山本 誠子 栗山 尚子 小宮山 冨美江
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.52, no.1, pp.17-22, 2001-01-15

The physical properties were investigated and a sensory evaluation made of imo-mochi with added potato starch (0-40%). Textural and tensile rupture measurements were made with a Rheoner, and the sensory evaluation was rated by the scoring method. The hardness, cohesiveness and extension of imo-mochi increased with increasing potato starch added. Although the hardness increased, the cohesiveness and extension decreased with increasing storage time at 23-25℃. The sensory evaluation clarified that imo-mochi with 30% potato starch was the most preferable, having high elasticity and extension.
竹田 美知
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.56, no.1, pp.3-13, 2005-01-15

The Japanese law of nationality provides that the children who have the nationalities of both parents must choose one nationality before reaching the age of twenty two. However, this survey shows that many of these children prefer to keep their double nationality. The purpose of this research is to investigate their decision-making process and its influential factors. The questionnaire was sent to the children and parents of the association or 328 multi-cultural families in January 2003, and the samples collected from 75 children and 141 parents were analyzed. The great majority of mothers have Japanese nationality and fathers foreign nationality. The influential factors were processed by the correlation and multivariate analyses. As the result of this research, it is concluded that: 1. Most children tend to choose double nationality as they plan to work and live abroad. 2. The children who know of the Japanese law of nationality tend to choose double nationality. 3. The children whose parents educate them to live in both the Japanese and foreign way tend to choose double nationality.
渕上 倫子 田村 咲江 奥田 弘枝
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.44, no.8, pp.649-654, 1993-08-15

相川 恵子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.53, no.2, pp.213-216, 2002-02-15
中澤 弥子 三田 コト
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.55, no.2, pp.167-179, 2004-02-15

柴田 圭子 西念 幸江 安原 安代
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.53, no.9, pp.901-916, 2002-09-15

The results of studies on the extraction of chicken stock and the preparation of chicken consomme are reported. The effect on the stock of different body parts of the chicken (bony parts, wing parts, and tissue components of bone, skin and meat) on the taste was investigated. The effect of additional meat (added skinless chicken breast meat representing 0%, 15%, 30%, 45% or 60% of the final consomme volume) on the taste of consomme was also investigated. Stock extracted from each type of tissue demonstrated unique characteristics (e.g., meat stock exhibited a stronger umami intensity as it contained large amounts of 5'-IMP and Glu, whereas bone and skin stock each displayed weak umami intensity but contained a large amount of peptides) However, the difference between stock made from the bony parts and wing parts blended with equal amounts of the three kinds of stock from the tissues (as these were included in the original bony or wing part) was minimal. Additional meat demonstrated a greater effect on the taste of consomme than the kind of stock used. A sensory evaluation determined the most preferable level of additional meat to be 15%, there being no improvement by increasing the level to 45% or 60%.
木村 友子 菅原 龍幸 福谷 洋子 加賀谷 みえ子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.45, no.7, pp.585-593, 1994-07-15

Dried shiitake mushrooms were rehydrated with ultrasonic-irradiation in search for rational rehydration methods. Its effects on the texture properties and the preference test were studied. The following results were obtained ; water absorption by the shiitake mushrooms, the color of yellowing of the rehydration liquid and its browning were greater with ultrasonic-irradiation than in the control without the irradiation. The irradiated shiitake mushrooms had less hardness and gumminess and were softer. Irradiation time was 20 min and total immersion time was 2h for Jyodonko adn 1h for Jyokoshin at 5℃ and 25℃ which are within a suitable rehydration range. Under these conditions, water absorption reached 90% of the maximum and the shiitake mushrooms scored high preference points in such properties as softness and gumminess. Irradiation slightly affected on the content of RNA and the composition of 5'-GMP, 5'-AMP, 5'-UMP, 5'-CMP and free amino acids in steam-cooked shiitake mushrooms.
森 理恵
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.59, no.3, pp.155-164, 2008-03-15

This paper aims to clarify advances in research concerning Japanese clothing between the Second World War and the post-war period of rapid economic growth. After Japan's defeat, the circumstances of the transitional period, from the time when there was a shortage of clothing until it became possible to freely obtain clothing, are not sufficiently clear. Through an analysis of articles from the monthly women's magazine "Fujin Asahi" around 1950, this paper clarifies how women remade clothes. At first, women were making western-style clothes by altering second-hand clothes and kimonos with skills and techniques that they had acquired from dress-making schools and books. After clothing regulations were abolished in 1950, new fabrics became available and the variety of clothing increased. Meanwhile, women were not merely imitating American and French fashion, as it has been said up until now. In particular, because much value was attached to work both in and outside the home, it has become clear that clothes specifically intended for work were designed, and the merits of Japanese clothing were taken into account.
今井 範子 伊東 理恵
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.11, pp.761-774, 2006-11-15

本研究は,開発から約30年を経過した遠隔郊外に立地する戸建住宅地を対象に,居住地の問題を明らかにし,居住者の家族構成や親子の居住形態の動向を明らかにすることを試みた.その結果を以下にまとめる.1)住宅地内の空地が約10%,空家が約5%存在すること,中古住宅の割合が2割に満たないことから住民の入替わりが頻繁に起こらず,住宅地としての停滞状況が把握できる.このまま流入が停滞すれば,住宅地として衰退することが予測される.また住宅の改修率が低く,住宅更新があまり行われておらず,住宅の老朽化がみられる.2)駅から遠く,坂の多いこの住宅地において,居住者は買い物をはじめとして日常生活を車に依存した生活を送っている.駅から遠いこの住宅地で高齢期を過ごすことへの不安は極めて大きく,移動に関する交通手段の整備などをはじめとして,高齢者のための居住地整備が求められる.3) 60歳未満において,女性有職率が極めて低く,食関連施設の不足,医療や福祉関連施設が不十分であり,仕事場が遠い,駅から遠いことから,女性が就労することを前提とした住宅地でない.4)昭和40年代前半の都市計画により,住宅地内の幹線道路沿いは店舗等を想定し中高層の建物が建築可能な用途地域として計画された.しかし分譲開始から現在に至るまでこの道路沿いに店舗は少なく,また3層以上の建物は建築されていない.存在した店舗の撤退が近年相次いでいる.5)「65歳以上の人がいる」高齢世帯の割合は4割弱,60〜64歳の人がいる世帯を含めると6割が高齢世帯であり,今後さらに急激な高齢化が予測される.遠隔地という立地上,子は独立して流出し,戻らない傾向が強く,今後,高齢夫婦のみ,高齢単身世帯が増加すると予測される.6)別居既婚子との居住形態は,遠居が特徴である.このため,交流頻度は低く,たとえば買い物などの日常的な家事や通院の付き添いといった,子からの直接的な支援は実質受けられない状況にある.7)自然環境の良さが永住意識と結びついているが永住したいと考えるのは半数に過ぎず,永住意識は低い.住み替え希望があっても地価の下落により転売を困難にしている.8)ここ10年ほどの間の転入者のうち,親世帯や子世帯と近接居住のためにこの住宅地に転入してきた世帯は若干存在し,近年微増の傾向がみられる.また,現在他地域に居住している親世帯や子世帯が今後転入し同居,近居予定のある世帯も一定の割合で存在した.しかしながら全体としてその割合は極めて低く,血縁による居住の継承の可能性は低い.このため,今後居住地として持続していくためには,血縁によらない,新規流入が必要である.9)徒歩圏内の食関連の店舗,今後増加する高齢者のための居場所,NPO活動のための空間などの整備が求められる.それらに対し,空地,空家の活用等が当面重要である.10)対象遠隔住宅地の問題点を集約すると,つぎのようである.(1)新規流入が停滞している現況を踏まえると,団塊世代以上の年齢層の居住者が多く居住し,高齢化が,一挙に進展することが予測されること,(2)親子の居住形態の動向は,同居は少なく,別居が主であり今後,高齢夫婦のみ,高齢単身世帯が増加すること,(3)買い物等を車に頼っている現状から,加齢に伴い車の運転から遠ざかり,日常生活における移動困難が発生すること,(4)子との居住形態は遠居であり,子からの身近な支援は受けにくいこと,(5)血縁による居住の継承の可能性は低いこと等である.11)このような遠隔郊外住宅地の方途として,いくつか考えられる.まずは,どの方途であっても,高齢期に対応した居住空間と居住環境の整備は急務であることはいうまでもない.今回の調査から即断することは出来ないが,このまま新規流入が少なく停滞状況となるならば,必然的に衰退化を招かざるをえないであろう.しかし,周辺に保有する自然環境と歴史環境を生かし,また空家や空地の発生に伴う居住地の再編を進め,ゆとりのある郊外住宅地として多世代が生活を共有できる持続可能な住宅地にむけた再構築をめざす方途も一つの方向である.本調査からは,いずれかの方途を具体的に指し示す即断は避け,遠隔郊外住宅地がかかえる課題を精査し,今後の方策とそのあり方を考えていきたい.調査活動にあたり,当時奈良女子大学4回生の杉村知江乃さん,同大学院生の関川華さんの協力を得た.
宮下 朋子 長尾 慶子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.7, pp.469-475, 2006-07-15

ババロアの調製時の調理要領を明らかにするためのモデル実験として,ゼラチンゾルに混合する生クリームの起泡程度およびゼラチンゾルの混合温度を変え,粘度,破断特性,比重および気泡径分布の測定を行った.得られた知見を以下にまとめた.(1)ババロア調製時の,起泡生クリームへ混合するゼラチンゾル温度が18℃〜16℃の場合に,上下層の分離は見られなかった.(2)起泡程度別生クリームと品温別ゼラチンゾルの最大応力および粘度は,生クリームが6分立て(本実験ではStage 6)の場合,ゼラチンゾル温度18℃および16℃において両者の値が最も近似した.(3)(1),(2)より,6分立て(同Stage 6)の生クリームと,18℃および16℃のゼラチンゾルを混合した場合に,最も均質なババロアが得られることがわかった.
江間 章子 貝沼 やす子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.47, no.1, pp.29-36, 1996-01-15

We studied for rice gruel mixtures containing several different ratios of rice (3 bu kayu, 5 bu kayu, 7bu kayu, Zenkayu) with regard to their physical properties and digestibility, and we also conducted sensory tests. We compared two brands, i. e. Thai rice and Japanese "Koshihikari." The following is a summary of the results: 1) After cooking, Thai rice grains gained more weight than "Koshihikari" and had a higher degree of swelling. Rice gruel with a low ratio of rice had a bigger weight increase and a higher degree of swelling. All of the rice gruels absorbed some degree of water and swelled when left for some period of time after cooking. 2) The hardness and adhesiveness of cooked rice were higher in the rice gruel with a high ratio of rice. A remarkable difference between Thai rice and "Koshihikari" was seen in adhesiveness. In the case of "Zenkayu," Thai rice had a higher adhesiveness, and in the case of the other ratios of rice gruel, "Koshihikari" had a higher adhesiveness. 3) Changes in the degree of swelling, hardness, and adhesiveness were seen when the temperature fell to 60℃ after cooking. 4) α-Amylase produced more reducing sugar in Thai rice and gruels with a high ratio of rice. 5) In sensory tests on appearance and ease of swallowing, "5 bu kayu" showed fewer difference with Thai rice and "Koshihikari" than "Zenkayu." Concerning the smoothness and adhesiveness, when both "Zenkayu" and "5 bu kayu" showed distinct difference between Thai rice and "Koshihikari." The panellists preferred "Koshihikari" on the whole. 6) Observing the surface of the cooked rice, it was noticed that Thai rice was rough, while "Koshihikari" was smooth, which corresponds with the result of the sensory tests.
奈良 由美子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.46, no.11, pp.1027-1036, 1995-11-15

The purpose of this series of study is to systematize the theory of Risk Management in Family Life. And this paper aims to examine the possibility as well as problems of the present family risk management theory in the province of Risk Management. The major findings of this paper are as follows : 1) There is significant probability in adapting the risk management theory into the family life to manage enlarged and serious family risks. 2) There are two aspects to the management : an economic system and an interpersonal system. The risk management theory heretofore has been studied, with the aspect of management focussed as an economic system. 3) When the risk management theory is adapted to the whole management process of family life, both aspects should be integrated to study what issues to be taken up for what purpose. It is also necessary to consider the introduction of a risk manager responsible for a systematized risk management, management of speculative risks, and those means and resources other than financial measures for dealing with risks.
杉田 洋子 田中 美智 高橋 裕子 佐藤 由紀子 山田 寛
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.52, no.5, pp.421-427, 2001-05-15

In our experiment we asked 201 female college/junior-college students as subjects to judge body silhouettes that consisted of all possible pairs of ten female junior-college students' photographs. We analyzed the data of the pair-wised comparisons in terms of multidimensional scaling and found that the preference of body silhouettes had two dimensions. A multiple regression analysis was also applied to examine the relationship between the somatometric measures of body silhouettes and the two dimensions of preference. As a result, it was found that female college/junior-college students had a tendency to attach importance to the side of the body when they judged silhouettes and they were likely to prefer a body silhouette having a narrow-angled thinner abdomen, and a thicker bust and hips.
山本 奈美 田村 咲江 松下 純子 石村 和敬
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.56, no.3, pp.141-151, 2005-03-15

本研究は, 誘電凍結法の効果を調べることを目的として, 緩慢冷凍庫(-20℃)および急速冷凍庫(-45℃), 同種の急速冷凍庫内に磁場(20, 30, 40Hz)を発生させた誘電冷凍庫の3種類を用いて鶏胸肉を冷凍し, 緩慢凍結試料は-20℃で, その他は-30℃で1週間又は6カ月間貯蔵した後, 解凍後および蒸し加熱後の試料について重量変化と破断強度を測定し, 光学顕微鏡, 透過電子顕微鏡, クライオ走査電子顕微鏡による組織観察および画像解析を行った.1週間貯蔵した試料においては, 冷凍方法による顕著な相違は認められなかった.しかし, 6カ月間貯蔵では, 緩慢凍結と急速凍結を行った試料の破断応力値は有意に大となったが, 誘電凍結した試料ではこれらの値の変化は小さかった.急速凍結した試料の貯蔵6カ月後における筋線維の横断面には, 筋線維内に冷凍保存中のたんぱく質の変性によって生じたと考えられる大きな空隙が生じていた.これに対して誘電凍結した試料の顕微鏡像では, 極めて小さい空隙が分散して比較的冷凍前に近い状態を示していた.筋線維横断面の形態を画像解析して真円度の尺度で比較した場合も, 誘電凍結した試料は冷凍前の試料により近い傾向を示した.これらのことから誘電凍結法は, 鶏胸肉の比較的長期の保存に効果があると考えられた.
宮坂 順子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.55, no.4, pp.273-283, 2004-04-15

The issue of heavy debtors has become serious. This paper seeks to extract and generalize the factors for heavy debt, to examine the social background of such factors from the viewpoint of genders, and to show effective methods for resolution. The data used here consist of consultation records of married persons who visited counselors specialized in family expenses (302 males, 150 females). In this paoer, I classified the incomes and expenses that increased the debts of those who sought consultation. Then, I analyzed the multiplicity of causes, mutual relations between causes, and relations among the family members of the persons who sought consultation. As a result, I was able to extract four factors for heavy debt: income, occupation, credit and saving. I also found that these factors are due to social dangers resulting from "the type of family that assumes males as breadwinners," which is based on the division of roles by genders in Japan. In conclusion, it is necessary for married persons to pursue a double income instead of a single income, which is vulnerable to risks and that it is essential to establish a lifestyle free from eender-based differences.
影山 志保 諸岡 信久
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.56, no.1, pp.41-47, 2005-01-15

In this study, the effect of environmental organic pollutants (detergents) on bacterial growth was investigated. Five different strains which may become routes of infection (i.e. food poisoning) were used: Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Enterobacter cloacae, Salmonella choleraesuis and Escherichia coli. The compounds tested in this study were sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), deoxycholic acid sodium salt monohydrate (DESO), sodium undecanesulfate (SUDS), p-n-nonylbenzenesulfonic acid sodium salt (SNBS), 17β-estradiol, 4-nonlyphenol and bisphenol A. In the case of S. aureus, no significant differences in growth rates could be observed with and without the compounds at 1 mg/l concentration in the growth medium, although the growth rate for 4-nonylphenol were higher than that of the control. All other strains exhibited higher growth rates than the controls for all the compounds tested. On the other hand, B. cereus only showed a longer lag phase in case of 4-nonylphenol addition.
岸田 典子 佐久間 章子 上村 芳枝 竹田 範子 寺岡 千恵子 森脇 弘子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.56, no.3, pp.187-196, 2005-03-15

The responses to a questionnaire survey on the patterns of eating activity of 1,160 female university students were used to conduct of cluster analysis on 8 parameters, including the frequency of buying from convenience stores, eating out, and purchasing prepared meals and box lunches. The relationships among the eating activity patterns obtained, daily living habits and health condition were then analyzed. The eating activity patterns were classified into four clusters : cluster 1, mainly utilizing convenience stores; cluster 2, eating in; cluster 3, eating out; and cluster 4, mainly utilizing stores other than convenience ones. The ratios of cluster 2 on daily living habits such as the regular life pattern and on health habits such as eating breakfast nearly every day were significantly higher than the ratios of cluster 3 : contrarily, the ratios of cluster 3 with regard to self-assessed subjective symptoms such as loss of vitality and increased drowsiness were higher than those in cluster 2. Significant differences were also observed in the health habit scores (clusters 2>4>1>3) and in the score for subjective symptoms (clusters 2<4<1<3). The relationship between daily living habits and health condition showed cluster 2 to be the best, followed by cluster 4, cluster 1, and cluster 3 as the worst.
川野 亜紀 細田 千晴 高橋 智子 大越 ひろ
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.1, pp.13-20, 2006-01-15

Mixed gel-sol samples were prepared by mixing yam gel with grated yam sol. The sol samples were prepared to five different levels of hardness : those resembling salad oil, yogurt, mayonnaise, grated yamatoimo, and mashed potato. The lowest hardness of the mixed gel-sol samples was achieved from the sol samples with a hardness similar to that of yogurt or mashed potato. The higher the concentration of the sol used in the sample, the higher were the values for the "adhesive energy" and "cohesiveness." The results of a sensory evaluation of the mixed gel-sol samples revealed that the higher the concentration of the sol used in the mixed sample, the more likely it was to be evaluated as "sticky" and "cohesive." The samples made from the sols similar in hardness to mayonnaise or grated yamatoimo were evaluated as the easiest to swallow. The samples made from the sols similar in hardness to yogurt or mayonnaise were rated having less "residual feeling in the mouth." The sensory evaluation comparing gel sample alone with mixed gel-sol samples revealed that those samples in which the gel was covered with the sol were more likely to be evaluated as "soft" and having less "residual feeling in the mouth" than sample of the gel alone.
佐々野 好継
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.57, no.11, pp.753-759, 2006-11-15

The object of this study is to clarify the construction and historical trends of living space, concentrating on Naisho or inner space found in Goto City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. The investigation was made principally by field study of 158 homes in 7 districts in Goto City. Analysis was made of the floor plan and age of respective homes as well as the names given to rooms by the occupants. How the rooms were used daily as well as on special occasions was also analyzed. Attension was paid particularly to the peculiarities of Goto City with regard to the meaning of the names given to Naisho by the occupants, the relationship to other rooms, and what was found in Naisho. Results: 1. Of the four-room types, which included Naisho, the oldest home was built in 1925 and the latest in 1968, both located in Sakiyama. 2. Naisho in the homes built between 1924 and 1968 were arranged inside Adanoma or outer room. Naisho was arranged as a corridor or passage to Nando or storage space. In other words, Naisho was separated from Zasiki or normal room. It is to be noted that there were the dining and living rooms adjacent to Naisho. 3. It became clear that the homes with Naisho are a feature peculiar to Goto City as they are found in all the seven districts under study. 4. Nai of Naisho means inner or inside as against Ada or Adanoma meaning outer or outside. Naisho also means entrance to the inner space. 5. Prior to 1924 Naisho in Goto City was used as cooking space, and after 1924 it began to be used as dining and living space as well.