夏堀 睦
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.50, no.3, pp.334-344, 2002-09-30

小林 夏子
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.38, no.4, pp.379-388, 1990-12-30

A personal expression indicates a position of the person who tells the story, that is whether he is involved in the story or not. The 1st person : he stands inside of the story and is a teller. The 3rd person : a teller stands outside. In order to make use of the personal expression as a clue to a deeper story comprehension, the purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of knowledge is related with the position of the teller. Subjects (76 university students) are asked to produce a sequel of the beginning of a story which implies that the protagonist suffers adversity. Ss are given two types of the beginnings whose protagonist is written in the 1st-or 3rd-person. The major results are as follows : 1) The number of phrases is larger in the 1st-person type, but the frequency of the movement is smaller. 2) The 1st-person type produces more on mental states, while the 3rd-person type produces more on action. 3) Moreover, the substance of productions differs in the way of solving the problem.
内田 伸子
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.37, no.4, pp.327-336, 1989-12-30

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of "deficit-complement" schema played in a semantic integration of narrative sequences and the development of the same schema. Eighty-four 4-year-old and 5-year-old children were divided into three homogeneous groups, and assigned to one of three conditions: a non-restricted information with an undetermined deficit, a restricted information, or a non-information. The children were shown an abstract drawing story and were asked to describe each picture and perform a free-recall of the story and comprehension tasks. The results showed that the hypothesis, "the deficit information facilitating semantic integration of narrative sequences" was supported. It also showed that for the 4 year-old, influenced by the perceptual feature of each picture, in order to reconstruct interpretation the restricted information was difficult to utilize, while the 5 year-old could utilize the information and construct coherent interpretation. As a result, qualitative differences of cognitive basis for story production between the two age groups were shown.
小林 敬一
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.43, no.3, pp.p297-305, 1995-09

Various resources can be used to prevent from forgetting things : for example, habitual actions to use external memory devices, metamemory knowledge of external memory devices, script knowledge for planning, and others' aids. The availability of the resources is not equal for anyone, however. The purpose of the present study was to examine developmental changes in contents of the available resources and the relationships among the resources for elementary school children in their homes. The questionnaires concerning the resources were administered to seventy second graders, sixty-six fourth graders, seventy-one sixth graders, and their parents. As results, the children's knowledge increased with grades, while parental aids decreased with grades. Significant (marginally significant) correlation between children's knowledge and parental aids were found in fourth graders only. Moreover, there was a significant (marginally significant) correlation between children's habitual actions to put the room in order and children's script knowledge in fourth and sixth graders, although differences in habitual actions among graders were not significant.
中川 恵正
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.28, no.2, pp.114-123, 1980-06-30

本研究は,2個の弁別課題を併行して訓練する併行弁別事態において,後述学習における先行学習の適切次元の有無を変数として,過剰訓練の効果を検討した。 5×2の要因計画が用いられ,第1の要因は移行の型であり,全体逆転移行(W),部分逆転移行(P),半次元外移行-I (HEDS-I), 半次元外移行-II (HEDS-II)か次元外移行(EDS)であった。第2の要因は過剰訓練の有無であり,過剰訓練0試行か過剰訓練24試行かであった。被験者60名(平均年齢4歳1か月; 平均知能115.3)の幼児で,6名ずつ下位群に分けられた。先行学習の規準(5回連続正反応)到達後,あるいは所定の過剰訓練後,ただちに5個の移行条件(W, P, HEDS-I, HEDS-II, EDS)のいずれかを行った。移行学習規準は5回連続正反応であった。正反応に対する強化は"あたり"という言語強化と,ブザー音と黄色ランプの点灯の非言語強化とであった。 主要な結果は次の通りであった。 (1),全体逆転移行群の学習は過剰訓練によって促進される傾向がみられた。また半次元外移行-II群の逆転群の逆転課題の学習は過剰訓練によって促進された。しかし過剰訓練は部分逆転移行群の学習を遅延した。 (2),過剰訓練は半次元外移行-II群の次元外移行課題の学習を促進したが,次元外移行群の学習を促進も遅延もしなかった。 (3),全体逆転移行群と部分逆転移行群の後続学習課程は,標準訓練条件下では異ならないが,過剰訓練条件下では互に異なっていた。 (4),次元外移行課題における学習行程は,半次元外移行-I群,半次元外移行-II群および次元外移行群の3群間に差がみられなかった。 本研究の結果は,後続学習における先行学習の適切次元の有無が過剰訓練の効果を規定する重要な要因であることを示している。さらに先行学習の適切次元が後続学習に存在する場合には,過剰訓練は次元外移行学習をも促進することを明らかにしている。