松村 博文 大貫 良夫 加藤 泰健 松本 亮三 丑野 毅 関 雄二 井口 欣也 橋本 裕子
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series D, Anthropology (ISSN:03853039)
vol.23, pp.1-28, 1997

Fourty seven human skeletons dating Formative Period (2,000 B. C. A. D 0) were recovered from the Kuntur Wasi, Loma Redonda, Huacaloma and Kolgitin sites in Cajamarca region, Peru. The artificial cranial deformities, which can be classiffied into the tabular erect type, were observed in nine skulls from these sites excepting the Kolgitin site. The dental caries was frequently found in the Kuntur Wasi people though less frequently than in the recent Peruvians. The facial morphology is not homogeneous, and the aristocratic features are found in some skulls from the Kuntur Wasi and Roma Ledonda sites. The sexual difference of estimated stature is great in the Kuntur Wasi and Huacaloma people. The squatting facets are present in all tali examined, suggesting that the inhabitants customarily sat in the squatting position or walked up and down rocky mountains.
小野 展嗣
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A, Zoology (ISSN:03852423)
vol.30, no.2, pp.67-75, 2004-06

Zodariid spiders of the genera Asceua Thorell, 1887, Mallinella Strand, 1906, and Akyttara Jocque, 1987, obtained from Dambri in Lam Dong Province, southern Vietnam, are reported. Four new species are described under the names, Asceua piperata, Mallinella momoina, Mallinella dambrica and Akyttara odorocci. The holotype (female) of Asceua torquata (Simon, 1909) described from Hanoi, northern Vietnam, was re-examined and illustrated for a comparison with the new species. Both the Asceua species closely resemble each other in the shape of epigynum. Mallinella dambrica seems to be related to M. klossi (Hogg, 1922) known from Lang Biang, about 100km apart from Dambri in a northeastern direction, while M. momoina shows peculiar characters in the genus, especially those of the structure of female genitalia. The genus Akyttara was discovered in Asia for the first time.
西海 功 柿澤 亮三 紀宮 清子 森岡 弘之
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.5-19, 2006

The avifauna of the Imperial Palace Area in Tokyo was monitored by bird censuses nearly in every two months from August 2000 to November 2005. The results were compared with the previous monthly bird census research from April 1996 to March 2000 reported by Nishiumi et al. (2000). The total number of species recorded in the 35 censuses since August 2000 was 64 species, which is composed of 20 residents, 17 winter visitors, 10 transients, and 17 irregular visitors as listed in Appendix 1, but no breeding summer visitors were recoded. In total of these 10 years, 78 species were recorded by censuses. Eleven species among them are newly recorded in this monitoring period since August 2000; Larus argentatus, Sterna sp., Cuculus poliocephalus, Anthus hodgsoni, Anthus spinoletta, Saxicola torquata, Cyanoptila cyanomelana, Terpsiphone atrocaudata, Parus montanus, Sitta europaea, Fringilla montifringilla. Apart from censuses additional 4 species were recorded; Ninox scutulata as a breeding summer visitor and Corvus corone, Fulica atra, Podiceps cristatus as irregular visitors. We found a significant decreasing trend in number of species observed in the bird census during these ten years. The number of individuals was also significantly decreased except for January and individual number of residents was conspicuously decreased, although that of winter visitors was stable or somewhat increased. Moreover, the species diversity showed significantly a decreasing trend in all of odd months.
友国 雅章
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.349-354, 2006

After the publication of Tomokuni et al. (2000), a good number of the heteropterous insects were collected at the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Japan, under the "Monitoring survey of fauna of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo" conducted by the National Science Museum, Tokyo. This paper reports these material along with a few additional specimens from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa left off the list of Tomokuni (2005). In total 49 species of Heteroptera were found from these three places including four newly recorded species: Apolygus pulchellus, Elasmucha putoni, Eurydema rugosa, and an undescribed species of Miridae (Japanese name, Okuro-kasumikame), all common in Kanto District around Tokyo. Of 49 species, Oncocephalus breviscutum, Cimicicapsus koreanus, and Eurystylus luteus are new to the Imperial Palace, Cletus punctiger is new to the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, and Sastragala esakii, Poecilocoris lewisi, Riptortus clavatus, and Rhopalus maculatus to the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa. These species are common in Kanto District as well. Cymus aurescens, found from the Akasaka Imperial Gardens, has been unknown from the Imperial Palace. This may due to the lack of preferable host plants in the flora of the latter.
馬場 敬次
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A, Zoology (ISSN:03852423)
vol.8, no.3, pp.103-"118-3", 1982-09

This is the second part of the report on the galatheidean Crustacea taken by the R/V Soyo-Maru in the deeper parts of the Japanese waters. The collection of the Galatheidae comprises 9 species, two of which are new and five of which are recorded for the first time from the Japanese waters. The reader is referred to the introduction of the previous article (BABA, 1981) for the source of material and the brief notes on the distribution of the Japanese deep-sea Galatheidae as well as the Chirostylidae. I thank Dr. T. OKUTANI and Dr. M. TAKEDA of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, for making this collection available to me; Dr. F. A. CHACE, Jr. of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C., for kindly allowing me to have access to the identified specimens deposited in the Crustacea Division of the National Museum of Natural History; Dr. R. B. MANNING of the same Institution, for arranging at my request the loan of the Atlantic specimens of Munida microphthalma, providing me with copies of the paper by FILHOL (1884), and suggesting to me the correct original citation of Munidopsis antonii; Dr. L. B. HOLTHUIS of the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlike Historie, Leiden, for answering my inquiry about the original citation of M. antonii.
大迫 正弘
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series E, Physical sciences & engineering (ISSN:03878511)
vol.28, pp.1-11, 2005-12

Late in the 19th century two earthquakes struck northeastern Honshu at an interval of two years. The Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee reported on the 1894 Shonai Earthquake, including many handwritten copies from photographs in the form of blueprints or dry plates, which are now kept in the collection of the National Science Museum. In contrast, fewer photographs of the 1896 Riku-u Earthquake are left in the collections. This was the case for the investigations of the earthquake at that time, although the event showed interesting phenomena in seismology, such as apparent faults. Afterwards, Dr Akitsune Imamura made a report of the Riku-u earthquake, introducing photographs in an album donated from an individual. This rare material is also preserved in the NSM.
松隈 明彦 岡本 和夫
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.19, pp.91-100, 1986

新生代タマキガイ科二枚貝は, 形態学的に近縁各科と明瞭に区別ができ, 化石として多産し, 種ごとの古生物地理学的分布が限られていることから, 軟体動物の種分化の過程を検討するためのよい素材だと考えられている。 日本産新生代タマキガイ科中, これまで未記載であった島根県松江市南家の中新世松江層(川津凝灰岩部層)及び同県出雲市上塩屋町菅沢の中新世布志名層産 Glycymeris (s.s.) の2新種, 埼玉県秩父郡荒川村久那(秩父鉄道浦山口駅北)の中新世平仁田層産 Glycymeris (Tucetilla) の1新種, 並びに沖縄県島尻郡具志頭村, 東風平村及び中頭郡与那城村の鮮新世新里層産 Tucetona の1新亜種を記載した。
アワン M.R. アーマド R. レガーリ M.K. 中池 敏之
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series B, Botany (ISSN:03852431)
vol.18, no.3, pp.109-112, 1992-09

Preliminary studies on the useful plants of Cholistan desert, Pakistan were conducted during 1991 to obtain an accurate picture of the plants used by locals over generations. Information regarding uses of various plant species was gathered.
松浦 啓一
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A, Zoology (ISSN:03852423)
vol.16, no.1, pp.15-20, 1990-03

The pufferfish genus Fugu ABE, 1952,which has long been used by many authors, is a junior subjective synonym of Takifugu ABE, 1949. Higanfugu ABE, 1949 is similarly included in the synonymy of Takifugu ABE, whereas Shippofugu ABE, 1949 is more correctly included in the synonymy of Torquigener WHITLEY, 1930. Comments are also made on the status of the type species of all of the remaining generic and subgeneric categories erected by ABE in 1939,1949,1950,1952 and 1954.
Galil Bella 武田 正倫
Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A, Zoology (ISSN:03852423)
vol.14, no.2, pp.67-90, 1988-06

Four new xanthoid genera, Gorgonariana, Lentilumnus, Xlumnus and Serenolumnus are established for the species formerly assigned to Glabropilumnus BALSS. Descriptions and illustrations are given for the five remaining species of Glabropilumnus. The various synonymies are discussed and a key is provided.
瀬能 宏 松浦 啓一 篠原 現人
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.41, pp.389-542, 2006

相模灘産魚類の研究は,1900年代初頭にアメリカのジョルダンとその弟子たちによって本格化し,分類群ごとに論文がまとめられ,同時に多数の新種が記載された.その後,田中茂穂とその弟子の冨山一郎や阿部宗明など,日本人研究者によって多くの魚類が相模灘から報告され,研究材料の一部に相模灘産魚類が使用された.近年では相模灘の各地で地域魚類相の研究も盛んに行われているが,長い研究史とは裏腹に,相模灘の魚類が包括的に目録化されたことは一度もなかった.そこで本研究では,主要文献と標本に魚類写真資料データベース(KPM-NR)に登録された画像資料も加え,相模灘産魚類の全体像の把握を試みた.その結果,出現した魚類の総数は45目249科1517種に達した.科別種数の構成比をみると,ハゼ科(7.1%)が最も多く,ベラ科(5.7%)ハタ科(4.5%),フサカサゴ科(3.5%)スズメダイ科(2.8%),チョウチョウウオ科(2.3%),アジ科(2.1%),テンジクダイ科(2.1%)と続くが,その他の241科はすべて2%未満であった.魚類相の分析は,種多様性が高く,相互に同じ質での比較が可能な沿岸性魚類について行った.比較を行った地点は相模灘や屋久島,八丈島を含む南日本の6地点,琉球列島の5地点,および小笠原諸島の12地点である: 1)相模灘, 2)大瀬崎(駿河湾), 3)串本(紀伊半島), 4)神集島(四国), 5)屋久島, 6)沖縄島, 7)伊江島, 8)宮古諸島, 9)石垣島, 10)西表島11)八丈島,および12)小笠原諸島.これらの地点全体で記録された沿岸性魚類について,地点ごとに出現すれば1,出現しなければ0としてコード化し,クラスター分析を行った.その際,生物の分散を妨げる障壁の存在は非出現という共通性にも意味を持たせるとの観点から,距離尺度には単純一致係数を用い,要約手法としてはUPGMAを採用した.その結果,上記12地点の沿岸魚類相は琉球列島とその他の地域に大別され,相模灘は大瀬崎のものと高い類似性を示した.また,串本,柏島,屋久島および八丈島も互いに高い類似性を示した.相模灘と大瀬崎,串本ほか3地点は,西村三郎によって提案された暖温帯区と亜熱帯区にそれぞれ一致し,西村の仮説を支持したが,小笠原諸島については同じ熱帯区の琉球列島ではなく,南日本との類似性を示した.琉球列島とその他地域の非類似性は,トカラ海峡を安定して横断する黒潮が障壁として機能し,南日本から琉球列島への温帯性魚類の分散を妨げていることが原因と考えられた.また,小笠原諸島と南日本の類似性は,伊豆諸島を横断する黒潮の位置が南北に振れることにより,両地域間でファウナの交換が起こりやすくなっていることが原因と推察された.黒潮は生物の分散に寄与すると同時に,障壁として機能する可能性があることが本研究により示された.
清水 慶一 中島 久男 久保田 稔男
国立科学博物館研究報告E (ISSN:03878511)
vol.14, pp.43-49, 1991

It is well known that iron was applied to construction material in 19th century, and this application of iron was a factor of modern architectural development. At the first time, iron used to rather the other construction, for example ship makng, than building construction in Japan, as same situation as westrn countries. An old iron tank remains in Tomioka Filature which was built in 1872 by Japanese Government. Though this tank was recognized the old iron work, had no opportunity to conform it's age of construction. We conformed the fact that this tank was original tank to be built in 1874 by physical survey. And we researched the building process of it. This tank was made in Yokohama Factory which was build by Japanese Government (originally by the Tokugawa shougunate in 1860's), and operated by French engineers in government employ. As a result we can say, existing iron tank is a historical structure that was built before introduction of application of iron for material of building structure, and a significant material to see the process of western technology that foreign engineers had transplanted to Japan.
小野 展嗣
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.43, pp.407-418, 2006

Spider specimens of about 1,750 in all were obtained during faunal researches in the Imperial Palace of Japan, which covers an area of 1,150,000 square meters in the center of Tokyo, in the period of 2001-2005. The spiders were collected from the gardens and around moats by sweeping and beating vegetations and sifting soil litter as well as by collecting with hands. A hundred and seventeen species were determined based on this material, including twenty species newly recorded to the fauna of the Imperial Palace. At the present 165 species of spiders are known in the Palace. The number of species reveals that the gardens fill an important role in a green tract of urban area in the center of Tokyo. However, results of an analysis on the species composition show that most of the species found are tough under urban environments by nature and can move well and migrate by ballooning. The fauna in the green tract of Tokyo generally resembles those in coastal areas of Kanto District and in the volcanic islands of Izu-Shichito in the common-species rate more than 70%. Species of larger linyphiids, scare theridiids and araneids, thomisids and salticids living on low vegetation, large spiders as Argiope amoena which require restricted prey insects, and lower active species in ballooning as coelotine spiders and Sinopoda forcipata are lacking in the Palace gardens. A plan to make special biotope to revive a rich fauna and species diversity with those spiders is proposed for the future horticulture and gardening in the Imperial Palace Gardens.
真鍋 真

西川 喜朗
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
vol.16, pp.123-136, 1983

1982年8月23日から9月3日にかけて, 東北地方の主として秋田県, 山形県そして新潟県北部のヤチグモ類(Coelotes 属)について調査した。ヤチグモ類は地表性または地中性のクモで, ほとんどの種の成熟期は秋から春であるが, 今回の調査の時期は, 成体の出現期としては少し早すぎたように思われた。したがって, 亜成体の個体が多く採集されたが, 採集後に飼育を続けることにより, そのうち約半数の個体がガラス管中で脱皮して成体となった。 今回の調査の結果, これらの東北地方の山地に分布するヤチグモ類は6種が確認され, ファウナの空白地帯をかなりうめることができた。うち3種は新種で, 本文に記載した。6種の種名と産地は次のとおりである。 1) クロヤチグモ C. exitialis L. KOCH, 1878-鳥海山(秋田県矢島町), 三方倉山, 摩耶山, 温海岳(以上山形県温海町)。既知産地は本州, 四国, 九州 2) フタバヤチグモ C.hamamurai YAGINUMA, 1967-太平山(秋田市), 柴倉峠(秋田県田沢湖町)。既知産地は本州(東北, 関東, 中部地方) 3) アズマヤチグモ C. kitazawai YAGINUMA, 1972-大平山(岩手県雫石町), 小友峠(秋田県本庄市)。既知産地は本州(東北, 関東, 中部地方) 4) アキタヤチグモ C. erraticus NISHIKAWA, 1983(新種)-岩木山(青森県岩木町), 本山, 真山(以上秋田県男鹿市), 河北林道の大滝(同河辺町), 兵治沢(同阿仁町), 柴倉峠(同田沢湖町), 駒ケ岳(同田沢湖町), 鳥海山(同矢島町), 三方倉山, 摩耶山(以上山形県温海町) 5) マサカリヤチグモ C. kintaroi NISHIKAWA, 1983(新種)-真山(秋田県男鹿市), 三方倉山, 温海岳(以上山形県温海町), 鳴海山(新潟県朝日村), 蔵王山(山形市)。既知産地は新潟県北部(黒川村, 大石山)(八木沼, 1981) 6) オバコヤチグモ C. obako NISHIKAWA, 1983(新種)-本山, 真山(以上秋田県男鹿市), 太平山(秋田市), 兵治沢(同阿仁町), 駒ケ岳(同田沢湖町), 鳥海山(秋田県矢島町および山形県八幡町) なお, 山地での調査に主眼をおいたので, 北海道から九州まで広く分布し, 都市近郊や神社や人家の周辺などからよく採集され, 当然分布しているだろうと考えられるヤマヤチグモ C. corasides, シモフリヤチグモ C. insidiosus, ヒメシモフリヤチグモ C. interunus, メガネヤチグモ C. luctuosus などは, 残念ながら採集できなかった。 調査地域の気候帯は, 水平的にはかなりよく似ていて単純であるが, 垂直的には温帯から高山帯にわたり, かついくつかの山塊が含まれているので, それらの山塊ごとに特産種が見られるかも知れないと考えられた。しかし, 調査の結果は当初の予想がはずれ, 3種の新種においても, その分布域は多少異ってはいるものの, 東北地方のうちである広がりをもって分布しており, 中部地方などで見られるような, 特定の山塊の固有種は認められなかった。また, 既知の3種も全国または東日本に広く分布する種であった。 以上のことから, ヤチグモ類に関するかぎり, 東北地方における山塊や平野などが, 種分化に大きな影響をおよぼすほど地理的隔離の要因にはなっていないものと考えられる。
阿久津 純 藤山 家徳
国立科学博物館専報 (ISSN:00824755)
no.15, pp.p49-52, 1982-12

The fossil lake of Oshino, northeast of Mt. Fuji, was caused by damming up of the Oshino lava, a basaltic lava flow of My. Fuji Volcano. The lake deposits of Oshino, about 11-12m in thickness, lie at a depth of 12-25m and dated 7,150±140 years B. P. by the ^<14>C method. The geological sequence in and around the Oshino basin and the pollen flora and the insect fauna of the deposits are reported in another paper in this volume. Forty-five species of fossil diatom are identified, and the most dominant species among them is Stephanodiscus dubius which has not yet been reported from recent lakes in Japan. Other planctonic species include Cyclotella comta, Fragilaria construens, Melosia granulata, Stephanodiscus astrara and Tabellaria fenestrata. Other spiecies are all epiphytic and occupy less than 10% of total individuals.