楠川 充敏 鈴木 賢一 中井 孝幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.776, pp.2107-2117, 2020

<p> <b>1. Objectives</b></p><p> In Japanese universities, the realization of a new type of group learning environment, based on the use of analogic and digital media, has been promoted: Learning Commons (hereinafter, "LC").</p><p> Recently, examples of LC built separately from university library have increased. In the previous report, we conducted surveys in libraries where the reading area and the LCs are integrated, aiming to clarify the seat choice behavior of individual and group users. However, it was still to define if all the users actually choose only one of those two types, or if some of them rather choose both types.</p><p> For this reason, we tried to clarify the differentiated use behavior of reading areaff and LCs, aiming to acquire a useful knowledge for future learning space planning.</p><p> <b>2. Research method</b></p><p> We conducted a questionnaire survey and a behavior observation survey regarding the use status (addressed to users), and a questionnaire survey regarding the facility conditions (addressed to library staff).</p><p> The surveys were conducted in four Japanese universities: Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Ritsumeikan University, Chubu University, and Kyoto Sangyo University, which have different LC installation types. All of those institutions have more than 6,000 students and multiple departments. The different LC installation types have been identified as "integrated open type" (Sugiyama Jogakuen Univ.), "integrated separate type" (Ritsumeikan Univ.), "distributed combined type" (Chubu Univ.), "distributed independent type" (Kyoto Sangyo Univ.).</p><p> <b>3. Results</b></p><p> We noted that, as for the actual conditions, LC facilities have been built outside the library building in those universities where the number of students is larger.</p><p> Our hypothesis was that most of the single users tend to chose reading areas, and that most of the group users tend to chose LC; however, the results showed that around the 50% of the plural places users tend to choose both facilities, regardless of single or group use.</p><p> The analysis of this portion of users' behavior made clear that, between the reasons of their place choice, there are the possibility of using learning tools as PCs and copy machines, and the factor of nearness (LC facilities situated near the faculty building were largely used).</p><p> In the "distributed type", a large number of users chose both reading areas and LC because of the quiet environment. From this, it can be thought that by separating LC from the library building, it becomes possible to create various acoustic environments inside the vast surface obtained. Also in the "integrated open type", where there are no partitions between reading areas and LC, and where, within the same floor, there is a differentiation of quiet and lively spaces, many users' purpose was "to find a quiet environment". This behavior could only mean that the concept of "quietness" is not only linked to the absence of sound.</p><p> <b>4. Conclusions</b></p><p> From those considerations, it seems necessary to provide a differentiation in the sound environment of the learning spaces. Even by planning spaces where there is a sort of "noisy" acoustic condition, it becomes possible to increase the place choice factors of the users.</p>
鈴木 宏彬 斉藤 雅也 吉野 博
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.76, no.662, pp.369-376, 2011-04-30 (Released:2011-07-29)
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A field survey on the living room temperature in terms of residential building types, heating space and operation throughout Hokkaido has been done in 2008 winter. The 879 residential buildings responded to the questionnaire on the types of their building, heating equipments, heating space, operations and clothing style. In addition, they measured their living room air temperature for seven days by liquid crystal thermometer card. Followings are results; 1) Average room air temperature throughout Hokkaido is 20.9 °C . 2) Central heating systems are installed in 30% of all. In the other houses only the living room was heated with convectors. The room air temperature of the central heating and living room heating is 21.6 °C and 20.8 °C , respectively. 3) For heating operation, ratio of houses with all-day heating is about 30% and that with intermittent heating is about 70%. The room air temperature of two groups is 21.5 °C and 20.7 °C , respectively. 4) The room air temperature with the convection heating systems is 1 °C lower than that with the radiation heating systems. 5) The mean occupant's clothing value in their living room is 0.6 clo for male and 1.0 clo for female. 6) According to the multi-variate analysis, it is found that the factors such as age and family size affect the living room air temperature.
藤川 光利 吉野 博 高木 理恵 奥山 博康 林 基哉 菅原 正則
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.75, no.652, pp.499-508, 2010-06-30 (Released:2010-08-26)
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The aim of this study is to develop the measurement method of multi-zonal airflow rates via human expiration (CO2). The adopted method measures multi-zonal airflow rates based on system identification theory. Also, it is a simple and cost effective method that is suitable to apply in domestic places. In addition, the method will only have minimal interference in the daily life of the residents concerned. As a step toward the practical use of this measurement method, several experimental studies were carried out in a full-scale test house and an existing house in order to investigate the accuracy.
吉村 英孝 塚本 由晴
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.649, pp.751-758, 2010

The aim of this study is to clarify the criteria of the relationship between building frontage and streetscape through automobile management in suburban areas. First, we chronologically investigated the use, frontage width and building frontage of roadside buildings through map and photos. Secondly, the buildings' ground plan parking arrangements, backyard, and boundaries were examined and analyzed. Thirdly, nine &ldquo;building front types&rdquo; in three groups were made clear through similarities found between various characteristics and their arrangements. Next, the ground plans and groups of building frontage types were combined to obtain several &ldquo;roadside building types&rdquo;. Following this we could demonstrate the relationship between the &ldquo;roadside building types&rdquo; and the generational change of their frontage width as well as quantity. Finally, by comparing chronological change and distribution of streetscape, a framework for discussing the analogical streetscape of roadside building types can be presented.
齋藤 歩
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.770, pp.975-985, 2020 (Released:2020-04-30)

1. Introduction This study considered the relationship between archival techniques and finding aids for architectural records in the United States. Clarifying this relationship can also contribute to the establishment of archival practices in Japan. For this purpose, we first provided an overview of the project plan, which was prepared by archivist Nancy Loe as a grant proposal (Chap. 2). We then organized the component elements of finding aids, which were created according to the project outcomes (Chap. 3). Finally, we compared the outcomes with the proposal (Chap. 4). 2. Outline of Loe’s grant proposal We reviewed a project plan for the archival processing of architect Julia Morgan’s papers and records. Nancy Loe, an archivist at California Polytechnic State University, prepared the plan as a grant proposal with five chapters for a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Loe wrote about archival techniques and finding aids in Chapter 2, Methodology and Standards. Section 2, Arrangement and Description summarized the archival techniques: Arrangement with Shepherd and Waverly Lowell’s Standard Series, Description at the folder level, and Addition of Project Index. Section 4, Finding Aids, EAD Web Sites, and MARC Records provided ways to create finding aids: EAD (Encoded Archival Description) and MARC (MAchine-Readable Cataloging). 3. Organization the component elements of finding aids Subsequently, we organized the component elements of the finding aids for the Julia Morgan Papers, which were created according to the project outcomes for a 2005–2007 grant, in terms of arrangement and description. Focusing on the arrangement at the series level (EAD only) and the description at the collection and item level, the targets were four online repositories: the EAD web site in OAC (Online Archive of California), MARC records from WorldCat, KLOA (Kennedy Library Online Archive, California Polytechnic State University), and Calisphere. 4. Comparison and Discussion Finally, we discussed the archival techniques and online finding aids by comparing the project outcomes with the proposal. First, OAC was compared to the Standard Series at the series level arrangement (4.1). Second, OAC was compared to the archival description standard DACS (Describing Archives: A Content Standard) in terms of description at the collection and the series levels and of the container list (4.2). Third, we compared OAC and WorldCat in the collection-level description, and KLOA and Calisphere in the item-level description (4.3). Finally, the characteristics of archival techniques and the interrelationship between all finding aids were discussed (4.4). 5. Conclusion In this study, we examined the relationship between archival techniques and finding aids for architectural records referring to Loe’s grant proposal and the project outcomes. The results clarified the following points regarding finding aids: (1) a finding aid is composed of modules such as a container list, an index, and an inventory; and (2) a finding aid could be prepared in multiple ways. Furthermore, this study indicated the following characteristics of archival techniques as procedures for composing finding aids: (i) an inventory is made by an arrangement at the series level of multilevel finding aids with the Standard Series representing the creator’s functions and activities; (ii) a container list and a project index are made by descriptions of multilevel finding aids mainly at the folder level and partly at the item level; and (iii) Not only multi-level finding aids by EAD but also single-level finding aids by MARC are made to enhance access. This study was limited to case studies; in the future, I would like to adapt archival techniques utilized in the United States to the practice of archival processing in Japan.
菅原 遼 畔柳 昭雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.722, pp.971-981, 2016 (Released:2016-04-30)
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This research focuses on “Waterside Social Experiments”, exceptional measures for the practical use of rivers. Through the bibliographic/field/hearing surveys of 19 cities across the country, the state of use for river areas was grasped. Each instance was comparatively reviewed from the vantage points of business schemes and spatial structures. Through this, an overall picture of the Waterside Social Experiments was grasped, and an investigation into measures targeting river area space utilization and the building of a community cooperation structure was attempted. That result is as below. 1. The Waterside Social Experiments were carried out on rivers in general, from urban to suburban areas, and 24 instances were presents. 2. The implementation period for the Waterside Social Experiments was classified into the “Trial Period” and the “Development Period”. While the Trial Period had initiatives largely held in urban area rivers, the Development Period had its initiatives developed in the immense rivers of suburban areas. 3. River area space utilization for commerce in the types of stores was classified into a “Sight Frontage Usage Type” and an “Independent Store Type” based on the relationship between public and private land. Particularly in Sight Frontage Usage Types, space utilization was attained through integral usage of buildings along the river, as many types of operations are adopted in urban area rivers where the operational scope is very narrow. 4. Business schemes were frequently formed through managers - councils - businesses, and were classified into “Direct Types” and “Intermediate Types” through the relationship between occupants and businesses. 5. For commerce utilization initiatives in urban area rivers, where it can be assumed that various unspecified businesses will enter, application through the Intermediate Type business scheme can be frequently seen. The construction of an implementation structure geared towards fairness in business entry and harmonious business operation was attained. 6. Interaction with councils that occurred in the implementation structure differed in each case and the councils were tasked with the selection of occupants and businesses. Through this, the simplification of business schemes and harmonious business operations was attained. Moreover, councils formed by tenants shouldered occupancy and carried out architectural and legal guidance in the facilities. Through this, the construction of an “Area Leadership Type” implementation structure, where the councils became coordinators for their areas, was attained. As mentioned above, through initiatives in the Waterside Social Experiments, the sense of values was reevaluated for each area's waterside. Particularly in urban area rivers, where business space is limited, it became clear that the creation of a lively space was being attained with the expansion of a waterside dining spaces through the establishment of open cafes and streambeds and the like. Various relationships between managers - councils - businesses were formed through those initiatives. So, it also became clear that the construction of a harmonious collaborative system was being attained through the formation of an “Interim Organization” that coordinated between each organization/group.
開原 典子 高田 暁 松下 敬幸
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.79, no.697, pp.233-239, 2014-03-30 (Released:2014-07-10)

Based on the measurement of the moisture content in the stratum corneum, the transient model of the moisture transfer in skin was proposed with using the simultaneous heat and moisture transfer equations for hygroscopic range. For the modeling, the simultaneous heat and moisture transfer equation for the hygroscopic range was adapted for the stratum corneum with the thickness of 30μm, considering the contact with the ambient air, and the skin moisture content at the depth of 30μm given as saturated. As the results, the distribution of moisture content calculated by using the proposed analytical model agreed with the measured results, by taking into account the dependence of the moisture conductivity on the moisture content. It was suggested that the proposed model could explain the transient response of skin surface moisture distribution to the change in indoor humidity.
根岸 亮太 後藤 春彦 田口 太郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.622, pp.129-136, 2007
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Urbanization has declined the local community, which has organized mutual relationship in suburban areas. But in those areas, indigenous identity of the local community, such as festival, has incubated the foundation for regional management. Now in Chichibu, Chichibu night festival has a position of regional identity and it seems to have affected regional management. This study aims to clarify the influences of regional identity for local community. And I clarified four influences festival has affected regional management, 1)Participation of outsider 2)Assembling and raising of younger 3)Incubation of relationship in areas festival is managed in 4)Possibility of transfer's participation. These influences have possibility that they would lead area to good circumstance regional management goes on in by mutual relationship. In future, we should remind these influences of festival and carry on regional management with festival.