周藤 安造
東海大学紀要. 開発工学部 (ISSN:09177612)
pp.87-96, 1992-03-30

Recently, there has been much research into volume rendering as a new technique for visualizing the three-dimensional structures of the human body. Here, we define volume data as either continuous or discrete data, describing surfaces and internal structures. Discrete data in generally represented as an array of voxels with values representing a measured quantity such as X-ray CT number. Continuous data is described using functions defined over a spatial domain. To render the volume, we first assign an opacity and a color value (with separate red, green and blue components) to each voxel. Then, the internal structure is visualized by casting rays through the volume. By changing the opacity and color values, the appearance of the internal structure can be varied. However, there are some problems associated with volume rendering such as the large data sets, long processing times, etc. This paper systematically summarizes volume rendering methods used in medical applications, especially computer simulations using X-ray CT data, evaluates the usefulness of the methods, and describes likely future developments.
山本 銀次
東海大学紀要. 教育研究所 (ISSN:13403125)
vol.11, pp.93-103, 2004-03-31

The purpose of this study is to examine the aspects of promotion of the problem-solving behavior and the self-fulfillment achivement motive having occurred to the students who engaged in the exercise-development with a view of supporting others with severe self-repression and so on. The subjects of this study were 31 male and 87 female students, and the exercise-development was carried out in groups of four. The results were measured with the Achievement Motive Scale and the Problem-Solving Behavior Scale. The main findings are as follows: (1)After the exercise, the students obtained more self-fulfillment achivement motive. (2)The groups supporting others with "severe self-repression" and "powerlessness feeling" increased problem-solving behavior, through the exercise.
植田 恭史
東海大学紀要. 体育学部 (ISSN:03892026)
vol.26, pp.63-73, 1997-03-31

The purpose of this study was to find the essential factors for peak performance and to establish a new system of mental training for jumping events. The author has investigated the characteristics of mental conditions during peak performance and self-evaluation of mental skills in training. The following results were obtained. 1 Mental condition during peak performance 1) Characteristics of mental conditions : Subjects tended to remember "being full of self confidence" and "in the good condition" during peak performance. 2) Characteristics of recognized physical condition : Subjects tended to remember being "in good condition" and "feeling positive" during peak performance. 3) Visual imagery of the competition : Subjects tended to remember "ideal motions" and "key technical points" during peak performance. Remembering "success scenes, " "cheering sounds, " and "cue words" were efficient methods for attaining optimal mental condition during competition. 2 Self evaluation of mental skill to peak performance : On each item and each phase of mental training, the best group, i.e., the group which achieved peak performance, scored higher than the non-best group. Key mental skills for peak performance are remembering clearly and controlling the optimal mental condition and ideal motions.
尾身 朝子
東海大学紀要. 工学部 (ISSN:05636787)
vol.45, no.2, pp.11-17, 2006-03-31

電子ジャーナルのオープンアクセスの動きは米国の国立衛生研究所(NIH)の助成研究成果論文公開の方針で新しい段階を迎えた。NIHは2004年9月に助成研究の成果については、論文刊行後6ヵ月以内にNIHの電子ジャーナルサービスPubMed Centralにその最終原稿の電子版を提供し、無料公開するように求める提案をおこない、同時に公開意見募集をおこなった。その結果を受け、2005年2月に最終方針を発表したが、そこでは出版社の意向を汲んで論文刊行後12ヵ月以内に変更され、この方針は2005年5月2日から実施された。本稿では、この方針が生まれるに至った経緯やこの提案・方針に関して関係団体や学会・出版社の意見などを解説した。さらにわが国の学会出版への影響についても論じた。
新倉 聡 佐々木 将士 藤森 成一
東海大学紀要. 電子情報学部 (ISSN:13472666)
vol.5, no.1, pp.77-82, 2005-09-30

中川 久嗣
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.84, pp.228-214, 2006-03-30

Michel Foucault strongly practiced his power criticism throughout his life and his power criticism was based on the basic concept of "Power/Knowledge" which focused on the strong and inevitable relations between power and knowledge in the diverse field of human sciences of Western civilization. However, late in life, he declared that the general theme of his research had not been power but the subject. What does this declaration mean? Did he abandon his power criticism by turning to the new ethics of the self? In this study, especially analyzing his later works, I investigated the substance of this change to reveal that Foucault never abandoned his principle of power criticism. I also took up the earlier works which treated the individual as the passive subject, and I verified that Foucault analyzed such a subject as an executor of the Will to Knowledge, and as a important component of power. So, his analysis of the subject has not been different from power criticism. Foucault's analysis of the subject fundamentally supported his critical theory of power and was consistent throughout his life.
中川 久嗣
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.82, pp.96-79, 2005-03-31

L'Absence du fondement normatif pose les problemes les plus populaires et serieux a la pensee de Michel Foucault. Nancy Fraser, par example, accuse Foucault de n'avoir ni fondement normatif, ni solution de rechange, ni espoire pour l'avenir de notre societe. Mais Foucault a toujours critique la psychanalyse, la medecine, la raison, notre humanite, le sujet, la discipline, la politique, le pouvoir, et presque toutes les institutions. Comment il peut les critiquer ? Quelle est la base ou le criteTe de son critique, c'est-a-dire, le fondement normatif de Foucault ? Dans cette etude, j'ai essaye de trouver ce fondement en analysant l'idee de (pouvoir-savoir) de Foucault. Cette idee contient une direction critique pour accuser le savoir de violation des objets a connaitre. Autrement dit, pour le sujet du savoir, c'est la violation de l'Autre. Pour Foucaut, c'est un effet du pouvoir mauvais et negatif. fiviter la violation de l'Autre peut etre pense un imperatif negatif. Mais on peut poser cette imperatif comme le fondement normatif solide de la critique de Michel Foucault.