中川 光弘 丸山 裕則 船山 淳
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.40, no.1, pp.13-31, 1995-03-10

Hokkaido island is situated at the junction of northeastern Japan and Kuril arcs. Recent K-Ar age dating of Cenozoic volcanics in the island revealed that the distribution of Quaternary volcanoes (<1.7Ma) is remarkably different from previously accepted one. On the basis of the newly established distribution of the volcanoes, spatial variations in SiO_2-normalized major element values (SiO_2=60%) of Quaternary andesitic rocks (SiO_2=56-64wt%) are investigated. The Na_2O, CaO and P_2O_5 values vary systematically in the across-arc direction irrespective of the tectonic setting and/or the geological structure. On the contrary, the variations in FeO, Al_2O_3 and K_2O values seem to be largely correlated with the tectonic setting and the Bouguer anomaly. The distribution of the volcanoes and the mode of spatial variations in major element chemistry suggest the presence of three Quatemary volcanic fields, the southwestern Hokkaido (SWH), Taisetsu-Tokachi-Shikaribetsu (TTS) and Akan-Shiretoko (AKS) regions. Modes of the spatial variations in normalized major element values in SWH and AKS regions resemble each other and are nearly the same as those of northern Honshu arc; chemical zonation of volcanoes is sub-parallel to the trench axis in both regions. On the contrary, the spatial variations in FeO and K_2O values in TTS region are different from those in SWH and AKS regions. The mode of the variations in FeO and K_2O values is thus discontinuous in Hokkaido island. The values of Bouguer anomaly at TTS region (-40 to 0 mgal) are much lower than those at other two regions (+40 to +100 mgal). Because crustal thickness under the regions is nearly identical (25-34km), the regional variation in the values of Bouguer anomaly suggests that crustal materials of TTS region are less dense than those of SWH and AKS regions. These different crustal materials, which have been produced under the different tectonic settings, are believed to have resulted in mode of spatial variations in major element chemistry of Quaternary andesites.
宮縁 育夫 池辺 伸一郎 渡辺 一徳
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.50, no.4, pp.227-241, 2005-08-31

Ash emissions occurred from a hot water pool of one of the craters of Nakadake, the only active central cone of Aso Volcano, southwestern Japan, on July 10, 2003 and January 14, 2004. The former ash was dispersed throughout an area extending 14km east-northeast of the vent, whereas the latter ash extended 8km to the east-southeast. Based on isopleth maps, the total weight of ash discharged by each event was 41tons and 32tons, respectively. Both ash-fall deposits were composed of fine-grained (<1mm) glass shards, crystals and lithic fragments, and contained neither lapilli nor blocks. Some glass shards appear fresh and are probably juvenile material. We therefore believe that these phenomena represent non-explosive gas-and-ash emissions through the hot water pool. The ash particles emitted from the hot water pool of the Nakadake crater were aggregated at a size of 1-3mm and deposited because of a high content of water. The ash-fall deposits in proximal areas (<1.5km from the crater) were finer grained and more poorly sorted than in distal areas (>5km). Moreover, the deposit volume obtained from actual data in the proximal area was much larger than the volume extrapolated only from the isopleth data of the distal deposits. These phenomena suggest that the proximal deposits were emplaced mainly by another fine-grain-rich column different from the main ash plume that extended to distal areas, or that some parts of the column detached from the main plume that emplaced the proximal deposits.
LONDONO B John Makario 小林 芳正
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.39, no.2, pp.31-47, 1994-05-20

宇井 忠英 隅田 まり 大学合同観測班地質班 荒牧 重雄 大島 治 鎌田 桂子 小林 武彦 小屋口 剛博 佐藤 博明 中川 光弘 中田 節也 藤井 敏嗣 藤縄 明彦 古山 勝彦 三宅 康幸 横瀬 久芳 渡辺 一徳
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.38, no.2, pp.45-52, 1993-07-01

Small-scale pyroclastic flows due to the collapse of the lava dome have been frequently generated during the 1991-93 eruption of Unzen Volcano. We have recorded video footages which show the generation of pyroclastic flows during January-March 1992. Two types of phenomena have been observed : deformation of the lava dome due to flowage ; and a sudden discharge of gas and ash through fractures and peeling-off of rock fragments from the surface of cooling lava blocks. Pyroclastic flows were generated only in places on the lava dome where these precursory phenomena were frequently observed.
ペレツ ネメシオ ヘルナンデス ペドロ カストロ ローデス サラサー ホセ 野津 憲治 森 俊哉 岡田 弘
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.47, no.4, pp.347-351, 2002-09-17

有珠山2000年噴火の18月前の1998年9月に, 山頂域, 麓域の150箇所で採取した土壌中のホウ素とアンモニアの定量を行った. その結果, 土壌中のホウ素含有量は1,300μg/kgに達し, アンモニア含有量は14mg/kgに達した. ホウ素含有量の空間分布は, 900μg/kg以上の極めて高い領域が高温噴気活動が見られる山頂カルデラ内のほかにも, 2000年の噴火地点に近い北西山麓に存在していた. また, アンモニア含有量の高い領域は, ホウ素含有量の高い領域に一致し, さらに昭和新山でも見られた. 土壌中のホウ素, アンモニアの高濃度異常域は, 二酸化炭素の土壌からの放出量が高い領域 (Hernandez et al.,2001) とよく合っており, これらの成分が共通の起源をもつことを示唆している. このことは,土壌中のホウ素やアンモニアが, 二酸化炭素と同様に,火山体における揮発性物質の挙動を知る上で有用な指標となることを示している.