志田 雄啓

小岩 信治
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.29, pp.A1-A16, 2003

The Piano Concerto in A-Minor opus 85 by Johann Nepomuk Hummel (1778-1837) belongs to the most successful works of this early romantic pianist. Composed in the late 1810s, performed throughout in Europe by Hummel himself, it soon became acknowledged as a masterpiece in this genre, which every young pianist should learn not only as one of their first performing pieces, but also as a guide for composition of their own piano concertos. Given this background it is understandable why the piano concertos of Frederic Chopin (1810-1849), for instance, sound remarkably similar to Hummel's A-Minor Concerto. Post mid-19th century, however, Hummel's opus 85 played an increasingly marginal role in the history of the piano concerto, particularly at public orchestral concerts, where new and symphonic piano concertos began to enjoy popularity. On the other hand, the value of this work as teaching model was never forgotten. At the conservatory in Leipzig, at that time one of the most influential institutions in Europe, it was still in great demand as one of the piano concertos that students should play at their first public performance. Koda Nobu (幸田延), who studied in Vienna from 1890-95, observed the obvious role of Hummel's piece in musical life: piano concerto for debut pianists. And afterwards, as professor of the Tokyo Academy of Music (東京音楽学校), sne introduced it as such. She selected it for the first documented performance of a piano concerto at the institution in 1901, with a second piano as accompaniment. For her first piano concerto performance with a full orchestra (1908) it was again selected. Furthermore it became tradition at the Tokyo academy for her students and their students to play it during (and particularly at the end of) their study. This lasted into the 1920s. It stands to reason that the custom of making students play Hummel's concerto resulted from the efforts of Koda and other European (particular German) guest professors at the academy in this period, who took it upon themselves to import European music culture as a whole. The establishment of this custom was evidence that their attempt succeeded. However, their endeavour and success was overlooked in the following decades, as Hummel's work was gradually perceived as out of date and old-fashioned, even among conservatories in Europe and Tokyo. This signified an end to the historical role of Hummel's Concerto in musical life. Although today's concertgoers do not know this piece, or even the name of Hummel, the performance history of his Concerto in A-Minor reflects the history of piano education. It is a piano concerto for debut performance, which transcended its time and geographical boundaries.
斎藤 一郎
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.24, pp.23-45, 1998

Telles sont les Parisiennes, au debut du 19^<eme> siecle, qu'elles font beaucoup parler d'elles. Napoleon et Balzac mettent en avant leur "bonte naturelle, desinteressee", celle qui suscite "tous les devouements calins, tous les heroismes, toutes les servitudes sublimes". Elles ont alors une ame naive et tombent facilement en folie d'amour. Le caractere qu'elles acquierent des le Second Empire, et conservent aujourd'hui, leur permet de repandre autour d'elles cette atmosphere propre aux quartiers animes d'un Paris decadent ou a a son apogee, en meme temps que leur inquietant parfum de sensualite. Un petit air de mepris, parfois, semble alterer le visage de ces femmes si gracieuses. Peu avant la seconde guerre mondiale, la Parisienne qui parait devant Pepe le Moko, au Maroc, reste enveloppee de l'odeur du metro de Paris. Vers la fin du 20^<eme> siecle, les Parisiennes, celibataires, liberees, peuvent gagner leur vie beaucoup mieux que les hommes. Elles ont un appartement, une voiture, des amants et, parfois, des enfants. Fringantes, elles ont trente-cinq ans et s'appellent "solos". La Parisienne du Second Empire nait dans le cloaque, sur le pave couvert de boue. Pour la sortir de la fange, il faut, bien sur, la puissance de la bourgeoisie, des nantis pleins de vitalite. L'eucation d'une Parisienne requiert un entourage de vrais Parisiens. Paul Perret, dans son ouvrage intitule La Parisienne (1868), et Pierre de Lano, dans L'amour a Paris sous le Second Empire (1896), recourent a toute leur erudition pour nous presenter le portrait de la vraie Parisienne. Quant aux Goncourt, c'est en 1864 qu'ils publient l'histoire d'une nouvelle Parisienne ideale, Renee Mauperin. Ce qui fait la Parisienne, selon Paul Perret, c'est la mode. Et la mode est, par exemple, a l'hydrotherapie. L'unique traitement, pour les syphilitiques, consiste alors a leur administrer des douches froides. Aussi les bains de mer et de riviere attirent-ils nageurs et nageuses. Quand Renee Mauperin fait son apparition, des le debut du roman, c'est dans l'eau de la Seine, avec un compagnon. La mode exercait son influence non seulement sur la toilette, la coiffure, le gout, mais aussi sur les idees, la sensibitlite: la soeur atnee de Renee est l'incarnation meme de la Parisienne, creature legere, superficielle. Pierre de Lano, dans le chapitre Femmes d'hier, femmes d'aujourd'hui, demontre toutefois que le merite de la Parisienne du Second Empire est de savoir seduire par son education et par sa culture, et cela grace a une faculte qui est celle de l'harmonisation, -dont semblent depourvues, a present, ses descendantes. L'heroine des Goncourt, "a l'avant-garde du temps", est du reste une excentrique. Aussi spontanee, primesautiere que la femme ancienne etait timide ou reservee. Tout en se baignant dans la Seine, pres de Saint-Denis, Renee fait preuve d'une lucidite qui doit sans doute beaucoup a celle des Goncourt. Toujours est-il qu'elle observe le spectacle des deux rives, ou se melent la campagne, le faubourg et la banlieue, "ces paysages parisiens sales et rayonnants, miserables et gais, populaires et vivants, ou la Nature passe ca et la, entre la batisse, le travail et l'industrie, comme un brin d'herbe entre les doigts d'un homme". Ce genre de femme ne se rencontre pas dans les autres romans de l'epoque. "On lui demande des impressions, des expressions personnelles. Elle peut parler, elle doit parler de tout. C'est passe dans les mceurs. Elle n'est plus tenue de jouer l'ingenuite, mais l'intelligence originale.", dit un ami de la famille au frere de Renee. "C'est une nature elevee, libre, tres blagueuse et tres tendre... Au fond, c'est une melancolique tintamarresque...". Cette alliance de mots resume les etats d'ame de la jeunesse bourgeoise, repliee sur elle-meme et neanmoins exaltee. Le pere de Renee, Monsieur Mauperin, ancien officier de Napoleon, possede une raffinerie de sucre dans la banlieue parisienne. Etant devenu un des riches industriels du Second Empire, il a gate son dernier enfant, cette Renee qui, par consequent, a pris des allures d'independance avec de remarquables libertes de langage. Les Goncourt decrivent a merveille les milieux du grand monde, de la grande bourgeoisie parisienne, ou la Parisienne recoit une education appropriee. Le futur beau-perve d'Henri, frere de Renee, declare ceci: "J'ai ete liberal... Je le suis encore... je suis un soldat de la liberte... Je suis republicain de naissance... je suis pour tous les progres, moi! Mais une revolution centre l'argent, ce sera de la barbaric! Nous retournerons a la sauvagerie! Il faut de la justice... et du bon sens. Enfin, supposez-vous une societe sans propriete? (...) Ce que j'ai gagne durement, laborieusement, honnetement... ce qui est a moi, ce que j'ai acquis... l'heritage de mes enfants... mais c'est tout ce qu'il y a de plus sacre! Je regarde deja l'impot comme une atteinte a la propriete, moi." Henri, pour faire un riche mariage, usurpe le titre de noblesse d'une famille qu'il croit eteinte. Intransigeante sur l'honneur et desireuse d'empecher le mariage, sa sceur Renee previent le descendant de cette famille, lequel provoque Henri en duel et le tue. Accablee de remords, Renee deperit et succombe a une maladie de coeur. Ces deux morts seront suivies d'une troisieme, celle de la soeur de Renee, morte en couches. Tout le roman est empreint d'un implacable pessimisme. Ayant perdu leurs trois enfants, les Mauperin ont tout vendu et sont partis a l'etranger. "Ils semblent marcher devant eux, sans regarder et sans voir... Ils errent, ils tournent dans l'exil de la terre, fuyant des tombes et portant des morts, essayant de laisser leur douleur a la fatigue des chemins, tramant a tous les bouts du monde leur vie pour l'user." Tandis que les Parisiennes jouissaient des splendeurs de la capitale, d'autres etres quittaient pour toujours la ville de lumiere dans l'espoir d'oublier leurs chagrins. Nous y voila: telle est bien la vanite de tout ce que les bourgeois cherchent et ont cherche. Ici apparait le comble de la misere pour les Goncourt, eux qui n'ont jamais imagine de pouvoir quitter Paris.
ギッツォーニ ルチアーナ
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.20, pp.A1-A13, 1994

関根 和江
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.24, pp.A1-A27, 1998

This report is intended to present the materials and information collected for the exhibition Dr. Raphael von Koeber and His Time, which was produced in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the reconstructed Sogakudo, the former concert hall of the Tokyo Ongaku Gakko (Tokyo School of Music). In addition to providing a brief biography, this article chronicles his writings, lectures, and musical talents and works. Bibliographies are also given. After arriving in Japan in 1893, Dr. Raphael von Koeber (1848-1923), philosopher and musician, taught Western philosophy, aesthetics, and cultural history at Tokyo University for 21 years. From 1898 to 1909, he taught piano playing and music history at the Tokyo Ongaku Gakko. In 1914, he retired from public activity to a life of seclusion. He passed hours poring over his books and wrote essays for journals, exerting a far-reaching influence on men of culture and scholars of the Meiji Era. He played an extremely important role in Japanese modernization. It is significant to look back upon his activities in this year of the sesquicentennial of his birth and the 75th anniversary of his death.
関根 和江
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.25, pp.81-96, 1999

This report is intended to present the materials and informations collected for the exhibition Dr. Raphael von Koeber and His Time, which was produced in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the reconstructed Sogakudo, the former concert hall of the Tokyo Ongaku Gakko (Tokyo School of Music). This time, Bibliographies (reports and articles) about Dr. Koeber in periodicals are introduced.
関根 和江
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.26, pp.67-85, 2000

This report is intended to present the materials and informations collected for the exhibition Dr. Raphael von Koeber and His Time, which was produced in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the reconstructed Sogakudo, the former conceit hall of the Tokyo Ongaku Gakko (Tokyo School of Music). This time, Bibliographies (reports and articles) about Dr. Koeber in newspapers are introduced.
斎藤 一郎
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.21, pp.A1-A28, 1995

A Edmont de Goncourt, c'est toujours avec une certaine gratitude qu' Alphonse Daudet parle de Moray, auquel il a servi en quelque sorte de secretaire. Il ≪l'epargne, en estompant la nullite du personnage, mais il le peint comme ayant une qualite: un certain tact de l'humanite, la reconnaissance a premiere vue d'un incapable d'avec un intelligent.≫ Daudet a meme de l'estime, de la sympathie pour cet homme entoure d'un perpetuel concert de critiques et de louanges. En fait, le XIX^e siecle n'avait pas bonne reputation. On le jugeait souvent stupide, cupide, vulgaire, et toute la betise du Second Empire, en particulier, semblait incarnee par Moray. Un jour, le due commande a Daudet ≪une chanson, une cocasserie madecasse dans le genre de bonne negresse aimer bon negre, bonne negresse aimer bon gigot. La chose fabriquee et apportee par celui-ci, dans l'enthousiasme de la premiere audition, on oublie les visiteurs dans l'antichambre. Et voila Daudet, Lepine, le musicien, et Morny lui-meme, avec sa calotte et sous la grande robe de chambre dans laquelle il singeait le Cardinal-Ministre, les voila tous les trois tressautant sur des tabourets, en faisant de grands zim boum, zin badaboun, pendant que les visiteurs se morfondaient.≫ Ce Morny, qui est-ce? Selon les freres Goncourt, ≪le mecene d'Offenbach, le musicien amateur, homme type de l'Empire, frotte et pourri de toutes les corruptions parisiennes, qui representent toutes des decadences sans grandeurs, collectionneur qui brocante des tableaux, ministre dilettante, un des auteurs du Deux-Decembre (du coup d'Etat) et des operettes-bouffes, faisant des affaires de commissaire-priseur et de la musique a jouer chez un bordel, viveur sans gout, cervelle de Paris, etc.≫ Ce portrait n'est pas moins juste que celui qu'a laisse Daudet. Il faut suivre la carriere de cet homme qui, au dire du comte d'Alton-Shee, un de ses amis de jeunesse, ≪sans etre veritablement beau, avait la physionomie fine et bienveillante, de l'elegance, de la distinction et qui, admirablement proportionne, fort adroit a tous les exercices, a obtenu pres des femmes de nombreux et eclatants succes. Instruit pour un mondain, ayant le gout de la paresse et la faculte du travail, une foi absolue en lui-meme, de l'audace, de l'intrepidite, du sang-froid, un jugement sain, de l'esprit, de la gaiete; plus capable de camaraderie que d'amitie, de protection que de devouement; prodigue et avide; plus joueur qu'ambitieux; fidele a un engagement personnel, mais n'obeissant a aucun principe superieur de politique ou d'humanite. Rien ne genait la liberte de ses evolutions. En outre, il possedait certaines qualites princieres, la dissimullation, l'indulgence, le mepris des hommes. Il pratiquait la souverainete du but dans son propre interet...≫ Ce temoignage est celui d'un observateur qui, sans etre ecrivain, ne manque ni de penetration, ni de talent. On a certes voulu minimiser la valeur de ces declarations. Le fils de Morny, notamment, a pretendu que Daudet n'avait regarde que de l'antichambre. Mais ce ne sont pas toujours les proches qui percoivent le mieux la verite d'un personnage, quand bien meme ils laisseraient a son sujet une masse de documents. On remarque chez beaucoup d'historiens, surtout chez ceux qu'influence la pensee marxiste, une tendance a l'incomprehension, au manque de "souplesse": ils traitent Morny comme un personnage louche, se livrant a des commerces interlopes, un individu suspect affectant la franchise. Or, Morny, avec toutes ses faiblesses, qu'il ne faut pas chercher a nier, etait superieur a son entourage, et meme a son temps. Les historiens ont souvent le tort, je crois, de s'attacher aux seuls grands phenomenes de surface, en oubliant, en meprisant les personnages qui leur communiquent autant d'impulsions qu'ils en recoivent. Le plus interessant est dans les personnes, dans les details de leurs actions. ≪L'histoire telle que la font la plupart des historiens, dit Edmond de Goncourt a Rosny aine, c'est de la bouillie pour les chats. Il n'y a d'histoire que celle qui retrace une epoque, et aucune epoque ne peut se retracer sans ses details, ses minuscules details.≫ La vie de Morny, de ce parfait representant du Second Empire, ses idees, ses comportements, avec sa frivolite ou sa puerilite, tout ce qui justement nous interesse, voila qui offre l'image d'une epoque marquee par un vigoureux essor, avant la decadence, bien sur, qui surviendra vers la fin du siecle. ≪Ce qu'on voit de loin dans un edifice, declare Daudet, ce n'est pas sa base solide ou branlante, sa masse architecturale: c'est sa fleche doree et fine, decoupee, ajoutee pour la satisfaction du coup d'oeil. Ce qu'on voyait de l'Empire en France et dans toute l'Europe, c'etait Morny.≫
源中 由記
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.29, pp.23-35, 2003

若桑 みどり
東京芸術大学音楽学部年誌 (ISSN:02872048)
vol.5, pp.49-95, 1979

1. Secondo il Panofsky, tutte le culture umanistiche hanno dei modi propri di misurare lo spazio avendo come modello corpo umano. Gli antichi greci credevano che il corpo umano fosse perfettamente simmetrico, quindi perno-base dell'universo fatto dagli Dei di cui conserva l'impronta divina. Secondo il nostro storico, gli antichi egiziani usarono un modulo assolutamente super-umano, incontrastato percio con quello greco, per cui crearono un sistema schematico e astratto. L'arte medioevale dominata anche essa da un imponente sistema dogmatico dentro il quale l'esistenza dell'uomo rivesti un secondario significato, assunse a modello di misura dello spazio universale immaginata da Dio simile alla sua grandezza divina. Noi potremmo indovinare una certa e pertanto simile alienazione dell' uomo dentro lo spazio ultra-umano nella cultura moderna, dove l'individuo e ridotto ad essere un minimo elemento non-essenziale. Quindi, si osserva che ci sono due tipi di concetto dello spazio nella storia d'arte; e quello che definisce lo spazio secondo il sistema assoluto e trascendente, l'altro e quello che misura lo spazio proprio in rapporto alla figura umana. 2. Indubbiamente noi troviamo un esempio del secondo concetto nella cultura dell'antica Grecia e di Roma e poi del Rinascimento italiano. L'origine di quel concetto risale al famoso "Canone" di Policleto che, secondo il Galeno, trovo la proporzione piu bella nel corpo giovanile e la fisso come otto teste. Seguendo l'esempio dei greci, il Vitruvio scrisse "Dieci Libri sull'architettura," opera che apriva la lunga storia della poetica architettonica che ci tramanda gli insegnamenti universalmente validi fino ad oggi; A, La bellezza esiste nella simmetria, cioe nell'armonia fra le parti e fra una parte e il totale. B, La simmetria perfetta si trova proprio nel corpo umano dove la proporzione fra le membra corrispondono a un sistema ideale. Qindi si puo rilevare tali belle proporzioni del corpo umano e si puo applicarle all'architettura. C, La forma della figura umana va rinchiusa in un cerchio che e la forma geometrica piu completa. Secondo il Vitruvio il corpo umano e raffigurato in um cerchio il cui centro e sull'ombelico. Questa tesi coincide con la teoria del cerchio di Platone che, nel "Timeo," lo definisce la forma geometrica piu completa e originaria perche corrisponde graficamente al moto ed alla forma dell'assoluto. Potremmo vedere qui la corrispondenza fra due cosmi, l'uno "Macro," I'altro "Micro", che riflette il modo di contemplare il mondo intero come espressione dell'armonia universale. 3. La tradizione vitruviana si risveglia dopo un ben lungo sonno durante il Medio-Evo, nel 1416, quando il manoscritto dei "Dieci Libri" fu ritrovato in un monastero, fu data nuova vita dal Leon Battista Alberti nel suo trattato dell'architettura. Questo grande umanista ripete, quasi letteralmente, la teoria della simmetria del corpo umano, e quindi dell'architettura e dell'unverso. Dopo l'Alberti, lunga e la serie dei teorici italiani, tra gli altri Filarete, Leonardo, Durer, Raffaello, Castiglione, Bramante, Vincenzo Scamozzi, Daniele Barbaro e Giorgio Vasari che hanno operato secondo gli insegnamenti vitruviani. Rispettosi della grande tradizione vitruvio-albertiana, che portavano a quello che chiamerei il culto della bellezza fisica umana, gli artisti rinascimentali idealizzarono lo spazio e misurarono il loro spazio alla luce della misura del corpo umano innalzata a modello fondamentale. 4. L'ultima fase di sopravvivenza della teoria ossia il periodo da dopo Michelangelo fino a Federico Zuccaro, la potrei chiamare anche l'ultima fase del Rinascimento ovvero la fase piu alta nell'arco della tradizione umanistica. In quel periodo l'idea dello spazio antropomorfizzato raggiunse al suo acme. Gli architetti nelle loro creazioni non solo imitarono la figura umana ma anche immaginarono le citta adattabili al modello umano. Gli esempi sono molti nel cinquecento, noi vediano molti progetti delle citta utopistiche, dove potremmo vedere nella sua piu completa realizzazione pratica la teoria della corrispondenza fra macro e micro cosmo. E da notare che in questi nuclei urbani utopistici abbiano pure una forma centralizzata, pari allo schema geometrico dell'uomo e dell'universo. E indubbia l'influenza della filosofia neo-platonica di Marsilio o di Pico della Mirandola che posero l'uomo al centre dell'universo concepito circolarmente. 5. All'inizio del nostro secolo, alcuni architetti progressisti presentendo il pericolo che rappresenta l'architettura moderna la societa industriale dove l'esistenza dell'uomo non e di primo piano piu, e denunciarono l'assenza dello spazio umanitico nella vita urbanistica, si rifecero all'antica teoria vitruviana dello spazio. Uno di loro, Le Corbusier, progetto come i cinquecentisti, una nuova citta ideale secondo misura umanistica che e basata appunto sullo corpo unano. Infine, non sarebbe inutile qui rifarci a questa tradizione antichissima per dar valore di nuovo alla relazione piu umana fra l'uomo e il mondo nostro, ormai diventato un vasto meccanismo impersonale.
若桑 みどり
東京芸術大学音楽学部年誌 (ISSN:02872048)
vol.3, pp.A1-A25, 1976

Since Vasari published his first book of history of art entitled "The most eminent painters, sculptors and architects." offering us a kind of list of remarkable masters it has been usual with us to discuss history of art in connection with some individual names, names of important artists and of big schools formed in their orbits. Whereas history of art is, as we know, filled with so many works of art which bear no name of their makers. Historians label them as "Opere di Bottega" or products of the workshop and give them, as the general rule, no higher rank than the peripheral one off the main currents of history of artistic creation. My proposal is that they should be rehabilitated as essential and basic "opere " of human creation which make a distinct contrast with the works by great masters, the so-called masterpieces. It is exactly what made me try to define the spirit of "Bottega". First of all, let me say, the spirit of bottega consisted in collaboration and collaboration was the source of the immanent nature of the works produced there. Second, this collaboration did not mean division of labour to facilitate mass-production but aimed principally at producing works of art, each round and perfect in itself. Third, bottega had its life in inheritance through generations not only of such materials as the workshop itself, its customers, tools and instruments but of the intellectual and technical tradition which formed the true secrets of bottega and in this lay the essence of bottega's educational function. Fourth, since bottega moved from place to place, its undertakings closely associated with the local customers' demand, both locality and itinerant character became the representative characteristics of bottega. The last but no less significant character of the works of bottega may be found in their anonymity: neither collaboration or inheritance from the predecessors, sometimes a couple centuries before, required the label of an individual name. Furthermore it was natural that the perishable quality of the works of bottega, which were no more than daily commodities, should have denied their makers immortality as did the so-called masterpieces enjoy thanks to their monumentality. Having little traces of individual makers, no striking originality, the works of bottega assert themselves rather in their homogeneity. In this article the author's primary concern is about the sameness of works of art, not about their differences. We can hardly refer to individual names, when we talk about history of art, excepting art of these four centuries from the fifteenth down. And in future either we will not be able to grasp the total significance of artistic activities without considering the entire lot of anonymous products.
佐藤 直樹 大屋 美那 渡辺 晋輔 山口 惠里子 大屋 美那 渡辺 晋輔 小針 由起隆 萬屋 健司

瀧井 敬子
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.28, pp.21-45, 2002

Im vorliegenden Aufsatz werden zwei Ubersetzungen des Ogai MORI (fortan Ogai genannt) von Clucks "Orpheus" behandelt, die im Jahre 1914 von einem kleinen Opernverein (Kokumin-Kageki-Kai) in Auftrag gegeben und im darauffolgenden Jahr veroffentlicht wurden, um dann aber aus zwei Grunden nicht auf die Buhne gebracht zu werden: Zum einen wegen des ausgebrochenen ersten Weltkriegs, zum anderen deswegen, weil der Verein, der Ogai mit der Ubersetzungsarbeit beauftragt hatte, sich finanziell keine Auffuhrungen leisten konnte. Ich mochte hier die geschichtichen Details zum damaligen Aufenthaltsort Ogais konkret mit den Materialien, die ich in Leipzig sammeln konnte, aufzeigen, und seine Ansichten uber westliche Musik, insbesondere uber die Oper, analytisch darstellen. 1) Obwohl Ogai als Militararzt sehr beschaftigt war, ubernahm er bereitwillig die Arbeit, weil er schon zu seiner Jugendzeit im Leipziger Opernhaus eine Auffuhrung der Oper "Orpheus" gesehen, also sich mit dieser Reformoper Glucks personlich verbunden gefuhlt hatte, und weil er damit einen Beitrag zur Forderung der Oper in Japan leisten wollte. Im Vorwort seiner Ubersetzung schreibt Ogai, er habe am 21. Juni 1885 das Leipziger Opernhaus besucht, um die Auffuhrung der Oper "Orpheus" zu sehen, wobei Frl. Papier den Orpheus sang, Frl. Martin die Eurydike, und Frl. Metzler-Lowy den Amor. Seine Erinnerung war korrekt. Daβ er gerade an diesem Tag in Leipzig weilte, kann man dem "Almanach der vereinigten Stadt-Theater zu Leipzig. 1. Mai 1885 bis 1. November 1885" entnehmen. Frl. Rosa Papier vom Wiener Hofoperntheater kam diesem "Almanach" zufolge tatsachlich als Gastinterpretin nach Leipzig, um auch die Amneris in "Aida" und die Fides in Meyerbeers "Prophet" zu singen. Frl. Martin aus Hamburg war auch anwesend. In den Ensemble der sogenannten "darstellenden Mitglieder" ist der Name von Frl. Metzler-Lowy zu finden, die an dem Abend, als Ogai anwesend war, die Rolle des Amor sang, und war auβerdem, den Nachrichten der "Leipziger Allgemeinen Musikalischen Zeitung" zufolge, bei Konzerten des Gewandthausorchesters auffallend haufig auftrat. Als Hintergrund-Information fuge ich einen kurzen Uberblick uber das zeitgenossische Musikleben in Leipzig und die Situation der Opernhauser um 1885 hinzu. 2) Ein weiteres Zeugnis legt das Libretto von "Orpheus" ab, das sich Ogai in Leipzig gekauft hatte, um den Inhalt der Oper im voraus zu studieren und auch, um danach seine Eindriicke darin einzutragen. Das Buchlein tragt den Titel: "Orpheus und Eurydice.-Oper in drei Akten von Ritter Chr. G. von Gluck.-Text der Gesange. Offizielle Bearbeitung fur die Leipziger BUhne. Leipzig, Druck von G.Reusche", aber leider fehlt eine Angabe des Ausgabejahres. In dieses Exemplar, das Ogais Familie nach seinem Tod mit allen anderen Buchern aus seinem Nachlaβ der Universitat Tokyo hinterlieβ, trug er zum Beispiel am Anfang des ersten Aktes, zu der Chor-Partie "Wenn in diesen dunkeln Hainen Eurydice, noch dein Schatten um dein odes Grabmal schwebt, ach so hore deinen Gatten..." diese Notiz ein: "Den aus grunen Blattern gebundenen Kranz legt er vor das Grabmal." Er notierte mit Eifer derlei Anmerkungen, weil er als einer der groβen japanischen Aufklarer, die viel von der "Modernisierung" Japans hielten, vermutlich annahm, daβ sie irgendwann zu diesem Zweck nutzbar wurden. Seine weitere Notizen im Libretto werden zuerst in den musikalischen und dramaturgischen Zusammenhang gebracht und dann ausfuhrlich analysiert. 3) Der zweite Anlaβ fur seine Ubersetzung war, daβ der Verein fur nationale Oper (Kokumin-Kageki-Kai), ihn wie oben gesagt damit beauftragte. Dieser Verein, von dem in bisherigen Untersuchungen kaum die Rede war, war erst im Herbst des Vorjahrs gegrundet worden. Er stand unter der Leitung eines jungen Komponisten, Nagayo MOTOORI, der schon vor der Grundung des Vereins Ogai darum gebeten hatte, daβ er dem Verein beratend beistehen und Glucks Reformoper "Orpheus und Eurydike", mit welcher der Verein offentlich debutieren wollte, ins Japanische ubersetzen moge, worin Ogai einwilligte. Aber dies wahrte nur ein Jahr, und die Organisation, der es an finanzieller Unterstutzung mangelte, loste sich wieder auf. 4) Auβer seinem personlichen Erlebnis in Leipzig und dem Ersuchen durch MOTOORIs Verein gab Ogai die Orpheus-Auffuhrung, die im Jahr 1903 im Konzertsaal des Konservatoriums Tokyo (Tokyo Ongaku Gakko) als japanische Urauffuhrung der Oper stattfand, einen weiteren Anlaβ zu seiner Ubersetzung. Aus der Lehrerschaft des Konservatoriums wurde eine Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur japanischen Ubersetzung des Textes gebildet. Man versuchte etwas, was der japanischen Sprache bisher nie widerfahren war: In einem limitierten Tonumfang einen bestimmten Bedeutungsinhalt, der weder weniger noch mehr als diesen Tonraum besetzen darf, auszudrucken. Durch ihre Bemuhungen konnten sie die Schwierigkeiten alien Anfangs etwas abmildern. 5) Folglich war Ogais Ubersetzung keineswegs die erste, und er muB es sehr bedauert haben, daβ er nicht an dem ersten Versuch teilnehmen konnte. Er muβte das Werk zweimal ubersetzen, well er zuerst den "Leipziger Auffuhrungstext", wie er ihn nannte, zugrunde legte, und spater, als sich der Text als unpassend fur die Musik erwies, die Peters-Fassung wahlte. In seiner Ubersetzungsarbeit spiegelt sich die Musikgeschichte des neuzeitlichen Japans wider, indem Ogai seinen Plan, die westliche Oper, die fur ihn die Modernisierung der feudalen Heimat symbolisierte, nach Japan zu importieren, zu fruh verwirklichen wollte, als daβ er zu Lebzeiten noch eine Auffuhrung hatte erleben konnen. In der Generation des Ogai, Sohn eines Samurai-Arztes, war es noch unmoglich, in seinem Heimatland Opern zur Auffuhrung zu bringen, weil dies sehr viel mehr Aufwand erforderte als man geglaubt hatte.
成田 英明
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.24, pp.47-67, 1998

At the beginning of Hamlet, those who were looking into the darkness on the platform of the castle at Elsinore disclosed that the real darkness is in their own country. Their nominal watch against young Fortinbras revealed their country's inner rotten darkness through the revelation of the late King's ghost. Young Hamlet was also brooding darkness at the bottom of his bosom. Neither his mother's too quick remarriage nor his lack of advancement could have been the real cause of his melancholy. He tried to give shape to this darkness within himself that went beyond his own understanding. Though T. S. Eliot abandoned to find 'the objective correlative' to Hamlet's melancholy, he felt acutely that something lied undetected at the bottom of his heart. Eliot was right but unable to find it, concluding the play to be a failure. Other scholars and critics haven't even attempted to reach Hamlet's deepest bosom. In this thesis I have given an answer to Eliot's irritation, studying Hamlet's melancholy from a historical perspective. Hamlet was ordered to take revenge by his father's ghost in order to cleanse the rotten Denmark. He looked up to his father as Hyperion, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Hercules. When he was ordered to take revenge, however, Hamlet was forced to play the role of Hercules in place of his father to cleanse Denmark, which was the Augean stables, after a 30 years' absence, the years symbolically corresponding to his age. He realized himself to be the slave of passion, which suggested he had Herculean madness that would destroy everything including even those whom he loved most. The problem of delay can be solved from this point of view. There is no delay except in Hamlet's mind. Only he felt himself to be a coward. The reason why he felt so is obvious: he couldn't make up his mind to devote his life to revenge. The third soliloquy expresses his agony. 'To be, or not to be' can be read as 'to live as a coward without revenging, or to die honorably in revenge.' No other than Claudius realized the dangerous something which Hamlet's melancholy state of mind was generating. He felt that Herculean 'madness in great ones' would destroy everything. Now the deepest problem in Hamlet's melancholy has been solved here.
成田 英明
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.25, pp.A21-A38, 1999

The Play Hamlet is a story of a quite impressive prince as well as a history played by the symbolic characters of three sons who had their fathers killed, a king, a queen, courtiers, and a daughter. Though it follows the hero's inner self closely, the play has a structure which relativizes his existence in comparison to the outer world. It is a tragedy as well as a revenge play. The reason why it is considered Shakespeare's "tragedy of tragedies" is that it is the only one in which the protagonist is forced to bear the result of the deeds which do not involve him. While the tragedy of King Lear comes from nothing other than Lear's own stupidity, the audience focuses its attention on Lear's agonies. The tragedy of Hamllet, however, comes from such an incredible role given to an individual by history causing the audience to turn its attention to the outer world surrounding Hamlet. The story goes back to the time when Prince Hamlet was born. The audience meets the three sons in the same circumstance 30 years later. The one son plays the role of a fool who reacts hastily upon his father's death. The second is caught in a dilemma between two worlds: that of the kingdom and that of the individual. The last one is watching Denmark for a chance to take revenge. The eyes of the last son Fortinbras exist in this drama from the beginning, which relativizes the existence of the protagonist Hamlet. At the end of the play, Fortinbras regains more than his father lost and the tragedy appears to have finished. However, the real fear is hidden in the sensation that the wheel of history might begin turning again around 'a little patch of ground' in Poland. Young Fortinbras might be the second King Hamlet. Hamlet is a special work in the genealogy of melancholy in that the protagonist has every feature of melancholy that is not on the surface but rooted in his deep existence. He embodies all the history of melancholy since the ancient Greek through Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Acedia, agony of love, malcontentedness, deep contemplation, genius foresight, and the sudden appearance of Herculean madness are all syndromes of melancholy. A solely new melancholy hero was born from this meeting of an old history and a traditional idea. By transferring old fake madness played in revenge tragedies into deep inner melancholy, Shakespeare produced a quite new tragic hero who can contemplate on universal life and death. A prince in a kingdom has been raised to a hero in the universe through melancholy. Hamlet is the symbolic work of late Renaissance in Britain and reflects the actual fear in the society of the late Elizabethan Age through the death of the prince and the change of monarchy. Through the melancholy hero, the Elizabethan audience must have seen the tragedy not as a distant old history but as their own contemporary history.
横山 奈那
東京藝術大学美術学部論叢 (ISSN:18801048)
pp.39-59, 2005-04

"Ambiguity" is one of the important philosophical concepts in Merleau- Ponty's early works. It means a kind of duality which is essentially in existence. In Cezanne's doubt (1945), the concept of ambiguity is explained as a Cezanne's attitude trying to avoid the alternative, and Cezanne's such attitude enables his technique "deformations". Merleau-Ponty considers that this technique arises from the perspectives system based on the body of "me- myself' which is the being-in-the-world at the same time. On the other hand, the classical / rational perspective has an immovable vanishing point. He regards this fixed point as a subjective viewpoint and recognizes the objective world from it. The classical perspective symbolizes the structure of the recognition in the western modern philosophy. And Merleau-Ponty is critical about it. He uses the concept of ambiguity to explain the structure oi recognition different from the traditional western philosophy. Furthermore, in order to consider1 the ambiguous attitude of Cezanne who is trying to avoid the alternative, he makes mention of Cezanne's doubt. Then he reveals that Cezanne is an ambiguous being as well as the corporal existence. The aim of this paper is to point out that "ambiguity" is the main concept of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology and picture's theory through his early works. I indicate the "nature" which is Cezanne's important motif, and the relations between Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology and Cezanne's artistic projects.
舩山 隆
東京藝術大学音楽学部紀要 (ISSN:09148787)
vol.28, pp.47-63, 2002

長濱 雅彦 中本 高道 大西 景太
