宮﨑 悠二
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.100, pp.261-278, 2022-01-31 (Released:2022-03-29)

This article analyzes the emergence of kuchi komi (“word of mouth”) as a mode of information presentation in magazines from the 1980s to the early 1990s, from the perspective of social constructivism. The collection and presentation in the printed form of kuchi komi appeared in the 1980s and began to appear as a section in magazines in approximately 1990. Meanwhile, many texts introduced the influence of kuchi komi, which is not used as an object of formulation or to understand social trends, but rather, as a term to frame the information. Thus, kuchi komi in magazines and books expanded from “mention” to “use.” This article shows that the presentation of kuchi komi in printed form is important for the establishment of this mode of information.
佐藤 卓己
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.97, pp.47-63, 2020-07-31 (Released:2020-09-26)

In the works of the author, Takumi Sato, who has been changed from aGerman modern history scholar to a media historian, the concept of “Mass” hascrucial importance. This paper examines the role of the active masses who supportedthe Nazi regime, collating the arguments of George L. Mosse, Thenationalization of the masses; political symbolism and mass movements in Germanyfrom the Napoleonic wars through the Third Reich (1975=1994) andTakumi Sato, The Fascist Public Sphere; Media Studies of Total War (2018).The Nazi regime did not succeed due to manipulation of the masses throughpropaganda, but was instead supported by voluntary movements by the massesfor national consensus building. From this viewpoint, the framework of mediastudies on the fascist movements should be changed from “Nazi propaganda” to“Nazi public relations.” As an outstanding analysis during the time of Nazi propaganda,Serge Chakotin, The Rape of the Masses; The Psychology of TotalitarianPolitical Propaganda (1939) can be reread. In recent years, the book hasbeen republished and translated around the world, including an edition in Japanese(2019). What does the revival of this book mean? It shows that the bulleteffect theory functions as an excuse for the active masses who take part in thepolitical public sphere. Theoretically, the bullet effect theory was denied in the1950s by the limited effect theory. However, it is thought that its popularity hasnot abated because of the support by the nationalized masses in the informationsociety.
丁 智恵
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.82, pp.111-131, 2013-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This research examines how the image of the Other excluded from "national memory" was represented in Japanese television documentaries of the 1950s and 1960s as well as clarifies how intellectuals, journalists, and filmmakers had to resist the contradiction and incoherence of linking "public memory" with "national memory." After World War II, Japan's political, economic and social systems, which had maintained continuity before and during the war, were shaken substantially. Japanese recognition of their role in the war as promoted by the American General Headquarters lacked awareness of the perspective of the Asian nations Japan colonized. Nevertheless, critical television documentaries were made one after another during this time. This paper first examines how Asia's political, economic, and social history as well as changes in the skills and techniques necessary for making television programs influenced the representation of Korea in television documentaries. It then examines the changes in said representation by analyzing program images and interviewing the directors of several television documentary programs. First is Nihon no Sugao: Nihon no Naka no Chosen [The Real Japan: Korea in Japan] (1959: NHK), which was the first television documentary after the end of the war to focus on Koreans in Japan (Zainichi). Second is Daitokai no Ama [Women Divers in the Big City] (1965: Asahi Broadcast), which was made by Japan's first Korean television director. Finally, some documentary programs which portray Korean soldiers who were mobilized as part of the Japanese Army during the war are studied, including Wasurerareta Kogun [Forgotten Imperial Soldiers] (1963: Nihon Broadcast) , directed by Nagisa Oshima. Based on the findings of this study, I concluded that few documentary programs focused on Korea in the early days of television in Japan; however, those that did exist expressed some signs of responsibility for Japanese imperialism and colonialism in Korea.
吉見 俊哉
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.97, pp.3-16, 2020-07-31 (Released:2020-09-26)

This article focuses on the historical transformation of the concept of ‘mass’in the contemporary social sciences. First, the ‘masses’ is the collective object conceptualized in a specific historical context that had emerged in the early 20th century and disappeared by the end of the century. Before the emergence of this concept, the elite and intellectuals were struck with fear of the expanding images of crowds of poor laborers. After the W.W.I, the uncontrollable image of the crowd has changed to the image of the ‘masses’ who could be mobilized as soldiers and consumers. Especially after W.W.II, the concepts of ‘mass society’ and ‘mass communication’ were often discussed. The sociological theory of ‘mass society’ became a major discourse in sociology and the ‘mass communication’ theory became the hegemonic discourse in the field of media studies. The author also discussed the subtle difference of the concept of ‘mass’ in the different academic fields such as sociology, communication studies, and cultural studies. Finally, this article discusses the transformation of the concept of ‘mass’ in digital society from the 21st century onward. Today, ‘mass’ is more discussed with the expansion of the ‘mass data’ than the ‘mass society’. The author analyzes the structural transformation of our society with digital technology in this conceptual change. Today, we are facing the expansion of ‘mass data’ that seems to be uncontrollable for ordinary people. Although the society of ‘mass data’ is quite different from the society of ‘mass communication’, it is still a subject in the field of media studies. So, the major focus of the next generation of media studies should be the critical analysis of the relationship between our society and ‘mass data’ that has been appropriated with highly developed algorithms in digital society.
小川 明子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.92, pp.67-85, 2018-01-31 (Released:2018-05-10)

The aim of this paper is to examine the Deliberative Organ (or Council)for broadcast programmes (Bangumi Shingikai), a statutory advisory bodyestablished by each TV and radio station in accordance with Japan’s broadcastact. Together with Programme Standards, the Deliberative Council is a significantpart of ‘Japan’s Regulation Model for Broadcasting’ that ensures the appropriatenessof the broadcast programmes. Designed to be self-regulatory, thecouncil enables broadcasters and audiences with high esteem to discuss thequality of the programmes and consider whether they are appropriate forbroadcasting. Despite its importance, little research attention has been given tothe practice of this system. In reflecting upon the history of the system and thegender and occupational ratio of committee members, this paper focuses onhow terrestrial commercial broadcasting stations have managed the council.Surveys were also conducted among these stations in 2016, and the results indicate that the system is not fully regarded as a system of self-regulation amongbroadcasters, although it is generally valued from the point of programmeimprovement.
山本 昭宏
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.84, pp.9-27, 2014-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

The purpose of this paper is to propose a hypothesis about the process through which the media builds up collective expectations concerning nuclear power (the Nuclear Dream) and the transformation of such expectations. We focus on the Asahi and Yomiuri Newspapers and study not only editorials, but also regular features that are likely to have affected public opinion as much as editorials. The period targeted in this paper is the 20 years from 1945 to 1965. We divide these 20 years into three periods based on changes in the Nuclear Dream: the dream of war deterrence (1945 to 1949) ; the dream of peaceful use (1949 to 1957) ; and the dream of nuclear power generation (1957 to 1965). Japanese newspapers were unknowingly trapped in the Nuclear Dream that they built up through their own discourse; while they detached themselves from the Nuclear Dream in the late 1950s, they expanded the dream again in the 1960s. By describing this process, we examine how it is possible to meet collective expectations built up by the media.
守 如子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.100, pp.13-21, 2022-01-31 (Released:2022-03-29)

The growth of social media has brought about an increase in so-called “flame wars” wherein people lodge protests against gender bias in media expression from feminist perspectives. The protests are widely circulated online, ending up as a “flaming” incident. This paper reviews the development in media studies, from “women and media” studies of the 1980s which mainly focused on biased depictions of women in mass media to “gender and media” studies prevalent today, thereby demonstrating current issues surrounding online “flame wars”.One of the characteristics of modern “gender and media” type of studies is that the focus is placed not only on the process through which media constructs the categories of “man” and “woman” but also on the diversity within these categories or intersectionality between gender and other categories (e.g., ethnicity, class, sexuality, disability). Among the various categories, this paper especially looks at sexual and gender minorities to discuss the importance of incorporating queer studies’ perspectives.As criticism towards gender biases in media expression continue to spread online and bring about frequent “flame wars”, studies that explore the issues arising from online communication as well as the potentials of such communication are necessary than ever before.
水出 幸輝
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.100, pp.201-220, 2022-01-31 (Released:2022-03-29)

This study examined the experience of watching typhoons on television from the perspective of media history. Focusing on the Ise Bay Typhoon (1959) and the Second-Muroto Typhoon (1961), the study compared how each typhoon was reported on television and how the reports were evaluated by people. We referred to newspapers, broadcasting magazines, and meteorological magazines to gather a wide range of materials that described the media experience of the two typhoons. The two typhoons occurred during the transitional period of the media environment, when television was growing rapidly. When the Ise Bay typhoon hit, radio was the mainstream media; it was not common to obtain disaster prevention information on television. However, on television, weather experts provided people with typhoon risk reduction information. People who owned a television were able to watch weather maps and typhoon information on it. However, the typhoon disrupted signal transmission and brought massive blackouts, interrupting the TV broadcast of footage of the typhoon hitting cities. In the case of the Ise Bay Typhoon, television programs could only report on the damaged areas after the typhoon had left.In contrast, when the Second-Muroto Typhoon hit, many people were able to watch typhoon information on TV. We identified two kinds of viewing experiences on TV. The first was the same as in the case of the Ise Bay Typhoon: watching typhoon information delivered by experts on TV. The second was to watch the coverage of the typhoon hitting the cities, which was broadcast live via TV networks. As such, people in the areas where the typhoon would pass could watch it on TV. In other words, television enabled people to see typhoons with a predictive effect. This “predictive effect” allowed people to understand weather phenomena even without any knowledge of science.
清水 麻子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.94, pp.169-186, 2019-01-31 (Released:2019-06-06)

This paper clarifies the relationship between solidarity activities by journalistnetworks in Japan and the possibility of supporting socially vulnerable people.The Japanese mainstream media, which is vast and bureaucratized, onlyexamines superficial aspects of the lives of socially vulnerable people, such aspoverty and violence. In recent years, however, the existence of a journalistnetwork which goes beyond the framework of companies and individuals hasbeen confirmed by the complexity of social structure and the increasing sophisticationof information. The organizational form of network is diverse andincludes NPOs, NGOs, and voluntary organizations, which work to solve thesame social problems. This article focuses on the relationship between the activity of the Baratogestudy group, an association of female journalists consisting of more than600 female journalists from Japanese TV stations and newspaper companies,and the relationship between this association and legislation. So far, the dominant discourse has been about “terrible mothers who abandontheir babies after giving birth” based on “motherhood” thinking. However,the network declared a new agenda of helping “suffering pregnant women andchildren who should be helped together.” Furthermore, they delivered a messageto policy makers through repeated coverage. In this study, I used discourseand agenda setting analysis to track the process. This showed the possibility that women’s solidarity together with empathy could mobilize politics andsociety, thereby supporting vulnerable people.

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伊藤 昌亮
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.98, pp.51-65, 2021-01-31 (Released:2021-05-18)

In Japan, no legal measures have been taken to restrict activities of citizensin coping with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. People are simply exercisingself-restraint as requested by the government. Self-restraint has been acontradictory yet widely practiced behavior among Japanese at turning pointsthroughout the country’s history from wartime to the present day. This paperdiscusses the roles of such a behavior after picking key turning points based onthe analysis of a number of relevant newspaper articles of the Asahi Shimbunand Yomiuri Shimbun. Examples include the establishment of the wartimeregime, the inception of the LDP’s dominance under the 1955 system, the oilcrises, U.S.-Japan trade friction, the demise of Emperor Hirohito, neoliberalreforms, and disasters triggered by the 1995 Great Hanshin and 2011 Tohokuearthquakes. An observation of self-restraint among the Japanese under thesecircumstances is followed by an examination of the workings of power andnorms in Japanese society.
佐藤 寧
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.94, pp.43-50, 2019-01-31 (Released:2019-06-06)

This paper describes the environment surrounding opinion polls in the followingthree sections, each of which also presents the author’s opinions. Theyare mainly based on the author’s presentation on June 23, 2018 at the symposiumtitled What is Public Opinion Survey: Discussion on the Reliability of PublicOpinion at a Crossroads as a part of the symposium organized by the JapanSociety for Studies in Journalism and Mass Communication. Section 1 Polling methods employed by the media This Section outlines polling methods that are yet to be fully understood bymedia representatives and academics. Section 2 Discussion of web-based polling going forward This Section comments on the calls for more effective use of the internetin our ubiquitous society.Section 3 Public sentiment on the reliability of polls Through social networking services or other means, many voice doubtsabout opinion polls conducted by the media. This Section presents the author’sidea on the way the issue should be addressed.
柄本 三代子
メディア研究 (ISSN:27581047)
vol.103, pp.133-151, 2023-07-31 (Released:2023-10-24)

Nowadays, Karate has gained worldwide popularity as a type of martial art. One of the reasons for this is that karate has been found to have a spiritual value that is not found in other sports. Additionally, when propagated domestically and internationally, karate has attracted attention for its educational benefits, especially for young people. It has increased its popularity as a form of learning for children and supported the management of dojos.    Because of the above-mentioned situation, this paper focuses on the globally popular Karate Kid series starting as the Hollywood film released in 1984. We can watch the Cobra Kai series on Netflix as Karate Kid contents. In a nutshell, these films and TV series tell the story of a young boy’s encounter with karate and growing, and it is hard to deny that they have contributed to the spread of karate throughout the world and its popularity over 40 years.    However, this paper focuses on the fact that some academic studies have analysed these contents and found educational value. This paper aims to examine why multidisciplinary researchers have paid attention to Karate Kid contents and what educational value they have found. Although these are academic analyses, it is indispensable to consider these as examples of reading and discussing the social acceptance of karate worldwide. This paper recognises them associated with how the global propagation of karate overlaps with the discourses of popularisation worldwide.    The studies that acknowledged the educational value of karate kid contents varied in terms of the extent to which they considered it necessary to focus on the ideological background. The paper discusses the possibility that the ability to consistently find educational value while allowing for such diverse readings supports the popularity of Karate Kid contents and, in turn, contributes to the propagation of karate.
松永 智子
メディア研究 (ISSN:27581047)
vol.103, pp.45-70, 2023-07-31 (Released:2023-10-24)

In this paper, I analyzed articles about war published in Haha no tomo (Mothers’ Companion) from September 1953 to March 2023. The aim is to contribute to understanding the reaction to the war in Ukraine by studying the history of the connections between mothers, picture books, and helping children understand war in Japan.     This advertising-free magazine, first published in 1953, has served to promote Fukuinkan’s products to the mothers of young children. It contains practical information on raising children, such as original stories to read, but over the years many articles have also touched on famous events, such as war. The editors of Haha no tomo, which gradually developed a large readership, explained that thinking, knowing, discussing, and informing about war are a mother’s responsibility to her children.     Across the seventy years of publication, Haha no tomo’s articles reflect the changing beliefs and opinions that mothers had about war based on their experiences. In the 1950s, those articles reflected strong beliefs in peace, but from the end of the 1960s to the early 1970s, the experience of watching the Vietnam War on TV made the magazine contributors reflect on their own experiences and how to explain the war to their children. Around the 1990s, the magazine argued that mothers, due to a lack of experience of war, should be storytellers about what happens during war. The magazine and its readers had been focusing on how to preserve the stories about the horrors of war. On the other hand, the question of why and how their mothers and grandmothers were ignorant before WW2 and cooperated with the war effort became forgotten. This reinforced the image of a peace-loving mother and made it difficult to talk about war when Japan was being drawn into conflicts such as the Gulf War.     Currently the war in Ukraine is being ignored by Haha no tomo. Mothers and media have changed. New ways of telling the story of mothers and war are being sought.
大賀 哲
メディア研究 (ISSN:27581047)
vol.103, pp.3-20, 2023-07-31 (Released:2023-10-24)

This article addresses three critical strategies in tackling the intricate challenges presented by hybrid warfare: fostering international cooperation, leveraging media engagement, and granting access to specialized expertise. When considering international cooperation, it’s imperative to underline the centrality of political decision-making and trust. Engaging in a shared exchange of information and strategic planning on an international level can bolster transparency and fortify trust among nations. Moreover, this cooperation could foster the development of universal standards and guidelines aimed at curbing the spread of disinformation. In turn, these guidelines would provide a roadmap for media outlets to ensure accurate reporting. The symbiosis between the media and expert knowledge forms another significant aspect of this approach. Media organizations should forge solid partnerships with professionals and experts harboring specialized knowledge. This collaboration can enhance the identification and verification of disinformation, ultimately resulting in more accurate reporting. Furthermore, working in conjunction with experts can boost the media’s credibility, promote media literacy, and augment their capacity to evaluate information objectively. In creating a comprehensive strategy to counter hybrid warfare, the integration of these three methods - international cooperation, media engagement, and access to expertise - becomes vital. In conclusion, to effectively address the multifaceted challenges posed by hybrid warfare, we need robust cooperation among governments, educational institutions, media organizations, and various stakeholders. Sound political decision-making and trust form the bedrock of this collaborative effort. Media organizations must prioritize transparency and accuracy in their reporting and actively engage with experts to validate the information. Furthermore, societal enhancement of media literacy and information evaluation skills are crucial. The diligent implementation of these measures can significantly mitigate the impact of hybrid warfare, paving the way for an informed and resilient society.
永田 大輔
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.88, pp.137-155, 2016-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This paper discusses the Video Tape Recorder (VTR) spread process in the 1960s and 1970s. Previous studies on videos have mainly focused on two aspects: (1) sexual media and (2) leisure communities' unique consumption. This paper examines how functions such as slow motion, which were usually used by the leisure communities only were prepared in the first process of family spread. This paper researches the industry paper Video Journal in the period 1968-1978. This industrial magazine has a different focus than that of leisure magazines. This magazine discusses multiple markets in the spread process. This paper will examine each market's demands, according to the industry magazine. From the 1960s to the 1970s the video market was supported by an educational demand. Video was a revolutionary media in audio-visual education. Education has diverse functional needs and feedback regarding these needs can reach the market through study groups. These unique functional demands of leisure groups later spread to family use. In the mid -1970s, Video Journal was conscious of the family market, but its development in this market had been late. First, this may be due to a lack of good content on video. But the true reason is the cost of video recording. Thus, the market could not identify families' needs for a long time, and could not predict the time of family spread. Furthermore, educational needs continued and their demand is left. Both family and educational needs continued and their demand is left. Both family and educational needs did not utilize video functions such as slow motion, which were only used by leisure groups.
津田 正太郎
メディア研究 (ISSN:27581047)
vol.101, pp.23-44, 2022-08-10 (Released:2022-11-22)

The purposes of this paper are introducing the concept of ’mediatization’ to academics in Japan, and analyzing the process of the renaming of the Japan Society for Studies in the Journalism and Mass Communication (JSSJMC) in terms of it. In the first part of this article, I overview the discussions over the mediatization. Many researchers, especially in Northern Europe, have accepted mediatization as a key concept for understanding the contemporary media environment and the social and cultural changes due to it. Not only some researchers criticize the concept itself, however, there are some differences among researchers who support it. Nick Couldry and Andreas Hepp distinguish ’social constructivists’ from ’institutionalists’ in their articles on mediatization. I focus on the controversy over the concept of ’media logic’ between Stig Hjarvard, the representative researcher of ’institutionalists’ camp and Couldry in order to clarify the point of contention between them. In the second part of this article, I attempt to analyze the transforming process of the JSSJMC to the Japan Association for Media, Journalism and Communication Studies (JAMS) partly in terms of mediatization. Because it is difficult to regard the process as the ordinary mediatization, I introduce the concept of the ’logic of academic media’ which is different from usual media logic, and discuss how this society has transformed themselves from its viewpoint. For this argument I explain the transformation of Journalism Society of Japan, which was founded in 1951, to the JSSJMC as the process in which the independence of the society from newspaper industry grew and the logic of academic media strengthened. In the age of ubiquitous media in the 21st century, however, the logic of academic media forced the JSSJMC to face insurmountable problems and consequently it led the renaming to JAMS. Following these arguments, I suggest some important topics which each member of the JAMS should consider by themselves in the final part of this article.
三輪 仁
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.72, pp.97-116, 2008-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

In the early 1950s, Himeji City aimed to establish a radio broadcasting station managed by the city. It was very unique in the history of Japanese broadcasting. Actually, however, this movement was not successful. Its failure was caused by the following factors: a political change in the broadcasting bureaus of Japan; technological constraints; and conflict of opinions between the local residents and the local bureaucrats leading the movement. By analyzing the movement, this article tries to elucidate the process that eliminated the possibility of diversification in the development of Japanese broadcasting industry.
吉本 秀子
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.88, pp.177-194, 2016-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

This paper examined the original text of the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 to determine principles for United States public diplomacy and explored how the Smith-Mundt programs affected freedom of speech in Okinawa in the 1948-1952 period, critical decision years for the separation of Okinawa from mainland Japan. The Act authorized the Secretary of State, responsible for foreign information programs, and enabled the Secretary to use the national budget flexibly overseas, allowing the transfer of executive roles for international public relations to other federal agencies. Therefore, the Department of Army in charge of postwar Japan at the time was assigned as the executive agency of the Smith-Mundt programs for the Japanese. In Okinawa, the Civil Information and Education Department (CIE), under the Army administration established in 1948, launched information and education programs for the Okinawan people. The components of the CIE programs comprised "ECA information programs" financed by the Foreign Aid Appropriation Acts and coordinated by the Psychological Strategy Board of the Executive Branch. CIE conducted political campaigns for the 1950 Okinawa Gunto Governor election, attempting to acquire the people's support for the U.S. administration of Okinawa. CIE introduced American movies with Japanese subtitles, built five U.S. Information Centers, disseminated press releases, controlled incoming and outgoing news to the Okinawan media, and censored anti-American speech. As a result, the CIE campaigns temporally suppressed "Japanese reversion" speeches but social movements toward the reversion emerged as reactions to the CIE speech control. The Smith-Mundt Acts originally aimed to promote a better understanding of the United States on an international stage at the United Nations, and granted authorization to the Secretary of State responsible for the programs. However, the U.N.-centered ideal gradually changed during the latter half of the Truman administration as the Cold War began. This paper aims to clarify the process based on archival research.
長谷川 一
マス・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:13411306)
vol.68, pp.54-78, 2006-01-31 (Released:2017-10-06)

In this paper, I seek to re-examine the significance of the digitalization of "writing". The mediation of "writing" by digital technology has become a normal and ever expanding aspect of contemporary society. My first task is to examine this condition on the meta-level. The specific subject matter of my inquiry is the Nihongo-wapuro (Japanese word-processor) whose history I have attempted to trace here. Written Japanese texts are composed of a heterogeneous mixture of different types of characters, including hiragana, katakana, and kanji. The vast number of characters required in order to produce such texts has rendered the mechanization process far more difficult in Japanese than it has been for European languages that use alphabetic scripts. When computers were introduced into the world of business in the 1970s, newspaper journalists continued to write by hand, despite the appearance of electronic systems for newspaper compilation and editing. The first word-processor for writing Japanese, the Toshiba JW-10, appeared in 1978. It then became possible to produce Japanese texts mechanically with the aid of electronic processing. The adoption of word-processors in Japan has spread rapidly since the mid-1980s. Besides being used in offices, they came to be employed in schools and in the home as well. People with no prior experience of using electronic devices quickly developed a keen interest in the Japanese word-processor. At first, word-processors were viewed primarily as devices for the production of "clean copies" or for printing. However, with time, many books came to be written extolling the Nihongo-wapuro as much more than a mere typewriter for the Japanese language. The Japanese word-processor, it was claimed, had brought about a "great revolution in intellectual production". The bodily action of typing had long been an unrealized dream of those who wrote in Japanese. The Nihongo-wapuro was the means that at long last brought this to reality. Nevertheless, the most widespread everyday use to which word-processors were put was the production of New-Year greeting cards (which according to Japanese custom are sent out in great numbers at the beginning of each year). At the same time, these mechanically produced New-Year cards were criticized as lacking in human feeling. In this paper, I examine the Japanese word-processor from the three perspectives of technology, the body and society. I investigate how the word-processor was able to provide a foundation for the digitalization of "writing" in Japan. In addition, I look at the significance of the Japanese word-processor's function as a machine for the production of "clean copies" and printed texts. This was related to the fact that "writing" always took place in relation to "editing". Thus, the adoption of the word-processor in Japan has brought to light the emerging problematic of "editing".