八幡 英雄
日本機械学會誌 (ISSN:00214728)
vol.91, no.840, pp.1151-1156, 1988-11-05
小林 吉之 嶺 也守寛 藤本 浩志
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.73, no.725, pp.274-279, 2007-01-25

To determine the accuracy of foot position sense in the means of foot placement, young adults were asked to place either medial edge or lateral edge of their feet along the base line on the floor as close as possible, and the edge of placed feet were scanned by using laser displacement gauge. From the collected data, constant error, the distances between the edge of placed feet and the base line on the floor, and absolute error, the absolute distances between the edge of placed feet and the base line on the floor were denned and compared between the medial or lateral trials, and dominant leg or indominant leg. The statistical analysis showed significant differences of constant error between the trials only. The trials to place their medial edge tend to place their feet away from the base line, and the trials to place their lateral edge tend to place their feet in to the base line. These results indicate that we tend to expect the position of our feet more medially than actual, and these discrepancy may be one of a reasons of tripping or banging of our feet to the obstacles while walking.
程 輝 岩田 佳雄 小松崎 俊彦 佐藤 秀紀
vol.2001, pp.246-249, 2001-11-14

Recently, Cellular Automata has been rapidly developed and widely used for analyzing many complex problems. In this paper, the phenomena that the sand grain which is initially and randomly spread on the surface of a square plate will crowd around some positions to generate shape of nodal line at natural modes is simulated by using Cellular Automata. Two moving patterns of sand grain are presented, one is the rolling of sand grain at micro-vibration condition or no-vibration position, and another is jump of sand grain at violent vibration or natural vibration condition. The former obeys usual Moore neighborhood rule, and the latter is defined that the jump distance is proportional to the initial vibrant velocity of plate in two directions of plate plane. The calculated procedures are list as following : first, a plate plane is divided into some uniformed grids in which the height of sand grain is defined as a state variable to be discussed in this paper ; then the height of sand grain caused its rolling movement is calculated ; finally, according to above-mentioned rules the height change of sand grain due to jump movement is calculated. The periodic boundary condition is used in simulation. The simple-supported condition at four boundary sides of the plate is mainly analyzed in this paper. In this case, the function of vibrant mode is directly used, and the mode shape is first shown ; then the Chladni's Figure which describes the distribution of sand grain in the plate surface is calculated by CA. Finally, using the same rule to simulate other constrained plates, such as free-boundary-condition and fix-boundary-condition. Two calculated results at mode order M=N=2 are shown in this paper. Due to the periodic boundary condition, sand grain will stack at four boundaries. But useful stacked shape should be observed in central wide area of plate. From calculated results of height distribution figures (Chladni's Figure) of sand grain in different constrained boundaries and mode situations, the nodal line at natural mode condition is clearly seen. Finally, the fact that CA is a useful method to describe the vibration mode is evidenced.
中田 毅 曹 東輝 謝 啓裕 山内 洋 山内 隆
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.57, no.542, pp.3228-3233, 1991-10-25

This paper deals with a new concept of an optical servo system and an experimental analysis on photostrictive ceramics for use as an optical actuator in the servo system. The optical servo system proposed here may be characterized by the introduction of an opto-hydraulic control valve into the system. The opto-hydraulic control valve can be operated by an optical actuator which is directly dirven by light irradiation. The photostrictive effect in PLZT ceramics, which is produced from the superposition of the photovoltaic effect due to light irradiation and the piezoelectric effect, is evaluated experimentally from the viewpoint of the applicability to a servo actuator. Experimental results show that the PLZT (3/52/48) ceramics produce a strain as large as conventional PZT ceramics, but that they have a very slow dynamic response of about 100 sec. The slow dynamic response is due to the time lag in the photovoltaic effect.
金崎 俊彦 楢崎 千尋 峯 洋二 松岡 三郎 村上 敬宜
日本機械学會論文集. A編 (ISSN:03875008)
vol.72, no.723, pp.1717-1724, 2006-11-25
11 17

The effect of hydrogen on fatigue crack growth behavior of four stainless steels has been investigated from the viewpoint of martensitic transformation. The crack growth rates in hydrogen-charged SUS304 and SUS316 were accelerated. The crack growth rate in hydrogen-charged SUS316L was slightly higher than uncharged SUS316L. However, the crack growth rate in SUS405 hardly changed in comparison with uncharged specimens. The matensitic transformation on fatigue fracture surface was detected by X-ray diffraction both in hydrogen-charged and uncharged specimens of SUS304, SUS316 and even in SUS316L. However, the fracture surface of SUS316L, in which the crack growth rate was increased slightly by hydrogen, showed less martensitic transformation than that of SUS304 or SUS316. It is presumed that martensitic transformation in the vicinty of fatigue crack tip contributed to the effect of hydrogen on crack growth rate. Fatigue tests of SUS304 and SUS316L, which were pre-strained at -70℃ to enhance a martensitic transformation, were carried out to study the influence of hydrogen and martensite on crack growth. Crack growth rate was remakably increased by hydroggen in not only pre-strained SUS304 but also in pre-strained SUS316L. The hydrogen content of pre-strained hydrogen-charged specimen was much higher than unstrained hydrogen-charged specimens due to the increase in martensite through which hydrogen diffuses much easier and faster than through austenite. The slip bands around crack tip in the hydrogen-charged specimens were less and more discrete than that in the uncharged specimens.
關口 八重吉
vol.37, no.207, pp.444-452, 1934-07-01

溝口 孝喜
日本機械学會論文集 (ISSN:00290270)
vol.7, no.26, pp."I-1"-"I-7", 1941-03-20

第1報に於て任意の質量力の作用する場合の二次元應力問題に関する基礎微分方程式(14)′, (27)′を導出した。第2報に於ては二次元歪問題に関する基礎微分方程式(54), (55)を導出し、周囲条件に対する吟味、質量力がポテンシャルを有する特別な場合等に就て論じ、本理論が單に質量力の作用する場合のみでなく外力が平板面内に横たはる場合にはその外力は質量力と看做し二次元應力問題の一般理論が適用出来ることを述べた。本報に於ては、これ等の質量力又は外力の一般的表はし方、及び基礎微分方程式の一般的觧き方につきその方針を論じたものである。尚、式及び図の番号は第1報、第2報より引続き使用する。
曲山 幸生 工藤 成史
日本機械学會誌 (ISSN:00214728)
vol.103, no.984, pp.752-755, 2000-11-05
西田 佳史 相澤 洋志 堀 俊夫 柿倉 正義
vol.2002, 2002

日常環境において人を中心とした情報処理サービスを提供するには, 日常活動を認識することが不可欠である。日常活動を認識するアプローチとして, 従来, 環境側に埋め込まれたセンサの情報を利用して, 人の活動を推定する手法が試みられてきた。本稿では, ホッチキス, パンチといったその空間的な位置や構成要素間の状態が変わる対象物をセンサ化し(センサライゼーション), これらの対象物型センサを用いることで人の日常活動を認識するシステムを提案する。また, 対象物センサ化システムを低コストで具現化できるシステムとして, 超音波センサを対象物に1つ以上取り付け, 日常環境中の多数の対象物をセンサ化するシステムについて述べ, このシステムを用いた日常活動の認識実験について報告する。
江口 健彦 河野 敬
vol.2005, pp.190-195, 2005-03-21

That a narrow gap between a disk and a shroud reduces disk flutter amplitude is one of the most important knowledge on disk flutter of hard disk drives. This has been explained by reduction of an airflow excitation because of blockage of a vertical flow from a side of the disk to the other side. However, we found a different phenomenon in our experiments: damping ratios of the disk flutter were increased but the mode excitations were not reduced by a narrow disk-shroud gap. In the experiments, frequency spectrums of disk flutter were measured for various disk-shroud gaps. The frequency spectrum for the narrow gap showed more rounded peaks than for the wide gap, and the amplitudes of the flat area between the peaks were approximately same in the both cases. We derived its theoretical equations from energy dissipation of a flow induced by disk flutter at a disk-shroud gap, and these equations with reasonable parameters can explain the experimental results very well. So, the mechanism of the aerodynamic damping was confirmed. According to the equations, damping ratios of disk flutter due to the aerodynamic damping are inversely proportional to cube of a disk-shroud spacing normalized by an outer radius of a disk. Considering a constant damping independent on disk-shroud spacing, we can get a relationship between disk flutter amplitude and disk-shroud spacing. This relationship matches the experimental results with various disk sizes that had been reported.
寺本 憲博 石崎 晋 吉田 義樹 辻本 良信 大橋 秀雄
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.61, no.591, pp.3854-3861, 1995-11-25

A detailed study of the fluid moment on a precessing impeller shroud has been made. Experiments and calculations based on a bulk-flow model were carried out to elucidate the unsteady flow between the impeller shroud and the casing. The fluid moment was estimated from the pressure distribution on the impeller shroud in the precession motion. The results of the experiments were compared with those of the calculations. It was found that : (1) the moment largely depends on the leakage flow rate and the pressure loss at the impeller outer radius ; (2) a bulk-flow model incorporating the measured behavior of the pressure loss can simulate the complete leakage flow distribution fairly well ; (3) The fluid moment is mainly caused by the two-dimensional inviscid unsteady flow due to the precession motion.
城間 直司 石川 哲史 井上 康介 福岡 泰宏 森 善一
日本機械学會論文集. C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.76, no.763, pp.619-626, 2010-03-25

Autonomous control of an articulated steering type vehicle such as a wheel loader, which is usually used at surface mining fields to load mineral resources and rocks, is highly expected for operation cost reduction. A wheel loader is one of heavy machines which is also used for snow removing and/or loading operation at construction fields because of its high mobility. Its steering system is articulated steering and the rear wheels follow tracks where the front wheels have traveled. We have introduced a new virtual velocity constraint of the vehicle and formulated nonlinear state equations using two velocity constraints. A nonlinear state-feedback controller is designed using exact linearization. Simulation and experimental results show that an articulated steering type vehicle can follow a straight line with the proposed feedback control method.
金 由澤 田中 和博 山田 五代治 松本 洋一郎
日本機械学會論文集. B編 (ISSN:03875016)
vol.66, no.644, pp.1126-1131, 2000-04-25

It is reported recently that the pump head deterioration near the best efficiency point, from single-phase flow to the choke due to air entrainment became less in a screw-type centrifugal pump than in a general centrifugal pump. Moreover, at a narrow tip clearance, the pump head became partially higher in two-phase flow than that in single-phase flow. However, the internal pressure fluctuations on this pump due to air entrainment have not been studied yet. For that reason, we have examined the influences of void fraction, flow coefficient and impeller tip clearance on pressure fluctuations in the casing. At narrow tip clearance, the pump head increment in two-phase flow mainly depends on the pressure increasing in the volute casing. And the void fraction became larger, the influence of tip clearance on pressure distribution became less. Moreover, we have observed the internal flow patterns by using a stroboscope and a halogen sheet light. Then, we have investigated the influences of flow coefficient on air-water two-phase pump performance.