西本 豊弘
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.108, pp.1-15, 2003-10

相川 陽一
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.216, pp.169-212, 2019-03-29

土佐 博文
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.116, pp.255-274, 2004-02

小島 道裕
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.145, pp.317-347, 2008-11

京都とその周辺を描いた「洛中洛外図屏風」の内、室町期の景観を持つ「初期洛中洛外図屏風」四本は、大名上杉家に伝来した上杉本を除いて、制作事情が明らかでなかった。本稿では、屏風の中に「登場人物」と言える個人の像を検出することによって、その主題を明らかにし、初期洛中洛外図屏風全体についても統一的な理解を試みた。最も古い「歴博甲本」は、一五二五年に、室町幕府の実権を握っていた細川高国が、嫡子稙国への家督譲渡と新たな将軍御所の建設を契機として、自らの事績を描かせたものであり、作者は幕府御用絵師の狩野元信である。「東博模本」は、細川晴元の政権を中心主題として描いたものであり、「上杉本」は、細川氏の館を中心とする構図をそのまま用いながら、管領が細川氏から上杉氏に代わるというメッセージを表している。「歴博甲本」に始まる「権力者とその統治する都市」という主題の屏風は、その後も狩野派によって受け継がれていくが、「歴博乙本」にはそのような権力者を顕彰する主題は見いだしがたい。名所絵・風俗画として描かれたと考えられ、近世に量産される洛中洛外図屏風の先駆と位置づけられる。In the versions of "Rakuchu-Rakugai-Zu Byobu" (folding screens depicting scenes in and around Kyoto), except for the Uesugi version handed down in the Uesugi family of daimyo (feudal lords), the production background to the four early versions of "Rakuchu-Rakugai-Zu Byobu", which contain scenes of Muromachi Bakufu, had yet to be clarified. In this article, I clarified the works' themes by detecting within the folding screens the images of individuals that could be called "characters," and I have attempted to obtain a unified understanding of all early versions of Rakuchu-Rakugai-Zu Byobu.The oldest – the "Rekihaku A version" – was produced in 1525, when Hosokawa Takakuni, who was at the helm of the Muromachi Bakufu, had his achievements depicted by the Bakufu painter, Kano Motonobu, on the occasion of the transfer of responsibility for the family to his son Hosokawa Tanekuni, and the building of a new palace for the Shogun. The regime of Hosokawa Harumoto is depicted as the main theme in the "Tohaku replica," and in the "Uesugi version" and although the composition still has the Hosokawa residence at its center, there is an inscription stating that the office of the Kanrei (Shogun's Deputy) was taken over by the Uesugi family from the Hosokawa family.The theme of "the person in authority and the city ruled by him" first appears in the "Rekihaku A version" and was handed down in the Kano School; but themes that praise the authorities cannot be found in the "Rekihaku B version." The piece must therefore have been created as a landmark guide/genre painting, and can be identified as the pioneer of the Rakuchu-Rakugai-Zu Byobu commercially produced in early modern times.
菱沼 一憲
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.182, pp.147-165, 2014-01

上野国桐生下広沢村の彦部家の足利将軍家旧臣活動の分析を通じて、近世の身分制における由緒の機能を明らかにし、旧臣活動の背景にある社会運動を浮かび上がらせる。彦部家は同村の有力百姓で、村役人に任じられていた。しかし高階姓で、室町・戦国期には、足利将軍家の近習の武士として京都で活動し、戦国末期に同村へ土着したと伝える。戦国期、同地へ土着するに際し、戦国大名由良氏より広沢郷内に千疋を宛行われたという領主としての由緒、関ヶ原の合戦で旗絹・旗竿を献上したという桐生領五四ヶ村の由緒は、それぞれ村支配、絹織物産業を支える理論として機能した。いわゆる「家の由緒」「村の由緒」である。これに対して足利将軍家の旧臣として会津藩士坂本家と交流した活動は、その目的が必ずしも明確ではない。坂本家は足利義昭の曾孫で牢人であった義邵が、神道学・軍学・有職故実に通じて会津藩主保科正容に求められて同藩に仕官した。足利鑁阿寺がこの坂本家と、彦部家を仲介し旧臣関係が構築され、それにより御目見・御見舞・裃や感状の下賜・一字拝領といった恩賞給付がなされた。そもそも彦部家は、京都西陣から高度な織物の技術を導入し、また文芸の面では、江戸の国学者を桐生へ招き、また出府して中央の文化を吸収し、桐生国学を興隆させるなど、中央の文明・文化を積極的に導入・吸収することにより家の繁栄をもたらしてきたのである。坂本家との旧臣活動もまた、同家に蓄積されていた先進的で高度な文化に触れ、それに倣ってゆくことが一つの目的であったと考えられる。幕末期、彦部家は嫡子を幕臣とし、武家へ養子に入れており、同家が身分の上昇に執心していたことは明らかであるが、これを単に、幕藩体制での身分秩序を下支えするものと理解することは正しくない。武家による政治・経済・文化の一元的な独占体制への抵抗であり、独占されていたそれらを獲得してゆくという積極的な面を評価すべきである。こうした動向は、幕府支配体制の相対化という意味で、草莽運動と質的な共通性を見出すことができ、また彦部家のみならず東関東で広く確認される社会的動向といえる。Through an analysis of the activities of a former retainer of the Ashikaga Shogunate, the Hikobe family of Shimo-Hirosawa Village, Kiryu, Kozuke Province, this paper clarifies the importance of a family history in the early-modern class system, and brings to the fore a social movement that lay behind this former retainer family's activities.The Hikobe family were prominent and influential farmers in Shimo-Hirosawa village, and were appointed as village officials. According to legend, however, in the Muromachi and Warring States period, the family under the surname of Takashina served in Kyoto as attendants of the Ashikaga Shogunate family, and at the end of the Warring States period, the family settled in Shimo-Hirosawa village. The family history as feudal lords shows that in the Warring States period, they were granted the Senbiki area within the Hirosawa Village by the Yura warlord clan. In addition, the historical records of 54 villages in the Kiryu domain state that for the Battle of Sekigahara, the family presented flag silks and flagstaffs. These records are a so-called "family history" and "village history," and supported their right to rule the village, and control the silk textile industry. On the other hand, as a former retainer of the Ashikaga Shogunate family, the purpose of their fraternization with the Sakamoto family, who were Aizu domain retainers, is not exactly clear. With regard to the Sakamoto family, Yoshiaki, a wandering samurai and a great-grandchild of Yoshiaki Ashikaga, was finally accepted into government service in the Aizu domain. He was appointed by Masakata Hoshina, the lord of the domain, because of his good knowledge of Shinto studies, military science and tactics, and studies in ancient court and military practices and usage. Ashikaga Bannaji Temple acted as an intermediary between the Sakamoto family and the Hikobe family to establish a former retainer relationship, resulting in the granting of the following rewards: omemie ( privilege of having an audience with the shogun) , omimai ( visiting rights) , grant of kamishimo ( Edo-period ceremonial dress of the warrior class) and a letter of approval, and ichiji hairyo (receiving one character from their lord's personal name to be incorporated in their name) . Originally, the Hikobe family introduced advanced textile techniques and skills from Nishijin in Kyoto, and in the field of literary art, they invited scholars of the Japanese classics from Edo to Kiryu, and visited the capital to absorb its culture and to encourage the flourishing of the Japanese classics in Kiryu; they actively absorbed and introduced the civilization and culture of the capital and thus brought prosperity to the family. It can be considered that as a former retainer, one of the purposes for the Hikobe's activities with the Sakamoto family was to make contact with and follow their go-ahead and advanced culture. In the last days of the Tokugawa Shogunate, the heir of the Hikobe family became a vassal of the shogun, and also the heir of a samurai family. It is apparent that the family was devoted to improving their status in society; however, it is not correct if this is understood as simply providing support for the class system encouraged under the Shogunate administration. In fact, it was actually a form of resistance to the centralized exclusive system of politics, economy, and culture maintained by the samurai families, and it should be acknowledged that it was a positive aspect of this class trying to gain more control of these monopolized areas. For such trends, a qualitative commonness with the commoner movement can be found in the sense of relativization of the ruling system by the Shogunate, and it is also a social trend broadly confirmed in the East Kanto region as well as by the Hikobe family.
松村 和歌子
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.142, pp.157-191[含 英語文要旨], 2008-03

春日社の宗教的分野での研究は、祭礼に集中しがちだが、祈祷や祓といった日常的な宗教活動こそ、宗教者と社会との関わりを考える上でむしろ重要だと考えられる。近年、春日社の下級祀官である神人が中世後期から灯籠奉納や祈祷などを通じ、日常から御師として崇敬者と深い関係を築いたことが明らかにされているが、こういった師壇関係の形成は、上級祀官である社司を嚆矢とし、その開始は、少なくとも平安時代末に遡る。本論考は、社司を中心に中世の春日社祀官の私的な祈祷への関わりなど、日常的な宗教者としての営みを出来るだけ具体的に論述しようとしたものである。❶章社司における御師活動の萌芽、❷章社司の御師活動の展開では、平安末から貴族の参拝・奉幣の際、社司が中執持ちとして祝詞奏上を行うようになり、日常から師檀関係を結ぶこと、同時期に宗教者として個性的な役割を果たす社司が現れ、その活躍は霊験譚にも描かれることを示した。また霊験譚自体が社司によって創り出され、記録や社記の注進等を通じて広められた場合があったことを述べた。鎌倉時代以降には、貴族の御師として重要度が更に増し、社司の任官を左右する場合もあったこと、貴族の邸内社の祭祀等その活動は、社外にも及んだことを示した。またこの動向は、他の有力神社にも共通する傾向であることにも触れた。❸章御師活動と奉幣の近世への展開では、社司の御師としての活動が近世に継続される一方、神人の御師としての活躍が中世初期に遡るであろうことを示した。さらに奉幣が、御幣またおはけ戴きとして、近世にもつながる信仰のあり方であった可能性を述べた。❹章宮廻と度数詣、❺章南円堂勤仕から南円堂講へでは、中世末に春日社で度数祓が祈祷として定着する以前、春日社諸社を廻る宮廻と本社・若宮を往還する度数詣がポピュラーかつ重要な信仰のあり方で、代勤という形で祈祷ともなり、近世にも継続したことを示した。また、春日社祀官により行なわれた南円堂勤仕は、南円堂・春日社を往還する度数詣、興福寺境内を含む宮廻、奉幣祝詞などを内容とするもので、春日講に先行する春日祀官の講的結縁として重要であること、また願主を得て行なわれ、祈祷ともなったことなどを紹介した。Religious studies research on Kasuga Shrine has tended to focus on ceremonies and rites. However, everyday religious activities such as prayer and purification rituals are important when considering relations between priests and society.It has recently come to light that from the latter part of the Middle Ages, lower ranking priests of Kasuga Shrine called "jinin" established strong relationships through the offering of lanterns and prayers with worshippers who served as "oshi". The formation of this relationship between priests and lay people began with higherranking priests called shashi and dates back at least to the end of the Heian period. This paper describes in as much detail as possible the activities of everyday worshippers through their relationship with the personal prayers of Kasuga Shrine priests, primarily shashi, in the Middle Ages.The first two chapters discuss the emergence and development of oshi activities in connection with shashi. From the end of the Heian period, a shashi would recite prayers as an intermediary when members of the nobility worshipped or made offerings. This established a relationship between priests and lay people and at the same time there emerged shashi who began to fulfill distinctive roles as priests. Their activities are also described in "Reikentan" (miraculous tales). "Reikentan" were also produced by shashi and in some cases they became widely known through reports in written records and shrine chronicles.From the time of the Kamakura period onward, the importance of nobles as oshi increased and there were even cases where they had an influence on the appointment of shashi. Their activities extended beyond the shrine, as they sometimes officiated in small shrines situated in the compounds of noble persons. A similar trend also existed in other major shrines.The third chapter examines the development of activities and offerings by oshi in the Early Modern period. While the involvement of shashi in oshi activities continued during the Early Modern period, the involvement of jinin in oshi activities most probably went back as far as the early part of the Middle Ages. The chapter also discusses the possibility that offerings made in the form of "gohei" or "ohake" were part of a religious practice that can be linked to the Early Modern period as well.The fourth chapter looks at visits to other shrines and frequent visits to Kasuga shrine and the fifth chapter discusses officiating in Nanendo through to giving recitations in Nanendo. Before frequent purification rituals became established as prayers at Kasuga Shrine at the end of the Middle Ages, it was popular to make frequent visits to shrines belonging to Kasuga Shrine and to make return trips between the main shrine and minor shrines. Moreover, this became an important religious practice and also became a form of prayer which continued into the Early Modern period.When Kasuga Shrine priests officiated at Nanendo, they made frequent return journeys between Nanendo and Kasuga Shrine. They also visited the grounds of Kofuku-ji Temple and recited prayers. This was an important part of the acceptance of Buddhism by Kasuga Shrine priests, which preceded that of pilgrams to Kasuga Shrine, and also led to an increase in people offering prayers.
樋口 雄彦
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.203, pp.161-293, 2016-12

江戸幕府において天領の治水行政を所轄したのは勘定奉行をトップとする勘定所であり、その配下として実地で防災・復興などの土木工事を担当したのが普請役という下級官吏であった。普請役には純粋に技術者だった者がいた半面、工事に従事する農民を管理・監督するだけの行政官だった者も混在していたと考えられる。維新後、明治政府は治河使・土木司・土木寮・土木局といった担当部門を会計官・民部省・工部省・大蔵省・内務省などの下に位置づけ、治水を遂行するとともに、西洋からの新たな技術導入をはかった。新政府の直轄県で治水を担当した下級官吏の中には幕府時代に普請役だった者がおり、政権交代を経た後も現場レベルでは人的継続性が見られた。七〇万石の一大名として存続した、江戸幕府の後身たる静岡藩では、領内に富士川・安倍川・大井川・天竜川という大河があったことから、藩政機構の中に水利路程掛(後に水利郡政掛・水利郡方掛と改称)を置き、治水に意を注いだ。ただし、実際に領内各地で展開された治水技術は、蛇籠・大聖牛・牛枠といった竹木石を材料とした伝統的な工法にとどまり、近世との大きな違いは見られなかった。その一方、同掛には幕府時代に勘定所に属した者や普請役など、古くからの民政部門の経験者が身を置いた一方、海軍士官として西洋の科学技術を学んだ人物が幹部に就任するなど、近代化への志向が見られた。廃藩置県に前後して静岡藩の人材は明治政府に吸収されていったが、水利路程掛の出身者には中央省庁や府県において土木・治水行政を任された者もいた。また、同じ旧幕臣・静岡藩出身者としては、同藩の藩校沼津兵学校で身に付けた洋算・測量などを武器に土木寮の技師となり、お雇い外国人とともに仕事をしたような、より若い世代の一群の存在が生まれた。さらに、同校から工部大学校に進学し高等教育を受けた者の中からは、本格的な土木技術の専門家が輩出した。伝統工法にもとづき幕府の治水行政を担当した者たちと幕末に西洋近代科学を学び取った幕府海軍士官たちは静岡藩で合流し、水利路程掛や沼津兵学校を経由して明治政府へと引き継がれ、世代交代や新陳代謝を繰り返しつつ、真に近代的な意味での治水行政の担当者たる土木官僚・土木技術者へとつながっていったのである。In the Edo Shogunate Government, the Kanjō-sho (Treasury Department), led by the Kanjō-bugyō (Chief Treasurer), was responsible for flood control administration in the shogunal demesnes. Under the control of the Department, the low-ranking government officials called Fushin-yaku were in charge of construction works for disaster prevention and rehabilitation. They seem to have consisted not only of engineers but also of administrative officials who only supervised farmers engaged in construction works.After the Meiji Restoration, the Government of Japan set up departments in charge of civil engineering and construction, such as Chika-shi, Doboku-shi, Doboku-ryō, and Doboku-kyoku, under the supervision of the Kaikei-kan (Ministry of Accountant), Minbu-shō (Ministry of Public Affairs), Kōbu-shō (Ministry of Public Works), Ōkura-shō (Ministry of Finance), and Naimu-shō (Ministry of Home Affairs) to enhance flood control. Moreover, the Meiji Government strived to adopt new technologies from the West. In the meantime, some of the low-ranking government officials who had worked as Fushin-yaku in the Edo period continued to engage in flood control projects in prefectures under the direct control of the new Meiji Government, which indicates the retention of human resources at the field level even after the regime change.The Shizuoka Domain, established for the ex-shogun who was demoted to a daimyo with revenues of 700,000 koku, set up the department of water resources management (originally named as Suiri-rotei-kakari, later renamed as Suiri-gunsei-kakari, and then renamed again as Suiri-koorikata-kakari) under the local government to enhance flood control since there were large rivers within the territory, such as the Fuji, Abe, Ōi, and Tenryū Rivers. Though in the domain, technocrats only built simple wood, bamboo and/or stone structures for flood prevention, such as those called jakago, daiseigyū, and ushiwaku, by using traditional techniques similar to those used in early modern times, and seem to have strived for modernization. This is also illustrated by the fact that the department of water resources management not only consisted of government officials who had engaged in public affairs for years under the Edo Shogunate Government, such as Fushin-yaku and other officials of the Kanjō-sho, but also hired as senior officials those who had learned Western scientific knowledge and skills to become naval officers.Around at the time of haihan-chiken (the abolition of feudal domains and the establishment of prefectures), most officials of the Shizuoka Domain were assimilated into the Meiji Government. Some of those who had worked for the department of water resources management were appointed as civil engineering/flood control administrators at the central and prefectural governments. Meanwhile, among the ex-shogunate officials and the Shizuoka Government who had learned Western arithmetic knowledge and measurement skills in the Numazu Military Academy established by the Shizuoka Domain, some young officials served as engineers at the Doboku-ryō (Department of Civil Engineering), working with foreign specialists employed by the Government of Japan. Moreover, some of the students graduating from the academy and going on to the Imperial College of Engineering to further their education became professional civil engineers.Thus, the shogunate flood control administrators equipped with traditional engineering techniques and the shogunate naval officers armed with modern Western scientific knowledge were merged together in the Shizuoka Domain. After working for the department of water resources management or studying in the Numazu Military Academy, they were assimilated into the Meiji Government. Then, despite the change of generations and the turnover of personnel, their knowledge and skills were transferred to civil engineering bureaucrats and engineers in charge of truly modern flood control.一部非公開情報あり
鈴木 三男 能城 修一 田中 孝尚 小林 和貴 王 勇 劉 建全 鄭 雲飛
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.187, pp.49-71, 2014-07

ウルシToxicodendron vernicifluum(ウルシ科)は東アジアに固有の落葉高木で,幹からとれる漆液は古くから接着材及び塗料として利用されてきた。日本及び中国の新石器時代遺跡から様々な漆製品が出土しており,新石器時代における植物利用文化を明らかにする上で重要な植物の一つであるとともに日本の縄文文化を特徴づけるものの一つでもある。本研究では現在におけるウルシの分布を明らかにし,ウルシ種内の遺伝的変異を解析した。そして化石証拠に基づいてウルシの最終氷期以降の時空分布について検討した。その結果,ウルシは日本,韓国,中国に分布するが,日本及び韓国のウルシは栽培されているものかあるいはそれが野生化したものであり,中国には野生のものと栽培のものの両方があることが明らかとなった。それらの葉緑体DNAには遺伝的変異があり,中国黄河~揚子江の中流域の湖北型(V),浙江省と山東省に見られる浙江型(VII),日本,韓国,中国遼寧省と山東省に見られる日本型(VI)の3つのハプロタイプ(遺伝子型)が検出された。中国大陸に日本と同じハプロタイプの野生のウルシが存在することは,日本のウルシが中国大陸から渡来したものだとすれば山東省がその由来地として可能性があることを示唆していると考えられた。一方,化石証拠からは日本列島には縄文時代早期末以降,東日本を中心にウルシが生育していたことが明らかとなった。さらに福井県鳥浜貝塚遺跡からは縄文時代草創期(約12600年前)にウルシがあったことが確かめられた。このような日本列島に縄文時代草創期に既にウルシが存在していたことは,ウルシが大陸からの渡来なのか,元々日本列島に自生していたものなのかについての再検討を促していると考えられた。The lacquer tree, Toxicodendron vernicifluum (Anacaradiaceae) is an endemic tree in East Asia and is called urushi in Japanese. The urushi lacquer is collected from the tree trunk of this species and has been utilized as an adhesive and/or a painting material from very ancient ages. Many kinds of lacquer ware have been recovered from Neolithic archeological sites in Japan and China, and the urushi lacquer ware especially characterizes the Jomon culture in Japan. To elucidate the origin of the Japanese urushi culture, we examined the distribution of urushi trees in East Asia, analyzed their chloroplast DNA, and re-examined the fossil record of the urushi plant.Although the urushi plant is now distributed in China, Korea, and Japan, all of the trees in Korea and Japan are not native, but are cultivated. Thus the urushi trees in Japan is considered as an introduction from somewhere in China. We detected three haplotypes in the chloroplast DNA (trnL intron and trnL-F intergenic spacer regions) in of the urushi plant. The first one haplotype (haplotype V) is widely distributed in central China between Hwang Ho and Yangtze Jiang of China. The second haplotype (haplotype VI) is found in Japan, Korea, and Liaoning and Shandong provinces of China. The last one haplotype (haplotype VII) is found only in Shandong and Zhejiang provinces of China. The presence of wild urushi plant with the haplotype VI in certain areas of China may suggest the possibility that the urushi trees in Japan seem to have originated and introduced from those areas, if it was introduced. Fossil records of pollen, fruits, and wood of the urushi plant have been recovered from the early Jomon period in Japan, especially in eastern and northeastern Japan. One exception is the oldest record of the incipient Jomon period of ca. 12600 cal BP of a urushi fossil wood from the Torihama shell midden of Fukui prefecture. This fact is pressing us to re-consider whether what the urushi plant was brought over from China, or it is native to Japan originally.
村井 章介
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.201, pp.81-96, 2016-03-30

関沢 まゆみ
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.191, pp.91-136, 2015-02-27

井原 今朝男
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.121, pp.1-42, 2005-03-25

島村 恭則
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.103, pp.325-348, 2003-03-31

山下 裕作
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.181, pp.39-69, 2014-03-31

小椋 純一
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.203, pp.113-160, 2016-12-15

勝田 至
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.174, pp.7-30, 2012-03

近代の民俗資料に登場する火車は妖怪の一種で、野辺送りの空に現れて死体をさらう怪物である。正体が猫とされることも多く、貧乏寺を繁昌させるため寺の飼い猫が和尚と組んで一芝居打つ「猫檀家」の昔話も各地に伝わっている。火車はもともと仏教で悪人を地獄に連れて行くとされる車であったが、妖怪としての火車(カシャ)には仏教色が薄く、また奪われる死体は必ずしも悪人とされない。本稿の前半では仏教の火車と妖怪の火車との繋がりを中世史料を用いて明らかにした。室町時代に臨終の火車が「外部化」して雷雨が堕地獄の表象とされるようになり、十六世紀後半には雷が死体をさらうという話が出現する。それとともに戦国末には禅宗の僧が火車を退治する話も流布し始めた。葬列の際の雷雨を人々が気にするのは、中世後期に上層の華美な葬列が多くの見物人を集めるようになったことと関係がある。猫が火車とされるようになるのは十七世紀末のころと見られる。近世には猫だけではなく、狸や天狗、魍魎などが火車の正体とされる話もあり、仏教から離れて独自の妖怪として歩み始める。悪人の臨終に現れる伝統的な火車の説話も近世まで続いているが、死体をさらう妖怪の火車の話では、死者は悪人とされないことが多くなった。人を地獄に連れて行く火車の性格が残っている場合、火車に取られたという噂がその死者の評判にかかわるという問題などから、次第に獄卒的な性格を薄めていったと考えられる。Kasha, which emerges in modern folklore, is a kind of monster which appears in the sky over funeral processions and carries away the dead. The monster is often identified as a cat, and "nekodanka," which is an old tale of a cat playing tricks together with the priest of a poor temple to make the temple prosper, is also known in various places.Kasha was originally a Buddhist carrier that allegedly took villains to hell. However, when kasha is portrayed as a monster, its Buddhist character is weakened, and the dead taken by kasha are not necessarily villains. The first half of this article clarifies the connection between kasha in Buddhism and kasha as a monster, using medieval materials. During the Muromachi period, kasha for the death was "externalized," and thunderstorms were considered to represent going to hell, while in the last half of the 16th century, the story of thunder carrying away the dead appeared. At the same time, at the end of the Sengoku period, the story of a Zen Buddhist monk defeating kasha gained ground. People's concerns about thunderstorms at funeral processions are connected with the fact that in the last half of the Middle Ages, gorgeous funeral processions of the upper classes attracted many spectators.It seems that kasha were first identified as cats in the late 17th century. In early modern times, kasha were also identified as raccoon dogs, tengu, moryo, etc., leaving Buddhism and beginning to walk alone as unique monsters. The traditional story of kasha, which appears at the death of a villain, was continued until early modern times, but in the story of kasha as a monster carrying away the dead, the dead was often not villains. If kasha still had the character of a monster which carries away people to hell, the rumor that kasha took the dead might have tarnished the reputation of the latter. For this reason, the character of kasha as a tormenting devil in hell would have gradually been weakened.
藤尾 慎一郎
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.183, pp.113-143, 2014-03-31

荒川 章二
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.147, pp.35-63, 2008-12-25
