福田 光佑 ラミレス イクシェル 山野辺 夏樹 プティ ダミアン 原田 研介
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2018, pp.2A1-F17, 2018

<p>In this work, we propose a recognition system for assembly motions performed by humans, with the aim of generating and re-using robot motions stored in a database. An affordance model for each manipulated object is proposed to efficiently search for matching actions. Based on this model we design motion templates containing a set of basic motions associated to the manipulated objects. Recognition of motion data is done using the proposed motion templates and Hidden Markov Models. We verify the validity of the proposed method using three different assembly tasks.</p>
鈴木 巧 柿本 益志
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2013, pp.39-40, 2013

A numerical study has been done for natural convection heat transfer in the joint part of a cylindrical thermal insulation structure with a metallic outer shell. If the joint is relatively narrow, the effect of natural convection which occurs inside the joint on the thermal insulation performance is small. Although the heat transfer rate increases as joint width becomes large, the increase in the heat transfer rate is less than 10 percent, even when the joint width is 10mm.
白石 聖稀 李 根浩 豊田 彬敏 米倉 裕貴 野口 尚人
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.16-00471, (Released:2017-04-14)

This paper addresses the mechanical issue of a novel wheel design capable of step climbing toward more convenient utilization of assist vehicles such as wheelchairs and walkers. Despite the promotion of barrier-free environments, uneven floors with dips and depressions, thresholds, and steps have still been encountered in our daily routines. To overcome these difficulties, a step-climbing mechanism and its device are developed, allowing wheeled robots to ascend a step where its height is higher than the radius of the wheel. By applying the proposed step-climbing device into the robot, it enables potential users to minimize a physical burden during step climbing. This helps the users live independently and maintain their daily routines, not requiring caregivers and/or medical staff. What is the most important aspect from the practical point of view is how to realize the mechanism without additional wheels and linear guides. This paper describes the mechanical design by controlling axial translation in detail. By using a robotic wheelchair equipped with the proposed device, extensive evaluations are tested and analyzed.
多田 修平 佐竹 正俊 茂田 正哉 伊澤 精一郎 福西 祐
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2011, pp._G050093-1-_G050093-5, 2011

Water splash caused by an elastic tire rolling on a wet road is simulated using SPH method. Fluid-structure inter action model is newly proposed to couple the fluid motion and the elastic tire. The result shows that the water discharge capability strongly depends on the grooved patterns, and the tire receives lift and drag forces from the water.
稲垣 貴弘 中根 直人 岡本 昌明 森本 知昭 門崎 司朗
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
年次大会 2019 (ISSN:24242667)
pp.J18101, 2019 (Released:2020-03-25)

In this paper, we propose a method to evaluate vehicle dynamics performance using trajectory tracking control of autopilot system. In recent years, high performance is required as a need for vehicle. In the past, vehicle dynamics performance evaluation often relied on human driving, making quantitative evaluation difficult. Therefore, the autopilot system that controls the steering and pedals in a closed loop control was used to minimize the variation. The vehicle dynamics performance was evaluated from the steering stability tests such as "Straight" and "Lane change".
桧山 莉央 長岡 大志 坪井 一洋 野田 茂穂 姫野 龍太郎
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.21-00050, (Released:2021-06-18)

We develop an output simulator for a baseball-type acceleration sensor in which one three-axis sensor for low acceleration and three sensors for high acceleration are installed. The acceleration vector at any position inside this ball-type sensor in rotational motion is formulated on the basis of the assumption that all the sensors are in rigid configuration. Since this simulator can estimate kinematically the acceleration under the change in time of rotation axis on the sensor coordinate system, we investigate the behavior of the rotation axis suggested in the previous flight experiment. In order to confirm the accuracy of the sensor outputs, preliminary experiment is performed, in which acceleration outputs are measured by rolling the ball-type sensor along a slope. The comparison of obtained acceleration outputs with theoretical values shows sufficient agreement. At the same time, the moment of inertia of the ball-type sensor is measured. Sensor outputs are simulated under two different conditions, in one of which the rotation axis is changing in time and the axis is fixed in the other. As the result, the acceleration output in the former condition varies linearly while the output keeps almost constant in the latter. The measured outputs of the flight experiment successfully reappear in the results under the former condition. The error between the simulated and measured outputs is calculated to 18 trial data of straight and curve balls, and the errors in the former condition become smaller than those in the latter. The present result therefore concludes that the rotation axis of the ball-type sensor in flight changes with time.
小垣 哲也 小林 敏雄 谷口 伸行
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.65, no.633, pp.1559-1567, 1999-05-25 (Released:2008-03-28)
3 2

In order to conduct direct numerical simulation (DNS) or large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent flows in complicated flow geometry, accurate finite difference methods are needed in generalized curvilinear coordinate system. Recently, it was shown that the analytical conservation properties of the set of basic equations are needed to be satisfied properly even in discretized basic equations in order to obtain accurate and stable solutions in simulations of incompressible turbulent flow using finite difference method. The basic equations treated here are the continuity equation, the Navier-Stokes equation and the transport equations of the square values of velocity components and the kinetic energy. In this paper, finite difference schemes in generalized curvilinear coordinate system that are suitable for simulations of incompressible turbulent flow are constructed from relatively simple extension of the proper finite difference schemes derived in equidistant Cartesian coordinate system. The extension of finite difference scheme into generalized curvilinear coordinate system is based on the fact that the analytical conservation properties of the coordinate transformed basic equations for incompressible viscous flows are identical with that in Cartesian coordinates.
本村 文孝 今井 康文 才本 明秀
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2008, pp._GS0605-1_-_GS0605-2_, 2008

伊東 弘一 赤木 新介 太田 雅晴
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.48, no.431, pp.998-1004, 1982

地域暖房の熱輸送システムの設計計画問題において, (イ)配線系サイズの縮小化, (ロ)ポンプ規模の縮小化および(ハ)熱交換器系サイズの縮小化という設計目標をそれぞれ独立した目的関数として考え, 一つの非線形多目的最適化問題として定式化した. 上記問題に対し, 計算機を対話形式で援用してシステム構成機器の主要設計要目を合理的に決定する一手法を提案し, 設計事例を通じてその有効性の検証と最適解の特徴を検討した.
鈴木 保彦 川端 信義 瀬戸山 聡
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2019, 2019

<p>There are a few problems, recently, for jet fan ventilation of road tunnels as below. ①Change of the road construction height in the road tunnels ②Jet fan fall risk because they are over the car lanes ③Difficulty of approach check every year to the installed high position. To reduce these risks and difficulty and to improve, we plan jet fans to be smaller and set them to the outside over the car lanes and construction area for easy maintenance and easy handling. For that, CFD analysis was carried out and investigated for some same ventilating fans for 2 car lanes and one way longitudinal road tunnel ventilation.</p>
立花 岳志 Janis Theiss 鈴木 奈々 皆川 泰代 三木 則尚
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2019, 2019

<p>Biofeedback, which is a technique for controlling human physiological indices by detecting outputs such as heartbeats and brain waves and re-outputting them through a feedback device, has attracted attention. This technique has been applied to the treatment of diseases and maintenance of health. We developed an application that transfers heartbeats detected using a wearable device to a smartphone and re-outputs them to the subject by presenting vibrations. In order to verify the effect of tactile biofeedback using this system, we analyzed the heart rate variability when subjects were given stress-related tasks. The results showed that the heart rate improved when stress was applied compared to the control task.</p>
古賀 俊介 吉留 忠史 河原崎 徳之
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2010 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._2A1-D28_1-_2A1-D28_4, 2010 (Released:2017-06-19)

This paper proposes the method to analyze the musical intervals from recorded musical data by using FFT. We aim to build a system that teaches songs to a robot. Our method was able to reproduce a recorded monotonous song by Beep sound as a result to transform the song into frequency every 50msec. As a result of the experimentation of frequency analysis with the monotonous music and the song of voice synthesis, the small error was measured to sounds of more than 145[Hz].