大惠 克俊 今村 修人
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2020, pp.2P2-E19, 2020

<p>The patients who undergo the laryngectomy lose their voice. The voice is very important communication method for human, and these patients become to feel inconvenient. One of the speech producton substitutes for the patients is the esophageal speech, this method uses the air from esophagus to generate the primary tone. This method has good characteristics at voice quality and convenience. But learning of it is very difficult.</p><p>In this research, we aim to establish the training method of esophageal speech with bio monitoring. This method uses some muscles for taking in air to the esophagus. Therefore, it is important that the clarification of "when" the "what muscle" is activated in esophageal speech. In this report, we took a survey to esophageal speech users, for clarification of "what muscle" is activated in esophageal speech. Based on these results, the myoelectric signal of the lower jaw and the lowest intercostral were measured. These results are described.</p>
花崎 知都 田代 勉
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2014, pp.323-324, 2014

In this paper, the influence of electric cabin heat device for Hybrid Vehicle engine warming and fuel consumption is investigated. The electric cabin heat device is installed in order to compensate a lack of cabin heat by heater core that supplies engine exhaust heat accumulated in coolant. Distribution ratio of heat from electric device and heater core can controls balance of coolant temperature and SOC that influences warm up time and fuel consumption. In order to verify, this effect, simulation is performed. As a result, warm up time is shortened when initial SOC margin for upper limit is small.
紺野 能史 十合 晋一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
東北支部総会・講演会 講演論文集
vol.2000, pp.117-118, 2000

This paper describes the mechanism of the generation of surface roughness in ultra-precision cutting using an air bearing spindie. Pure copper works were set up on an air bearing spindie and cutted by a diamond tool. The mirror finished surfaces of the works were measured along the cutting direction. Generally, the spindies supported by air bearings show small vibration with amplitude of nm-order. This vibration is peculiarity to the air bearings and is thought to be caused by pneumatic hammer and by air now in bearing clearances. The periodical distance and the amplitude of the roughness obtained from the measured surface profile are almost corresponds to those of the spindle vibration.
勝 玄毅 奥川 雅之
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._2A2-U02_1-_2A2-U02_3, 2014-05-24 (Released:2017-06-19)

This paper describes results of the accuracy of the environmental mapping by Hector SLAM that only using the distance data measuring by laser range finder. Generally, the laser range finder and the Inertial Measurement Unit will be used at the technic of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). It is said that realization is possible only with a laser range finder as for the SLAM. The results of experimentation was evaluated the accuracy of the environmental mapping.
川副 嘉彦 中川 慎理
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集
vol.2010, pp.147-152, 2010

The previous paper of the authors made clear the mechanism of top-spin performance in tennis and its improvement by lubrication of strings according to the high speed video analysis. As the main strings stretch and slide side ways more, the ball is given more spin due to restoring force parallel to the string face when the main strings spring back and the ball is released from the strings. Since the notches of strings decrease spin rate, the lubricant materials are effective to the notched strings and the spin rate of newly strung tennis racket without notches is much larger than that of used racket with notches. Furthermore, it showed that the more spin results in the reduction of shock vibrations of the wrist joint during impact. There are several strings now on the market that are designed explicitly to take advantage of the slippery string mechanism for top spin improvement. This paper showed the spin behavior of the ball and the revolutionary flat strings during oblique impact in the laboratory by the high speed video analysis and recognized that flat strings are more slippery and generate more spin than the conventional strings.
伊藤 準治 山本 秀彦 山田 貴孝
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2014, pp.139-140, 2014

田中 英一郎 池原 忠明 瀬戸口 隼 森 崇 三枝 省三 弓削 類
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2012, pp.43-46, 2012

We developed a new whole body motion support type mobile suit. This suit can be used separately for supporting the upper and/or lower limbs, for assisting ADL (Activities of Daily Living). We also developed a mobile lifter system which can bear both the equipped person and the suit. This suit and the lifter can be used by motor palsy patients suffering from stroke, spinal-cord-injury, and central nerve disorders. Using this device, these patients can recover normal gait with no risk of falling. In this paper, the brain activity during walking using the suit and normal gait without the suit are compared. According to multiple trials with the suit, the activity of the premotor area decreased. In addition, by walking while swinging bilateral arms (even though these arms were assisted by the suit), the activity in the supplementary motor area increased (this area of the brain is related with memory of motion). Finally, the brain activity during walking on the treadmill and in the sightly long corridor are compared. From the result of this experiment, it is effective for gait training to walk with locomotion, because of the improvement the motivation for training. We can conclude that this suit is suitable to assist patients in walking. Therefore it is important for patients to swing their arms during gait training in rehabilitation.
海保 諒 森岡 一幸
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2020, pp.2A1-N10, 2020

<p>The paper introduces a method of automatic map generation used for learning of action policy in mobile robot navigation. Road contours and waypoint candidates are extracted as map components by image processing from an image of existing electronic map such as Google Map. Road contours are extracted using topological structural analysis of the binarized electronic map image. Also, waypoint candidates used as respawn or destination points in learning system are randomly selected from pixels of road areas. The generated map can be applied to learning simulator based on deep reinforce learning system. The paper describes an abstract of navigation system based on reinforcement learning, a proposed map generation method.</p>
武居 周
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2015, pp._240-1_-_240-2_, 2015

中野 良子 中谷 淳 溝端 一秀 杉山 弘
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2001, pp.234-235, 2001

It has been recently found that Europa, the second satellite of Jupiter, has warm water under its icy surface. Biological explorations are needed so as to investigate the existence of life on Europa and to clarify the origin of life on the Earth. A preliminary analysis is carried out on flight trajectories from the Earth to Jupiter and on the feasibility of aerobraking in Jovian atmosphere for deploying a satellite around Europa. Several interplanetary orbits from the Earth to Jupiter are calculated and that having the smallest Jovian insertion energy is selected. It is clearly shown that aerobraking is by far more advantageous for reduction of satellite weight than retrofiring of rocket motors.
金井 謙二 渡辺 崇
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.76, no.771, pp.3172-3174, 2010

For the human motion detection by camera, it is usually needed to use sensors and/or markers. We propose a method that does not handle any sensors nor markers, instead, that adopts optical flows. By applying this method, we can analyze synchronization between human motions and classify moving direction of crowds. The optical flows are estimated by the Lucas-Kanade method. The result of the optical flows is assigned to a hue circle, and the histogram of the hue gives information to identify human motions. Utilizing this color information makes our method robust to the environmental changes. We defined the combined Bhattacharyya coefficient and use it to detect the synchronization of the human motions. In this paper, two persons dance choreography and the results before and after the practices are quantitatively evaluated. The crowds' classification is performed depending on the moving directions of the crowds. We also describe the method to detect unusual acts. These functions are available to score the group performances in games and to detect the persons doing normal and abnormal actions.