石見 清裕
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.91, no.10, pp.1586-1609,1646-, 1982-10-20 (Released:2017-11-29)

Raising an army and founding T'ang Dynasty by Li Yuan (李淵) have been understood from the viewpoint of the group of Kuan-lung (関隴) rulers since Hsi-wei (西魏) period, through the analysis of the leading members of Li Yuan group by now. However, I should like to pay attention to the Pi-yeh-t'ou of Hsiung-nu in Ordus for the following reasons. (1)Preceeding the raise of his army, Li Yuan appointed his three sons as feudal lords of the far wesl lands, they are Lung-hsi (隴西), Tun-huang (敦煌), and Ku-tsang (姑臧). Soon after he entered Ch'ang-an (長安), he drew back these appointments, So these seemed to have been his strategic preparations to aim Ch'ang-an from Tai-yuan (太原). The clue to understand this relationship between Li Yuan and these three lands, is found in the genealogy of Tou (竇), Li Yuan's empress reported in "Genealogical Tree of Prime Ministers (宰相世系表)" in "Hsin T'anbg-shu (新唐書)". (2)Tou's original family name was He-tou-ling (〓豆陵), in "Genealogical Tree". This Tou was connected with famous Tou family in Han (漢) period, accordig to the legend of the founder of the T'o-pa tribe (拓抜部) known in the preface to "Wei-shu (魏書)". At this occasion, they invented the story that the father of Tou family of Han period came from the land of Lung-hsi, Tun-huang and Ku-tsang. As a result, we can assume the intervention by He-tou-ling family behind Li Yuan's feudal appointments of his three sons in these lands. (3)He-tou-ling family originated from the Pi-yeh-t'ou tribe of Hsiungnu and belonged to He-lien Hsia Dynasty (赫連夏国) originally. They lived nomadic life in the province of Pei-he (北河) even after the downfall of Hsia (夏) Dynasty and possessed enough power to revolt against Pei-wei (北魏) in the reign of Emperor Hsiao-wen (孝文). As the influence of Pei-wei decreased after the disturbance of Liu-chen (六鎮之乱), they spread widely over Ordus and He-hsi-t'ung-lang (河西通廊). Because of their great power, Kao Huan (高歓) and Yu-wen T'ai (宇文泰) even quarrelled over Pi-yeh-t'ou in the province of Ordus. (4)In the meantime, it is evident from many examples that the strategic point of North China in order to take possession of Ch'ang-an lies in Tai-yuan and Ling-chou (霊州). Therefore, Li Yuan obtained Ling-chou under control through the alliance with the Pi-yeh-t'ou, and He-hsi (河西) route by feudal appointments of his three sons in Lung-hsi, Tun-huang and Ku-tsang. He also controled Turk (突厥), the menacing power in the north, and Hsueh Chu (薛拳), the most powerful warlord in the west, and managed to build up a scheme to enter Ch'ang-an. During T'an period, Tou family's fame had no equal, because they had not only a genealogical relation to Kao-Tsu (高祖), but also they played important parts to found the dynasty. In the result of this discusson, it can be said that Hsiung-nu did not disappear simply after the downfall of He-lien Hsia Dynasty (赫連氏夏国) in the history, but they actually parti cipated in founding T'an Dynasty.
市川 周佑
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.130, no.9, pp.1-37, 2021 (Released:2022-09-20)

本稿の目的は、「大学の運営に関する臨時措置法」の成立過程を明らかにすることである。政府は、日本全国に波及した大学紛争に対応するため、1969年に臨時措置法を制定した。 第1章では、1968年までの政府と自民党の大学紛争対応を分析した。自民党では、教育制度改革の必要性を主張する坂田道太が党の文教政策を主導した。そして、1968年11月30日、佐藤栄作総理大臣は、内閣改造を行い、坂田を文部大臣とし、保利茂建設大臣を官房長官とした。 第2章では、1969年以降の自民党の動向を検討した。東京大学での紛争の激化や、岡山大学で警官が殉職するなど、大学紛争が激化した。自民党内では、日米安全保障条約改定の観点から大学紛争を捉えるようになり、政府に強硬な対応を強く求めた。 第3章では、政府の法案作成過程を検討した。政府内では、保利官房長官と文部省が法案作成を行った。保利は沖縄返還実現のため早期の紛争沈静化が必要と認識し、文部省とともに最小限度の立法化を目指した。しかし、短期的に法案が作成されたため、法案には多くの不備があり、治安的側面が存在した。このような問題点は内閣法制局の審査によって改められた。 第4章では、国会審議過程を検討した。法案作成過程では、自民党の要求が排除され、自民党は政府案を強く非難した。そのため、学生処分を法案に挿入することで政府と自民党は一致した。しかし、野党の反対が強く十分な審議時間を確保できず、修正は断念された。そして、審議が参議院に移ると、重宗雄三参議院議長が強行採決に難色を示したが、佐藤は岸信介などに説得を依頼し、参院での強行採決を実現させた。 政府と与党間には、教育政策と外交政策をめぐり意見の相違が存在し、これが両者の対立の要因となった。このような対立により、法案は大きく姿を変えていった。また、政府内では、保利官房長官が大学紛争対策を主導した。
田熊 敬之
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.129, no.7, pp.1-36, 2020 (Released:2021-09-09)

「恩倖(おんこう)」は皇帝の寵愛、またはそれを受けた者を意味する。中国の正史に歴代立てられた恩倖伝のなかでも、特に『北斉書(ほくせいしょ)』恩倖伝は、北族武人や西域胡人等を含むという民族的な多様性によって注目されてきた。本稿では、北斉「恩倖」が隋代以後の中央集権に繫がるという問題意識のもと、その代表的な人物である和士開(わしかい)の墓誌、及びその父である和安(わあん)の碑文を用いて、恩倖がどのように皇帝・権力者と結びついたのかを検討した。 まずは『北斉書』恩倖伝にいう「恩倖」とは何かを、序文や「和安碑」から分析した。その結果、北斉「恩倖」の焦点は皇帝や権力者に突如接近し、朝政に関与した人々にあったことを指摘した。次に、そうした中央権力との関係を支えた要因として、「和安碑」「和士開墓誌」にある「嘗食典御(しょうしょくてんぎょ)」「主衣都統(しゅいととう)」という官職に注目した。両官の職責は基本的に皇帝の御膳・御服を掌ることであったが、同時にその就官者は北朝期の政変や監察、執政の補佐に深く関与した。本稿では両官を「君主家政官(くんしゅかせいかん)」と名づけ、それを遊牧的な制度の影響を受けたと同時に、北魏(ほくぎ)末以後の二重権力状態を背景に出現してきた北朝独特の官職群であると定義づけた。君主家政官は当時の官制系統のなかで柔軟に運用され、胡漢の様々な階層へと浸透・拡大していくことで、出自を問わない人材が皇帝や権力者の周辺に集められたのである。最後に、君主家政官が漢人士族まで広がっていった背景には、北斉における門閥(もんばつ)的な体制そのものの変化・動揺があったことを述べた。 「恩倖化」の影響が北斉社会の広範に及ぶにつれて、貴族勢力の地方僚属に対する辟召権(へきしょうけん)が失われていき、隋(ずい)の開皇(かいこう)年間における郷官(きょうかん)廃止及び科挙(かきょ)制定の伏流となった。北斉「恩倖」の出現は、旧来の門閥制度に対する否定・社会階層の流動という趨勢の先駆的な動きであり、それはまさしく隋代以後の中央集権へと繫がっていったのである。
仲田 公輔
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.125, no.7, pp.40-63, 2016 (Released:2018-10-10)

ビザンツ皇帝レオン6世(在位886-912)は、帝国東方のアルメニア人有力者に対して交渉を持ち、彼らを利用して新たな軍管区の設置も行ったとされる。この政策はJenkinsらの従来の研究においては、9-10世紀にかけてのビザンツ帝国の積極的東方進出政策の文脈に位置づけられ、後の大規模な拡大の土台だと解釈されてきた。しかし本稿は、近年のHolmesやShepardが10世紀以降の「再征服」本格化の時期について行った、ビザンツ帝国の東方に対する一貫した戦略の想定を見直す研究に鑑み、その始点とされるレオン6世の政策の意義についても再考を試みる。その際に、従来は十分に議論されてこなかったアルメニア人勢力側の主体性にも着目し、彼らの動向のビザンツの政策への影響についても考察することで、新たに境域での両者の双方向的な関係性の実態の一端を明らかにすることを目指す。 そのため本稿では第一に、イスラーム勢力の動向や、アルメニア人有力者間の関係も視野に入れ、レオン6世期のアルメニアの状況・政治構造について整理して考察し、その中でのアルメニアの諸勢力の動向とその背景について議論する。その過程で、アルメニア人勢力側にも主体的にビザンツに働きかけうる状況が存在することも確認できる。第二に編纂物を中心とするギリシア語史料に目を向け、ビザンツ帝国がそのようなアルメニアをどのように位置づけていたのかを再検討する。そして最後にそれらを踏まえた上で、レオン6世期のアルメニア境域政策の個別事例の詳細について再検討し、ビザンツ=アルメニア境域における政治秩序の再編の実態を明らかにする。 こうした考察を経ることで、レオン6世の政策からは、ビザンツ帝国側が一貫して主導権を握っていたわけではなく、アルメニアの諸勢力が彼らの側の事情に基づいて帝国側に対して行う様々な働きかけを行い、それに対する反応として帝国側が対策措置を講じていくという、相互交渉の実態が明らかになるのである。
吉井 文美
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.122, no.7, pp.1183-1217, 2013-07-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

This article discusses shifts in the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs' understanding regarding the Open Door Principle following the establishment of Manchukuo, as exemplified by the issue of "treaty rights" claimed by foreign countries. Immediately following the establishment of Manchukuo, although both the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Manchukuo government emphasized that 1) the legal order previously established by the Republic of China would be preserved and 2) the new state would respect the Open Door Principle, in actuality economic regulation, not in line with Open Door were put firmly in place. Since the world powers continued to demand that it support Open Door, forcing Japan to take nominal steps to demonstrate its respect for international law, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs set itself to the task of bridging the gap between what had been put in place in the governance mechanism Japan had created for Manchukuo and the actual fluidity of the situation there. The author then proceeds to an analysis of the specific case of the negotiations between Japan and world powers that arose over the regulation of Manchukuo's oil and tobacco industries. Both Great Britain, which was the holder of huge interests from central China southward and had instituted a boycott of Japanese goods throughout its commonwealth, and the United States, which was the original supporter of the Open Door Principle and left the decision of whether to do business in the region up to individual enterprises, did react to the "treaty rights" issue as an invasion of their Manchurian interests, but did not go as far as taking a decisive stance on the matter. The Japanese Foreign Ministry responded to the "treaty rights" issue by revising its interpretation of the Open Door Principle itself. However, in the process, a state of affairs was created making it difficult for Japan to pursue its campaign for the international recognition of Manchukuo. Ultimately, the Foreign Ministry ended up announcing the "natural death" of the Nine-Power Treaty and proposing a new international order. Under the conditions of its escalation of military action without a declaration of war and its assumption of governance over the territory it had so occupied, it is ironic that Japan would be put in a position of having to show such high respect for the "treaty rights" of foreigners in China.
関口 哲矢
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.126, no.3, pp.67-92, 2017

井上 敬介
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.117, no.6, pp.1122-1143, 2008-06-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

The objective of the present article is to investigate the activities of the (Rikken-) Minsei Party (1927-1940) under Japan's national consensus governments of the 1930s, especially its extreme opposition to the claim that the will of the people was being usurped, leading to its refusal to form a government. To begin with, the author examines the process by which the Party decided upon a national consensus platform under the leadership of Wakatsuki Reijiro 若槻礼次郎. The Party's two main factions, led by Wakatsuki and Kawasaki Takukichi 川崎卓吉, respectively, reacted violently to the claim that that they had usurped the will of the people and chose to abandon any effort to form a partisan government. This claim came from the movement to reduce the sentences of the conspirators involved in the 15 May 1932 assassination of Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi by a group of young naval officers, which held the Minsei Party responsible for the London Arms Limitations Treaty of 1930. On the other hand, the opposition faction formed within the Party by Ugaki Kazushige 宇垣一成 and Tomita Kojiro 富田幸次郎 took charge of movements to activate the party politics within the Diet and promote cooperation between the public and private sectors in attempts to find a way to form a Minsei Party government. Then the discussion turns to the efforts by Ugaki to form a new party from within after Wakatsuki stepped down in August 1934, followed by a wavering in the Party's national consensus line, and finally the establishment of such a platform under the leadership of Machida Chuji 町田忠治. The new party movement ended in failure after Ugaki's refusal to stand for party chairman, resulting in the election of Machida. Then leadership of the public-private sector cooperation movement was assumed by Kawasaki, while Tomita abandoned efforts to form a government. The 19^<th> party elections of 1936 pitted Tomita's call for partisan politics against Machida and Kawasaki's appeal for national consensus, as the Machida-Kawasaki line emerged victorious, from which time on, the Minsei Party made no further effort to form a partisan government in the world of Japanese politics following the 26 February 1936 coup d'etat attempt.
森田 直子
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.125, no.3, pp.39-57, 2016 (Released:2018-10-05)
真辺 将之
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.114, no.1, pp.69-94, 2005

This paper considers the continuity and change in the consciousness of member of the former samurai class (shizoku), in Meiji era. The consciousness of "shizoku" which, was closely related to the feudal territory (han), to which they belonged once. The consciousness and cohesion which shizoku built up in the Meiji era was based on their experience as hanshi during the last days of the Tokugawa Bakufu. However, their former consciousness did not necessarily continue completely in tact, but grew into the cause for them to support the concept of people's rights. The former consciousness became connected with nationalism; that is, feudal consciousness formed the mentality for acquiring modern consciousness. In addition, shizoku did not necessarily act together, as upper level vassals and ordinary vassals were often opposed to each other, due to different economic relations to their former feudal lord after the Meiji Restoration. However, their consciousness, and cohesion was originated from their experience as hanshi. The conventional research on shizoku has only clarified its social stratification, but there is also a necessity to examine the aspect of consciousness. Moreover, when considering "continuation" and "rupture" during the Meiji Restoration, such research provides interesting and suggestive insights.
片山 共夫
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.89, no.12, pp.1775-1811,1893-, 1980

The Keshik (Kesig) was a group of people which came to have an important relationship with the system of administration after Qubilai Qa'an started to rule over China. Hitherto it has been explained as a reserve corps of high-class government officials. This study is an attempt to clarify the circumstances and conditions of appointments of Keshikten (=pl. 怯薛丹) to government offices. The results can be summarized as follows. The appointment of a Keshiktei (=sing. 怯薛歹) to a government office took the form of Jang Shih (任使) which was different from the ordinary method of appointment. The relationship between the Qa'an and a Keshiktei was based on the lord-vassal relationship and not on the ordinary relationship between the sovereign and an official. When the need arose to organize Keshikten into the traditional Chinese system of administration, the duality of the system of Keshik and the traditional Chinese system of administration and the possible conflict between them were avoided by appointing the Keshikten to one of the Qa'an's Household offices. Moreover, the lord-vassal relationship between the Qa'an and the Keshikten was preferred to that between the sovereign and an ordinary official. Thus the Keshikten recommended by the chief (Kesigud-un Otokus 怯薛長) and subleaders (Kesik-un-Nojad 怯薛官) of the Keshik was commissioned directly by the Qa'an. It was called Belge Appointment (別里哥選) and the Chung-shu-sheng (中書省), the government department that controlled the general system of administration, had nothing to do with it. The rank to which a Keshiktei was appointed varied according to the Qa'an's favour, the man's position in the Keshik, his family origin and his calibre. Their ranks ranged from the first original rank (正一品) to the ninth original rank (正九品). The chief of the Keshik was appointed especially to higher ranks, i.e., the third original rank (正九品) and above. The subleaders of the Keshik were appointed to the fifth subordinate rank (従五品) and above. The Keshikten who were sons of men who had rendered distinguished services and were appointed to the offices in the Keshik called Boghorci (寳兒赤), Bichikchi (必闍赤), Sughurci (速古兒赤), etc., were appointed to the seventh subordinate rank (従七品) and above. Besides there were Keshikten who were appointed only to the lower ranks and could be promoted only to the fifth subordinate rank (従七品) at most. Above all the fact that the average Keshikten was appointed to the seventh subordinate rank (従七品) at the lowest corresponded to the fact that the People of Kitai (漢人) and the Manzi (南人) who mainly took up appointments as clerical officials (吏員) and school officials (学校官) were promoted only to the sixth or seventh rank (六・七品) at most. This was a manifestation of racist policy of the Mongol rulers. The Keshikten were appointed to a wide variety of offices at the start of their official career and held successively various other higher offices : the chief and vice ministers of the Chung-shu-sheng (中書省), the Shu-mi-yuan (枢密院) and the Yu-shih-t'ai (御史台) which were the three most important government departments, the Hsuan-hui-yuan (宣徽院), the Chung-sheng-yuan (中政院) and other similar Household departments, the T'a-tsung-cheng-fu (大宗正府), the Han-lin-yuan (翰林院) and other similar government departments that held the first subordinate rank (従一品), and major positions in the local administration. It will be observed that the Qa'an of the Yuan Dynasty intended to keep a firm hold on the whole system of administration and to rule the Chinese people by appointing the Keshikten to important offices of government both central and local.
金子 龍司
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.125, no.12, pp.25-46, 2016
