織田 竜也
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.119, pp.147-170, 2008-03

1. はじめに2. 交易港(Ports of Trade)3. 交易港としての長崎4. 交易港を認識する5. 異文化としての象6. 結語特集文化人類学の現代的課題II第1部 空間の表象投稿論文
長尾 真理
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.113, pp.131-164, 2005-03

1. はじめに2. 「対象関係論」の成立3. 「対象関係論」の特質4. ウィニコットと乳幼児の世界5. 自我の発達と母親の役割 (1) 絶対的依存段階 (2) 相対的依存段階 1) 鏡としての母親の役割 2) 移行対象の理論 (3) 人格統合の段階 1) 対象を使用する能力 2) 「一人でいられる能力」 3) 「思いやり」を持つ能力 (4) 自我の発達と母親の役割6. おわりに投稿論文
坂上 貴之
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.92, pp.p211-236, 1991-04

1. はじめに2. 対象感受行動3. コード置換行動 1) 数値処理 2) 代表値処理 3) 平滑処理 4) 単位変換処理 5) その他の数学的処理 1) 精度加工 2) 基準加工 3) 集塊加工 4) 順序加工 5) 集約加工 6) 関係加工4. 観察例5. 行動記録法6. 行動指標7. 結語文学部創設百周年記念論文集II
源河 亨
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.134, pp.89-100, 2015-03

特集 : 西脇与作君・樽井正義君退職記念寄稿論文Almost all aesthetic experiences involve perceptual experiences. For example, appreciating a picture involves seeing its colors and shapes, and appreciating a musical work involves listening to its tones and pitches. Thus, it is not surprising to believe that considerations of the nature of perceptual experience will facilitate considerations of the nature of aesthetic experience. In this study, I focus on music appreciation. I argue that the consideration of the multi-modality of perception supports not only the "thick view" on appreciation but also the formalistic distinction between "live" and "recorded" music.
佐藤 方哉
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.92, pp.p191-210, 1991-04

坂上 貴之
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.130, pp.1-40, 2013-03

特集 : 渡辺茂君・増田直衛君退職記念投稿論文Several notation systems for reinforcement schedules have beendeveloped just after the start of this research field. Some systemsprovided good tools for creating complex schedules and for educationalpurposes, and sometimes they were interpreted to some commoncomputer languages via specific invented languages. The mostsuccessful system among them was the State Notation System(SNS) developed by Snapper and his colleagues and their interpretablelanguage SKED. In this paper, I propose another notation systemfor reinforcement schedule based on these previous efforts, particularlySNS and SKED. This new system, named Reinforcementschedule notation system (RNS), is composed with two subsystems,the Structural schedule and the Constituent schedule, which are mutuallycomplimented their limited scopes. The Structural scheduleconsists of the Scenes and the Conditions which sketch the outline ofreinforcement schedules an organism faces to. On the other hand,the Constituent schedule consists of connected chains of the ScheduleElements which contains three slots of (1) the evaluation of eitherresponse or time counters, (2) the operation of environmentalchanges and system signals, and (3) the jumped addresses dependedon the result of the evaluation slot. Although RNS provides compactdescriptions for the complex structures of reinforcement contingencies and many ideas for concrete operations of reinforcement schedules,it has several weak points, such as no elegant descriptive devicesfor dealing with serial responses (e.g., double alternate learning)and complex configurations of discriminative stimuli (e.g., higherconditional discrimination). These limiations will be solved bydevelopment of frameworks for analysis of discriminative stimuli infuture.
岡田 光弘
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.100, pp.63-86, 1996-03

100集記念号1. 序論2. 明晰判明性基準による形而上学立論に対する批判3. Descartesにおける論証概念と現代論理学の演繹理論4. 論証概念の二重構造説は可能か5. Referencesと注It has often been pointed out that Descartes' metaphysical proofs (on Cogito, on the existance of God, and others) contained a circular argument or a logically problematic argument. One typical example of such a claim is the so called "Cartesian Circle". The purpose of this paper is to alalyse those metaphysical proofs of Descartes from the logical view point and to clarify some misunderstandings in the literatures of Descartes studies. For that aim we clarify his notion of "proof (or demonstration)" and the so called "rule of clearness and distinctness", from the logical point of view. In the course of our investigation, we also clarify the role of the notion of "memory" in his theory of proofs and knowledge. As a conclusion, we reach the view point that Descartes has a unique and coherent notion of proof, in contrast to some researchers' view point that he distinguishes two kinds of proofs, namely metaphysical proofs and scientific proofs.
奥村 大介
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.126, pp.1-30, 2011-03

投稿論文Dans cet article, nous voudrions tenter de faire un dessin de l'histoire de la réception de l´épistémologie française au Japon en nous appuyant en même temps sur la spécificité de la culture japonaise. Cet essai présente le résultat d'une investigation pour élucider comment Japonais ont accepté les pensées des épistemologues français et francophones, comme Gaston Bachelard, Michel Foucault, Georges Canguilhem, François Dagognet, Michel Serres, Jean Starobinski et Pierre-Maxime Schuhl. Egalement nous voudrions esquisser les portraits des philosophes et des écrivains japonais, comme Omodaka Hisayuki, Shibusawa Tatsuhiko, Sakamoto Kenzo, Kanamori Osamu etc., qui étaient tous plus ou moins influencés par les épistémologues français. Entre temps, nous avançons notre hypothèse qui affrme que nous devrions remarquer "le caractère encyclopédique" des épistémologues français, et la place prépondérante qu'ils mettent à "l'imaginaire" en général quand ils construisent leur monde dans la culture scientifique et morale. Ce faisant, nous courons un peu le risque de dire que nous finissons par préparer en un sens une sorte de marche funèbre de l´épisté ologie française ellemême, puisque nous préfé rons finalement modifier lentement l´épistémologie et l'approcher de ce que nous voudrions appeler la culturologie géenérale sur les sciences. Pygmaeos gigantum humeris impositos, plus quam ipsos gigantes videre.巨人の肩に乗れる矮人は 巨人よりもなお多くを見る (Diego Estella)
白川 琢磨
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.73, pp.p179-203, 1981-12

I. 序 : 混沌から分類へII. 日常的分類とその問題 (1) 言語と認知 (2) アプローチにおけるemicとetic (3) 構造的リアリティと心理的リアリティIII. 象徴的分類とその問題 (1) 日常的分類と象徴的分類 (2) アノマリー(Anomaly)とその属性IV. 結In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Classification among various scholars connected with cultural and social anthropology. It can be said that Classification is a key concept as an explanatory principle and a methodological device for understanding other cultures. On the other hand, however, there is considerable discrepancy in the usage of that concept, resulting in disagreement and controversy between different schools. Ethnoscience (in U.S.A) and Symbolic Classification (in Europe), discussed in this paper, are two main schools that have had no contact with each another so far. Ethnoscience, including Ethnosemantics, New Ethnography and Cognitive Anthropology, etc., has concentrated on practical, everyday classification, and developed a formal analysis which was rigid and detailed. On the other hand, Symbolic Classification has, as its name suggests, emphasis on symbolic aspects of classification, and produced many penetrating analyses that were based on "thick description" (after C. Geertz). But, paradoxically speaking, it can be pointed out that "those that have been sociologically sophisticated have often been technically and empirically weak, and those that have been technically and linguistically rigorous have frequently been sociologically naive", as R. Ellen wrote. Certainly, each field has many unique problems, but some problems should be dealt with in common. The purpose of this paper is to examine some existing problems in each field, in the hope of working towards a general theory of Classification.
有働 勤吉
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.35, pp.163-183, 1958-11

I 哲学,慶応義塾創立百年記念論文集すでにカエタヌスが正当にも指摘した様に、類比analogiaの問題は主題的にいって捉えにくいものであるがさりとて類比に対する無知乃至無視は我々の哲学的研究を決して形而上学的水平にまで齎らさない様に思われる。蓋し、形而上学の対象である「存在である限りの存在」は真実に類比的だからである。私がこの小論文の標題として掲げた「不等性の類比」anologia inaequalitatisなる表現はその出典を辿ってゆくと、アリストテレス・トマス的伝統に於いて認容されてきた類比の三型態を体系的に展開させたと目されるカエタヌスの「名辞の類比について」De Nominum Analogiaにまで歴史的に遡ることができる。ところで類比の三つの様式、即ち「不等性の類比」analogia inaequalitatis、「比例乃至帰属の類比」analogia proportionis seu attributionis、「比例性の類比」analogia proportionalitatisのうち、第三の様式である「比例性の類比」が真正の形而上学的類比であることは今日大方のスコラ学者の一致した見解である。しかし第一の様式の類比、即ち「不等性の類比」が真正の形而上学的類比ではないにしても、それが如何なる類比であるのか、また「比例性の類比」に対してどのような位置を占めるか、については従来必ずしも詳かであったとは云い得ない。換言すれば、「不等性の類比」が類比という語の真義から云って類比とは似而非なるものであるのか、或いは不完全ではあるがしかし真の類比であるのか、に関しては尚多くの論議が存する。そこで以下カエタヌスの「不等性の類比」についての論述を手懸りとして、この型の類比の本質とその「比例性の類比」に対する位置如何の問題を考察してゆこうと思う。An expression "analogy of inequality," analogia inaequalitatis, historically owes its denomination to Cajetan, who made a contribution to systematic development of a doctorin of analogy on the basis of Aristotelian-thomistic tradition, mentioning that an understanding of the doctorin is necessarily required in studies of metaphysics. Cajetan describes the nature of this analogy as following; things are said to be analogous by analogy of inequality when they have a common name, and the ratio indicated by the name is entirely the same, but unequally participated. It is clearly evident from the above mentioned that, for Cajetan, analogy of inequality consists in the unequal participation in the generic ratio, whereas Thomas Aguinas himself regards this type of analogy as one secundum esse tantum. Hence their disagreements as to the account for this analogy should not be only with a matter of terminology but of the very doctorin. Indeed, it is solely on the one hand, because of neglecting the distinction made by Thomas between genus logicum and genus naturale, because of missing the vital meaning of esse in Thomas' text on the other hand, that Cajetan considers this type of analogy to be entirely foreign to the nature of a true analogy. In this paper, contrary to Cajetan's exposition of this analogy, we attempt to clarify the reason why analogia secundum esse tantum can possibly be a true analogy and at the same time, must be analogy of genus naturale, that is to say, analogy of natural philosophy or physics, through an analysis of the meaning of esse in Thomas.

1 0 0 0 IR 守屋さんと私

渋井 清
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
no.53, pp.369-379, 1968-09

平井 一麥
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.112, pp.187-269, 2004-03

鈴木 正崇
哲學 = Philosophy (ISSN:05632099)
vol.147, pp.103-133, 2021-03

This paper analyses crucial issues related to the sumō tournaments and the exclusion of women. This issue is reified by the sumō ring (dohyō土俵), which corresponds to a sacred place where various deities are enshrined and women are not allowed to climb up even during the awards ceremony at the end of the tournaments. There are three different types of ceremonial stages which are performed on the sumō ring: the dohyō ritual for inviting deities, the sports award ceremony for designating the winning wrestler, and the Prime Minister's Award to the winner. Although these procedures are already the result of a combination of pre-modern rituals, modern style ceremonies, and contemporary events. The Sumō Society do not approve the presence of women on the ring and their participation to the ceremony advancing reasons based on an alleged respect of "tradition" (dentō伝統). However, this type of "tradition" has been formed as a counter-discourse to modern society while requestioning what modernity is. The "sumō exclusion of women" (相撲の女人禁制) has been arbitrarily interpreted and criticized on the base of inaccurate historical perceptions. If we reexamine the historical background and introduce the perspective of "invention of tradition," it is possible to push the Sumo Society toward a revision of its positions. If not, the feminist groups that fight for gender equality will change their position due to the problematic Prime Minister's Award. The present "tradition" has been actually introduced as a new event after 1968. Such a "tradition" has been subtly changed and continuously reconstructed for hosting newly created parts. In conclusion, the "sumō exclusion of women" should be interpreted as a discourse and practice, which are generated in the process of reconstructing "tradition".投稿論文
山下 智弘
哲學 = Philosophy (ISSN:05632099)
vol.145, pp.71-101, 2020-03

Es ist eine weit verbreitete Vorstellung, dass die Logik eine Wissenschaft des deduktiv-formalen Kalküls ist. Überdies ist zur Selbstverständlichkeit geworden, die Logik als eine bloße Analyse des Denkens zu betrachten und sie von der Wissenschaft des Seins zu trennen, um danach vielleicht über das Verhältnis zwischen Logik und Metaphysik zu räsonieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine ganz andere Auffassung der Logik dar, d. h. die, welche einst in der Tradition des deutschen Idealismus beherrschend war und heute wieder lebendig ist. Man kann diese Auffassung als metaphysiche Logik bezeichnen. Sie kennzeichnen zwei Einsichten. Einmal sind nach der metaphysischen Logik die Metaphysik als Wissenschaft des Seins überhaupt und die Logik als Wissenschaft des Denkens überhaupt begrifflich identisch. Zum anderen ist von der metaphysisch-logischen Sichtweise aus das Einheitsprinzip von den logischen Formen nicht die Ordnung des deduktiv-formalen Schlusses. Durch die Erläuterung dieser zwei Einsichten erhellt diese Arbeit den Begriff der metaphysischen Logik Im ersten Abschnitt wird die erste Idee erläutert, im zweiten die zweite. Dazu stützt sich die Arbeit hauptsächlich auf die Gedanken von Sebastian Rödl.投稿論文
Muller Hans-Rudiger 真壁 宏幹 渡邊 福太郎
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.120, pp.145-170, 2008-03

本論文は,2006年3月,学術振興会外国人招へい研究者として来日され,3月8日,文学部教育学専攻と三田哲学会の共催のもと三田で行われたハンス-リューディガー・ミュラ_(Hans-Rudiger Muller)教授の講演原稿(Kunstliche Natur. Bildungsanthropologische Aspekte bei Schiller und Plessner)を訳出したものである.ミュラー教授は1952年ドイッに生まれ,ゲッティンゲン大学のクラウス・モレンハウアー教授の下でPh.D.(1990年)および教授資格(1996年)を取得,現在はオスナブリュック大学教育文化科学部の教授である.専門は,18,19世紀の教育思想,人間形成論(ヘルダー研究を中心に)や自伝研究に基づく教育史研究だが,最近では,とくに自伝を資料としながら家族における文化伝達の問題に取り組んでいる.しかし,その関心の中心は,あくまでも広い意味での美的実践と人間形成の関係に関する理論的考察であり,身体や感覚現象と自己の関係に関する文化分析である.本論文では,18世紀後半の美的人間形成論の鳴矢となったシラー『人間の美的教育について』と,20世紀のはじめに独特な感性論・身体論をもとに哲学的人間学を展開したプレスナーの人間形成論が比較されている.自然(身体)と理性のあいだに開いた近代的分裂を和解する可能性を「美的なもの」にみるシラーと,このような理想なきあと,たえず「脱中心化」を繰り返していくところに人間の本性と可能性をみるプレスナーのあいだに,近代における美的(感性的)人間形成論の連続性と非連続性をみようとしたのがこの論文である.最後に,ミュラー教授の代表的著作(編著,共著を含む)を挙げておこう.Klaus Mollenhauer (unter Mitarbeit von Cornelie Dietrich, Hans-Rudiger Muller und Michael Parmentier), Grund-fragen asthetischer Bildung. Theoretische und empirische Befunde zur asthetischen Erfahrung von Kindern, Munchen: Juventa 1996(クラウス・モレンハウアー『子どもは美をどのように経験するか』真壁/今井/野平訳,玉川大学出版部,2001年).Hans-Rudiger Muller, Asthesiologie der Bildung. Bildungstheoretische Ruckblicke auf die Anthropologie der Sinne im 18. Jahrhundert, Wurzburg: Konigshausen und Neumann 1998. Dietrich Cornelie/Hans-Rudiger Muller (Hrsg.), Bildung und Emanzipation. Klaus Mollenhauer weiterdenken, Weinheim und Munchen: Juventa, 2000. Hans-Rudiger Muller, Reflektierte Leiblichkeit. Zum Leibbezug bildender Kulturerfahrungen in Autobiographien um 1800, in: J. Bilstein/K. Bering/H. P. Thurn (Hrsg.), Kultur-Kompetenz. Aspekte der Theorie. Probleme der Praxis, Ober-hausen: Athena 2003, S. 95-113.1. シラーにおける技巧的自然 : 教育的作用を伴う超越論的理念としての美2. プレスナーにおける技巧的自然 : 人間存在の可能条件としての媒介された直接性と自然的技巧性3. 役者4. 結論 : 人間形成論的まとめ講演
古賀 聖人
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.134, pp.101-132, 2015-03

特集 : 西脇与作君・樽井正義君退職記念寄稿論文
山岸 健
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.97, pp.p89-120, 1994-07

In a sense landscape is a proper spectacle of outer world, but it is also a state of mind. We are always involved in landscape-world as well as social world. All people are living in the midst of various landscape-world. Provence in southern France is not only a proper geographical space but also a unique cosmos which is ordered by several rivers, mountains, hills, fields, and la mer Mediterranee. Provence may be called as a unique historical cultural social world and also as a local landscape-world. We can understand Provence as a stage of people's life-long experiences or a everyday life-world. I think identity is in our everyday world-experiences: social experiences, spiritual experiences, and landscape-experiences. Although we can experience some aspects of Provence in every places or corners of this country, also we can find several proper aspects or phases of this Provence in many paintings or works by Cezanne or van Gogh. Provence may be in poems by Rene Char or phrases by Alphonse Daudet. Plaine de la Camargue is in a novel titled Malicroix written by Henri Bosco. Provence may emerge in various perspectives and lived experiences of people or travellers.
宮家 準
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.48, pp.47-70, 1966-03

序1. 験術の現状2. 験術の次第3. 験術のメカニズム4. 験術に見られる世界観結

1 0 0 0 IR 経塚論

保坂 三郎
哲学 (ISSN:05632099)
no.53, pp.83-105, 1968-09
