondents in two Web surveys were randomly assigned to one of four versions of the questionnaire. The main results indicated that (a) response quality tended to improve when respondents who did not follow instructions were excluded from the sample; and (b) respondents that who took an oath to answer seriously chose fewer “don’t know” options, straight line responses, and midpoint responses than the control group, suggesting that respondents behaved consistently with their initial commitment. The results indicate that although IMC is superior for improving data quality, techniques for deterring less serious responses including TO were desirable in that they did not reduce the sample size.
増田 真也 坂上 貴之 北岡 和代
行動計量学 (ISSN:03855481)
vol.44, no.2, pp.117-128, 2017 (Released:2018-04-26)

This study examined whether responding to many items increased middle category response. In two internet-based experiments, respondents were randomly assigned to one of the four versions of the questionnaire. In Study 1, the respondents completed a Big Five questionnaire that had varied item arrangements. The results showed that the endorsement of the middle category increased for items placed later in the questionnaire for all versions. In Study 2, the Big Five questionnaires differed in that all items were administered at once or were facially divided into two scales. The results indicated that less middle categories were selected in the first 5 items of the second half scale than in the last 5 items of the first half scale for the divided formats, but the endorsement rates increased for items placed later toward the end of both half scales. An increasing middle category response was also found for another scale. Therefore, this phenomenon seems reliable.
北岡(東口) 和代 荻野 佳代子 増田 真也
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.75, no.5, pp.415-419, 2004-12-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
16 30

The purpose of this study was to validate Japanese research version of Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), a newly developed measure intended for persons of every occupation. The Japanese MBI-GS was administered to a sample of hospital workers. Exploratory factor analysis found three factors, as in original MBI-GS. Confirmatory factor analysis largely supported MBI-GS structure of three subscales, but the correlation between two subscales was unexpectedly high. To examine its construct validity, the subscale scores were then examined in relation to selected work characteristics. Conservation of resources theory was successful in its predictions of different patterns of effects among the correlates and three burnout subscales. The successful predictions suggested that meaning of each subscale was quite distinct. In all, our examination showed that Japanese MBI-GS assessed the same three dimensions as the original measure for human service workers.
増田 真也 岩田 真幸 西名 諒平 清水 称喜 中田 諭 村山 有利子 西川 菜央 辻尾 有利子 戈木クレイグヒル 滋子
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
Journal of Health Psychology Research (ISSN:21898790)
vol.35, no.1, pp.43-52, 2022-08-17 (Released:2022-08-19)

This study was designed to clarify the anxieties of parents with children hospitalized in intensive care units. The written, open-ended responses of 197 parents regarding their most severe anxieties were analyzed by text mining. Results identified 87 terms used at least four times in the parents’ texts. The most frequently used terms included “after surgery,” followed by “doctor,” “surgery,” and “sudden turn for the worse.” We classified these words into 13 categories by cluster analysis. We extracted 17 topics concerning parents’ anxiety based on these categories: “anticipating worsening conditions,” “future anxiety,” “doctors’ explanations,” “nurses’ behaviors,” and “uncertainty about the illness,” among others. The appearance frequency of these topics differed based on the severity of the children’s medical conditions assessed by their parents and the type of hospital admission.
吉村 治正 正司 哲朗 渋谷 泰秀 渡部 諭 小久保 温 佐々木 てる 増田 真也

北岡 和代 増田 真也 森河 裕子 中川 秀昭
The Japanese Association of Administrative Science
経営行動科学 (ISSN:09145206)
vol.28, no.1, pp.53-63, 2015 (Released:2015-12-25)

The Center for Organizational Research & Development, Acadia University, Canada developed a new measure, Areas of Worklife Survey (AWS) that measures six areas in the work environment. The objective of the present study is to translate the AWS into Japanese and evaluate factorial validity and examine criterion-related validity as well as reliability. The Japanese AWS was prepared and administered to a sample of employees at one IT enterprise. A total of 1,214 valid data was obtained. The AWS consists of 29 items that produce distinct scores for each of the six areas of worklife: workload, control, reward, community, fairness, and values. The exploratory factor analysis replicated the same six-factor structure as the original. The confirmatory factor analysis supported a six-factor model. Cronbach's alpha coefficients for all six subscales were .66-.88. The AWS had significant correlations with three subscales of the MBI-GS but not for workload-professional efficacy. In all, the examination found support for the validity as well as reliability of the Japanese AWS although a couple of issues to be resolved in the near future remain.
荻野 佳代子 稲木 康一郎 北岡 和代 増田 真也

対人援助職のバーンアウトへの介入に向け,ワーク・ライフ・バランス(WLB)風土の測定尺度を開発し,バーンアウトとの関連を検討した.この結果, WLB風土は「上司の支援」,「スタッフのチームワーク」,「'ワーク'最優先」,「'ライフ'の尊重」の4因子から構成されていた. 4因子すべてがバーンアウトに関連していたが,とくに「上司からの支援」にバーンアウトに対するより強い関連がみられた.さらにWLB風土醸成によるバーンアウト予防プログラムを開発・実施した.
増田 真也 坂上 貴之 北岡 和代 佐々木 恵
日本心理学会 = The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.4, pp.354-363, 2016-10

Certain participants are insincere, or careless when they respond to questionnaires. To identify such participants, we included three items in a questionnaire that instructed participants to choose a particular response category. Nurses (N = 1,000) responded to this questionnaire in a Web survey. One-hundred-twenty participants failed to follow the instructions for at least one item (non-followers). Analyzing their responses indicated the following: (a) non-followers were more likely to give identical, or midpoint responses; (b) the correlations between their responses to regular and reversed items were low or positive, and their responses to scales containing reversed items tended to show lower internal consistency; and finally, (c) the mean scores of non-followers were closer to the midpoint of the scale, regardless of whether the scale included reversed items. One reason that including reversed items lead to lower internal consistency could be because participants occasionally missed responding to these items. However, the results suggested that non-followers were not diligent in responding to regular items, and merely deleting reversed items from scales will be insufficient to ensure accurate results.
増田 真也 坂上 貴之 北岡 和代 佐々木 恵
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.87.15034, (Released:2016-07-09)

Certain participants are insincere, or careless when they respond to questionnaires. To identify such participants, we included three items in a questionnaire that instructed participants to choose a particular response category. Nurses (N = 1,000) responded to this questionnaire in a Web survey. One-hundred-twenty participants failed to follow the instructions for at least one item (non-followers). Analyzing their responses indicated the following: (a) non-followers were more likely to give identical, or midpoint responses; (b) the correlations between their responses to regular and reversed items were low or positive, and their responses to scales containing reversed items tended to show lower internal consistency; and finally, (c) the mean scores of non-followers were closer to the midpoint of the scale, regardless of whether the scale included reversed items. One reason that including reversed items lead to lower internal consistency could be because participants occasionally missed responding to these items. However, the results suggested that non-followers were not diligent in responding to regular items, and merely deleting reversed items from scales will be insufficient to ensure accurate results.
増田 真也 北岡 和代 荻野 佳代子
一般社団法人 日本健康心理学会
健康心理学研究 (ISSN:09173323)
vol.25, no.1, pp.31-41, 2012

This study addressed a problem that researchers are likely to encounter when employing mixed-worded scales, which are scales that contain both positively and negatively worded items. In Study 1, two versions of a self-esteem scale were developed. In the first version of the scale, the order of the 10 items remained identical to that of the published instrument (normal items). In the alternative version of the scale, the items were arranged such that positively worded items appeared earlier and negatively worded items later (grouped items). Results indicated that the scores of the grouped positively worded items were higher than those for normal items. In study 2, although professional efficacy is measured by positively worded items in common Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), this study included negatively worded items. Participants responded to 1 of 3 versions (normal items, grouped items, negatively worded items) of the MBI-GS. Results indicated that compared to normal efficacy items, negatively worded items and grouped items were more strongly related to the other two burnout components (i.e., exhaustion and cynicism); and (2) had higher total score. Moreover, (3) it was indicated that the middle response category was chosen less often.