大和田 守 有田 豊 神保 宇嗣 岸田 泰則 中島 秀雄 池田 真澄 平野 長男
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.37-136, 2006

Six hundred and thirty-three moths in 46 families were collected in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, ca. 115 ha. The survey was carried out from June 2000 to December 2005 by using a light, sugar bait and by ordinary day-time survey of adults and larvae. All the collecting data are given in the list, in which some noteworthy moths are commented in comparison with the records of such green tracts in the urban Tokyo as the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, 1996-2000 (Owada et al., 2000), the garden of the Institute for Nature Study, ca. 20 ha, 1998-2000 (Owada et al., 2001), the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, ca. 51 ha, 2002-2004 (Owada et al., 2005a) and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, ca. 2 ha, 2002-2004 (Owada et al., 2005b). The comparison of each result is shown in Tables 1 and 2. During a decade of survey period from 1996 to 2005, we observed the establishment and outbreak of a tortricid moth Cerace xanthocosma in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, and the Akasaka Imperial Gardens (Owada et al., 2000, 2001, 2005a), and the details were summarized in the report of moths of the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo (Owada et al., 2005b). We became aware of the remarkable outbreak in the early spring of 2003, i. e., many nests made by the larvae of this tortricid moth were found on leaves of evergreen trees everywhere in the Imperial Palace and the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, Tokyo. This moth is bivoltine in Tokyo urban forests, adults fly in June-July and September. The outbreak of adult moths was observed in 2003 and 2004, but ended rapidly in the winter of 2004, when hibernating larval nests were mostly disappeared in the Imperial Palace. In 2005, the density level of adult moths backed to that in 2001-2001, a few or no moths were observed in each investigation of its flight periods. We had found and bread larvae of this polyphagous moth on the following 17 evergreen broadleaved trees in 11 families. Araliaceae: Fatsia japonica; Aquifoliaceae: Ilex pedunculosa; Caprifoliaceae: Viburnum odoratissimum var. awabuki; Eericaceae: Pieris japonica; Euphorbiaceae: Daphniphyllum himalaense; Fagaceae: Castanopsis sieboldii, Lithocarpus edulis; Lardizabalaceae: Extauntonia hexaphylla; Lauraceae: Cinnamomum camphora, Cinnamomum japonicum, Machilus thunbergii; Myricaceae: Myrica rubra; Oleaceae: Lingustrum japonicum; Theaceae: Camellia japonica, Camellia sasanqua, Camellia sinensis, Cleyera japonica. Most of lithosiine moths, Arctiidae, are lichen and algae feeders, and usually very common in any forests and grasslands. In the 1970-1980's, air pollution was very serious in Japan, and lithosiine moths, except for marshy moths of Pelosia spp., might have become once extinct in the Tokyo urban areas. From the 1990's onwards, air pollution was eased to some extent, and the flora of lichens and bryophytes began to restore in forests of city areas of Tokyo (Kashiwadani & Thor, 2000; Kashiwadani et al., 2001; Higuchi, 2001). In fact, some lithosiine moths were collected in the Institute for Nature Study, the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa in 1998-2004, and they may already settle down in these forests. At the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, we were able to collect a female of Miltochrista abberans on 3 June, 2004, but we have collected none in 2005. It is quite likely that lithosiine moths will not settle down in the Imperial Palace grounds, which are the largest and richest the fauna and flora among large green tracts in urban Tokyo. This phenomenon may be one of the evidences of extinction of lithosiine moths in the urban Tokyo. There is a possible barrier, which obstructs the invasion of lithosiine moths to the Imperial Palace, that is, large moats completely surround the Palace. In larger moats, the longest width of water is ca. 100m, and is ca. 50m in smaller ones.
岡留 恒丸
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.291-293, 2006

Six species, Tephrochlamys japonica, Aecothea fenestalis, Suillia brunneipennis, S. gorodkovi, S. nartschukella and S. sp. of heleomyzid and one species, Diastata ussurica of diastatid flies are recorded from the Imperial Palace, Akasaka Imperial Gardens and Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo. Aecothea fenestralis (Fallen, 1820), a widely distributed in Plearctic, Nearctic and Australasian regions, is recorded as new to the fauna of Japan.
近田 文弘 西川 肇 藤井 寿生
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.441-446, 2006

Meteorological features of the Fukiage-gyoen Gardens in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo was investigated by measurement of atmospheric temperature, relative humidity, and amount of rainfall from June to October in 2005 under the comparison with those of downtown in Tokyo. It is concluded that the meteorological features of the Fukiage-gyoen Gardens are lower atmospheric temperature and higher relative humidity than those of downtown in Tokyo during the summer season.
上宮 健吉 園部 力雄
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.355-368, 2006

A total of 32 species out of 72 Japanese whiteflies (Aleyrodidae) have been recorded from the Tokyo Metropolis. In this occasion, we were allowed to survey and examine the white fly fauna of the Imperial Palace, the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo on the 21-22th of July, and the 3-4th of October in 2005. As a result, a total of 23 species were recorded, of which 19 species were derived from the Imperial Palace, 4 species from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, and 7 species from the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa. For the fauna of Tokyo, 5 species (Bemisia giffardi, Parabemisia maculata, Parabemisia myricae, Aleurocanthus spiniferus, and Aleurotrachelus taiwanus) were newly added, of which the species mentioned last was also the record new to Japan. These 23 species were divided into five groups of distribution pattern, the Japanese endemic (10 species), the Japan-China-Far East (2 spp.), the Japan-Taiwan (3 spp.), the Japan-Asia (2 spp.), and the World-wide (6 spp.). The species occupation rate of the Japanese endemic in these three Imperial districts is seemed to explain that the fauna of these districts represents the fauna of Tokyo, as well as that of Japan.
笹川 満廣
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.335-339, 2006

前報につづいて,皇居に発生するシマバエ科(篠永 哲博士・上宮健吉博士ほか採集)について分類学的調査を行ったところ,計22種(1997-2005)の分布を確認した.また,種ごとの経年的・季節的発生状況について論及した.
諏訪 正明
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.269-278, 2006

皇居,赤坂御用地および常盤松御用邸で採集されたハナバエ科の標本を検し,それぞれ11種,20種,7種を認め,合計23種を報告した.皇居からはすでに13種のハナバエが記録されているが,これらはすべて今回も上記3ヶ所のいずれかから確認された.これら23種の多くは本州の平野部から低山帯に普通の種であるが,いくつかの特筆すべき種の存在も明らかとなった.ジャガイモモグリハナバエPegomya dulcamaraeはこれまで日本では北海道のみから知られていた.Botanophila kitayamaeは模式標本産地の京都北山以外には栃木県那須御用邸の記録があるのみで,雌についても未発見であった.今回は雌雄を確認することができ,雌についてはじめて記載した.雄1個体に基づいて新種Chirosia asymmetricaを記載した.本種は左右非対称の生殖器節を有することによって北米産C. gleniensisおよびチベット産C. laticercaに近縁と考えられるが,いくつかの形態的差異によって後2者とは識別しうることを示した.
繁田 真由美 繁田 祐輔 遠藤 秀紀
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.21-29, 2006

The day roosts and foraging areas of the common Japanese pipistrelle bat, P. abramus, were investigated in the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan. Since the six roosts are observed at Kikyo-mon Gate and Sakashita-mon Gate, we demonstrate that the pipistrelles often use the roost also within the Imperial Palace. The openings of the Japanese traditional roof tile may be suitable for the roost of bat in the Palace. The results of the line census point out that the pipistrelles do not use the whole area of the Imperial Palace, however, prefer the areas along the moats such as the regions near Kikyo and Ote Gates. From the track data of an individual with chemiluminescent tag, we conclude that the pipistrelle use the roots along the paved road and Hamaguri-bori Moat in the foraging areas. The findings indicate the nocturnal foraging activity in the Imperial Palace, and provide us with the fundamental data on the behavior of the common Japanese pipistrelle within the large city.
斉藤 洋一 大和田 守 加藤 俊一 井上 繁一
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.383-406, 2006

Monitoring investigations on the fauna of Odonata were made at the gardens of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, ca. 115 ha, central Tokyo, from 2001 to 2005. A total of 33 species belonging to 8 families were recorded. Similar research were carried out at the same place from 1996 to 2000, and 27 species in 8 families were recorded (Tomokuni & Saito, 2000). The following six species are recorded from the Imperial Place for the first time. Aeschnidae: Aeschnophlebia anisoptera Selys, Polycanthagyna melanictera (Selys), Anaciaeschna martini (Selys) (Fig. 30) and Anax nigrofasdatus nigrofasciatus Oguma (Fig. 31). Libellulidae: Libellula quadrimaculata asahinai Schmidt (Fig. 35) and Sympetrum kunckeli (Selys). Three endangered species in Tokyo urban areas, Ceriagrion nipponicum Asahina (Figs. 9-10), Trigomphus melampus (Selys) (Figs. 19-21) and Aeschnophlebia longistigma Selys (Figs. 27-29) were discovered by the former study (Tomokuni & Saito, 2000), and they are still abundant in the Palace. Rhyothemis fuliginosa Selys (Fig. 41), which had also been very scarce in the urban Tokyo, was gradually increase its number from 2002-2004, and we were able to observe its outbreak in the summer of 2005.
南部 敏明
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.241-254, 2006

Monitoring investigations of the aculeate Hymenoptera, excluding ants, were made at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, from 2001 to 2005. During this period, surveys were carried out almost every month except winter, December to February. A total of 116 species in 18 families were recorded. Similar research was made at the same place from 1997 to 1999, and 146 species of 20 families were recorded (Nambu & Shimizu, 2000; Terayama, 2000a). Twenty-three species were newly added in this survey, and a total of 170 species in 20 families were collected at the largest green tract in urban Tokyo during this decade. Bamboo shoot traps were set for tube renter wasps and bees, and 5 species made their nests: Anterhynchium flavomarginatum micado, Pararrhynchium ornatum, Trypoxylon malaisei, Trypoxylon errans and Megachile spissula.
野村 周平 丸山 宗利 新井 志保
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.161-186, 2006

In 2000 to 2003, the terrestrial staphylinoid fauna was quantitatively surveyed at nine stations (TK01-TK09) six times a year for each in the garden of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan. Each staphylinoid sample was extracted by Tullgren funnel from leaf litter and humus of five quadrats each sized 1m×1m. Sixty-two species of four families were recognized, 13 species of them being recorded for the first time from the Imperial Palace. Species diversity and similarity of six communities were analyzed by three diversity indices (Shanon-Weaner function H', Pielou's index of equitability J' and total diversity H'N) and three similarity indices (Jaccard's coefficient of community CC, Nomura-Simpson's coefficient NSC and Pianka's overlap index α). In the comparison of species diversity, TK03 was significantly low in H' and H'N and the other five were not different. In TK01 to TK03 surveyed in 2000-2001, the diversity was high in January to May, in a low level in July, and recovered in September; on the other hand, it decreased more or less in June to October in TK07 to TK09 (2002-2003). As to the similarity of species component, TK07 harbored many species completely covering the faunas of TK01, TK02 and TK03. A significant difference of TK09 in overlap similarity was indicated in an analysis by Pianka's α.
松本 嘉幸
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.369-382, 2006

Through a monitoring survey from 2001 to 2005 at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, 71 species of aphids were found form 81 host-plants. In the former investigation from 1996 to 2000 at the same area, 96 aphid species were found from 95 host-plants (Matsumoto, 2000). In this monitoring survey, 20 species were added to the fauna, and a total of 115 species were recorded from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo.
嶌 洪
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.279-289, 2006

Ninety-five tachinid species are recorded from the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, 31 of which are newly added to the previous record (Shima, 2000) and marked with an asterisk "*". Seventeen species are newly known from Central Tokyo and they are marked with double asteriks "**". As a result of the researches in this project, 119 tachinid species are recorded from the Imperial palace, Tokyo. It is interesting that an unidentified species of Setalunula was found there. It is most possible that this is the second species of this genus. Senometopia polyvalens was erroneously identified by Shima (2000). It is in reality an undescribed species of Senometopia. Phyllomya humilis reported by Shima (l.c.) should also be an undescribed species of the genus (P. sp.). Fausta inusta (Mesnil) was misidentified as Ernestia sp. Euvespivora sp. in Shima (l.c.) was comfirmed as E. decipiens (Walker).