松田 睦彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.199, pp.11-24, 2015-12-25

高橋 一樹
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.75-92, 2003-10-31

中林 隆之
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.194, pp.147-169, 2015-03-31

安里 進
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.179, pp.391-423, 2013-11

20世紀後半の考古学は,7・8世紀頃の琉球列島社会を,東アジアの国家形成からとり残された,採取経済段階の停滞的な原始社会としてとらえてきた。文献研究からは,1980年代後半から,南島社会を発達した階層社会とみる議論が提起されてきたが,考古学では,階層社会の形成を模索しながらも考古学的確証が得られない状況がつづいてきた。このような状況が,1990年代末~2000年代初期における,「ヤコウガイ大量出土遺跡」の「発見」,初期琉球王陵・浦添ようどれの発掘調査,喜界島城久遺跡群の発掘調査などを契機に大きく変化してきた。7・8世紀の琉球社会像の見直しや,グスク時代の開始と琉球王国の形成をめぐる議論が沸騰している。本稿では,7~12世紀の琉球列島社会像の見直しをめぐる議論のなかから,①「ヤコウガイ大量出土遺跡」概念,②奄美諸島階層社会論,③城久遺跡群とグスク文化・グスク時代人形成の問題をとりあげて検討する。そして,流動的な状況にあるこの時期をめぐる研究の可能性を広げるために,ひとつの仮説を提示する。城久遺跡群を中心とした喜界島で9~12世紀にかけて,グスク時代的な農耕技術やグスク時代人の祖型も含めた「グスク文化の原型」が形成され,そして,グスク時代的農耕の展開による人口増大で島の人口圧が高まり,11~12世紀に琉球列島への移住がはじまることでグスク時代が幕開けしたのではないかという仮説である。Archaeology in the late 20th century had considered the society of the Ryukyu Islands in the 7th and 8th centuries to be stagnant and primitive with a hunter-gatherer economy; a society left behind by the new state formations in East Asia. Since the mid-1980s, the study of bibliographical sources has given rise to an alternative view of the Southern Islands as having an advanced hierarchical society; however, until the late 1990s to the early 2000s archaeological evidence to confirm this hypothesis had not been found. The situation changed significantly with the "discovery" of several sites with massive quantities of turban shells, and the finds of archaeological digs at the early Ryukyu Royal Mausoleum Urasoe Yodore, and at the Gusuku sites on Kikai Island. The examination of Ryuku society in the 7th and 8th centuries, and the start of the Gusuku Era, and the formation of the Ryuku Kingdom is giving rise to heated debate. From among the contending arguments concerning the social image of the Ryuku Islands in the 7th to 12th centuries, this paper considers the following three issues: 1) explanations of sites with massive quantities of turban shells; 2) a theory of hierarchical society in the Amami Islands; and 3) Gusuku sites and the formation of the Gusuku culture and people. To broaden the possibility of the research on this unclear period, the paper also presents a hypothesis: centering on the Gusuku sites of the Kikai Island, where between the 9th and 12th centuries a "prototype of Gusuku society and culture" including farming techniques typical of the Gusuku Era was established; increasing population pressure due to the development of typical Gusuku farming led to a migration to the Ryukyu Islands throughout the 11th and 12th centuries, and the consequent ushering in of the Gusuku Era.
藤井 隆至
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.31, pp.p45-71, 1991-03

This research is concerned with Kunio Yanagita in his infancy and childhood as a key to understand his critical mind that queried 'Why are the peasants so poor?' which is said to have motivated him to found Japanese folklore later.Yanagita spent his infancy and childhood in Tsujikawa-mura, Kanzaki-gun in Hyogo Prefecture. What bearing did the days in Tsujikawa have on him in forming his later ideas?Bunzo Hashikawa, as one of the attempts to identify the type of bearing, focus in his research on Yanagita's particular "experience" he had in his infancy and childhood. Hashikawa asserts that Yanagita's unusual "experience" had a significant meaning on the formation of Yanagia's folkloristic inclination.Different from the standpoint taken by Hashikawa, this research takes the standpoint of Yanagita's "routine life" in his infancy and childhood as more significant for molding his patterns of thought, and thus focus on the economic aspect of his household.Analysis was first made on his father's professional life, revealing that it was his father's main concern that he should maintain the "survival of his family" on his meager income from his occasional jobs as a temporarily-employed school teacher. Investigation then was made on the life of Yanagita's elder brother, whose main concern was the "rebuilding of his family." He had first served as a local school principal but, because of the income problem, later became a doctor and finally spent his later years on education of his brothers.Final analysis was made on Yanagita's position as a "marginal man"; he was the second son but also acted like the first son in the poor household for which his brother had to work early, and he was a descendant of a farming family but was not a farmer himself in the farming village. His unique position enabled him to observe the problems of the household and the village from an objective point of view.As a conclusion, the results of research point out that Yanagita was in a position to seriously observe the poverty problems of the household as well as the village, causing him in his later years to take on the cause of poverty as his lifelong subject of research.
藤井 隆至
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.31, pp.45-71, 1991-03-30

This research is concerned with Kunio Yanagita in his infancy and childhood as a key to understand his critical mind that queried ‘Why are the peasants so poor?’ which is said to have motivated him to found Japanese folklore later.Yanagita spent his infancy and childhood in Tsujikawa-mura, Kanzaki-gun in Hyogo Prefecture. What bearing did the days in Tsujikawa have on him in forming his later ideas?Bunzo Hashikawa, as one of the attempts to identify the type of bearing, focus in his research on Yanagita's particular “experience” he had in his infancy and childhood. Hashikawa asserts that Yanagita's unusual “experience” had a significant meaning on the formation of Yanagia's folkloristic inclination.Different from the standpoint taken by Hashikawa, this research takes the standpoint of Yanagita's “routine life” in his infancy and childhood as more significant for molding his patterns of thought, and thus focus on the economic aspect of his household.Analysis was first made on his father's professional life, revealing that it was his father's main concern that he should maintain the “survival of his family” on his meager income from his occasional jobs as a temporarily-employed school teacher. Investigation then was made on the life of Yanagita's elder brother, whose main concern was the “rebuilding of his family.” He had first served as a local school principal but, because of the income problem, later became a doctor and finally spent his later years on education of his brothers.Final analysis was made on Yanagita's position as a “marginal man”; he was the second son but also acted like the first son in the poor household for which his brother had to work early, and he was a descendant of a farming family but was not a farmer himself in the farming village. His unique position enabled him to observe the problems of the household and the village from an objective point of view.As a conclusion, the results of research point out that Yanagita was in a position to seriously observe the poverty problems of the household as well as the village, causing him in his later years to take on the cause of poverty as his lifelong subject of research.
日高 薫 荒川 正明 山崎 剛 澤田 和人 坂本 満 櫻庭 美咲 吉田 雅子

ジャポニスム(19 世紀末)以前の西洋における日本文化受容を、漆器・磁器・染織品などの交易品を中心にとらえるとともに、西洋において「シノワズリ」と呼ばれる東洋趣味を総合的に把握し、その中における日本の役割について考察した。従来、分野ごとに個別におこなわれてきた日本コレクションの調査を合同で実施することにより、当地における研究に寄与することができた。また、漆の間・磁器の間の実地調査を通じて、オランダに始まった東洋趣味の室内装飾の伝統が、王族の姻戚関係を通じてドイツとイギリスに伝わったのちに、その他の国へ広まっていく経緯を確認することができた。
住吉 朋彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.186, pp.31-81, 2014-03-26

満薗 勇
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.197, pp.193-219, 2016-02-29

高橋 敏
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.109, pp.1-20, 2004-03

人々は生命の危機に曝らされ、生活共同体の存亡の局面に立たされたときどのような行動に走るのであろうか。もとより、本来生命を保護し、共同体を行政の一環として支配する体制が人々の不安を解消し得ない非日常の時空においてである。本稿は安政五年(一八五八)突如人々を襲ったコレラの脅威に人々がどのように立ち向かったのか、いやいかにしてこの災厄から逃れようとしたのかを、克明に実証しようとしたものである。安政五年は黒船という「異」の襲来と嘉永末年から安政初年にかけて連続して天地を揺がし、地を震わせた大地震・大津波の恐怖の未だ覚めやらぬ時であった。そこにコレラが襲いかかった。即死病といわれ次々と感染しては大量死に至る惨状は医療行為によって対応することは困難となり、ありとあらゆる神・仏、流行神、呪術を動員して、これに当たることとなった。本稿は、人々の動向を駿河国駿東郡下香貫村(現沼津市下香貫)と深良村(現裾野市深良)で検証する。この二つの事例を取り上げたのはもちろん動向を記録した史料に恵まれたこともあるが、共通して京都吉田大元宮の勧請によってコレラの災厄を除こうしたことに注目したからである。何故に吉田神社の勧請に走ったのか。村共同体の意志決定の過程、吉田神社の神道支配の流れに着目しつつ、コレラの非日常の時空に置かれた人々の不安とそれに立ち向かう人々のエネルギーを掘り起こしたい。吉田神社の勧請は京都往復の路銀はもちろん祈祷料、鎮札などの宗教儀礼に金がかかる。下香貫村、深良村両村とも莫大な金銭の喜捨を村人に求め、最高級の七両二分の祈祷(小箱)をお願いし、帰村後は吉田宮まで造営し、コレラはじめ災厄除けの宮を勧請している。What sort of behavior do people exhibit when their lives are at risk and the survival of their community is at stake? Of course, systems that govern a community as part of its administration whose original duty is to protect life are placed in an abnormal time and space in which they are unable to relieve the anxieties of the people.In this paper I attempt to provide detailed evidence on the cholera outbreak of 1858 that suddenly posed a threat to people's lives and how the people responded to this and how they attempted to escape from this crisis. 1858 was the year of the invasion of the black ships, or "foreigners", and was also a time when the fear of large earthquakes and large tsunami that had continued to shake the land in the early and mid 1850 s had not yet abated.It was at such a point in time that cholera made its onslaught. Said to cause instantaneous death and as a sickness that was highly contagious, there was little that medical practices could do for this condition that led to mass fatalities. Thus, every possible Shinto, Buddhist and popular deity, as well as the supernatural, was mobilized to fend off impending catastrophe.In this paper, I study the actions of the people who lived in Shimo-kanuki village, Sunto County, Suruga Province (present-day Shimo-kanuki, Numazu City) and Fukara village (present-day Fukara, Susono City). Although the existence of recorded histories detailing the actions of the villagers is incidental to the selection of these two villages for this study, the main reason for their selection is that both these villages sought to escape from the calamity of cholera by means of the transfer of deities from Yoshida Daigengu.But why did they turn to transferring deities from Yoshida Jinja Shrine? I explore this question by exposing the anxieties of these people who, as a result of the cholera outbreak, were situated in an abnormal time and space, together with the energies of these people as they faced the threat of cholera, while examining the process of decision making in the village communities and the dominance of Shinto by Yoshida Jinja Shrine.The transfer of deities from Yoshida Jinja Shrine required money, including that for religious practices such as prayer fees and chinsatsu, not to mention the costs of going to and from Kyoto. The two villages of Shimo-kanuki and Fukara demanded alms from their inhabitants amounting to enormous sums of money and requested the highest grade of prayer (kobako). After returning to their villages they went so far as to build Yoshida shrines, which they designated as shrines for preventing calamities such as cholera.
村石 眞澄
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.118, pp.93-117, 2004-02-27

伊興遺跡をはじめとする足立区北部の発掘調査に携わる中で,微地形分類をおこなった。微地形分類は空中写真を判読し,比高差・地表の含水状態・土地利用を基準として分類を行い,発掘調査での土層堆積の観察所見や旧版の地形図を参照した。こうした微地形分類により,埋没していた古地形を明らかにすることができた。そこでこの埋没古地形の変遷を明らかにするため,花粉化石や珪藻化石などの自然科学分析から植生や堆積環境の検討を行った。そして自然環境を踏まえた上で,発掘調査によって発見された遺構や遺物,中世や近世の文献資料などを総合的に概観し,次のように伊興遺跡を中心とする毛長川周辺の自然環境と人間活動の変遷過程を次の五つの段階に捉え,それぞれの景観印象図を作成した。1 縄文海進のピーク時にはこの地域では大半の土地が海中に没したが,その後徐々に干潟ができ陸化が進んだ時期[縄文時代後期~晩期前半]。一時的な利用で土器を残した。2 毛長川が古利根川・古荒川の本流となり,大きな河道や微高地が形成された時期[縄文時代晩期後半~弥生時代]。人間活動の痕跡は希薄である。3 古利根川・古荒川が東遷し,毛長川は大河でなくなった時期[弥生時代終末期~古墳時代]。本格的に居住が行われるようになる。伊興遺跡は特異な祭祀遺跡として大いに発展する。4 毛長川の旧河道の埋積が進んだ時期[奈良時代~平安時代初期]。伊興遺跡では祭祀場もしくは官衙関連施設は存在するが,遺構・遺物の規模が減少傾向を示す。5 毛長川の旧河道の埋積が進んだ時期[中世]。伊興遺跡ではさらに遺構・遺物は減少し,遺跡の中心が毛長川沿いから離れ水上交通の拠点としての役割を終える。
大貫 静夫
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.151, pp.129-160, 2009-03

挹婁は魏志東夷伝 Weizhi Dongyizhuan の中では夫餘の東北,沃沮の北にあり,魏からもっとも遠い地に住む集団である。漢代では,夫餘の残した考古学文化は第2松花江 Songhua Jiang 流域に広がる老河深2期文化 Laoheshen 2nd Culture とされ,北沃沮は沿海州 Primorskii 南部から豆満江 Tuman-gang 流域にかけての沿日本海地域に広がっていた団結文化 Tuanjie Culture に当てることで大方の一致を見ている。漢代の挹婁はその外側にいたことになる。漢代から魏晋時代 Wei-Jin Period に竪穴住居に住み,高坏を伴わないという挹婁の考古学的条件に符合する考古学文化はロシア側のアムール川(黒龍江 Heilong Jiang)中・下流域および一部中国側の三江平原 Sanjiang Plain 側に広がるポリツェ文化がよく知られている。北は極まるところを知らず,東は大海に浜するという点では,今知られる考古学文化の中ではアムール川河口域まで広がり,沿海州の日本海沿岸部まで広がるポリツェ文化が地理的にもっともそれに相応しいことは現在でも変わらない。そのポリツェ文化はその新段階に沿海州南部に分布を広げる。層位的にも団結文化より新しい。魏志東夷伝沃沮条に記された,挹婁がしばしば沃沮を襲うという記事はこの間の事情を反映したものであろう。ただし,ロシア考古学で一般的な年代観を一部修正する必要がある。最近,第2松花江流域以東,豆満江流域以北に位置する,牡丹江流域や七星河 Qixing He 流域において漢魏時代の調査が進み,ポリツェ文化とは異なる諸文化が展開したことが分かってきた。これらの魏志東夷伝の中での位置づけが問題となっている。すなわち,東夷伝に記された挹婁としての条件を考えるかぎり,やはり既知の考古学文化の中ではポリツェ文化がもっともそれに相応しく,七星河流域の諸文化がそれに次ぎ,牡丹江流域の諸文化,遺存がもっともそれらから遠い。しかし,だからといって,これらを即沃沮か夫餘の一部とするわけにはいかない。魏志東夷伝の記載から復元される単純な布置関係ではなく,実際はより複雑だったらしい。The Weizhi Dongyizhuan (Accounts of the Eastern Barbarians in the History of the Kingdom of Wei), describes the Yilou as a group living northeast of Fuyu and north of Woju in the land furthest from Wei. The archaeological culture left by the Fuyu is thought to have been the Middle Laoheshen culture that spread in the Second Songhua River basin during the Han period and the majority of opinion places Northern Woju in the Tuanjie culture that spread along the Japan Sea coast from the southern part of the Maritime Province (Primorskii krai) to the Tumangang River basin. In the Han period, the Yilou were outside these areas. From the Han period through the Wei-Jin period they lived in pit dwellings, and from the perspective of their not having pedestal bowls, the archaeological culture known to coincide with the archaeological conditions of the Yilou is the Pol'tse culture that extended from the middle and lower reaches of the Amur River (Heilong River) on the Russian side to the Sanjiang Plain that partially falls within China. With limitless land to the north and extending to the Maritime Province on the Japan Sea coast to the east, of the archaeological cultures known of today, Pol'tse culture, which spread as far as the mouth of the Amur River and to the Japan Sea coast, is still the most appropriate in geographical terms even today. At this new stage, this Pol'tse culture extended to the southern part of the Maritime Province. In stratigraphic terms as well, it was newer than Tuanjie culture. The text on the Yilou's occasional assaults on the Woju contained in the section on Woju in the Weizhi Dongyizhuan most probably reflects the situation at this time. However, it is necessary to partially modify the general view of dates in Russian archaeology. Recently, from an investigation undertaken of the Han-Wei period in the Mudan River basin and the Qixing River Basin situated east of the Second Songhua River basin and north of the Tumangang River basin, it has been discovered that cultures that were not the same as the Pol'tse culture developed in those areas. It is not easy to place these within the Weizhi Dongyizhuan. That is to say, when considering only the conditions of the Yilou as written in the Dongyizhuan, it is the Pol'tse culture which is the most fitting of known archaeological cultures, followed by the cultures of the Qixing River basin, with the cultures and relics of the Mudan River basin the most distant. However, it doesn't mean that these formed part of the cultures that succeeded Woju or Fuyo. Rather than being a simple positional relationship reconstructed from the writings in the Weizhi Dongyizhuan, it is actually far more complicated.
高橋 敏
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.109, pp.1-19, 2004-03-01

大東 敬明
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.142, pp.193-208, 2008-03-31

本稿は、東大寺二月堂修二会(以下、東大寺修二会)「中臣祓(なかとみのはらえ)」の典拠や構造を、その詞章から、分析しようとするものである。東大寺修二会に参籠する僧は練行衆(れんぎょうしゅう)と呼ばれ、法会を支障なく執行する為に、穢れを取り去って心身を清浄に保つ事が求められる。そのため、現在では三月一日から十五日未明にかけて行われる「本行(ほんぎょう)」に先立って「別火(べっか)」行が行われ、その最終日にあたる二月末日に「咒師(しゅし)」によって「大中臣祓(おおなかとみのはらえ)」が行われる。また、「別火」行・「本行」期間中、様々な場面で「中臣祓」が行なわれる。祓は、罪や穢を除去することを目的とする儀礼である。この「中臣祓」は、「別火」行に入る際、「別火」行中の朝夕の勤行の際、洗面・入浴・便所の後、「本行」において、日々、二月堂に上堂する前等に行われる。「中臣祓」で用いられる御幣には、本稿で分析対象とする詞章が書かれた紙が巻きつけられている。練行衆は、それぞれ持っている守本尊に向かい、拍掌の後に、詞章を黙誦し、この御幣で身を祓うなどの所作を行なう。本稿において「中臣祓」の詞章は、① 東大寺八幡宮(手向山八幡宮)への法楽。② 真言神道や修験道で用いられた「拍手祓大事(かしわではらえのだいじ)」「伊勢拍手秡(いせかしわではらえ)」と共通する作法。③ 陰陽道流の祓で用いられた自力祓形式の略祓。④ 吉田神道の影響を受けた略祓で、息災延命祈願に用いられた祓。の四つの部分より構成される、と考察した。それぞれの具体的な典拠について、②以外は見出すことは出来なかったが、「中臣祓」の詞章が複数の系統の祓に関わる作法を集めて、独自の形式を作り上げている事は言える。すなわち、「中臣祓」は東大寺八幡宮へ法楽を捧げた後に、真言神道、陰陽道、吉田神道など、典拠を変えながら三重に祓を行う構造(②③④)を持つ。東大寺修二会が、諸儀礼の要素を取り込んで独自の形式としてゆくことは、法会の様々な部分から見出すことが出来る。「中臣祓」は東大寺修二会全体から見れば小さな作法であるが、同様の性格を見出すことが出来た。