志渡岡 理恵
実践女子大学下田歌子記念女性総合研究所 年報 = The Annual Bulletin of the Shimoda Utako Research Institute for Woman (ISSN:24342718)
vol.7, pp.1-13, 2021-03-15

This paper examines the policies and practices of Newnham College, one of the oldest women’s colleges at the University of Cambridge. Newnham and the other women’s colleges—Murray Edwards and Lucy Cavendish—have made various efforts to redress persisting gender inequality. Considering that many women continue to be treated unfairly and that there is a need for a college that focuses specifically on women’s learning, these colleges provide their students with academic, pastoral, and financial support. In addition, their alumnae guide current students in finding work and choosing a career. Newnham College also propagates gender equality via its homepage. It presents accounts of the projects carried out on International Women’s Day. For example, to mark Women’s Day in 2017, it held a Wikipedia edit-a-thon to make the Internet less sexist by creating profiles of eminent women. Furthermore, it founded the Woolf Essay Prize, which is open to girls aged 12 in UK schools and designed to give them the opportunity to think about gender equality. In 2011, it established a Literary Archive, collecting rare books, letters, drafts of published work, memoirs, and photographs to inspire students to write. Through such initiatives, Newnham College continues to provide students with an academic, active, and stimulating environment, and supports them in multiple ways. It has thus produced independent women, having helped them to prepare for work and life.
宮木 孝子
実践女子大学短期大学部紀要 = Jissen Women's Junior College Review (ISSN:24344583)
no.42, pp.(1)-(15), 2021-03-10

塚原 拓馬
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University, Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:13413244)
vol.50, pp.99-110, 2013-03-10

Factors that affect career development in adulthood and systems for supporting it wereinvestigated. First, the dual characteristics and processes of acquiring an adult identity wereexamined. Then, the psychological and social effects of identity crises in adulthood, as well asthe effects of leaving a job and divorce, which cause identity crises, were discussed. Theresults indicated that re-organization of identity, improvements in business systems, CareerDevelopment Programs(CDP) and Employee Assistance Programs(EAP) are necessary tosupport career development in adulthood. Moreover, it is suggested that integration of EAP, aform of psycho-educational support, and CDP, career educational support, are important.
宮木 孝子
実践女子大学短期大学部紀要 = The Bulletin of Jissen Women's Junior College (ISSN:21896364)
vol.37, pp.(1)-(13), 2016-03-20

本稿は、北原白秋の近代幽玄体(新幽玄体)の形成をたどるささやかな試みとして、歌集『渓流唱』の短歌作法への管見をまとめるものである。その理念が白秋自身明瞭に作品上の表現となったとする作品中にあって、白秋の社会詠として、よく取り上げられる「秋夕夢 小河内三部唱」の「獅子舞の歌」から、その短歌作法を探り、考察する。その方法として、白秋の「新幽玄体」の表現にかかわる「写生」と「象徴」の意味を知る手がかりを、白秋が奥多摩で体験した神事の実際の記録に求め、照合して検証する。
佐藤 辰雄
実践女子短大評論 (ISSN:03897680)
vol.9, pp.19-27, 1988-02-01
須賀 由紀子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
no.50, pp.77-89, 2013-03

The purpose of this study was to consider how to get back the real power of the children'sown culture in their daily life. To play innocently was considered to be a matter of greatimportance for their healthy growing, but today's modernized life reduced the time for them toenjoy their own culture with their heart pounding. To think about this issue, the authorcaptured the possibility of physical education in the elementary school.The analysis first showed the value of time for the children to play sufficiently from theviewpoint of physical development and inner experience. Secondly it treated with the findingsthat today's class of physical education showed strong inclinations to stress on having thestudents experience that sport is essentially full of fun. These considerations suggested that theclass of physical education could be the chance to get the power of children's own culture andwe needed to pay attention about the ability of the teacher for bringing up their students' playmind.The conclusion was that the teacher's attitude of loving sports could be a key to reconstructthe power of the children's own culture and good for creating the quality life.The purpose of this study was to consider how to get back the real power of the children'sown culture in their daily life. To play innocently was considered to be a matter of greatimportance for their healthy growing, but today's modernized life reduced the time for them toenjoy their own culture with their heart pounding. To think about this issue, the authorcaptured the possibility of physical education in the elementary school.The analysis first showed the value of time for the children to play sufficiently from theviewpoint of physical development and inner experience. Secondly it treated with the findingsthat today's class of physical education showed strong inclinations to stress on having thestudents experience that sport is essentially full of fun. These considerations suggested that theclass of physical education could be the chance to get the power of children's own culture andwe needed to pay attention about the ability of the teacher for bringing up their students' playmind.The conclusion was that the teacher's attitude of loving sports could be a key to reconstructthe power of the children's own culture and good for creating the quality life.
須賀 由紀子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University, Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:13413244)
vol.50, pp.77-89, 2013-03-10

The purpose of this study was to consider how to get back the real power of the children'sown culture in their daily life. To play innocently was considered to be a matter of greatimportance for their healthy growing, but today's modernized life reduced the time for them toenjoy their own culture with their heart pounding. To think about this issue, the authorcaptured the possibility of physical education in the elementary school.The analysis first showed the value of time for the children to play sufficiently from theviewpoint of physical development and inner experience. Secondly it treated with the findingsthat today's class of physical education showed strong inclinations to stress on having thestudents experience that sport is essentially full of fun. These considerations suggested that theclass of physical education could be the chance to get the power of children's own culture andwe needed to pay attention about the ability of the teacher for bringing up their students' playmind.The conclusion was that the teacher's attitude of loving sports could be a key to reconstructthe power of the children's own culture and good for creating the quality life.
山下 早代子
実践女子大学下田歌子記念女性総合研究所 年報 = The Annual Bulletin of the Shimoda Utako Research Institute for Woman (ISSN:24342718)
no.5, pp.15-33, 2019-03-15

This article gives an overview of the current trends in research in female language and in what way the perspective under which this research is carried out will change. Influenced by the problems raised in earlier studies (Jugaku, 1979; Ide, 1997; Nakamura, 2012), recent research has seen a growing body of studies addressing sentence final particles, personal pronouns, discussions of discourse, etc. Along with that, inspired by the research on the influence of gender on language use by Lakoff (1973), many researchers have analyzed women's language from the viewpoint of gender ideology. Additionally, research methods have changed to include various new types of data besides natural conversation and questionnaires, such as female language in novels, movies, TV dramas, translated texts, elementary school textbooks, dictionaries, blogs, cartoons, etc. From these, I will summarize the current shape of research in female language and then discuss the likely future direction of this research.