今西 悦二郎 南條 孝夫 廣岡 栄子 井上 喜雄
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2004, pp."417-1"-"417-6", 2004-09-27

Dynamic simulation of flexible multibody system with the hydraulic drive is presented for the digging operation of the hydraulic excavator. The energy saving technology is required on the construction machinery design from the present environmental point of view, and the dynamic simulation is useful for the energy saving evaluation. The digging operation of the hydraulic excavator involves the dynamics of linkage system and the hydraulic drive system that includes nonlinear characteristics such as the check valve and so on. New numerical analysis method is presented for the coupling system of the linkage system and the hydraulic system, which consists of the time increment prediction method on piecewise-linear characteristics and the bisection method in Newton method. It is shown that this method is useful for the dynamic simulation of the flexible multibody system with the hydraulic drive by appling to the simulation of digging operation on the hydraulic excavator.
松本 興助 有井 士郎 田邉 博典 水本 洋
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2004, pp."418-1"-"418-5", 2004-09-27

This paper deals with two types of trajectory planning method for three-link flexible arms. By using the desired trajectories obtained by the proposed methods, the flexible arms can rotate from each initial position to desired locations in given movement execution time without large troublesome vibrations. And additional feedback control devices besides the controller of existing actuators are not necessary. In order to confirm the effect of the desired trajectories on reducing the vibrations of the flexible arms, the responses of the three-link flexible arms were simulated numerically. It can be seen from the numerical results that the vibrations of the flexible arms were reduced enough by using the desired trajectories.
田中 基八郎 松原 謙一郎 佐藤 太一
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.61, no.592, pp.4730-4735, 1995-12-25

Strange sounds generated by machines express trouble or poor condition of the machines. Especially, in automobiles and air conditioners, strange sounds are paid attentions carefully, and the sources of those sounds are investigated and improved. To express strange sounds in Japanese, many kinds of onomatopoeia are used. Onomatopoeia is characteristic of Japanese culture. In this paper, the relationship between onomatopoeia expressing impulsive sounds and beat sounds, and the real sounds of the phenomena, are studied from the viewpoint of acoustic physics.
大野 麻里恵 佐藤 太一 田中 基八郎
vol.2004, no.3, pp.29-32, 2004-12-15

Strange sounds generated by machines are expressed by onomatopoeia. And onomatopoeia expresses trouble or poor condition of the machines. Especially, many kinds of onomatopoeia are used for expressing strange sound of automobiles, and the relationship between onomatopoeia and the sources of strange sound is reported. In this study application of onomatopoeia for expressing strange sound is discussed. Onomatopoeia is language which people utter. Therefore it is necessary to clarify the relationship between the frequencies perceived to sound like the onomatopoeic word and uttered sounds. In this report, we paid attention to both the vowel and the consonant of uttered sound of onomatopoeia. As a result we found that the utterance time of a consonant changes by the mechanism of utterance. And the ratio of energy between the vowel and the consonant influences frequency of the sound that an onomatopoeia expresses.
佐藤 太一 尾山 敬一 小林 春美 田中 基八郎
vol.2005, pp.320-325, 2005-03-21

We have performed basic experiments for the purpose of applying onomatopoeia to engineering problems. In these experiments, test subjects were made to perform lifting actions while listening to onomatopoeic utterances. We thereby demonstrated that there is a relationship between the onomatopoeic utterances and the lifting forces exerted by the test subjects. We examined how the lifting forces are related to the magnitude of the onomatopoeic utterances and the envelope of these sounds. Furthermore, by comparing this phenomenon with the effects of simple tones and white noise, we investigated how the lifting force is affected depending on whether or not emotion is expressed when uttering the onomatopoeia.
辻 正 寺井 勇三 大岡 五三實 宇多田 修 木下 進一 高城 敏美
動力・エネルギー技術の最前線講演論文集 : シンポジウム
vol.2004, no.9, pp.165-168, 2004-06-22

This paper proposes the early stage Plan that Iron works and Refinery cooperate to save energy and to increase Co-production Blast Furnace process is originally Co-production process (Iron production & Gasification production) Excess fuels (asphalt & pulverized coal) injecting into Blast Furnace is gasified high-efficiently (95〜98%) At the early stage Plan, Excess fuels are asphalt 60kg/ton-pig iron and pulverized coal 65kg/ton-pig iron. This Blast Furnace Gasification System and BFG (Blast Furnace Gas) Combined Cycle Power System are optimized in a typical Iron works model (6mihon ton/Y steel product) with Pinch Technology method This Optimization yields Power (559MW) and surplus COG (Coke Oven Gas) that is exported to Refinery Energy saving 13% of total Iron works energy consumption is estimated.
川合 毅 水上 和明 小澤 芳男 本所 又嗣 大谷 恵 森 武宏
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.67, no.655, pp.744-750, 2001-03-25

Refrigerated super-showcases are used for displaying and preserving food products at places such as supermarkets_ It is important that trouble occurring in showcases is anticipated in advance. However, there exist difficulties due to the existence of numerous types of units, inconsistent characteristics, and too few sensors, all of which make it hard to develop a standardized method of evaluation for determining if a showcase is operating correctly. In this paper, we propose a new method of occurrence-forecast of trouble for showcases by using criteria adapted to environmental conditions. This method is based on the characteristics of showcases that their operating state is influenced by environmental conditions. We have evaluated this method from field data of a supermarket. The result leads us to convince that this method can be put to practical use.
小林 孝 小林 繁夫 紀平 正知
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.46, no.402, pp.197-204, 1980-02-25

頭がい骨を円筒形容器として中にほとんど非圧縮の柔らかい弾性体を詰めた頭がい模型を用いて, 有限要素法により頭がい衝撃問題の基礎的研究を行った. 脳はせん断弾性係数が体積弾性係数にくらべて非常に小さく従ってポアソン比が0. 5に近い材料なので, 普通の変位法では誤った結果を与える. この困難を克服するため Herrmann の変分原理を用いた. 内部弾性体の圧力応答に対してその体積弾性率と端板の変形の影響が大きいことを明らかにした.
阿部 博之 後藤 智 木村 光男 櫛引 英嗣 荒井 茂
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.60, no.578, pp.2452-2458, 1994-10-25

At the present time, there is no adequate method for experimental measurement of wall stresses in the intact ventricle. Thus, many mechanical models to predict such stresses have been proposed, in which the residual stress was ignored so that the circumferential stress at the endocardium of the left ventricle was extremely large compared with that at the epicardium. The work expressed, such as oxygen consumption, is supposed to be almost uniform through the wall thickness, or to be somewhat larger at the endocardium than at the epicardium. The models may be improved by taking account of residual stress. To take residual stress into account in mechanical models, one must measure residual strains in the no-load state of the left ventricle. The residual strains were calculated by using sliced canine left ventricles obtained during isovolumic contraction. The residual strains determined from the experiment were applied to the model proposed in the present paper and the distributions of the wall stresses were obtained. As a result, the stress concentration at the endocardium of the left ventricle was found to be largely reduced.
吉田 忠雄 丁 大玉 大木 雄造 檜垣 守正
vol.2005, pp.179-180, 2005-08-25

Black powder is an important component of fireworks and was invented in China in the latter half of the 8^<th> century. Black powder was used for medicine at first and then for military purposes in 10^<th> century. Fireworks using black powder appeared in 12^<th> century. In the end of 13^<th> century Italian displayed fireworks. In Japan gun was imported in 1543 and black powder was also imported simultaneously. Then fireworks were manufactured. Fireworks display gained popularity in the Edo period. On and after the Meiji era, spherical fireworks shells were made giving bright and many colors. Japan became top-rank in Fireworks. Recently, China has become first-rank in manufacturing and export of fireworks. Fireworks have been developed mainly by experience. But, from now on science and technology will support the prosperity of fireworks.
鷲尾 誠一 高橋 智 上山 恭平 番匠谷 勝之 菊井 翔太郎
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.72, no.723, pp.2710-2716, 2006-11-25

A new idea has been proposed to deaerate liquid flowing in a channel on an on-line basis, utilizing a near-vacuum cavity formed on the wall downstream of the point of separation in most vigorous cavitation. The idea has been materialized such a concrete method as connecting a vacuum pump to the cavity formed in a cylindrical constriction and sucking out gas coming out successively from the surrounding liquid. When the method was tested in a hydraulic unit with 25 L of oil in the tank, the gas solubility in the oil was lowered by 40% in 30 minutes. The two experimental factors such as a flow rate through the constriction and air dissolution from atmosphere were examined in the same test unit in terms of their effects on the method's capacity, showing that a larger flow rate results in a better deaseration capacity and a float covering the free surface of oil in a tank works to improve the capacity by preventing air dissolution into the oil. When the critical flow rate at which an incipient cavity emerged on the entrance edge of the cylindrical constriction was measured for oils with different air solubilities, it turned out a 60% reduction of gas solubility increased it by 33%. Moreover oil cloudy with cavitation bubbles after a start of deaeration became more and more translucent as the deaeration proceeded.
劉 本柱 岡 智弘 三上 真人 小嶋 直哉
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.63, no.611, pp.2500-2506, 1997-07-25

Predominant resonance can occur in flow-induced noise from an expansion-cavity-type muffler for particular combinations of muffler configuration and flow velocity. This phenomenon is caused by self-excited oscillation based on the feedback response from acoustic resonances of the muffler to shear flow. Usually, the sound pressure level is much higher when predominance of tail pipe resonance rather than cavity resonance occurs. The predominance of tail pipe resonance is shown to be strongly influenced by both the frequency characteristics of acoustic amplification of the tail pipe and the frequency of velocity fluctuation with a certain phase criterion. The predominance phenomena can be generalized using a new dimensionless independent variable, (L/l')(1/M), where L, l' and M are cavity length, acoustically equivalent tail pipe length and Mach number in the tail pipe, respectively.
久米 洋道 京極 啓史 中原 綱光
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2000, no.4, pp.351-352, 2000-07-31

Friction characteristics between cam and follower are numerically calculated using an approximate method. The model is based on partial EHL theory which consists of a film thickness formula[Ref.1] modified from Pan-Hamrock's formula[Ref.2]) considering surface roughness and the mean contact pressure-compliance relationship (GW model[Ref.3]). The effects of non-Newtonian behavior of lubricant and surface temperature rise are taken into account for the calculation of friction force. The result of this approximate method is compared with the previous study (Tanaka et al. [Ref.4]) which solved simultaneously Reynolds equation, elasticity equation, etc. and the experimental results obtained by a made apparatus similar to the system. The validity of approximate method is also examined, for mainly the effects of amplitude and directional properties of surface roughness.
土橋 将弘 施 勤忠 安藤 成将 斎藤 幹雄
年次大会講演論文集 : JSME annual meeting
vol.2007, no.5, pp.351-352, 2007-09-07

In spacecraft system acoustic tests, local sound pressure level increse in the narrow gap between spacecraft primal structure and solar array is generated. This phenomenon is similar to fill effect, which has been recognized since 1990's, that sound pressure level of an interior fairing after filled spacecraft will increase up to 5-10dB compared to an empty fairing particularly at narrow gap between the wall of the failing and the spacecraft exterior. This paper shows investigation results of vibraiton response of spacecraft due to local sound pressure level increase. It shows simulation and experiment results with local sound pressure level increase and without local sound pressure level increase.