満薗 勇
マーケティング史研究 (ISSN:24368342)
vol.2, no.2, pp.147-164, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-09-30)

満薗 勇
歴史と経済 (ISSN:13479660)
vol.57, no.3, pp.11-20, 2015-04-30 (Released:2017-08-30)

The theme of this symposium (What Is the Middle Class?) emphasizes the importance of lifestyle and values rather than occupation and income level as the defining components of the middle class. As is well known, the increase in the number of people who regarded themselves as middle class during the period of rapid economic growth after World War II gave birth to the so-called 'all-middle class society' in Japan. It has been shown that their middle-class consciousness derived from a lifestyle and values focused on consumption. This paper therefore focuses on the history of consumption and elucidates the following points. It was in the 1920s-30s that a middle-class model was formed based on consumption levels and patterns rather than on the social prestige or culture associated with occupation and type of employment. Although this model was certainly influenced by that of the USA, its consumption patterns revealed certain Japanese characteristics. For example, Japanese consumers preferred small-scale mom-and-pop retail stores rather than large-scale stores such as GMS. As a result, the commercial sector was able to sustain many self-employed households and to expand business opportunities during rapid growth and thereby to allow the acquisition of sufficient income to meet middle-class consumption levels. Moreover, this model was inextricably linked to the norm of the 'modern family' as a consumption unit. Traditional families changed drastically in these years, for example in the reduced number of children in a household. They willingly accepted birth control and family planning in order to build an affuluent life. At the same time, many married females engaged not only in reproductive activity but in productive activity as well to acquire money sufficient for the middle-class levels of consumption, so that the male-breadwinner family did not in fact become the majority. These women were not entirely happy because they could not take time for housework, child-rearing and leisure. The 'all-middle class society' focused on consumption entailed various conflicts between time and money. From the comparative perspective of this symposium, this type of 'all-middle class society' based on consumption was not formed in contemporary China or India because of differences in historical conditions. Income inequality and family structures give rise to large variations in the consumption levels and patterns in these countries. It is important to take the historical particularity of Japan's 'all-middle class society' into account when considering the Comparison between Developed and Emerging Countries.
松浦 正孝 保城 広至 空井 護 白鳥 潤一郎 中北 浩爾 浅井 良夫 石川 健治 砂原 庸介 満薗 勇 孫 斉庸 溝口 聡 加藤 聖文 河崎 信樹 小島 庸平 軽部 謙介 小野澤 透 小堀 聡

「戦後体制」の何が戦前・戦時と異なり、どのような新たな体制を築いたのか。それはその後どのような変遷をたどり、どこでどう変わって現在に至ったのか。本研究は、その解明のために異分野(政治史、外交史、政治学、憲法学、経済史)の若手・中堅の最先端研究者を集めた多分野横断による問題発見型プロジェクトである。初めの2年度は、各メンバーの業績と学問背景をより深く理解し「戦後」についての問題を洗い出すため、毎回2名ずつの主要業績をテキストとする書評会と、その2名が それぞれ自分野における「戦後」をめぐる 時期区分論と構造について報告する研究会を、年4回開くこととした。しかるにコロナ禍の拡大により、第2年度目最後の2019年3月、京都の会議施設を何度も予約しながら対面式研究会のキャンセルを余儀なくされた。しかし20年度に入ると研究会をオンラインで再開することとし、以後、オンライン研究会を中心に共同研究を進めた。コロナ禍による遅れを取り戻すべく、20年7月・8月・9月と毎月研究会を行い、与党連立政権、貿易・為替システム、消費者金融などのテーマについてメンバーの業績を中心に討議を行った。オリジナル・メンバーの間での相互理解と共通認識が深まったため、12月にはゲスト3名をお招きして、戦犯・遺骨収集・旧軍人特権の戦後処理問題を扱うと共に、メンバーによる復員研究の書評会を行った。「家族」という重要テーマの第一人者である倉敷伸子氏にも、新たにプロジェクトに加わって頂いた。この間、メンバーの数名を中心に今後の研究方針案を調整した上で、21年3月には3日間にわたり「編集全体会議」を開催した。後半2年間に行うべき成果のとりまとめ方針を話し合うと共に、憲法・経済史・労働史・現代史の新メンバー加入を決め、各メンバーが取り組むテーマを報告し議論した。また、各メンバーは各自で本プロジェクトの成果を発表した。
満薗 勇
Business History Society of Japan
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.44, no.1, pp.1_31-1_57, 2009 (Released:2012-03-23)

The purpose of this article is to examine the business model of the mail order of the department store during the prewar period in Japan. With the maintenance of postal services, the major kimono retailers which were changing to department store began the mail order business in 1890-1900s. They considered it to be central means to go into the local market. It was intended for people of the wealthy groups and continued developing until the beginning in 1920s.The business model of it was characterized by a choosing agent. That is to say, a salesclerk of the mail order section considered an appointed price and a taste of each customer and chose goods in place of the customer. This model was obliged to be started because it took too much a cost to make the catalogue which contained all items. It was a cause to raise the cost that Japanese consumption markets were various complicatedly. However, considering that people in the countryside did not have enough information about urban goods because of the undeveloped media, this model had convenience and rationality. For the purpose of choosing the suitable goods, the salesclerk sometimes went on a business trip to do sales and tried to grasp the characteristic of local markets and the taste of customers. In addition, each department store raised the brand image of the store by an advertisement and guaranteed returning or exchanging goods.After the latter half of 1920s, the sales of the mail order business did not expand because a popularization strategy did not succeed in contrast with store - based sales. The catalogue which contained all items was not made after all; consequently orders from the people of the middle groups, who got enough information from ladies' magazines and liked to choose goods by oneself, did not increase.
満薗 勇
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.197, pp.193-219, 2016-02-29

満薗 勇
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.118, no.9, pp.1643-1666, 2009-09-20

The purpose of this article is to examine the effect of cash on delivery service on the development of the mail order business in prewar Japan. C.O.D. was established as a postal service in 1896, and helped decrease the business cost incurred by time lags between the settlement and delivery of parcels. In addition, the fact that C.O.D. was provided as a governmental postal service was significant in three ways. First, a nationwide postal network was made available to users, including those in rural areas. Secondly, settlement and delivery was implemented without any problem. Thirdly, suppliers who dispatched goods via C.O.D were regarded as reliable dealers. Consequently, the mail order business was made available to all suppliers, regardless of their sales volumes, and developed rapidly, to the extent that by 1922, Japan rose to second in the world behind Germany in the number of C.O.D. parcels delivered in 1922 (no statistics are available for the US and UK). However, after 1923, the service experienced little growth, owing not only to such environmental factors as the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, the Showa financial panic of 1930, and the increase of retail outlets; but also because 1) it was impossible to prevent fraud on the part of unscrupulous businessmen peddling goods of inferior quality, due to the failure to implement an inspection system, and 2) the decision on the part of the postal service to end door-to-door delivery of C.O.D. parcels due to budget constraints. Consequently, the number of parcels returned to sender increased, burdening suppliers with the cost of postage and handling and the loss of a sale opportunity for the returned goods.
張 楓 北浦 貴士 柳沢 遊 平山 勉 松村 敏 高柳 友彦 満薗 勇
