渡辺 滋
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.190, pp.29-55, 2015-01

古代社会で発生した揚名官職(肩書だけで権限・給与が与えられない官職)をめぐっては、有職学(儀式・官職などに関する先例研究)の一環として、また『源氏物語』に見える「揚名介」の実態をめぐって、前近代社会のなかで長期に渡り様々な人々による検討がなされてきた。ところが先行研究では、一部の上級貴族をめぐる個別的・断片的な事例を除き、その展開過程について十分な分析がなされないまま放置されている。そこで本稿では、関連資料が豊富に現存する広橋家の事例を中心として、中世貴族社会における関連研究の展開を解明した。具体的に取り上げたのは、おもに広橋兼秀(一五〇六~一五六七)による諸研究である。国立歴史民俗博物館に所蔵される広橋家旧蔵本から、兼秀によって作成された関連資料を検出・分析することで、従来未解明だった広橋家における情報蓄積や研究展開の諸過程を解明した。その結果、彼の集積した諸情報は家伝のものだけでなく、周辺の諸家からもたらされたものも少なくないことが判明した。そこで中世の広橋家における有職研究の過程で蓄積された情報や、それに基づく研究成果を相対化するため、同家の周辺に位置する一条家・三条西家などにおける研究の展開も検討した。このように中世貴族社会における関連研究の展開過程も分析した結果、諸家における研究が相互に有機的関連を持っていたことや、とくに広橋兼秀の場合、一条家における研究成果から大きな影響を受けていた実態が判明した。以上のような展開のすえ、最終的に近世の後水尾上皇などへと発展的に継承される解釈が、基本的には中世社会のこうした営みのなかで形成されたことが確認された。There have been several studies on honorary official posts arisen during the Nara and Heian period. These studies, however, focused mainly on the investigation of institutions covering relevant historical materials and a true picture of "yomei no suke ", neglecting the analysis of its developmental process. Therefore, this article clarifies the development of relevant studies on Japanese aristocratic society during the Middle Ages by focusing on the case of the Hirohashi family whose relevant materials are left in large numbers. Several studies conducted by Kanehide Hirohashi (1506–1567) were addressed. I unraveled the Hirohashi family's accumulation of information and research development which had been not explored by detecting and analyzing relevant materials of old book collection of the Hirohashi family collected by Kanehide which are kept in the National Museum of Japanese History. The analysis revealed that materials collected by Kanehide were not only the ones of the Hirohashi family but also the ones brought by other aristocratic families nearby. Therefore, I examined the research development on other nearby families such as Ichijyo family and Sanjonishi family in order to compare the study on the Hirohashi family with the one on other nearby families. The analysis of developmental process of other relevant studies on aristocratic society during the Middle Ages confirmed that researches on several families were related to one another systematically and the studies of Kanehide Hirohashi drew significant influence from the research on Ichijo family. This analysis confirmed that the interpretation handed down to the retired emperor Gomizunoo in the early modern period was formed through these endeavors during the Middle Ages.
樋口 雄彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.109, pp.47-92, 2004-03-01

新川 登亀男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.194, pp.277-327, 2015-03-31

宮本 一夫
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.151, pp.99-127, 2009-03

夫余は吉長地区を中心に生まれた古代国家であった。まず吉長地区に前5世紀に生まれた触角式銅剣は,嫰江から大興安嶺を超えオロンバイル平原からモンゴル高原といった文化接触によって生まれたものであり,遼西を介さないで成立した北方青銅器文化系統の銅剣であることを示した。さらに剣身である遼寧式銅剣や細形銅剣の編年を基に触角式銅剣の変遷と展開を明らかにした。それは吉長地区から朝鮮半島へ広がる分布を示している。その中でも,前2世紀の触角式鉄剣Ⅱc式と前1世紀の触角式鉄剣Ⅴ式は吉長地区にのみ分布するものであり,夫余の政治的まとまりが成立する時期に,夫余を象徴する鉄剣として成立している。前1世紀末から後1世紀前半の墓地である老河深の葬送分析を行い,副葬品構成による階層差が墓壙面積や副葬品数と相関することから,A型式,B型式,C・D型式ならびにその細分型式といった階層差を抽出する。この副葬品型式ごとに墓葬分布を確かめると,3群の墓地分布が認められた。すなわち南群,北群,中群の順に集団の相対的階層差が存在することが明らかとなった。また,冑や漢鏡や鍑などの威信財をもつ最上位階層のA1式墓地は男性墓で3基からなり,南群内でも一定の位置を占地している。異穴男女合葬墓の存在を男性優位の夫婦合葬墓であると判断し,家父長制社会の存在が想定できる。A1式墓地は族長の墓であり,父系による世襲の家父長制氏族社会が構成され,南群,北群,中群として氏族単位での階層差が明確に存在する。これら氏族単位の階層構造の頂点が吉林に所在する王族であろう。紀元後1世紀には認められる始祖伝説の東明伝説の存在から,少なくともこの段階には既に王権が成立していた可能性が想定される。夫余における王権の成立は,老河深墓地の階層関係や触角式銅剣Ⅴ式などの存在から,紀元前1世紀に遡るものであろう。沃沮は考古学的文化でいうクロウノフカ文化に相当する。クロウノフカ文化の土器編年の細分を行うことにより,壁カマドから直線的煙道をもつトンネル形炉址,さらに規矩形トンネル形炉址への変化を明らかにし,いわゆる炕などの暖房施設の起源がクロウノフカ文化の壁カマドにある可能性を示した。さらにこうした暖房施設が周辺地域へと広がり,朝鮮半島の嶺東や嶺西さらに嶺南地域へ広がるに際し,土器様式の一部も影響を受けた可能性を述べた。こうした一連の文化的影響の導因を,紀元前後に見られるポリッツェ文化の南進と関係することを想定した。Fuyu was an ancient state that appeared around the area of Jichang. In this paper, the author shows that the antennae-type bronze swords that first appeared in the Jichang region in the 5th century B.C.E. were the result of cultural contact among the peoples from the Hulunbuir plains on the other side of the Daxingan Mountains from the Neng River to the Mongolian Plateau, and that they belonged to a northern bronze culture that was established independently from Liaoxi. The author also identifies changes and developments in antennae-type bronze swords based on a chronology for Liaoning-type swords and narrow swords, the type used for the body of the sword. It was found that these swords were distributed from the Jichang region to the Korean Peninsula. The IIc-type antennae-type iron sword from the 2nd century B.C.E. and the antennae-type V-type iron sword dating from the 1st century B.C.E. are distributed in the Jichang region only, and developed as iron swords that symbolized the Fuyu at the time when Fuyu became politically united. The author also made a study of Laoheshen funerals that took place at cemeteries dating from the 1st century B.C.E. through to the first half of the 1st century C.E. Using the differences in rank based on the composition of funerary items that have a correlation to grave area and the number of funerary items, the author extracted four different ranks (A, B, C and D) and their subtypes. By verifying the grave distribution for each type of funerary item, the author identified a distribution of three clusters of cemeteries. That is to say, the existence of a relative difference in the ranks of the groups emerged in order from the southern cluster to northern cluster to the middle cluster. The A1-type cemetery for those of the highest rank who had prestige items such as helmets, Han mirrors and 'fu' cooking vessels was a male cemetery consisting of three graves, which occupied a certain position within the southern cluster. We may assume that society evolved, to one that buried couples together with the male taking precedence, to a patriarchal society, based on aehaeological evidence that buried females and males together but in different pits. A1-type graves are those of clan chieftains. A patriarchal society developed based on patrilinear descent and the differences in rank of the clan units are evident from the southern, northern and middle clusters. We may speculate that the royal family located in Jilin stood at the apex of this hierarchical structure for these clan units. From the existence of the Dongming myth detailing the clan's primogeniture confirmed to date from the 1st century C.E, it is possible that by this stage, if not earlier, sovereignty had already been established. Given the hierarchical relationships at the Laoheshen cemetery and the existence of V-type antennae-type bronze swords, the establishment of sovereignty in Fuyu most likely goes back to the 1st century B.C.E. In terms of archaeology, the culture of Woju is comparable to the Krounovka culture. Sub-typing pottery chronology for Krounovka culture revealed that wall furnaces gave way to tunnel-shaped fire pits with linear flues, which then evolved into standard tunnel-shaped fire pits. Thus, the author demonstrates that it is possible that the origin of heating systems such as the kang lies in the wall furnaces found in Krounovka culture. The author also explains that the spread of this sort of heating to surrounding areas and then further to the Yeongdong, Yeongseo and then the Yeongnam regions of the Korean Peninsula, possibly had an effect on some pottery types as well. The author concludes that a contributing factor to this sequence of cultural influences was the progression southward of Pol'tse culture that occurred around the beginning of the Christian era.
腮尾 尚子
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.77, pp.101-139, 1999-03

十二支・十二支獣に関する俗信の一種に、江戸時代後期に盛んに行われた「七ツ目信仰」がある。これは、自己の生まれ年の十二支から七ツ目の十二支――子歳生まれなら午――の動物を絵像にしてまつると、幸運を授かる、という俗信である。この七ツ目信仰は、現在すっかり廃れ、そればかりか、かつて存在していたという事すら忘れられている状態である。このため、七ツ目信仰を題材とした江戸時代の文学・美術作品の解釈をするのに、支障が生じている程である。本稿では、江戸時代後期における七ツ目信仰の実態を、絵画資料も活用しつつ、紹介するという事に重点を置く。七ツ目の支獣は、一種の神であり、その加護を受けるために、前述の七ツ目獣の絵像の他、七ツ目獣をかたどった家具や小物なども用いられていた。当時、月日や方位を表す十二支についての吉凶説では、ある支とその七ツ目の支の組み合わせを、縁起の悪いものとして断じていた。七ツ目信仰は、このような吉凶説と根本的にくい違うものなので、人々の中には、なぜ七ツ目の獣を礼拝するのか納得のいかぬ者もいたようである。しかし、このような矛盾点を抱えていたにもかかわらず、七ツ目信仰は、特に安永・天明期を一つの山として流行した。七ツ目信仰が人気を集めた原因としては、時の人であった田沼意次が七ツ目獣を信仰していると噂されていた事が挙げられる。田沼家の紋は七星を表す[黒丸×7個の紋様]であるが、これが別名「七ツ梅(んめ)」と呼ばれており「七ツ目(め)」を人々に連想させ易い素地をもっていた。隆盛した七ツ目信仰の辺縁には、生年の支が七ツ違いである男女は相性がいいという俗説も新たに生まれた。七ツ目信仰は根拠不明の俗信にすぎないが、これがかつて社会現象ともいえる程のブームを形成した事を考えれば、文化史上、現状の如く看過ごされていてよいはずはない。"The Nanatsume" (the seventh) is a superstition related to the Chinese zodiac calendar proliferated at the end of Edo period. It says, the picture of the zodiac animal that signifies the seventh year from your own birth year will bring you a fortune. This nanatsume folk belief is totally obsolete and forgotten in our society today. This causes difficulties when researchers try to interpret the nanatsume-related literatures and arts created during the Edo period.This paper gives a review of the nanatsume belief at the end of the Edo period by using not only letters but also paintings and drawings. The zodiac animals of nanatsume are a kind of deities. To celebrate these sacred spirits, people decorated rooms in their house with drawings, furniture, and small amulets that retain the images of the animal.During the Edo period, it was believed to be evil and therefore theoretically forbidden to have a pair of zodiac animal and its the seventh in the zodiac calendar and compass system. Since this theory is contradictory to the belief of the nanatsume, some people seemed skeptical on the nanatsume superstition.Despite of its contradictory nature, the nanatsume belief proliferated especially during the An'ei and the Tenmei of the Edo period. Its popularity might stem from the rumor that TANUMA Okitsugu, a man of power at that time, practiced this nanatsume superstition. The family symbol of TANUMA was seven stars, and generally called "nanatsu'n'me" (seven plums). This is easily connected to nanatsume (the seventh), making the rumor plausible.The nanatsume belief produced a wide range of superstitions related to "seven". One of them says that a seven year old difference makes for a good couple and a good omen for a happy marriage.The nanatsume belief is merely a superstition. However, considering the fact that once it gained a great popularity to the point it became a social phenomenon, it requires special attention in order to understand the culture and society of the Edo period.
加瀬 和俊
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.171, pp.25-41, 2011-12

本稿は高度成長期における出稼農民の実態と彼等に対する国民の意識の変化について検討する。高度経済成長期には学歴の向上とあいまって近代的な事務・技術職が増加したが,同時に建設業・下請工業・零細商業等の単純労務職・不安定雇用も増加した。後者の底辺的労働市場の労働者は,すでに農業従事者となっていた者が季節的に労働力需要地に移動して,出稼労働者として働く形態が典型的であった。出稼農民に対する人々の見方は当初は同情的であった。農業所得が少なく生活が困難であるために,一年の半分前後の期間を家族と離れて工事現場に寝泊まりして労働しなければならないという彼等の厳しい状況が,人々の同情を誘ったからである。しかし多くの出稼農民が毎年出稼を終えて帰郷するたびに繰り返し失業保険金を受給しているという事実が広く知られるようになると,こうした同情が薄れ,次第に批判的見方が強まった。彼等が掛金よりもずっと多額の保険金を受け,その結果として失業保険財政が悪化し,一般加入者の掛金が高くなっているという労働省の説明を受けてマスコミがこれを広く報道したためである。農民に対する批判は,米価が政治的理由で不当に高められ食管会計が赤字を抱えていること,農民が税金をごまかしていること等の批判も加わって,強められた。そうした世論の変容と同時に,農村においても就業機会が増加して失業保険金受給の条件が弱まってくるという変化があり,失業保険の受給を既得権と主張していた出稼組合の立場は後退せざるをえなかったし,出稼農民の保険金受給を支援してきた地元市町村,職業安定所の対応も彼等に対して厳しいものに変わっていかざるをえなかったのである。This article reports the actual status of migrant farmers in temporary employment and the changes in people's awareness about them in the high-growth period. In the high-economic-growth period, together with improvement of educational attainment, the amount of modern clerical work and technical work increased. At the same time, however, simple labor or unstable employment in the construction industry, the subcontracted industry, and small-scale businesses also increased. In the latter bottom labor market, as a typical example, workers from rural countries who had already been engaged in agriculture seasonally moved to places with demand for labor and worked as migrant workers. At first, people were sympathetic to migrant farmers working in temporary employment. This was because of their difficult life conditions, whereby they had to stay at construction sites away from their families for about half a year because their agricultural income was low and life was hard, drew people's sympathy. But the fact that many migrant farmers working in temporary employment repeatedly received unemployment insurance payments every year when they returned home after finishing their work was widely known; this sympathy waned and people gradually looked at them with critical eyes. The Ministry of Labor explained that they received much higher insurance payments than the premium, resulting in worsening of the financial condition of the unemployment insurance business and an increase in the premium of general insurers, and the mass media widely reported it. This criticism against farmers was worsened by the further complaint that the price of rice was unjustly increased for political reasons, that the Foodstuff Control Special Account was in the red, and that farmers were avoiding payment of taxes. Concurrently with this transformation of public opinion, job opportunities were increasing in rural villages and their entitlement to unemployment insurance payments was weakening. As a result, the migrant workers union, which had claimed entitlement to unemployment insurance payments as a vested right, had to retreat, and the local governments and the employment exchanges that had supported migrant farmers receiving insurance payments were obliged to take strict action against them.
平川 南
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.35, pp.p67-130, 1991-11

古代の集落遺跡から出土する墨書土器は,古代の村落社会を解明する有力な資料である。また,これまで墨書土器は文字の普及の指標としてとらえてきた。その検討も含めて,これからは集落遺跡における墨書土器の意義は何かという大きな課題について新たな視点から考察する必要があるであろう。そこで,前稿(「古代集落と墨書土器」)では,特定した集落遺跡の分析を試みたが,本稿では,墨書土器の字形を中心に,より広域的見地から分析した。その検討結果は,要約するとつぎのとおりである。1)墨書土器の文字は,その種類がきわめて限定され,かつ東日本各地の遺跡で共通して記されている。2)共通文字の使用のみならず,墨書土器の字形も,各地で類似している。しかも,本来の文字が変形したままの字形が広く分布している。3)中国で考案された特殊文字―則天文字(そくてんもじ)―さらには篆書体(てんしょたい)などが日本各地に広く普及し,しかもそれに類するような我が国独自と思われる特殊な字形の文字を生みだしている。限定された共通文字は,東国各地の農民が会得した文字を取捨選択して記したものでないことを示している。また変形した字形や則天文字(そくてんもじ)・篆書体(てんしょたいなどの影響を受けた我が国独自に作成した特殊文字が広範囲で確認されている。以上の点からは,当時の東日本各地の村落において,土器の所有をそうした文字―記号で表示した可能性もあるが,むしろ一定の祭祀や儀礼行為等の際に土器になかば記号として意識された文字を記す,いいかえれば,祭祀形態に付随し,一定の字形なかば記号化した文字が記載されたのではないだろうか。このように,字形を中心とした検討結果からは,集落遺跡の墨書土器は,古代の村落内の神仏に対する祭祀・儀礼形態を表わし,必ずしも墨書土器が文字の普及のバロメーターとは直接的にはなりえないのではないだろうか。"Bokusho Doki", or earthenware with characters written in Chinese ink, excavated from the remains of ancient villages, is a valuable source of data for shedding light on village communities in ancient times.Until now, Bokusho Doki has been taken as an indication of the level of diffusion of characters in olden times. A new perspective has been lent to consideration of the major question concerning the significance of Bokusho Doki in the remains of ancient villages. In my previous paper, an analysis was made of specific village remains, and in this paper, an analysis is given from a broader viewpoint, focused on the shape of the characters on Bokusho Doki.The results of the analysis are outlined as follows:1) A very limited number of common types of Bokusho Doki characters are found on remains from various parts of Eastern Japan.2) Not only are common characters used, but there is a similarity between the shapes of the characters on Bokusho Doki found in various places. Furthermore, widespread distribution of modified original characters can also be seen.3) Special characters developed in China, such as "Sokuten-Moji", and "Tensho-Tai" are widely diffused in various parts of Japan, giving rise to similar characters of a distinctive shape thought to be unique to our country.The limited number of common characters shows that they were not selected by peasants in Eastern Japan from among the characters they had acquired to put on Bokusho Doki. Also, modified characters and special characters unique to Japan produced under the influence of "Sokuten-Moji" or "Tensho-Tai" have been identified over a wide area.From the above findings, it is presumed that in villages in Eastern Japan at the time, they used the characters almost consciously as symbols on the earthenware on the occasion of certain religious services or ceremonial activities. In other words, fixed forms of characters or semi-symbolic characters, incidental to the religious formalities, were put on the earthenware.In conclusion, the results of analysis focused on the shape of the characters would appear to show that Bokusho Doki excavated from the remains of ancient villages reflects a form of religious or ceremonial service to God or Buddha in the communities, and cannot always serve as an indicator of the level of character diffusion.
板橋 春夫
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.205, pp.81-155, 2017-03

産屋が利用されなくなって久しい。産屋が遅くまで残った地域でも昭和三〇年代がおおむね終焉時期となっている。産屋習俗の終焉の要因は一様ではない。本研究のテーマは、なぜ産屋習俗は終焉を迎えたのかという根源的な問いである。私たちは、産屋とは主屋と別に小さな建物を建て、そこに産婦が血の穢れのために家族と隔離されて食事も別にする施設であると学び、産屋を穢れからの隔離・別火というステレオタイプ化された視点で認識してきた。しかし出産の穢れからの隔離・別火が所与のものでないとすれば、産屋の本質はいったいどこにあるのであろうか。本論文が産屋習俗の終焉過程に注目する理由の第一点は、現在(=平成二〇年代)が産屋体験者から直接話を聞ける最後の機会であること。産屋体験者からの聞き書きは緊急性を有し詳細な記録化が望まれる。第二点は産屋の終焉から過去に遡れば当該地域における産屋の変遷過程を明らかにできると考えた。現時点で伝承者からきちんと聞き書きを行うことは重要であり、産屋習俗の終焉過程の研究にも資するのである。先行研究では、産屋の発生は神の加護を得る籠もりにあるとされる。牧田茂・高取正男・谷川健一の所説は、産屋の原初的形態に視点を置いた論理である。実際に原初的形態を彷彿とさせる民俗事例が各地に伝承されているが、それをもって現行習俗を古代へ飛躍させるのは論理的に危険が伴うであろう。事例で取り上げた山形県小国町大宮のコヤバは、明治二二年以前は出産の都度小屋を建てていたが、警察署長の意見で常設のコヤバになったとされる。仮設から常設へ変化する傾向は、福井県敦賀市池河内の事例からも明らかである。福井県敦賀市白木のサンゴヤは、昭和五〇年代まで使用されており全国で最も遅くまで利用されていた。常設化の産屋は伝統を守りながらも、滞在期間の短縮化、休養の場の拡大化など、地域に応じた多様なあり方をみせている。The custom of using ubuya (delivery huts) has been extinct for years. The regions where it survived for the longest time also saw it dying out from the late 1950s to the early 1960s. The reasons why this custom lingered for a long time vary depending on the region. This paper addresses a fundamental question of why the custom of using ubuya died out. People were taught that ubuya meant a small hut built separately from the main house to isolate a pregnant woman from her family and prepare meals separately to contain defilement by blood; therefore, many people had a stereotype perspective that ubuya should be used for isolation and separate meal preparation to contain impurity by childbirth. However, if the isolation and separate meal preparation were not a matter of course, what was the essence of ubuya?There are two reasons why this paper focuses on the process of dying out of ubuya. The first one is because we will never have a chance to interview those who have experienced it if we pass up this opportunity now (in the 2010s). It is urgent to put such experiences on record based on firsthand oral recollections. The more detailed the record is, the more useful it would be. The second reason is because if we go back into the history of ubuya, we could reveal the changes in the custom in the region. It is very important to interview those who directly involved and record their experiences now. The results can contribute to the research of the process of dying out of ubuya.Previous studies suggested that ubuya had been originated from seclusion to pray for divine protection. The theories of Shigeru Makita, Masao Takatori, and Kenichi Tanigawa focused on the original form of ubuya. In fact, folk customs resemble to the original ones have been handed down in various regions. It is, however, illogical to link modern customs to ancient ones just because they are similar to each other. As referred to in this paper, koyaba in Ōmiya, Oguni Town, Yamagata Prefecture, is said to have been built for temporary use for each and every childbirth before 1889 but transformed into permanent facilities based on the opinion of a police chief. This shift can be demonstrated by another example from Ikenokōchi, Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture. In Shiraki, Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture, sangoya had been used until the early 1980s, which means this is one of the last regions where the custom lingered on. Permanent ubuya were used, in principle, in a traditional way, but there were regional variations, such as shortening the time of stay and expanding rest areas.
山田 厳子
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.165, pp.205-224, 2011-03

「障害」をもつ子どもが、家に福をもたらすという、いわゆる「福子」「宝子」の「伝承」は、大野智也・芝正夫によって、民俗学の議論の俎上に載せられた。この「伝承」は、この著作以前には、ほとんど記述されていない「伝承」であった。そのため、一九八一年の国際障害者年を契機として、新たに「語り直された」「民俗」であるという批判があった。筆者は、さきに「民俗と世相―『烏滸なるもの』をめぐって―」と題する小稿の中で、このことばの「読み替え」は、「障害」を持つとされる「子ども」の保護者の間で、一九七〇年頃には既に起こっていたこと、問われるべきは、このようなことばが「伝承」として可視化され、語るに足るものとして捉えられるという、認識上の変化・変質の方ではないか、と論じた。本稿では、この問題の残された課題について検討した。まず、この本の作者の一人、芝正夫という人の研究の背景について示した。東洋大学で民俗学研究会に属し、卒業後、障害者福祉関係の仕事に就いていた芝は、「障害」を持つ子の親の手記から「福子」「宝子」ということばを知り、このことばのマイナスの語義を知りつつも、「障害」を持つ人々が地域に当たり前に暮らすことを可能にすることばとして、再生させようとした。その結果、このことばを「昔の人の知恵」「伝承」として、人々に提示してみせた。次に「障害者」としてラベリングされる以前に、「福子」や「宝子」ということばが、どのような文脈に置かれたことばだったのかを考察した。「障害者」という概念のもとに、集まってきたことばが、「愚か者」「役に立たない者」「家から独立できない者」という語義を持つことばであったことを示し、「障害者」とは別種のカテゴリーであったことを示した。これらのことを明らかにすることで、①「伝承」や「民俗」という枠組みを、目的のために戦略的に使う人物(芝 正夫)が民俗学的「知識」の形成に関与したこと、②「障害者」をめぐる認識のかわりめにあって、過去の別種のカテゴリーにあったことばが、かつての文脈を失って再文脈化したこと、を示した。The tradition of fukugo and takarago a child with disability brings the family a fortune was brought into folkloric discussion by Tomoya Ono and Masao Shiba. This "tradition" has hardly been described before their work. Therefore, on the occasion of the International Year of Disabled Persons in 1981, it was criticized as a "reinterpreted folklore."In the paper entitled "Folklore and Social Conditions : Over the word oko," this paper argues that such "reinterpretation" of the word had already taken for granted parents of "children with disabilities" in 1970. Thus, we should rather discuss the change of recognition by which such a word became visible as a "tradition" and regarded as something worth mentioning.This paper presents the background of the studies of Masao Shiba, who is one of the authors of the book. Shiba was a student member of the folklore society at Toyo University and took a job in the welfare of handicapped persons after graduation. He learned about the words fukugo and takarago from the notes of the parents of children with disabilities. While knowing the negative meaning of those words, he tried to resuscitate them as words that enable people with disabilities to live normally in local communities. As a result, he presented those words to people as "wisdom of people in the past" and "tradition."Next, this paper studies the context in which the words fukugo and takarago were placed before they were labeled as a person with disability. It shows that the words that gathered under the concept of a "person with disability" had the meaning of a "fool," a "useless person," and a "person who cannot be independent from parents," and that they belonged to a different category from a "person with disability."By clarifying the above, this paper shows the following: [1] A figure (Masao Shiba) who used the framework of "tradition" and "folklore" strategically to attain his purpose became involved in the formation of the folkloric "knowledge"; [2] By the change of recognition over the "person with disability," the words that belonged to a different category in the past lost their former context and were placed in a new context.
フラッヘ ウルズラ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.148, pp.587-621, 2008-12-25

真野 純子
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.161, pp.89-150, 2011-03

滋賀県野洲市三上のずいき祭りは宮座として知られるが、本稿では、公文と座を訴訟文書や伝承記録などから検証するとともに、現在の芝原式の儀礼のなかに何がこめられているのかをあきらかにした。ずいき祭りでは、長之家・東・西の三組から頭人が上座・下座の二人ずつでて(一九五一年からは長之家は一人)、ずいき神輿・花びら餅の神饌を準備し、東と西の頭人は芝原式での相撲役を身内からだして奉仕する。それら頭人を選出するのは、各組に一人ずついる公文の役目である。公文は家筋で固定し、各組(座)でおこなう頭渡しだけでなく、芝原式にたちあい、実質上、それらを差配している。芝原式の儀礼には、公文から総公文への頭人差定状の提出、花びら籠(犂耕での牛の口輪)という直截な勧農姿勢、猿田彦をとおして授けられる神の息吹といった中世の世界観がこめられていたことがわかった。また、公文・政所という用語の使われ方が時代とともに変化していくことを指摘したうえで、中近世移行期での公文・政所を特定した。彼らが訴訟や年貢の収納事務にたずさわり、文書を保管する職務についていたこと、在地の地主層で下人を抱える殿衆であったことなどをあきらかにした。長之家は庁屋を、東と西は神前の芝原に座る方角をさしているものの、公文の考察から、相撲神事の編成が荘園の収納機構と深くかかわっており、長之家は御上神社社領、東は三上庄、西は三上庄内の散所を原点に出発していると考えられる。神事再興の一五六一年(永禄四)以来、頭人には下人、入りびとをも含むため、開放的な宮座として知られるが、それは屋敷を基準に頭人を選定していく公事のやり方であり、神事には相当な負担が強いられた。三上庄の実質的管理責任者である公文が頭人を差定して、その頭人に神饌やら相撲奉仕の役をあてがい、神饌を地主神に供えることで在所の豊饒と安泰を願うという祭りであったことを実証した。The festival named" Zuiki-Matsuri" in Mikami in Shiga Prefecture has interested a lot of scholars who study about Miyaza, a kind of Shrine ritual and festival. In this festival, 5 men called" Tounin" who were selected from 3 groups (Chounoya, Higashi, Nishi) each prepare a rice cake named Hanabira-mochi and a portable shrine made from stalks of taros. Tounins belonging to Higashi and Nishi give young boys as Sumo wrestlers at Shibaharashiki, a shrine ritual that has continued since the 16th century. In each group there is a man named" Kumon" who selects Tounin from the group.The name of Kumon began from a manor official in medieval Japan. But nobody studied facts in Mikami in detail. In this paper, I investigated by using archives and records of tradition about the existence of Kumon and the origin of each group in Mikami. Furthermore, I explained make-up of Shibahara-shiki.Even now, the main characters are not 5 Tounins, but 3 Kumons at Shibahara-shiki. The group name of Chounoya means a shrine building; the group name of Higashi means sitting on the ground at the east side; the group name of Nishi means sitting on the ground at the west side. The system of this shrine ritual was organized on the basis of the receipt system of the manor. To tell the origin, Chounoya was on the basis of the territory of Mikami-shrine, Higashi was on the basis of the manor in Mikami, Nishi was on the basis of Sanjo in Mikami, where various people gathered from here and there. In each territory, there was a Kumon.The Kumon selects the next year's Tounin and at Shibahara-shiki, each Kumon presents a paper written with the Tounin's names of next year, to their leader. And at Hanabira-mochi and Hanabira-kago, which were made by 5 Tounins, they are handed to the Kumons. Hanabira-mochi symbolized an ox's tongue. Hanabira-kago was used as an ox's muzzle after the ritual. Then a masked man of Sarutahiko, who is said to be the messenger of the god of Mikami-shrine, enters the central court and thrusts a spear and throws his nasal mucus toward Kumon. This action means the god gives energy.The people of the middle ages believed the energy of the god produced fertility and security. This shrine ritual, which was made for Kumon, controlled society in the middle ages in Mikami. Especially Hanabira-kago which covered the ox's mouth, was used as a plow, meaning Kumon forced agriculture on the people who lived in Mikami.In this report, I indicated the 3 steps in the changing of Kumon in relation to the point in history and showed actual people who were Kumon.
宇田川 洋
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.107, pp.217-249, 2003-03

H. WATANABE (1992) reported that if it can put the history of chashi upon the history of treasure, it will be enlightend a way to understand the social meaning of chashi through the relation of the social structure between the chashi and the treasure. And he considerd so that the treasures are inducements or a purpose of the struggle, both the treasures and chashi are the constructed element of "battle complex" in aynu.In this paper, I consider the prestige goods or the ikor such as treasures that are the sword, the lacquer ware and the tamasay (the necklace consisting of glass balls) and so on, from Satsumon period to Modern Age.K. YAMAURA (2000) introduced the trade as action at a distance by C. Renfrew. It is from Mode 1, the direct approach, to Mode 10, the trade at the barter port. And he arrived at the conclusion that there is Mode 4 in Epi-Jomon period and Mode 8 or 9 in Satsumon period. At present, this study of the prestige goods or the ikor such as treasures will give the data for searching the trade as action at a distance in aynu society.The materials of Satsumon Culture (Fig.3)There are some bronze bowls excavated at Biratori Town, Eniwa City and Kushiro City in Hokkaido from about 10th century to 12th century. In these materials, Sahari-bowls from so-called Korea Peninsula are including. And a bronze mirror, Koshu(Hu-zhou)-kyo, found at Zaimokucho 5 site in Kushiro City from Sekko-sho (Chekiang) in China, it may be 12th century. These kind of remains are of Continental origin. Another special material is laquered bowls from Honshu found in Sapporo City and Kushsiro City from 10th century to 13th century. In Yoichi Town, two bronze bells (taku) produced from China are found in a grave pit. And so two bronze portions of belt (katai-kanagu) are found in same Yoichi Town, these goods may be from Honshu.The materials of Okhotsk Culture (Fig.4)It is a well-known fact that the iron and bronze artifacts from Mohe or Tongren Culture and Jurchen Culture in the basin of the Amur River and the Maritime Province of Siberia are found in Okhotsk Culture. There are the bronze portions of belt, the bronze, copper and tin bells (taku and suzu) and iron halberds and so on found in Eshashi Town, Tokoro Town, Abashiri City, Nakashibetsu Town and Nemuro City.The peoples of Okhotsk Culture obtained some remains from Honshu as well as many metal artifacts from of Continental origin. For example, the Warabite-tou which is the sword with bracken like handle, are found in Esashi Town, Abashiri City, Tokoro Town and Rausu Town.The materials of so-called Middle Age and Modern Age (Fig.6~12)Figs.6 and 7 are the Japanese helmets made of iron and bronze found in Rumoi City, Fukagawa City, Biratori Town, Sapporo City, Kushiro City, Rikubetsu Town, Shizunai Town and Atsuma Town. The end of hoe-like materials (kuwasaki) made of iron and copper are Figs.8 and 9 found in Kuriyama Town, Shakotan Town, Yakumo Town, Sapporo City, Shizunai Town and Biratori Town and so on. It was recorded in the old documents of Edo era that these artifacts were the treasure named kira-us tomikamui, the god of treasure with horn, in aynu society.Another archaeological remains are the bronze mirrors showed Figs.10 and 11. Most of the mirrors are excavated from the grave pits of the Middle Age, and the greater part of the mirrors are made of Japan origin. Whenever the dress up time, aynu women wear the tamasay, the necklace consisting of glass balls, and the sitoki, the mirror or the disk made of metal hanging down the lower end of the tamasay. That is a matter of cource the tamasay and the sitoki are the treasures in aynu society. In referred to the Fig.11-16~18, the brass or bronze disks like the sitoki are found from the aynu grave pits in Akan Town, Setana Town and Nemuro City.Besides, the special artifacts at least I regard them as the prestige goods are found. For example, Fig.11-20~31 found in Tokoro Town, Biratori Town and Chitose City are the iron coil-like remains which are probably from of northern peoples origin like as shaman's belt. Fig.11-32~34 found in Biratori and Tokoro Town are the small bronze portions and the origin may be Mohe and Jurchen Culture in Siberia. In these bronze portions, a example of Fig.11-34 found in Tokoro Town belongs to Okhotsk Culture.Fig.12 is the white porcelains of Honshu origin which were excavated at Katsuyama-date site in Kaminokuni Town. The symbolic mark is notched out of the bottom of these plates that resemble closely the mark of itokpa, the mark of ancestor, or the mark of sirosi, the sign of owner, in aynu society. The aynu peoples have been living in the Katsuyama-date may think these porcelains as the prestige goods.Concerning the trade of archaeological materials, a lot of the prestige goods or the ikor such as treasures excavated at Menashidomari site in Eshashi Town of Okhotsk Culture, Moyoro site in Abashiri City of Okhotsk Culture and Ohkawa site in Yoichi Town of Satsumon Culture, Middle Age and Modern Age. So these three archaeological sites may be main barter ports of trade from Satsumon period to Modern Age.In this connection, we can find that the prestige goods are placed on chashi in the old documents of Edo era, and around the ikor many plunderer exist in aynu legends. For example, the name of topattumi (a thief), ikasitumi (a group robbers) and ikkatumi (a ruffian) appear at the main area of Hidaka, Tokachi, Kushiro and Nemuro district. Thus, it can be said that there is a possibility that a study of the prestige goods or the ikor make clear the process of a formation of the Aynu culture. We should treat these archaeological remains more carefully.
宮内 貴久
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
no.207, pp.183-221, 2018-02-28

福岡市は大陸に近い地政学的位置から,海外への玄関口という性格を持った都市である。戦後,空襲による家屋の焼失と約140万人におよぶ引揚者により,深刻な住宅不足問題に直面した。1950年の日本住宅公団の設立,1951年の「公営住宅法」により,公団住宅と公営住宅の建設が進められていった。しかし1960年,全国の世帯数1,957万に対して住宅数は約100万戸不足し,市営住宅募集倍率は数十倍という高倍率だった。福岡市では1973年までに14,020戸の市営住宅が建設され,公団住宅は19,417戸が建設された。南区警弥郷には,高度経済成長期を通じて1960年に市営警弥郷団地,1961年に市営上警固団地,1963年に分譲警弥郷住宅が建設された。こうした一連の住宅開発と1966年度からの第一期住宅建設五カ年計画により弥永団地が計画開発された。弥永団地は福岡市域に市営弥永団地,春日町域に分譲住宅と分譲地が都市施設とともに開発された。間取り2DKで,20~30代の若い夫婦と子供という核家族が多かったが,一種の約4%,二種の約12%が65歳以上の老人世帯だった。三世代同居もみられた。2DKは食寝分離,就寝分離を目的とした間取りだが,DKではなく畳の部屋で卓袱台で食事をしていた例が少なからずあった。統計上も3割が食事をする部屋で寝ており,公営住宅で食寝分離・就寝分離をしていたのは約47%に過ぎなかった。住民の属性は,技能工・生産工程作業員及び労務作業従事者の比率が約28%と高い。学歴は中卒・高卒,大卒の順に多い。共稼ぎ家庭が多く,母子家庭も多く低所得者が多かった。団地住民を見下す噂もある。二区には建設当初から現在まで入居している世帯が53世帯あり,18.3%を占めている。Fukuoka City serves as an international gateway to Japan as it is located close to the Asian Continent. When the Second World War ended, the city faced a serious shortage of housing not only because dwellings had been burnt down by air raids but also because approximately 1.4 million Japanese had returned from former colonies.Supported by the Japan Housing Corporation established in 1950 and the Act on Public Housing enacted in 1951, a number of public houses and apartments were constructed. Still, Japan remained a million units short of meeting the housing demand of 19,570,000 households in 1960. A municipal housing advertisement for tenants attracted tens of times more people to apply than available units. In Fukuoka, 14,020 units of housing had been built by the municipal government and 19,417 units by the Japan Housing Corporation as of 1973.During the rapid economic growth period, Keyagō in the Minami Ward of the city witnessed the construction of Keyagō Municipal Apartment Complex in 1960, Kamikego Municipal Apartment Complex in 1961, and Keyagō Collective Housing built for sale in 1963. In addition to these housing development projects, Yanaga Apartment Complex was planned and constructed under the first Five-year Housing Development Plan launched in fiscal 1966.The development program of Yanaga Housing Complex consisted of the construction of Yanaga Municipal Apartment Complex in Fukuoka City and the house and lot development in Kasuga Town as well as the establishment of urban infrastructure in the neighborhoods. Comprising two-bedroom units with a kitchen-cum-dining room, the housing complex was home mainly to young nuclear families (parents in their twenties or thirties and their children) but also to elderly households over sixty-five years old (accounting for approx. 4% of the Type I units and approx. 12% of the Type II units) and three-generation families.Although the two-bedroom unit with a kitchen-cum-dining room was intended to separate dining and sleeping spaces as well as parents and children's sleeping spaces, many families regularly took meals not in a dining room but at a low dining table in a tatami room. According to statistics, about 30% dined and slept in the same room, and only about 47% separated dining and sleeping spaces as well as parents and children's sleeping spaces in the public housing complex.As for the attributes of the residents, craftsmen, factory workers, and manual laborers account for a high share (approx. 28%). The most numerous residents are the junior high school- and high school-educated, followed by the college-educated. Many of the households are dual income. There are also many fatherless and low-income families. People living in public housing are sometimes looked down on. In Area II, 53 households have lived since the completion of the public apartment complex, accounting for 18.3%.
福原 敏男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
no.57, pp.p1-23, 1994-03

筆者はこれまでに、祭礼芸能である一つもの・細男について考察し、これを平安末期に成立した田楽・王の舞・獅子舞・十列・巫女神楽・競馬・流鏑馬・神楽・舞楽・神子渡等からなる一連の芸能として位置づけた。京都・奈良の古社の祭礼において、「日使」と称する役が、上記の諸芸能とともに、祭礼に参加する事例がある。従来の日使に関する先行研究は、春日若宮祭礼に限られ、ここに神聖性が指摘された。日使は黒袍表袴に長い裾をひいた姿で、奉幣を主な役割とし、芸能的所作がないからであった。本稿では、春日祭・春日若宮祭礼、東大寺八幡宮転害会、大山崎離宮八幡宮の日使神事、山城宇治田原三社祭に参加する日使を対象にした。史料と絵画に基づく検討の結果、日使の成立を楽人の風流に求めた。日使が伝播した地における宗教性は、その所役を荷った人々の階層の問題である。Up until now the writer has studied Saino-o, one of the ritual arts, and has ranked it as one of the series of arts that came into existence in the later Heian Period and was comprised of Dengaku, Ō-no-mai, Shishimai, Totsura, Miko-Kagura, Kurade-uma, Yabusame, Kagura, Bugaku, Mikowatashi, etc. In the festivals of the ancient shrines of Kyōto and Nara, there are instances where a character named 'Hinotukai' participates in the festival together with those named above.Preceding research into the Hinotsukai has been confined to the Kasuga Wakamiya Festival, in which its sanctity has been pointed out. This is because the Hinotsukai, dressed in a formal black overgown (Ho) and long trailing hakama, played a major part in the offering, and showed no artistic behaviour. This paper deals with the Hinotsukai participating in the Kasuga Festival, the Kasuga Wakamiya Festival, the Tōdaiji Hachimangu Tegaie, the divine services of the Ōyamazaki Rikyū Hachimangu, and the Yamashiro-Uji-Tahara Triple Shrine Festival. The results of a study based on historical materials and folklore show that what the Hinotsukai in each case share in common is that a line can be drawn between this and the other artistic, elegant dancing; and that while it has become more refined, the religious element can be strongly felt.
井原 今朝男

1,日本のおける債務史研究という新しい研究分野を創造することを目的に研究を積み重ねてきた。これまで、「中世借用状の成立と質券之法」(『史学雑誌』111-1)、「中世請取状と貸借関係」(『史学雑誌』113-2)、「日本中世の利息制限法と借書の時効法」(『歴史学研究』812)などによって研究成果を公表し、債務史の分析視角と分析課題を提示するとともに、前近代社会の債務債権関係の慣習法が、近代資本主義社会のそれと時代的に異質であることが明確になり、債務史という研究分野の存在を明示することができた。2,前近代社会の債務・債権関係の慣習法A 近代資本主義社会では利息制限法は利子率を制限するが、貸借期間がつづくかぎり永久に増加しつづける。しかし、前近代社会においては、利息は本銭の二倍で制限される利息一倍法と銭の場合には本銭の半倍以上には利息が増えないという挙銭半倍法が機能しており、利息制限法は総額主義であった。B 近代では、貸借契約で質流れになった場合は、売買契約と同様物権が移転し、所有権が移る。しかし、前近代の質契約では、質流れのあとでも債務者が返済の意志を示せば、質物は債務者にもどされるという質券之法が機能しており、質流れ観念が未成熟であり、質物は容易に流れないもので、質権の自立性が強かった。売買と貸借の観念が未分化であった。C 近代では自分のものと他人のものが明瞭に区別される。しかし、前近代では、神物・仏物とひとのものとが区別され、自分のものと他人のものの区別が曖昧であり、請取状も預状も返抄なども借用状として機能した。

2 0 0 0 OA 玉纒太刀考

白石 太一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.50, pp.141-164, 1993-02-26

菊地 暁
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.165, pp.141-172, 2011-03

従来の「民俗学史」が抱えてきた「柳田中心史観」「東京中心史観」「純粋民俗学中心史観」ともいうべき一連の偏向を打開すべく、筆者は「方法としての京都」を提唱している。その一環として本稿では国民的辞書『広辞苑』の編者・新村出(一八七六―一九六七)を取り上げる。新村は柳田国男と終生親交を結び続けたが、その学史的意義が正面から問われたことはこれまでなかった。その理由の一端は、両者の交流を跡づける資料が見つからなかったことによるが、筆者は、新村出記念財団重山文庫ならびに大阪市立大学新村文庫の資料調査から、柳田が新村に宛てた五〇通あまりの書簡を確認した。これらは便宜的に、a)研究上の応答、b)資料の便宜、c)運動としての民俗学、d)運動としての方言学、e)交友録、に区分できる。これらの書簡からは、明治末年から晩年に至るまで、語彙研究を中心とした意見交換がなされていること、柳田の内閣書記官記録課長時代に新村が資料閲覧の便宜を得ていること、逆に柳田が京大附属図書館長の新村に資料購入の打診をしていたこと、柳田が「山村調査」(一九三四―一九三六)の助成金獲得にあたり、新村に京大関係者への周旋を依頼していること、一九四〇年創立の日本方言学会の運営にあたって、研究会開催、学会誌発行、会長選考、資金繰りなど、さまざまな相談していること、等々が確認される。こうした柳田と新村の関係は、一高以来の「くされ縁」と称するのが最も妥当なように思われるが、その前提として、「生ける言語」への強い意志、飽くなき資料収集、言語の進歩への楽観、といった言語認識の基本的一致があることを忘れてはならない。さらには、二人の関係が媒介となって、京大周辺の研究者と柳田民俗学との交流が促進されたことも注目される。This article proposes "Kyoto as a method" in order to challenge a series of biased views such as "Yanagitacentric historical view," "Tokyo-centric historical view," and "pure folklore-centric historical view" that exist in conventional "history of folklore studies." This article examines Izuru Shinmura (1876 - 1967), who was an editor of the national dictionary "Koujien." Shinmura continued to be a friend of Kunio Yanagita for life, but the meaning of this friendship in the history of studies has not been fully discussed. One of the reasons for this is that no materials that evidence the exchanges between them had been found. However, the author of this article found more than fifty letters from Yanagita to Shinmura during research on materials in Chozan-bunko Collection of Shinmura Izuru Foundation and Shinmura-bunko Collection of Osaka City University. For convenience, the letters may be classified into a) responses for research, b) favors for materials, c) folklore studies as a movement, d) dialectology as a movement, and e) records of friendship. From these letters, the following facts have been confirmed: they exchanged opinions mainly on vocabulary studies from the late Meiji period to their last years; Shinmura obtained permission of reading materials by favor when Yanagita was the chief of the record section of the Secretary to the Cabinet; Yanagita consulted Shinmura who was the director of Kyoto University Library about the purchase of materials; Yanagita asked Shinmura to introduce him to persons concerned of Kyoto University for the grant for "Survey on Mountain Village" (1934 - 1936); for the management of the Society of Japanese Dialects founded in 1940, Yanagita consulted about various things such as study meetings, publication of the journal of the Society, selection of chairman, financing, etc. Such relationship between Yanagita and Shinmura may be considered an "inescapable relationship" since the time at Daiichi High School. However, we should remember that their relationship was based on their basic agreement on language recognition such as strong will toward "living language," insatiable collecting of materials, and optimism for progress of language. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that their relationship promoted exchange between researchers around Kyoto University and the folklore studies of Yanagita.
平山 昇
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.155, pp.151-172, 2010-03

本稿は、明治期から昭和初期までの西宮神社十日戎の変容過程を、鉄道の開業による参詣行事の変化、および神社と鉄道会社との関係に着目しながら検討した。もともと西宮神社十日戎はエビス神を信仰する農漁村民や都市商人たちを中心とする参詣行事であったが、「汽車」の開通によって徐々に都市部から行楽がてらに参詣する「普通の参詣人」が訪れるようになった。神社側もこの層を呼び込むべく自ら新聞を通じて都市部に向けて広報をするようになった。だが、もっとも重大な影響をもたらしたのは阪神電車の登場であった。この電鉄は、長らく寂れていた新暦十日戎を新たに「開拓」するなど種々の戦略によって参詣客の劇的な増加をもたらすという、沿線ディヴェロッパーとしての性格が強い鉄道会社であった。一方、阪神電車の大々的な乗客誘引によって都市部からの参詣客が大幅に増加していく状況を目の当たりにして、神社側も電鉄会社の強力な集客力を利用して都市部からの参詣客の増加を図るようになる。西宮神社の参詣行事は、もはや電鉄会社との協調関係抜きには考えられないものとなっていったのである。しかし、両者の関係は常に協調ばかりというわけにはいかなかった。電鉄にとっては運賃収入が増えればそれでよいが、神社にとっては伝統を厳守することも決してゆるがせにできなかった。そのため、時として両者の間で齟齬が生じることもあった。このように神社と電鉄会社の間に協調と駆け引きがせめぎあう中で、十日戎は今日の姿へと落ち着いていった。以上の検討から、日本近代の大都市における社寺参詣の変容過程を理解するためには、①鉄道の登場による変化、特に明治末期以降のディヴェロッパー志向の鉄道会社による変化、②もっぱら都市部からの参詣客の増加を志向する鉄道会社と伝統の維持も重視する神社との間に生じた協調と駆け引きがせめぎあう関係、という二点に注目することが有用であると結論づけた。This article aims to examine how Toka Ebisu Festival - an annual prayer event held at Nishinomiya Jinja between January 9 and 11 - changed during the period from the Meiji era to the beginning of the Showa era, mainly focusing on the changes caused by the opening of a railway and the relation between the railway company and the shrine.Soon after the dawn of the Meiji Period, due to the opening of a state-run railway, more and more urban dwellers joined the festival, which made the shrine interested in attracting them. However, what played a decisive role was Hanshin Electric Railway (HER) , a private railway company which opened toward the end of the Meiji era. HER not only made the shrine more accessible to urban dwellers, but also, by making various attempts to attract as many people as possible, rendered the event dramatically more popular than ever before, which means HER was a developer as well as a transportation enterprise. In response, the shrine began to seek to be more prosperous in cooperation with HER.However, the shrine and HER were not always on good terms because the former regarded both its prosperity and the preservation of its traditional rituals as essential, while all the latter hoped for was to increase its revenue. Thus there sometimes occurred a conflict between them.Having the process above in mind, the author concludes that, in order to analyze the process in which annual prayer events in and around urban cities changed into the way they are at present, it is essential to focus on the following two aspects - ( ⅰ) changes caused by the opening of a railway company, especially one which not only offered better access to shrines but also acted as a developer producing or arranging annual events. ( ⅱ) the cooperation / conflict relation between a shrine and a railway company, the former trying to preserve tradition and the latter only seeking to be economically successful.