友添 秀則 梅垣 明美
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.23, no.1, pp.1-10, 2007-03-15 (Released:2012-09-24)

In Japan, the suicide by bullying took place m ostly continuously in the elementary school, the junior high school, and the high school in 2006. Now, children are in the situation which is in the crisis concerned with character. In such a situation, it is thought that physical education should pursue the character building for the purpose of formation of sociality or morality.The purpose of this paper is to examine critically the prec e dence research on the character building in physical education. And it is to clarify the result and problem of the character building theory in physical education through the critical examination of the precedence research.This study will give the effective suggestions for building the character building theory in future physical education.The results were summarized as follows.1) It is necessary to build clearly the explicit concept of the “character building” in physical education.2) The study on the “character building” in physical education must be added comprehensive analysis and examination from the relation with ideal changes of school physical education of Japan and the national curriculum for school physical education of Japan.3) The study on the character building in physical education needs to be considered, clarifying related structure with sports culture.4) The study on the character building in physical education needs to be considered from the position of creating new society, having the viewpoint of social criticism.
片山 紀子
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.30, no.1, pp.57-62, 2014-03-15 (Released:2014-04-10)
制野 俊弘
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.36, no.1, pp.1-16, 2020-03-30 (Released:2020-04-21)

In this research, focusing on the birth of relay, focusing on the transition process of rules, we will clarify new perspectives of “comprehension of learning contents” and “teaching material creation” in relay learning. Traditionally, relay learning has been conducted mainly for the purpose / learning contents of “pursuit of record” and “acquisition of baton pass technique”, and the elements and the entire rule (mainly, run It is conceived that a lesson targeting the “consensus building process” itself for “what competition is to be done”, and the competition format such as the distance, the setting of the position / length of the zone, the number of runners, etc.). It becomes possible to acquire “contents of learning” including “cultural comprehensiveness” within it, and the possibility of developing more rich relay learning opens. It is possible to conceive a lesson that reflects the diversity of relays in the competition format, the process of forming the competition itself (= consensus building process) as “learning content”. In tackling learning tasks such as “how much distance, how many people connect”, “how to set travel distance per person” “what to take over” “how to hand over” I think that you can master the original pleasures inherent in culture.
橋爪 和夫 高邑 和樹
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.21, no.2, pp.11-20, 2005-08-15 (Released:2012-09-24)

Purpose: This study examined the coordin ated movement of SAKA-AGARI (forward upward circling on the horizontal bar) by analyses of both ground reaction forces and films made with high speed cinematography. Methods: The reaction forces of the sustaining leg were compared between three elementary school children who perform SAKA-AGARI successfully and 6 elementary school children who were unable to perform SAKA-AGARI even though they were judged to have sufficient muscle strength to achieve SAKA-AGARI. Results: The results were summarized as follows.1) Both legs of the SAKA-AGARI performer seemed to put together until the upward swinging leg parting from the floor.2) After the upward swinging leg parted from the floor, reaction forces of the sustaining leg pointed vertically and to the front. The direction of the reaction force in the successful SAKA-AGARI changed to the direction of the bar.3) Maximal speed at which the upper part of the body of the SAKA-AGARI performer leaned back was significantly faster when SAKA-AGARI was performed successfully, and this was a significant factor in explaining whether the SAKA-AGARI performance would succeed or not.4) Maximal speed at which the upper part of the body of the SAKA-AGARI performer leaned back correlated with the impulse of forward reaction forces when SAKA-AGARI performance was successful.
大田 穂 小出 真奈美 岩間 圭祐 鈴木 由香 木塚 朝博
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.38, no.2, pp.13-25, 2022-09-30 (Released:2023-03-23)

This study examined baseball-type lessons offered in physical education classes and clarified the issues that arose while implementing such lessons at the elementary school level. The participants were elementary school teachers working in T Ward, Yokohama City. We collected data using a self-administered questionnaire. Results indicated that: a) the lesson that was most frequently offered in all grades was T-ball, and b) 30% of baseball-type lessons were not implemented for classes between 3rd and 6th grades. From the systematic learning perspective, it is necessary to identify teaching materials and criteria for progressing from easy to difficult lessons in terms of skills and game-judgment. Additionally, while implementing baseball-type lessons, many novice female teachers were worried about their knowledge and skills, suggesting that they needed support. Furthermore, as many of the reference materials, videos, and new teaching materials about baseball-type lessons were not well known, improvements are needed to make these more known. In conclusion, improvements based on these results could lead to more effective and efficient implementation of baseball-type lessons in elementary school physical education.
加藤 凌 佐藤 善人
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-17, 2022-03-25 (Released:2022-04-28)

The purpose of this study is to consider whether Korfball, the only true mixed-gender team sport in the Association of IOC Recognised International Sports Federations, is a ball game that will further the realization of “gender equality” in physical education classes by analyzing how children's awareness of being hard to deal with physical education changes. We conducted Korfball lessons a total of six times in 5th-grade physical education classes, and a distributed a questionnaire survey to measure awareness of being hard to deal with physical education before and after the classes. The results show that all students' and girls' awareness of escape decreased (p<.05) and the gender gap for awareness of escape, inferiority, and revulsion became smaller.M We argue that the cause of these results is that Korfball is a ball game in which both boys and girls can play together easily. Based upon this, it suggests that Korfball can bridge the gap between boys' and girls' awareness of being hard to deal with physical education and that Korfball can contribute to the realization of “gender equality” in physical education classes.
鈴木 聡
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.26, no.2, pp.1-16, 2010-10-20 (Released:2013-03-26)

The purpose of this study is to propose the new point of view about the ideal style of PE lesson study for teachers' growth. It is based on the opinion survey of the primary school teachers who are studying PE on function of the PE lessons study. Furthermore, it was tried out to offer the structured model of the function of the PE lesson study considering the teachers' career and the type of the study groups they belong to. As a result, it was found out that there existed five functions: “the relationship with other teachers", “the evaluation from leaders", “the improvement of teaching technique", “the investigation of subject contents", and “self-reform". In addition, the teachers' career and the type of their study groups made differences in how much they demanded for those functions. Furthermore, it was suggested that the functions may transform as the teachers grow up. In particular, it is notable that the function transforms from “the improvement of teaching technique" to “the investigation of subject contents" when they move from mid-level stage to the experienced. This transformation shows that the subject of study changes from the investigation of methodology to the theory of aims and contents.It is claimed that the lesson study is losing substance and going into decline.However, there is possibility that the successful PE lesson study will be developed if we understand the study contents in common and form it in agreement, considering the characteristics of types of the lesson study and teacher's career who participate.
荻原 朋子 岡出 美則 鬼澤 陽子 須甲 理生
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.24, no.2, pp.13-28, 2008-09-25 (Released:2012-09-24)

The purpose of this study was to develop the questionnaire to investigate students' naive concept on overhand pass skill in volley ball and to clarify its characteristics. To investigate it, based on expert discussion and description on overhand pass skill of master students, the questionnaire with two parts was developed. One part is that of estimating degree of importance of movement and another is that of finding problems of skills in still figure.As the subject,166 students in 1st grade junior high school students in the same school were asked to answer it. As the result,140 answers were analyzed. These students were divided into three types.14 were belonging to volley ball club,85 have learned soft volleyball in PE class in elementary schools and 41 have not experienced it. The main findings were summarized as followings:1) Students' naive concepts on overhand pass skill could be extracted through the questionnaire.2) Using the first part of the questionnaire, common knowledge between these three types' students could be extracted. For example, importance of straining fingers and pulling up a ball on the forehead was hard to recognize.3) The form of the hand and the pulling up a ball on the forehead in still figures' questions were too difficult to recognize.In this study, numbers of subject was so limited and also each number of three types of students was different. Therefore, to make it more reliable, numbers of subject should be added.The method of teaching the skill in the class could cause little change in such knowledge. Usually, for transforming children's naive concept to ‘academic content’, some kind of a didactical devise should be necessary. Based on this suggestion, developing instructional strategy and verification of its effectiveness remain as the further thsks.
江藤 真生子 嘉数 健悟
体育科教育学研究 (ISSN:13428039)
vol.35, no.2, pp.1-16, 2019

The purpose of the present study was to classify studies on physical education teacher education using theoretical orientations (Tinning, 2006), the framework of which is a basic conceptual structure, and to analyze research questions and methods. We classified domestic and international studies on physical education teacher education into behavioristic orientation, personal orientation, traditional/craft orientation, and critical inquiry orientation and analyzed the purpose and research methods of representative studies that characterized each orientation. The results revealed the research questions researchers have about teachers' competency development and the research methods applied in each theoretical orientation. Moreover, it became clear that personal orientation was most common in overseas literature. The traditional/craft orientation was most common in domestic literature. We realized that with regard to research methods, qualitative research is most common in foreign literature, while in Japanese literature, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research are all nearly equally present. In Japan, the reason many qualitative studies are being conducted as a traditional/ craft orientation is believed to be that instructors use them to implement what they learn in workshops and programs in order to investigate their development and formation of competence. It is inferred that modeling can be achieved by showing the outcome of the program and training. <br> Within Japan, in the future, more incisive perspectives are desired (Fukami, 2015; Kihara, 2015; Kitazawa/Suzuki, 2013). By incisive perspectives, we mean those that examine—from the perspective of development and growth—the beliefs and perceptions of teachers related to their practice of teaching, as well as the processes by which they developed their teaching capabilities. This sort of research would indicate individualistic trends. In other words, in Japan, research examining individualistic trends is greatly desired.