池上 洋介 李 昌憲 ブレスデル エレン 中村 仁彦 鮎澤 光 柏木 匠 久保田 奏 吉松 昭洋 中村 優介 井深 祐輝 石川 淳一 洪 舜傑
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
シンポジウム: スポーツ・アンド・ヒューマン・ダイナミクス講演論文集
vol.2011, pp.303-308, 2011

In this paper, human muscle tension estimation based on robotics dynamics and its visualization technique was reported. Human muscle tension estimation was obtained by kinematics and dynamics using optical motion caputure data, force plate data and EMG signals. The environment for the motion capture and the calculation flow was explained. The visualization technique was explained. Tai chi, tap dance and drum motion was analyzed, respectively. The obtained findings of the experts' motion technique were reported.
アギアル デ ソウザ ヴィニシウス 桑水流 理 何 惠安 戸田 裕之 小林 正和
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2013, pp._OS0311-1_-_OS0311-3_, 2013

The objective of this study is to evaluate the stress/strain distribution on a cast aluminum alloy (AC4CH-T6) employing image based nonlinear elasto-plastic finite element analysis. The numerical analysis was performed to simulate a uni-axial tension test. The geometry of the finite element model includes an aluminum matrix, silicon and inter-metallic particles which were obtained by the synchrotron X-ray micro-computed tomography (XMCT) technique. In order to create a proper finite element mesh, the Standard Triangle Language (STL) generated from the XMCT segmented volume was treated to remove geometric and structural irregularities. Results are discussed in terms of the number of elements necessary to accurately represent the stress/strain fields and the necessary computational time to simulate the problem. Additionally, results enabled visualizing the stress/strain distributions, stress concentration, and the stress/strain evolution on the three solids of interest.
松村 圭悟 アギアルデソウザ ヴィニシウス 桑水流 理 小林 正和 戸田 裕之
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2014, pp._OS1204-1_-_OS1204-3_, 2014

The crack initiation mechanism of cast aluminum alloy was addressed to quantitatively evaluate the fatigue strength. The synchrotron radiation microtomography was employed to visualize the three-dimensional damage around pores and Si particles. Two types of specimens were prepared for the low cycle fatigue test. The temperature of solution treatment was different, and it yields a difference in the shape of Si particles. After a certain cycles of fatigue, a catastrophic damage around many Si particles happened and they connected to each other so as to form a crack. The scanning electron microscopy after the test showed that the type of damage was the break of long Si particles or the interface debonding around round Si particles.
大野 豊
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.17, no.64, pp.138-144, 1951-12-20 (Released:2008-03-28)

Many researches on the longitudinal motion of locomotive while it is running, have already been reported. But the explanations on the velocity with which the locomotive moves longitudinally while running seem insufficient. In this paper, the longitudinal motion of locomotive is regarded as an oscillation which causes a periodical collision between the locomotive and tender. This is a forced oscillation caused by the unbalanced force of engine. Then the velocity of the oscillation can be calculated as a resonant velocity. The results obtained from the calculations concide fairly with practical measurements. Preventions of these oscillations are also discussed.
広瀬 茂男 長久保 晶彦 外山 良成
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.57, no.540, pp.2679-2686, 1991-08-25 (Released:2008-02-21)
3 30

The configurational design for a wall-climbing robot which is capable of moving on diversified surfaces of wall and has high payload capability, is discussed, and a developed quadruped wall-climbing robot, NINJA-1, is introduced. NINJA-1 is composed of 1) legs based on a 3D parallel link mechanism capable of producing a powerful driving force for moving on the surface of a wall, 2) a CP (Conduit-wire-driven Parallelogram) mechanism to adjust the posture of the ankles, and 3) a VM (Valve-regulated Multiple) sucker which can provide suction even if there are grooves and small differences in level of the wall. Finally, the data of the trial-manufactured NINJA-1, and the up-to-date status of the walking motion are shown.
辻本 直樹 浅見 敏彦 伊勢 智彦 坂本 博哉
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2009, pp._463-1_-_463-6_, 2009

In this paper, we show various dynamic properties of an air spring which has an air stream passing through a narrow tube to the air reservoir. Experimental apparatus is a single-degree-of-freedom system, which is composed of a mass supported by the air spring. Thus the only one resonance point is appeared in the response curve when the extreamly narrow tube (d=2.5mm) is used. However, when we use a more thick tube (d=4.0mm), two response points are appeared in the curve. It will be shown that the resonace point is caused by the change of the spring constant of the air spring.
涌井 伸二
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.65, no.636, pp.3252-3259, 1999-08-25 (Released:2008-02-26)
1 1

The precise positioning stage is ordinary mounted on the isolated table. For the positioning of its stage, PID compensator is widely used. There are many PID tuning methods, such as the ultimate sensitivity method. However, these methods are effectively applied to the plants described by "first-order lag+dead time". Then, it is difficult to realize the desirable positioning for the stage mounted on the isolated table by the simple applying of these method. Therefore, the knowledge based adhoc parameter tuning has been carried in the production field. However, this tuning easily introduces the tradeoff between the command and disturbance responses and then an adequate compromise is required. In this circumstances, we have doubts whether absolute positioning ability inherent in the stage itself is actively used. In this paper, in order to progress the positioning performance of the stage, we try to derive the tuning formulas based on Kitamori's method. The command and disturbance designated formulas are derived. Through the numerical simulation, it is clear that the practical formulation can be derived.
桑原 宏介 中島 求
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._3A1-J05_1-_3A1-J05_4, 2014-05-24 (Released:2017-06-19)

The objective of this study was to measure thrust for crawl stroke by using a humanoid robot. The swimming humanoid robot had 20 servo motors for the whole body and could perform basic human swimming motion except for the breaststroke. A driving mechanism to move the humanoid robot in pitching, heaving and rolling motions was installed. Force sensors and a circulation tank which could make water flow was used for the measurement system. The thrust was measured when the robot performed standard crawl stroke motion at 9.0 s cycles. The positive thrust could be measured while the arm was paddling the water. It was also confirmed that insufficient recovery stroke generated the negative thrust.
田中 大輔 石光 俊介
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2016, 2016

<p>Every year the City of Hiroshima holds the Peace Memorial Ceremony to console the souls of those who were lost due to the atomic bombing as well as pray for the realization of everlasting world peace. Since the ambient noise of this ceremony is very loud, these noise was tried to reduce using a passive method and Active Noise Control (ANC). There are some problems that audiences or TV crews cannot catch the meanings of presenter's messages such as the Prime Minister's, because of ambient noise. To reduce these noises, tents were prepared in the venue. There were also useful for protect people from the strong suns. The difference between the sounds near the loudest place in the park and those in the venue was measured to confirm the effectiveness of each countermeasure. The one of the loudest noise came from an opposite bank of the river. Though the noise was detected at the river side, it was not detected in the venue. As a result, the noise in the venue was reduced by 15 dB owing to each countermeasure. As most of the noise are speech, a 6-second young woman's voice was used as the noise source and reference signal in the ANC test of this study. Noise source includes the high frequency components up to 4000Hz. High-speed signal processing was required to reduce the noise that has high frequency components and changes its amplitudes rapidly. FPGA with a clock of 40MHz was selected for the fast signal processing. Filtered-x LMS algorithm was used in the ANC, and sampling frequency was 15 kHz and adaptive filter coefficients were set to 3000 tap. As the results of control, the noise was reduced by 10dB in 500Hz to 5000Hz.</p>
矢崎 由梨香 井上 淳 花崎 泉
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._3A1-P03_1-_3A1-P03_2, 2014-05-24 (Released:2017-06-19)

Currently, the number of patients with low back pain continues to increase due to the aging society. My purpose is that find a motion to reduce the load to waist from the difference in the movement of the body between lumbar pain patients and healthy subjects, in the operation of squat. I get the coordinate data of the body, to shoot in motion capture the movement of the body when you are doing an operation subject squat. Since the result of performing the analysis using the principal component analysis, the difference comes into the angle of the ankle and upper arm, I will examine the load to waist and this difference.
池上 怜士 田邊 頌平 釜道 紀浩
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集 2014 (ISSN:24243124)
pp._1P2-O03_1-_1P2-O03_4, 2014-05-24 (Released:2017-06-19)

This paper describes a motion control method for a capsule-type robot which consists of an outside capsule and a movable inner mass. To realize efficient motions, we propose a motion algorithm utilizing friction characteristics and collision phenomena. Proposed methods are investigated by theoretical analysis and numerical simulations.
新部 純三 熊谷 正芳 田邉 晃弘 水野 湧太
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
pp.21-00082, (Released:2021-08-05)

Although elastic limit and tensile strength are essential for mechanical strength design, the measurement of high hardness materials is a challenge due to their sensitivity on notches. As an alternative, the tensile strength can be easily assumed from hardness using the conversion table (e.g. SAE J 417); however, the table does not include the data for high hardness region, namely tempered materials at low temperature. We performed tensile tests and obtained elastic limits and tensile strengths of quenched martensitic medium-carbon steel with tempering at several temperatures. The hardness was monotonically decreased with the increase of tempering temperature. However, the tensile strength and elastic limit improved as the increase of temperature at low tempering temperature. In contrast, at high tempering temperature, the tensile strength and elastic limit were decreased with increase of tempering temperature. Consequently, the ratios of hardness to tensile strength or elastic limit were changed below or above the transition point. The ratios were constant below a tempering temperature (290 ℃ for elastic limit and 200 ℃-300 ℃ for tensile strength in the present experiments) and increased with the increase of the tempering temperature above the temperature. The variation of the ratio, hardness to tensile strength, is due to the brittle fracture on high hardness specimens before reaching the threshold to start plastic instability. In addition to, it is considered that the variation of the ratio, hardness to elastic limit, is caused by another mechanism, a decrease in elastic limit due to mobile dislocations.
鈴木 嵩之 折原 悠太 大石 久己 長谷川 浩志 岡村 宏
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2018, 2018

<p>We have studied the sound quality improvement of the classical guitar. The running-in of really playing on the guitar as well as the manufacturing process of guitar gives the large influence to the sound quality. It is called an aging effect. It is important that the behavior of the aging effect is considered on the manufacturing process. But the result of over-aging treatment causes, sometimes, the poor sound quality. The mechanism of over-aging is open here.</p>
郭 陽 加藤 千幸 山出 吉伸 トバグス ノーファル ハエダル 高山 務
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2012, pp.251-252, 2012

The internal flow in a simplified heating,ventilation,and air conditioning(HVAC) model was calculated by large-eddy simulation(LES).The acoustic field generated from the flow in the HVAC model was computed by solving the Lighthill equation in the frequency domain,using the LES results to calculate the sound sources.The computed sound pressure level(SPL) agrees reasonably well with the experimental data of Wakahara et al.A maximum difference of about 7 dB at the frequency 800 Hz between the computed SPL and the experimental data was found.The reason of the difference will be investigated in detail in the next stage.
岡崎 正和 岩崎 亮 笠原 直人
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2013, pp._J032022-1-_J032022-5, 2013

Thermal fatigue failure of pipes induced by fluid temperature change is one of interdisciplinary issues for long term structural reliability. In this work a special focus was put on the effect of thermal and loading histories on high cycle fatigue crack growth behavior. In order to get basic understanding on this article the fatigue crack propagation tests were carried out in a low alloy steel which experienced several kind of loading and/or thermal histories. Both the effects of stress ratio, test temperature on the fatigue crack threshold, and the change in the threshold depending on the thermo-mechanical loading histories, were experimentally investigated. It was shown that the thermo-mechanical loading history left its effect along the prior fatigue crack wake resulting in the change of fatigue crack threshold. Some discussions are made on how this type of loading history effect should be treated from engineering point of view.