小林 義雄
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.20, no.1, pp.31-44, 1975-08-25

高所における有酸素作業におよぼすビタミンEの単独効果を検索するために, 男子12が名高さ4,500mに相当する低圧室での自転車エルゴメーターによる作業テストに参加した. 二重盲検法によって, 1日1.200mgのビタミンEとプラセボが6週間投与され, 続く6週間に両者はスウッチされて投与された. 同一最大下作業時の酸素消費量(Submax Vo_2)と心拍数, 回復期の酸素消費量と静脈血乳酸値および, つづく all-out ridingによる最大酸素摂取量(max Vo_2)等がビタミン投与の効果を測定するパラメターとして用いられた. 6週間にわたるビタミンE投与の結果, max Vo_2は14%増加した. さらに最大下作業にもとづく酸素負債および静脈血中の乳酸値はそれぞれ20%と17%低下した. これらの諸結果から, ビタミンの大量投与は急性低圧環境における有酸素作業成績を高めるのに効果的に働いたものと考えられる.
鶴岡 英一
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.20, no.3, pp.167-176, 1975-12-10

明治期における広島県の学校運動会の変遷を検討して, 欧米には例をみない学校行事といわれている運動会の特質を明らかにしようとした. 考察結果は次のように要約される. 1. 学校運動会は体育奨励のために始められ, 初期の数年間はこの性格が比較的純粋に維持された. 2. 1890年頃から学校運動会はその民衆動員的性格のため様々に利用され, 学校行事から地域社会の行事へと変質を余儀なくされた. 3. 1900年以降, 運動会の教育性の回復を求めて批判が高まるが, 教育の枠組を越えてしまった運動会は, 教育関係者の努力にもかかわらず, 実質的には変化しなかった.
加藤 謙一 山中 任広 宮丸 凱史 阿江 通良
体育學研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.37, no.3, pp.291-304, 1992-12-01

The purpose of this study was to investigate cross-sectionally the development of running speed, step frequency, step length, running form, and maximal anaerobic power (MAnP) in high school boys. Subjects were 134 high school boys ranging from fifteen to seventeen years of age. They participated in power tests including the 50 m dash, maximal bicycle pedalling, vertical jump and long jump. They were videotaped during the 50 m dash to analyze their running form.Variables analyzed were: 1) 50 m running time, running speed, step frequency and step length, 2)step time, support time and non-support time, 3) path of the whole body center of gravity (CG),4)maximal anaerobic power, vertical jump, and long jump. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The running time for 50 m decreased from 7.44 s to 7;14 s with age. Running speed increased from 7.70 m/s to 8.00 m/s with age. Step frequency increased, while step length and step length/body height ratio showed no significant change. The increase in running speed resulted, therefore, from the increase in step frequency rather than the step length. 2. MAnP increased from 766.0 W to 823.6 W with age, but no noticeable change occurred in the MAnP/body weight. 3. At each age, significant correlations were found between step frequency, step length,and step length/body height except step length/body height of fifteen year old boys. Furthermore, running speed and variables for physical fitness such as MAnP showed significant correlations. Running speed and MAnP/body weight showed a significant correlation for each age group. 4. The relationship between running speed and the CG motion indicated that it was important to shorten support time, increase step frequency and reduce the bouncing motion of the CG in order to improve running speed. The relationship between running speed and the motion of the lower limbs suggested that motion of the toe relative to the hip during support phase, forward motion of the free leg and backward swing motion of the toe prior to foot contact at high speed help to improve running speed. 5. Based on the averages and the standard deviations of variables examined for each age group, running performance was classified into five categories. Averages of step frequency, step length, step length/body height, MAnP/body weight, vertical jump and long jump for the categories were listed in Table 6. This will be useful to evaluate the running performance of students and teach sprint running in physical education classes.