吉行 瑞子
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A, Zoology (ISSN:03852423)
vol.14, no.4, pp.215-222, 1988-12

Euroscaptor klossi THOMAS, a little known mole of Thailand, is re-described on a dead specimen from Mt. Doi Inthanon. Its pelvic and manual bones are described for the first time. Relationship of Asiatic moles is discussed.
服部 力 本郷 次雄
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
no.23, pp.p63-67, 1990-12

Wood-decaying Hymenomycetes were collected in Amami-oshima Isl. (Kagoshima Pref.) mainly in 1989. Some tropical species were found for the first time from the Island. The distribution patterns of the species found from the Island are as follows. Species widely distributed in Japan : Bjerkandera adusta, Daedaleopsis confragosa, Coltricia montagnei, Hymenochaete mougeotii, Ganoderma lipsiense. Species distributed from the tropical region to the warmer region along the Pacific Ocean : Dictyopanus gloeocystidiatus, Corticium argenteum, Microporus flabelliformis, Nigroporus vinosus, Cyclomyces tabacinus, Phellinus umbrinellus, Polystictus substygius. Species distributed from the tropical region to the southern part of Kyushu (and/or occasionally to Honshu, Shikoku) : Cymatoderma lamellatum, Lenzites platyphylla, Loweporus fusco-purpureus, Tinctoporellus epimiltinus, Trametes rhodophaea, Phellinus mcgregorii. Species distributed from the tropical region to the southern part of the Cape Sada-misaki, Ohsumi Pen., Kagoshima Pref. : Panus fulvus, Erythromyces crocicreas. Species distributed from the tropical region to Amami-oshima Isl. or to Tane-ga-shima Isl. : Oudemansiella canarii, Daedalea aurora, Nigrofomes melanoporus, Trametes retropicta. Daedalea aurora and Nigrofomes melanoporus have been recorded only from Iriomote Isl. in Japan. Most species collected from the Island were warm temperate, subtropical or tropical species.
上野 俊一
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
no.14, pp.p117-132, 1981-12

ヨウザワメクラチビゴミムシ Trechiama tamaensis A. YOSHIDA et S. NOMURA の存在は, 東京都下奥多摩の養沢鍾乳洞で, 1951年8月31日に見つかった, 死体の破片に基づいて予告された。8年後にようやく生きている個体が採集され, 正式に記載されたが, 雌のみに基づく命名だったので, 正確な類縁関係は明らかでなかった。一方, 1953年に大磯で, また1972年に小田原で, それぞれ海岸に打ち上げられた, 洪水のごみの中から採集されたメクラチビゴミムシは, ヨウザワメクラチビゴミムシに近縁のものだ, ということだけはわかっていたが, 本来の生息地が発見できないので十分な材料が得られず, 腫名が未確定のままになっていた。死体の発見後13年めに初めて雄が採集された結果, 当初から予想されていたように, ヨウザワメクラチビゴミムシは, ハベメクラチビゴミムシ群のものであることが確認された。また, この種が洞窟に特有のものではなく, 関東山地南東部の地中に広く分布していることもわかってきた。近年, 地中環境にすむ動物の調査法が進むにともなって, 全国各地で多くの懸案が解決されるようになったが, 小田原の海岸で採集された種は箱根湯本の廃坑で見つかり, 大磯海岸で採れた種の本来の生息地は, 実に27年ぶりに丹沢山地で確認されて, いずれも実体が明らかになった。この論文では, ヨウザワメクラチビゴミムシの雄を記載するとともに, 箱根および丹沢の種をそれぞれ新しく命名した。それらの名称と既知の分布域は次のとおりである。1)ヨウザワメクラチビゴミムシ T. tamaensis A. YOSHIDA et S. NOMURA-関東山地南東部(養沢鍾乳洞, 大岳鍾乳洞, 御岳山, 御前山, 高尾山, 大垂水峠)2)タンザワメクラチビゴミムシ T. varians S. UENO-丹沢山地東部(ヤビツ峠);ほかに大磯海岸で採集された1個体がある3)ハコネメクラチビゴミムシ T. pallidior S. UENO-箱根山東部(白石地蔵の穴);ほかに小田原市御幸ヶ浜の海岸で採集された1個体がある以上の3種はたがいによく似ていて, 雄交尾器を検討しないかぎり正確に同定することはむずかしい。しかし, ハベメクラチビゴミムシ群のほかの既知種とは明確に区別され, とくに上翅の剛毛式や交尾片の特異な形態がいちじるしい特徴になる。興味深いのは, 箱根山に固有のハコネメクラチビゴミムシが, 富士山や伊豆半島のものとはまったく異なる, という事実である。富士山南東麓の溶岩洞群にはコマカドメクラチビゴミムシ T. lavicola S. UENO が, また伊豆半島東部の溶岩洞と廃坑には近縁のオオルイメクラチビゴミムシ T. ohruii S. UENO がそれぞれ分布し, ハベメクラチビゴミムシ群のうちでも特殊化のもっともいちじるしい一亜群を形づくっている。この亜群とヨウザワメクラチビゴミムシ亜群とは, 前胸背板後角の形態や後角毛の有無, 上翅の肩部や基縁部の構造, 上翅亜端溝の長さや曲がり方, 交尾片の形状などの点で大きく異なり, ごく近い過去に同じ祖先から分化したものとはとうてい考えられない。よく知られていることだが, 箱根の動物相と富士や伊豆の動物相とは, たがいによく似た点が多く, 同じチビゴミムシ類でも, ヨウザワメクラチビゴミムシなどとは系統の異なるフジメクラチビゴミムシ Kurasawatrechus fujisanus S. UENO は, 富士山麓の溶岩洞と箱根湯本の白石地蔵の穴とに分布し, それ以外の地域からは知られていない。したがって, ナガチビゴミムシ属 Trechiama のものだけが, この分布型からはずれた類縁関係を示すのは, 注目に値する事例だといえよう。その理由を説明するのは容易でないが, ハベメクラチビゴミムシ群の分布域が, 本州中央部の太平洋岸に沿ってひじょうに細長く延びていることと, ヨウザワメクラチビゴミムシ亜群の既知の3種のうちの2種までが, 河川の洪水に流されて, 本来の生息地から遠く離れた海岸で採集されている, という事実は暗示に富んでいる。ハベメクラチビゴミムシ群の甲虫類の祖先は, おそらく過去のある時期に分布をいったん分断され, いくつかの原型に分かれたのだろう。それぞれの原型は, その後ふたたび分布を拡げるとともに細分化を起こして, ヨウザワメクラチビゴミムシ亜群に見られるような同胞種をつくったのではなかろうか。長肢型のメクラチビゴミムシ類の拡散が現在もなお行なわれつつあり, それを助ける要因として河川の洪水が大きく影響していることは, これまでにもなん度か指摘してきたが, タンザワメクラチビゴミムシやハコネメクラチビゴミムシの例も, この推論を裏づけるものである。
Yang T. Y. Aleck
National Science Museum monographs (ISSN:13429574)
vol.24, pp.79-89, 2004

The Research and Collection Division of the National Museum of Natural Science, Taiwan, is divided into the Zoology Department, Botany Department, Geology Department, Anthropology Department, and Registrar's Office. The Registrar's Office is responsible for receiving and sending out specimens, as well as handling donations of specimens, for the other four departments in the division. The first four departments focus on scientific research and specimen collection, including collection, exchange, and purchase of specimens. At the present time (till August 2003), there are totally 574,861 specimens in the museum. Among them, 363,303 belong to the Zoology Department and include 11,075 birds and mammals, 17,227 amphibians, reptiles and fish, 18,196 invertebrates and 316,805 insects. There are 129,448 specimens in the Botany Department, including 96,076 vascular plant specimens, fungal, algal and lichen 13,743 specimens and 19,629 bryophyte specimens. The Geology Department possesses 34,625 specimens including 8,635 minerals, 21,576 fossils and 4,414 rock cores. Finally, in the Anthropology Department, there are 47,485 specimens including 7,158 ethnological specimens and 40,327 archaeological specimens.
Polcyn Michael J. Tchernov Eitan Jacobs Louis L.
National Science Museum monographs (ISSN:13429574)
vol.15, pp.259-290, 1999

The Cenomanian fauna of 'Ein Yabrud, Israel, contains a suite of marine lepidosaurs, including a new, basal mosasauroid, similar to those from Cretaceous shallow marine carbonate settings in Italy and Croatia. Plate tectonic models indicate Early Cretaceous rifting of continental crust from the northeastern portion of Africa with subsequent northward drifting and incorporation into southern Europe. Eustatic curves indicate generally lower sea levels prior to the middle Albian than later in the Cretaceous. Therefore, terrestrial vertebrates of Early Cretaceous age in the eastern Mediterranean are likely of Gondwana origin. Southern European Early Cretaceous dinosaur bones, including the skeleton of the maniraptoran Scipionyx, footprints, and lepidosaurs were implaced as biogeographic voyagers on beached Viking funeral ships, derived initially from Africa and accreted onto Europe. The inundated Apulian Platform and related carbonate shelves supported a tropical marine lepidosaur fauna, including aigialosaurs, coniasaurs, and the earliest documented invasion of the sea by snakes.
井上 浩
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
no.9, pp.p99-103, 1976-10

1. 四国地方の低地にみられる蛇紋岩地は乾燥して, アカマツを主とする疎林が多く, 苔類植生にはみるべきものがない。 2. 東赤石山および白髪山の高地に発達する蛇紋岩地ではヒノキ, ヒメコマツなどを主とする針葉樹林が土地的極相林として成立し, ここにいちじるしい苔類植生がみられる。 3. 東赤石山と白髪山には北日本の蛇紋岩地域を特徴づける苔類として考えられた各種がみ出されるが, 量的には少ない。 4. いちじるしい不連続分布をする種類としてチチブイチョウウロコゴケ (Acrobolbus ciliatus), チャボツボミゴケ (Jungermannia pumila), エゾムチゴケ (Bazzania trilobata), ヤマムチゴケ (B.pearsonii) がみられ, 四国では東赤石と白髪山だけに知られている。 5. 四国の蛇紋岩地苔類ではミゾゴケ科, クラマゴケモドキ科ならびにゼニゴケ目の種類が欠けるか, いちじるしく貧弱であることが特徴となる。
菅原 玲 田里 誠 岩田 修一 田辺 義一
国立科学博物館研究報告 E類 理工学 (ISSN:18819095)
vol.30, pp.55-63, 2007-12

The history of Japanese turbine generators started with introducing the Western knowledge and technologies after Meiji Restoration, and improved mainly by referring to the Western manufacturers, especially in the initial stage. And now the Japanese technology reaches the world highest level. The Tari's research showed that an advance of generator performance has something to do with improvements of background technologies such as an ability to make greater steel ingot, and there likely should be a linkage relations among them. This paper shows the correlation graphically and the strong correlation between the unit capacity of generator and the size of turbine rotor by making a multiple-regression analysis for quantitative evaluation.
新井 良一 赤井 裕
Bulletin of the National Science Museum Ser. A Zoology (ISSN:03852423)
vol.14, no.4, pp.p199-213, 1988-12

The fishes of the subfamily Acheilognathinae are classified into the three genera, Tanakia, Acheilognathus, and Rhodeus. Acheilognathus melanogaster BLEEKER, 1860,the type-species of Acheilognathus, is revived, and A. moriokae JORDAN et THOMPSON, 1914,is synonymized with it. Rhodeus oryzae JORDAN et SEALE, 1906,the type-species of Tanakia, is a name given to juveniles of Tanakia hmbata (TEMMINCK et SCHLEGEL, 1846)(=Acheilognathus limbatus).
友国 雅章
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.18, pp.153-161, 1985

The heteropterous fauna of the Oki Islands lying far-off the Shimane Peninsula, western Honshu, Japan, has been poorly known up to the present. Eighty-six species of Heteroptera from there are listed in the present paper. Of these, 38 are newly recorded from the Islands based on the materials collected by the author's research made in 1984. These 86 species excepting Orius sp. are classified into the following five groups according to the difference in their distributional patterns as shown in the author's papers (TOMOKUNI, 1979,1981). Group 1 contains 18 species of the Oriental origin such as Macroscytus subaeneus. Scotinophara lurida, Nezara antennata, Plautia crossota stali, Leptocorisa chinensis and so on. Of these, Gardena melinarthrum is the most typical species of this group. As far as the author knows, this rare reduviid has been known only from Kyushu in Japan. Group 2 is predominant in the heteropterous fauna of the Islands. It consists of 36 species, that is Megacopta punctatissima, Poecilocoris lewisi, Halyomorpha mista, Homoeocerus unipunctatus, Piocoris varius and so on, distributed within the southern area of the Palearctic Region. Group 3 includes 24 species, whose ranges are limited within the northern part of the Palearctic Region, such as Legnotus triguttulus, Graphosoma rubrolineatum, Dybowskyia reticulata, Carbula humerigera and so no. One of the representatives of this group is Saldula scotica which dwells on the surfaces of large dry stones exposed in mountain streams. The heteropterous fauna of the Islands is comparatively rich in this group considering their low elevation. This seems to be attributed to the richness of vegetation. The 6 species, Nysius plebejus, Acalypta sauteri, Stephanitis takeyai, Amphiareus obscuriceps, Lygocoris (Apolygus) nigritulus and Gerris (Gerris) yasumatsui, are discriminated from the others as Group 4. Though they are endemic to Japan, all of them seem to be of Palearctic origin. Group 5 includes only one widespread species, Zicrona caerulea. The heteropterous fauna of the Oki Islands is rather poor, and most of the known species are common and widely distributed in the other areas of Japan. The following two reasons can be pointed out for this : 1) The area of the Islands is small (348 km^2), 2) The Islands were covered by volcanic products from the end of the Tertiary to the beginning of the Quaternary, though they were isolated on the Sea of Japan at the middle of the Miocene. It is, however, worth noticing that two apterous species, Acalypta sauteri and Schidium marcidum, are distributed on the Islands. The problem when and how the ancestors of these species immigrated in the Islands should be carefully elucidated on the basis of more adequate data than are now at hand.
佐々木 勝浩
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series E, Physical sciences & engineering (ISSN:03878511)
vol.26, pp.21-31, 2003-12

Rokoku is the water clock used in ancient China, and the origin goes back to thousands years ago. The multistage type Rokoku which has several vessels as the typical form can be mentioned, and the first vessels is for water supply, the middle vessels are for control of flow rate of water, and the last vessel is for time measurement. The last vessel has a float with the time scale which we can read and know time. Although researches of J. Needham or D. Price were known, the sufficient interpretation about the accuracy and the usage of Rokoku as a clock was not carried out. In this research, first the physical character of a single vessel was observed, subsequently the change of the water level of each vessel was calculated numerically, and then the static and dynamic characteristics of Rokoku were examined. Consequently, in multistage type Rokoku it was able to confirm that the vessels play an important role in controle of a water flow, a fixed quantity of water is supplied periodically when actual using, for example 2 times everyday (in the morning and in the evening), and in the case of that sufficient accuracy is secured, etc.
上野 輝彌 坂本 一男 坂本 治
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series C, Geology & paleontology (ISSN:0385244X)
vol.20, no.4, pp.149-155, 1994-12

A fossil scombrid fish from the Middle Miocene Nagura Formation, Chi-chibumachi Group, Saitama Prefecture, Japan, previously reported as Scomberomorus sp. is now described as a new species S. chichibu. This was determined based on the following characters : the temporal ridge reaching to the level of the posterior end of the ethmoid; a wide, short fenestra between the frontals (the ratio of its width to length is about 1 : 3); and the moderately forked anterior portion of the ethmoid.
根田 仁 土居 祥兌
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.31, pp.89-95, 1998