前島 正裕
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series E, Physical sciences & engineering (ISSN:03878511)
vol.28, pp.13-20, 2005-12

The faradization apparatuses in Meiji Era played an important part for the history of electrification in Japan. However there are few data about machines, makers of them, amount of productions and etc. Investigating circuits, structures, dimensions of these machines and unique characters, this research offers some basic data about three machines of battery type and about two Magneto-Electric Machines that were preserved in the Edo-Tokyo Museum, the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology and the National Science Museum. Three battery machines were made by each makers individually in Japan but their structures were very similar. Two Magneto-Electric Machines made by foreign makers were in the same situation too.
波部 忠重 知念 盛俊
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.7, pp.121-"128-4", 1974

The Ryukyu Archipelago is located between Kyushu and Formosa and consists of seven groups, namely from north to south, Osumi, Tokara, Amami, Okinawa, Miyako, Yaeyama and Senkaku. The faunas of these groups are more or less different from one another and some biogeographical boundaries were proposed. They are the MIYAKE line between Kyushu and Osumi group, the WATASE line between Osumi and Amami groups, and the HACHISUKA line between Okinawa and Yaeyama groups. The land molluscan fauna of this archipelago originates from that of the central-south part of China with the most remarkable boundary between Osumi and Amami groups. The land molluscan species of Osumi group are mostly in common with those of Kyushu, Shikoku, Honshu and southern Korea, but since they are scarcely in common with those of Amami group, the WATASE line is considered to be a clear boundary. Although Pupinella funatoi, Spirostoma nakadai, Stereophaedusa stereoma, Yakuchloritis albolabris and Satsuma tanegashimae are endemic in the Osumi group, a little faunistic difference is found between Kyushu and Osumi group, and the MIYAKE line dose not seem to be important as the WATASE line. Tokara group is an intermediate area where the land molluscan fauna has many species in common with that of Amami group, whereas a small number of species of Osumi group distribute in the area. Next, between Amami-Okinawa and Miyako-Yaeyama areas there are common genera, but scarcely common species. Therefore, the HACHISUKA line is a significant boundary in land molluscan fauna. Between Amami and Okinawa groups, the former has the genera such as Pupinella, Trichelix, Chamalycaeus which are not distributed in the latter and some species specialize to subspecies in each group. Between Miyako and Yaeyama groups the difference of the land molluscan fauna is small. On the other hand, these two groups have the species such as Aegiste nackensii, A. osbeckii and Cyclotus taivanus in common with Formosa. The land molluscs such as Coniglobus tadai, Buliminopsis takarai and Tyrannozaptyx takarai from Senkaku group are similar to those species of Yaeyama group, excepting the species of the genus Nesiohelix, N. solida which shows close relationship of Senkaku group to Formosa and Continent of China. In Ishigaki and Iriomote Islands of Yaeyama group 45 species of land molluscs were collected, among which 16 species including a new species and 3 subspecies are endemic. The new species, Enteroplax yaeyamensis, of the family Strobilopsidae described herewith is the Philippine element.
斎藤 修啓 鈴木 一義
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series E, Physical sciences & engineering (ISSN:03878511)
vol.21, pp.9-57, 1998

Tanahashi Library is located in the library of National Science Museum. Gentaro Tanahashi's bequest was presented by his wife Syou Tanahashi. The Catalog of Tanahashi Library comprises 654 items, which are arranged in 7 categories by authors. As follows : 1) 99 Books and booklets, 2) 87 periodicals, 3) 64 museum's guides, 4) 141 manuscripts, notes and memorandums, 5) 21 photos and postcards, 6) 118 materials related to museum, and 7) 124 other materials.
武田 正倫
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.18, pp.141-144, 1985

東京大学海洋研究所所属の調査船「淡青丸」によって(TK75-6次航海), 富山湾と付近海域から採集された甲殻類資料中に, ホンヤドカリ科カイガラカツギ属 Porcellanopagurus のヤドカリ1個体が見出された。採集地点は能登半島東側の飯田湾, 水深36m である。この属には従来5種(ニュージーランド南方海域に分布する P. edwardsi FILHOL, オーストラリア東南部産の P. tridentatus WHITELEGGE, チリー沖ファンフェルナンデス諸島産の P. platei LENZ, 相模湾から東支那海にかけて分布するカイガラカツギ P. japonicus BALSS, 小笠原諸島産のチビカイガラカツギ P. truncatifrons TAKEDA)が知られている。これらはヤドカリとはいえ, その和名が示すように, 巻貝を利用することはなく, 二枚貝の半片や破片を背負うという特異な習性をもっている。腹部は短小で, 尾節および尾肢は左右相称である。 飯田湾産の標本はいわゆるカイガラカツギよりもチビカイガラカツギに近い。しかし, 額が発達し(チビカイガラカツギでは完全に切断された状態), 眼窩上縁が深くくぼみ, 額の幅と等長(ごく浅く, 額の幅より明らかに広い), 側縁が後方に開くため甲の輪郭は五角形に近い(後縁がほぼまっすぐであるため輪郭は横長の四角形)。甲の側縁最後歯は横に著しく突出しているのに対し, チビカイガラカツギではほとんど突出していないが, これが種の特徴といえるかどうか現在は断定できない。結果として, 飯田湾の個体はチビカイガラカツギに近縁の別種と考えられ, P. nihonkaiensis という学名を与えた。
岩科 司 八田 洋章
筑波実験植物園研究報告 (ISSN:02893568)
vol.17, pp.139-146, 1998-12

Mastixia trichotoma Blume (ミズキ科),キジュ(Camptotheca acuminata Decne,ヌマミズキ科),ウリノキ(Alangium platanifolium (Sieb. & Zucc.) Harms var. trilobum (Miq.) Ohwi,ウリノキ科),シマウリノキ(Alangium premnifolium Ohwi,ウリノキ科)およびハンカチノキ(Davidia involucrata Baill., ハンカチノキ科)の葉に含まれるフラボノイド化合物がハンカチノキを除き,初めて報告された。これらの植物に含まれているのはいずれもフラボノールの配糖体で, M. trichotomaからはkaempferol 3-O-glucosideと3-O-galactosideおよびquercetin 3-O-glucoside,キジュからはkaempferolの3-O-glucosideと3-O-galactoside,およびquercetinの3-O-glucoside, 3-O-galactosideと3-O-rutinoside,ウリノキからはkaempferol 3-O-rutinoside,およびquercetin 3-O-glucosideと3-O-rutinoside,シマウリノキからはkaempferolの3-O-rutinoside, 3-O-rhamnosylgalactoside, quercetinの3-O-glucoside, 3-O-galactosideと3-O-rutinoside,およびisorhamnetinの3-O-rhamnosylglucosideと3-O-rhamnosylgalactoside,そしてハンカチノキからはkaempferolの3-O-galactoside,およびquercetinの3-O-glucoside, 3-O-galactosideと3-O-arabinosideが分離同定された。これらのフラボノイドはいずれもkaempferol, quercetinおよびisorhamnetinの3-O-モノ-あるいはジ-配糖体であり,著者らが以前に分離同定を行った大多数のミズキ属(Cornus)植物のフラボノイド組成と極めて類似していた。以上のような点から,限られた種の分析ではあるものの,上記4科の種属はフラボノイドを指標とした化学分類学的観点からみると,ミズキ科のうちでもフラボノールでなくフラボンの配糖体を含むハナイカダ属(Helwingia)や,糖として主にキシロースを結合しているフラボノールの3,7-O-配糖体が主要成分であるアオキ属(Aucuba)よりもむしろミズキ属に近縁であると推定された。
松本 定
筑波実験植物園研究報告 (ISSN:02893568)
vol.22, pp.1-141, 2003-12

The ornamental fern, Cyrtomium falcatum (L. f.) C. Presl native in Eastern Asia naturalized coastal region of the warm-temperate zone in the world. The chromosome number for cytotypes on 186 localities (341 individuals) and the spore-number per sporangium for reproductive mode on 794 localities (2,467 individuals including herbarium specimens and population samples) in Japan were surveyed. Four cytotypes, two sexual diploid (A1: dwarf, A2: normal), one sexual tetraploid (C) and one apogamous triploid (B) were mainly recognized. In central Japan, A1, B and C types show that the habitat segregation among sea-cliff, coastal grassy ground and forest floor are sympatric. While, A1 and A2 types show that the geographic segregation between northern part and southern part in Japan are allopatric. And also, several polyploid hybrids were recognized at contact zones of each cytotype and another apogamous triploid species. There are one sterile triploid (A1×C), one apogamous and sexual tetraploid (A1×B) and four apogamous pentaploid [C×B (♂), C×D (D: C. laetevirens (Hiyama) Nakaike: ♂), C×E (E: C. fortunei (J. Sm.) var. clivicola (Makino) Tagawa: ♂), C×F (F: C. caryotideum (Wall, ex Hook, et Grev.) C. Presl: ♂). The polyhaploid (apogamous dihaploid) was gotten from reduced spores (64 spores in a sporangium) of the tetraploid (A1×B). This apogamous dihaploid considered to make variation of B type as donor of sperm by backcross (hybrid cycle: 3x to 4x to 2x to 3x). Artificial hybrid for genome analysis were synthesized as follow, fertile diploid (A1×A2), sterile triploid (A1×C) and sterile and apogamous tetraploid [C×(A1×B)]. Sexual meiosis of all hybrids including natural apogamous hybrids and dihaploid were analyzed for the basic 4 types, A1, A2, and B types were same genome as AA, AA and AAA respectively, but C type was allotetraploid having AABB (see Fig. 3-5). On the genetic background of agamospory, the apogamy was considered to be one dominant gene from the segregation ratio of gametophytes to originate in reduced-spores of tetraploid hybrid, A1×B. And also linkage of apogamy and diplospory genes considered as to be present, for reason to show diplospory on the almost dihaploid. On the variation of mating systems, ratio of the gametangium formation (mix or separate antheridia with archegonia) and sporophyte formation by intragametophytic selfing test were investigated on the A1, A2 and C types, and one hybrid A1×A2. A2 and C were separate types, but A1 was variable from separate to mix type and the hybrid was intermediate type with the half ratio. Sporophyte formation of the mix types including parent (A1) of the hybrid were high frequencies by self-fertility, but that of separate types were low in A1 and A2 types of diploid or relatively low in C type of tetraploid. And also sporophyte formation of separate types later one month than that of mix type. On the comparative study under the cultivation, dwarf form of A1 type specialized genetically from A2 type was considered as 'Progenesis'. The shape of B type intermediates between A1 and A2 types. While, C type was distinguished from another types with shape of pinna and presence of micro-scale on upper surface of frond. Correlation of the ecological structure and speciation on basic 4 cytotypes of Cyrtomium falcatum complex in Japanese Archipelago were considered from viewpoint of species ecological study (see Fig. 4-1). Most basic A2 type growing subtropical maritime forest with cross mating evolved under K-selection. The A1 type growing warm and cool temperate sea-cliff evolved under r-selection from A2 type, as follows, the first by genetic drift, migrating only grayish indusium strain with self mating, the second by progenesis, shorten the life cycle from three years or more to one or two years. Most widely spread B type growing the coastal forest edge with apogamous reproduction evolved by hybridization at several times or by hybrid cycle from A2 and A1 types under competition environment. The C type growing warm temperate wetly forest floor evolved under K-selection, by hybridization between A2 type and unknown another species of Cyrtomium. Taxonomy of basic 4 types on Cyrtomium falcatum complex was as follows by examination of two holotype specimens. Cyrtomium devexiscapulae (Koidz.) Ching (C type) C. falcatum (L. f.) C. Presl subsp. falcatum (B type) subsp. littorale S. Matsumoto (A1 type) subsp. australe S. Matsumoto (A2 type)
久居 宣夫
自然教育園報告 (ISSN:0385759X)
vol.6, pp.9-19, 1975-12

1. 東京都港区の自然教育園において, 1973年5月〜1975年5月の2年間に18回のヒキガエルの生態調査を実施した。調査は, 指切断法によって標識をし, 体重, 体長, 口幅などの測定後放逐し, 同一個体の追跡によって成長を調べた。2. 各調査時における体重ヒストグラムと, 同一個体の追跡調査によって, ヒキガエルの成長は以下のように明らかになった。0才5月下旬体重0.05g, 体長0.9cm8月中旬体重9±5g, 体長4.0±0.8cm10月上旬体重25±12g, 体長5.9±1.1cm1才5月上旬体重36±16g, 体長7.0±0.9cm10月下旬体重129±35g, 体長10.7±1.Ocm2才5月中旬体重141±32g, 体長11.2±1.1cm雌雄の性別による成長の差は, 陸上にあがってから2年間では認められなかったが, 産卵期での体重の差は, 雌の方が雄よりも80〜100g重かった。3. ヒキガエルの体重, 体長, 口幅のそれぞれの相対成長は, 1974年5月の場合, 次の式で表わされる。体重-体長 : Y=0.109X^<2.92>(Xは体長, Yは体重)体重-口幅 : Y=2.180X^<3.04>(Xは口幅, Yは体重)体長-口幅 : Y=2.815X^<1.03>(Xは口幅, Yは体長)これらの相対成長は季節による変化がなく, また, 雌雄, 未成熟個体と成熟個体による差異も認められなかった。4. 雄個体の場合, 多くは1才の秋(上陸後約17〜18カ月)に性成熟し, 翌春の産卵期には出現する。しかし, 雌個体が性成熟するのは, 雄個体より少なくてもさらに1年後になるものと推定される。
小山 博滋
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.1, pp.71-76, 1968

Cacalia yatabei is a composite plant well known as a member of the Japanese flora. Although the occurrence of this species in the Rikuchu province was reported by TOBA in 1902,no specimen collected in the province was preserved in any main herbaria in Japan. On the course of my field trip, the considerable growth of this species was observed on Mt. Goyo as well as at the Osaki Peninsula. Having these new materials at hands, the phytogeography of C. yatabei is summarized in this paper and the taxonomica1 relationship between the species and its allied is also discussed. Cacalia yatabei MATSUM. et KOIDZ. in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 24 : 152 (1910) Type : HONSHU, Pref. Tochigi : Utanohama, Nikko, J. Matsumura s.n. (TI); KITAM. in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7 : 250 (1938), Comp. Jap. III : 223 (1942); HARA Enum. Sperm. Jap. II : 152 (1952); OHWI FI. Jap. Eng. ed. 885 (1965). In C. yatabei, NAKAI recognized two types concerning the number of florets and involucral scales per head; one with 5 florets and 5-(6) involucral scales per head and another with 3 florets and 3-(4) involucral scales per head. Considering these types and some other characters, NAKAI subdivided C. yatabei into two micro-species. The differences pointed out by NAKAI, however, seem to have no taxo-nomic significance at the species level. In addition, there are some intermediate forms between the two types. These two types, therefore, are better considered as infraspecific variations as treated by KITAMURA. Var. yatabei Miricacalia yatabei (MATSUM. et KOIDZ.) NAKAI in Jour. Jap. Bot. 14 : 641(1938) Five florets and 5-(6) involucral scales per head. Var. occidentalis F. MAEKAWA ex KITAM. in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7 : 250(1938), Comp. Jap. III : 224 (1942); HARA Enum. Sperm. Jap. II : 152 (1952); OHWI Fl. Jap. Eng. ed 885 (1965) -Miricacalia maekawae NAKAI 1.c. 642 Type : HONSHU, Pref. Nara : Mt. Ohdaigaharayama, S. Sakaguchi s. n. (TI). Three florets and 3-(4) involucral scales per head. As shown in Fig. 1,this species occurs mainly along the Pacific coast of Japan. The northern limit of the distribution coincides well with the border of the deepest (more than 50cm) snowfall region. The dispersal of the plant seems to be related, at least partly, to thawing. Similar distribution pattern is known in some other Japanese plants (e.g., Veronica Miqueliana, etc.). In his revision of the Japanese composite plants, KITAMURA proposed Sect. Taimingasa including the following species : C. amagiensis, C. peltifolia, C. yatabei, C. firma and C. pseudotaimingasa. Among these species, C. peltifolia is fairly unique by its peculiar peltate leaves and its cellular construction of leaf hairs (Fig. 3-F). Cacalia amagiensis, C. firma and C. pseudotaimingasa are taxonomically related to C. yatabei. These four species have leaves with triple-ribbed venation, but the leaf margin is considerably different in serration one another. In C. firma the leaves are slightly lobed, while in C. yatabei they are deeply lobed. The leaves of C. pseudotaimingasa are intermediate between the two. Leaves of C. amagiensis are almost entire, but are more or less lobed in some specimens. Geographically, both C. firma and C. pseudo-taimingasa occur in Korea (Fig. 2); C. amagiensis is found only from Izu Peninsula; C. yatabei is widely distributed in Japan but limited south of the Kitakami Mountains. Considering this distribution, it can be assumed that the ancestor of C. yatabei may had come from Korea Peninsula across Tsushima Strait and spreads northeastwards along the Pacific side of the Japanese Islands up to the Kitakami Mountains.
菅原 十一
自然教育園報告 (ISSN:0385759X)
vol.29, pp.5-12, 1998-03

南寄りの風による自然教育園の強風影響区域については, 既にその一部が報告されている(菅原, 1982)。今回の報告は, 1996年台風第17号の影響による風害木をもとに推定した北寄り強風区域分布について述べた。1) この台風は, 同年9月22日八丈島一房総半島沖通過に伴い東京周辺に北寄り強風をもたらした。2) 自然教育園では, 台風最接近時に日最大瞬間風速NW31.7m/sを記録し, 多数の風害木が発生した。3) この風害木の局地的分布と風倒方向をもとに強風影響区域や風害木発生時の風向を推定した。4) 北寄りの強風影響区域分布は風向により2通りに大別された。風向NNW〜NNE範囲では2区域, 風向W〜NNWでは3区域が推定された。5) 強風影響区域は, 台地上や主風向に平行した園路, 風上側向き斜面, 林孔地などの地形, 林況条件でみられやすくなっていた。