鈴木 和夫
東海大学紀要. 開発工学部 (ISSN:09177612)
vol.17, pp.47-54, 2008-03-31

この総説では痛みの定義および古代からの痛みの治療について挙げ,レーザー治療に至る経緯,現在のレーザー治療およびその鎮痛機序の解析について紹介している.低出力レーザー(ソフトレーザー)とはどの様なものか述べ,実際の治療について麻酔科領域や整形外科領域の症例の肯定的および否定的両方の報告を示した.次に低出力レーザー照射鎮痛機序の解析的研究について,痛覚誘導をおこす物質や微生物を用いた疼痛モデル動物実験を挙げ,低出力レーザーが鎮痛に確かに効果があることを述べた.また,人為的に発生させた痛覚の活動電位(スパイク)を中枢に伝える感覚神経にレーザー照射したときスパイクは抑制され,レーザーはC 神経線維由来の感覚シグナル,つまり疼痛に特に効果があることを紹介した.そして,ミトコンドリアやATP などの生体活性物質が低出力レーザーにより変化して,それが起因して鎮痛がおこるという説,血流改善による鎮痛作用,中枢の下降性抑制系の賦活化による鎮痛作用,神経細胞膜のチャネルに作用,および発痛物質のシグナル伝達系の蛋白質に作用するという説を紹介した.これらの仮説から鎮痛機序をさらに解明するには中枢神経系の下降性抑制系のレーザーによる賦活化,およびレーザーが細胞レベルの物質に作用して光活性反応による分子構造変化を誘発しシグナル伝達を変調させるという観点から研究を進めることが期待される.
星野 尚文
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.86, pp.45-56, 2006

Kakae-Yashiki is the residence which a samurai purchased from a farmer. Hirosaki Han owned Kakae-Yashiki in Yanagishima village and Kameido village, and paid a tax (Nengu) to both villages. When Hirosaki Han was asked for a transfer of Kakae-Yashiki in October 1869 by the Reclamation Office, Hirosaki Han planned to transfer it with a higher amount of money, but Yanagishima village and Kameido village showed anxiety about nonpayment of tax and objected to transfer it. The transfer was not realized after all. On the other hand, Kakae-Yashiki which Nagoya Han owned in Akasaka Tokyo was transferred to the Army. The reason that a transfer realized is because there was this residence in a tax-free place.
小林 千草
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.82, pp.1-19, 2005-03-31

In this paper, I annotate on "Juracu-Saigyoko" (聚楽再行幸), a chapter in the Sengoku-Script Taikousama-Gunki (大かうさまぐんき). In the process of annotation, I study the following words and phrases using the method for the historical linguistics and expression-formation studies. i konpan (今般) ii tsujigatame (つじがため) iii narimono (鳴り物) iv nakaichijitsu (中一日) v tadasiku (正しく) vi keishu (景趣) vii nokoriosi (残り多し) viii kotoni (ことに) ix kidoku (奇特) x obosimesi (思し召し) xi ienokaze (家の風) xii umegaka (梅が香) xiii chitose-wo-heteyo (千歳を経てよ) xiv medetakarikeru-miyotokaya (めでたかりける御代とかや) The word "kotoni" has a different shade of meaning from its usual way. uch meaning, however, is also used in the letters of Taikou-Hideyosi. In the phrase "medetakarikeru-miyotokaya", the author OTA Gyuichi expresses his ambivalent feelings to the power, Taikou-Hideyosi.
鈴木 克美 西 源二郎 田中 彰 久保田 正

沖野 成紀
東海大学紀要. 教養学部 (ISSN:03892018)
vol.37, pp.55-76, 2006

From the standpoint of Jungian psychology, we have made a comparative study of Chat Botte between Perrault's original work and its animation by Toei Doga (1969), in whose production a now famous animation director, Hayao Miyazaki, participated as a young one of the making staff. The conclusion is that the significance of this animation is on the full and realistic realization of the factors latent in the original work : the trickstership of Chat Botte and the self-realization process of human characters, which are important concepts in Jung's analytical psychology. Especially, the process in this animation may be interpreted as that of one's autonomy and independence, his combination with a creative trickster, and his integration with his anima.
瀧川 郁久
東海大学紀要. 海洋学部 (ISSN:13487620)
vol.8, pp.35-41, 2010-04-20

The Churning of the Ocean (samudramanthana) is one of the most popular episodes in classical Indian myth.The story also appears in Tibetan medical paintings as an illustration of the origin of the poison. The Tibetan version contains some unique episodes and somewhat differs from the epic-purāṇa versions; moreover, some parallel passages of these episodes can be found in Indian medical books. By comparing these versions, we will be able to find another tradition of the story, different from the tradition of the well-known epic-purāṇa versions.乳海攪拌神話は、古典的なインド神話のうちでもっともよく知られた挿話のひとつである。この物語は、チベットの医学絵画にも、毒物の起源の説明として現われている。このチベット版は、叙事詩・プラーナ文献とはやや異なる、独特の挿話を含んでいる。そして、このような挿話と類似した記述が、インドの医学書に見いだされるのである。これらの異本を比較することによって、周知の叙事詩・プラーナ文献の伝承とは異なる、もうひとつの伝承を見いだすことができるであろう。
中村 豊 堀江 繁 西村 典子 野口 康雄
東海大学スポーツ医科学雑誌 (ISSN:09153659)
vol.17, pp.55-62, 2005-03-31

Although carbon dioxide had an increase action of a skin blood flow, a blood-pressure fall action, etc. to the human body, in order to utilize these actions for conditioning of Athlete, experiment using carbon dioxide-rich water produced artificially was performed. The upper limbs of both sides were immersed in artificial carbon dioxide-rich water and fresh water which were set up lower than the temperature of a human body and comparison examination of the recovery process of the skin temperature of since it is immediately after taking out from water was carried out by fresh water and artificial carbon dioxide-rich water. In five healthy adults who do not have trouble in the blood circulation of a finger, subjects are two men and three ladies. A temperature set up three temperature belts, 15 degrees, 20 degrees and 35 degrees, and immersion time was performed in 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 20 minutes, and observed the recovery process of skin temperature in thermometer. Three fixed points were established in observation of skin temperature and three points, a middle finger tip, mid-palm, and distal portion of forearm, were made into the viewpoint. Result: The early recovery tendency of skin temperature after immersion was seen to carbon dioxide-rich water between fresh water and carbon dioxide-rich water. Further the skin temperature of the portion immersed in carbon dioxide-rich water from immediately after immersion showed the tendency higher than the skin temperature of portion immersed in fresh water and which becomes large as it went to the tip, and the temperature of the portion dipped in carbon dioxide-rich water from immediately after immersion was the largest at the middle finger, and showed the small tendency by distal portion of forearm Moreover, the difference may not be seen in recovery time of skin temperature, by evaluation with thermometer. When both upper limps were immersed to the water set as 35-degree, recovery of skin temperature happened for a short time and the difference of recovery of skin temperature showed the few tendency in the comparison between fresh water. Consideration: The increase effect in a skin blood flow which carbon dioxide has also in artificial carbon dioxide-rich water was observed, and it was thought that it was utilizable for maintenance of condition of Athlete or rehabilitation. However, there is also a case from which the increase effect of a skin blood-flow was not acquired, and it was thought that examination was required further.
片岡 勲人 森本 忠夫
東海大学紀要. 開発工学部 (ISSN:09177612)
vol.20, pp.133-137, 2011-03-31

CG(コンピュータグラフィックス)は,現在,映画,ゲームソフト,CM,シミュレーション,バーチャルリアリティなどに盛んに使われている.CG を作成するには,芸術(アート)的なセンスやデザインの知識も必要となる.CG には,2 次元CG と3 次元CG とがあるが,本科目では,主に2 次元CG を製作する上で必要な技術およびアートやデザインとCG との関係を理解することを目的としている.当初,授業プログラムはCG 作成のためのシステム,デジタル画像の表現方法,2 次元図形処理,座標変換などの基礎的な技術の解説,ペイント系,ドロー系の主要なツールの使い方と応用として広告デザイン,イラスト(マンガ)制作を課題とするもので,授業アンケートにおける総合評価では,満足している回答が60〜80%であったが,「問題を発見し解決する能力がついた」と答えた履修生は0〜10%,と改善が望まれた.その要因として,多様なCGソフトウェアの使用方法が学習の目的となり,デザインプロセスによって問題を解決する学習時間が少なく,課題の構想や批評まで至らなかったことがあげられる.この改善として,2007 年度から,携帯電話のデザインプロセスを学習の流れとし,CG ツールを扱う能力,アイデアを具現化する能力,評価する力,プレゼンテーションする能力を連携させた授業プログラムに変更した.再度,授業評価を行ったところ,「問題を発見し解決する能力」,「総合評価」,「関心が持てるような授業内容だったか」について学習効果の向上を確認した.その一方,課題が高度になるにつれ,「授業の内容は分かりやすいか.」「与えられた課題に取り組む時間が十分にあったか.」では,改善を求める意見にて10〜40%の増加を確認したが,制作のやり直しを行う時間的余裕を設けることで解決した.
花森 功仁子 石川 智士 齋藤 寛 田中 克典 佐藤 洋一郎 岡田 喜裕
東海大学紀要. 海洋学部 (ISSN:13487620)
vol.9, no.3, pp.19-25, 2012-03-20

生沼 芳弘
東海大学紀要. 体育学部 (ISSN:03892026)
vol.7, pp.111-120, 1977

Sumo (Japanese wrestling) is a sport culture that was fostered by Japanese people and Japanese culture, and it has a definite organization and institution in the capacity of professional sports. The sumodom (sumo society) has many stables (Sumobeya) that are no parallel to other sports. Now, the sumodom has about thirty stables (Sumobeya). Sumobeya is institutionalized in the sumodom. It is a family like and a unique institution in the world of sports. This Sumobeya is a private training center of Sumo that both a master (teacher) of Sumo and many disciples live together in a same house, in order to accede to the Sumo culture. And it has been extending over two hundred years from the Edo period. The same one as Sumobeya is Iemoto of Japanese public entertainment, -Japanese dancing, a Noh dance, a Noh farce (performed as supplimentary entertainment during a Noh program), flower arrangement, a nagauta music (a long epic song), a tokiwazu ballad, a kiyomoto (a ballad drama), and so forth. Though Iemoto generally means the main branch of a family, it is institutionalized in Japanese public entertainment, too. Both Sumobeya and Iemoto have made up of hierarchical structure in training groups that are organized by a connecting link between a master (teacher) and disciples, just like the relationship of master and servant (apprentice). This research is to make clear the characteristic of both training group structures and the distinctive quality of Japanese sports culture and Japanese public entertainment culture. And the true object of this research shall be make clear the characteristic of the nation in Japanese sports culture. The method is a sociological comparative research that compare Sumobeya with Iemoto The former research materials (data) are my investigation in Takasago-beya (stable) that had extended for twenty-three months from May, 1975 to March, 1977. The latter research materials (data) make use of a bibliography that was analyzed by Mr. Takeyoshi Kawashima. The result of this research made clear that hierarchcal structure of training group in Iemoto is the pattern of reproduction on an enlarged scale and that hierarchycal structure of training group in Sumobeya is the pattern of closed pyramid. The latter pattern is just the same as a apprentice system that formed the foundation of a guild (Kabunakama) under the feudal system of the Edo period. The following present some other similarities between sumodom (sumo society) and Kabunakama (guild). 1 : Both of them were monopolistic business organization. 2 : Both of them came into existence at the same time. 3 : Both of them have 'share' (stock and Kabu) 4 : Both of them have been based on a house. There is a closed similarity between the two. That is to say, the characteristic of the nation in Japanese sports culture detects a apprentice system.
今橋 理子
東海大学紀要. 文学部 (ISSN:05636760)
vol.68, pp.58-68, 1997
