須賀 由紀子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:13413244)
vol.54, pp.7-16, 2017-03-10

The aim of this paper was to assess how to make community places appropriate for the coming super-aged society. The author first examined the concept of a “third place” at which all generations in a local area can share in meaningful conversation. The author then focused on how to find motivation in life for elderly people in multi-generational community settings, particularly with younger people. There were three points in creating such viable community places; wisdom in daily life, activities that motivate elderly people to make a life worth living, and the reading of classics and classical art by several generations. The conclusion was that it was most important that such “third places” have qualified younger people involved in vivid activities with elderly people. Therefore, universities in local areas have the responsibility to educate their students in preparing to meet the challenges of a super-aged society.
大竹 智
実践女子短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13477196)
vol.31, pp.125-140, 2010-03-20

乙訓 稔
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
vol.47, pp.13-21, 2010-03-19

As is generally known, the Japanese modern school system began in 1872, but there are few well-known educators who participated in an elementary education. Masataro Sawayanagi is such an educator ; he is known as a person of practice of the liberal education in educational history in the Taisho era at the Seijo elementary school, but as for his teacher theory, it is not studied so much, and in particular, there has been almost no study of his elementary school teacher theory. Therefore, I have concentrated on his idea of the elementary school teacher and clarified the main intent of his teacher theory and tried to make a comment about the characteristics. At first, he makes much of the role of an educator and a school teacher, and speaks of the basic qualification of the teacher as follows. That is, he says that the teacher needs to acquire learning and morality and states that the teacher must be such a person who feels pleasure in educating the human being, also can give a good example of moral education above all, and those recognizing the nation training in the next era particularly think about him. On the one hand, he had spoken about the treatment of the teacher, because the treatment of the teacher in his times was socially low, so he emphasize that the treatment of the primary school teacher had to raise immediately. But on the other, he had said that the elementary school teacher have the psychic income which can not buy for money. In addition, he says that the primary school teacher is an occupation that is suitable for a woman. Because woman teachers increased drastically in the Taisho era, he said that half the teachers should be woman, but he suggested a salary table for women teachers that was lower than the men teachers. In the trend of thought of the times after World War I and the trend of thought of the democracy of Japanese Taisho period, Sawayanagi's opinion about the woman teacher has the idea of gender equality and independence of the teacher and educational thought. But, seen from today, his outlook on gender shows an inequality male and female division of labor. So to speak, it is a limit caused by the Imperial Rescript on Education system ; however it can be said his opinion about the right of teachers to teach and the equality of the teacher group, and thinking that primary school teaching is a suitable occupation for the women are opinions of the universality beyond the situation of the times.
猪瀬 武則 髙橋 桂子
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:24336645)
vol.55, pp.43-52, 2018-03-09

The study aimed to elucidate the understanding of concepts of economics and ethics through a survey conducted among senior high school students.Previous studies investigated economic literacy and financial morality; however, there have been limited surveys of economic literacy based on ethics. We surveyed senior high school students about their understanding of economic and ethical concepts. Simultaneously, we examined the scores of students who performed well on the survey in order to determine what moral foundations and ideological tendencies their scores implied. The moral foundations are based on Jonathan Haidt's Moral Foundations Theory.The research questions were as follows:Question 1: Is there a correlation between students' understanding of economic and ethical concepts and their moral foundations?Question 2: Do students who scored well in tests on economics and ethics indicate concerns with liberty and fairness? In other words, are they libertarians?The data was derived from a 2016 survey of students at high schools. The respondents included 313 males and 383 females. To answer the two research questions, we employed a one-way analysis of variance to predict scores for each category based on the moral foundation variables for Research Question 2.Test instruments containing 23 items were classified into eight dependent valuables: competitive labor market, market effectiveness, demand & supply, rational self-interest, welfare & preference, corporate social responsibility, fairness & justice, and reciprocal altruism. Independent valuables are Jonathan Haidt's five moral foundations: care, fairness, loyalty, authority, and purity.Three results emerged. First, there is a correlation between Haidt's five moral foundations and students' understanding of economic and ethical concepts. Second, higher-scoring students expressed concerns relevant to all five of Haidt's foundations. Thus, they are generally considered as conservatives. Third, the significant difference was found among men and women in regard to their comprehension and moral foundations.Further studies are needed to determine the precision of our survey.
長島 弘明
年報 (ISSN:09100679)
vol.2, pp.43-99, 1983-03-10

土屋 順子
年報 (ISSN:09100679)
vol.35, pp.68-118, 2016-03-25
渡邉 守邦
実践女子大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:02868466)
vol.35, pp.49-72, 1992
山田 茂 田中 涼子 大橋 文 岩田 華苗
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 = Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences (ISSN:13413244)
vol.54, pp.31-35, 2017-03-10

In this experiment, we investigated the effects of mechanical stimulation and caffeine on lipolysis in the adipocyte culture cell. Caffeine (0μg/mℓ, 50μg/mℓ, 100μg/mℓ) which promotes lipolysis, was added to the culture medium (10%FBS, DMEM) respectively. Adipocytes underwent repeated mechanical irritation by Flexer cell strain unit to observe the effect on the lipolysis of mechanical stimulation. We measured glycerol in a culture medium to confirm the lipolysis. Adipocyte were stained for lipolysis responses by Oil Red O. The effect of caffeine on lipolysis was slightly observed, but a significant effect statistically was not observed. On the other hand, mechanical stimulation increased lipolysis in the adipocyte culture cells. Influences of a combination of mechanical stimulation and caffeine on lipolysis were examined. The results of these experiments, the effect of mechanical stimulation on the lipolysis was outstanding, but was scarcely effected by caffeine. That is, direct mechanical stimulation was effective in increasing the burning of fat. Further research is required on the mechanisms of mechanical stimulation to promote lipolysis in adipose cells.
土屋 結城 伊澤 高志
実践英文学 (ISSN:03899764)
no.67, pp.1-16, 2015-03
楊 英華
vol.4, pp.85-92, 2009-03-18