今野 茂充 Shigemitsu KONNO
東洋英和大学院紀要 = The Journal of the Graduate School of Toyo Eiwa University (ISSN:13497715)
vol.9, pp.21-41, 2013-03-15 (Released:2013-07-08)

The debate on the origins of the First World War remains one of the most contested issues in the study of International History and International Relations (IR). Considering that almost a century has passed since the outbreak of the war, it is remarkable that the latest historiography, based on newly available primary sources, can still revitalize the debate and undermine some of the orthodoxinterpretations of the origins of the war. The controversy over the share of responsibilities for the outbreak of the war is typical of this trend. Instead of excessively focusing on Germany as the single prime mover in 1914, many recent historical researches consider a reapportionment of responsibilities among the European great powers for starting the Great War. Taking recent developments into account, this article seeks to examine and evaluate the role of Russia in the origins of the war from a theoretical perspective. The first section of the article traces the development of tensions between Russia and the Central Powers. The second section examines whether major IR theories, such as the offense-defense theory and the preventive war theory, can apply to the Russia's case from the defeat of Russo-Japanese war to the outbreak of the First World War. This article does not intend to demonstrate that Russia should bear the sole responsibility forstarting the First World War. However, even this brief study proves convincingly that Russia played a greater role on the outbreak of the First World War than is generally acknowledged in the recent literature of IR theories.
美山 透 宮澤 泰正 MIYAMA Toru MIYAZAWA Yasumasa
Ocean dynamics : theoretical computational and observational oceanography (ISSN:16167341)
vol.63, no.2, pp.265-281, 2013-01-17 (Released:2013-05-08)

A sudden acceleration of the Kuroshio jet appears off Cape Shionomisaki in the high-resolution (horizontal resolution of 1/36°) JCOPE 2 ocean reanalysis data. Using this dataset, we investigated the structure of the Kuroshio acceleration. The increase in the velocity of the current is accompanied by a downstream flow separation from the coast and an outcrop of cold temperature inshore. The acceleration of Kuroshio appears when it takes a near-shore path. Cape Shionomisaki amplifies the responses to the Kuroshio flow by creating the zonal velocity acceleration toward the downstream region when the Kuroshio flows closer to the coast. The Kuroshio acceleration coincided with the topographic ridge on the continental shelf near Cape Shionomisaki. This relation suggests that the dynamics of the acceleration is linked to the topographic feature. We proposed an explanation of the Kuroshio acceleration using a hydraulic control theory. An analytical solution was applied to the coastal topography around the Kii Peninsula. The solution captured some aspects of the Kuroshio acceleration.
Design-based research in CALL
vol.10, pp.157-182, 2013-07

The purposes of this paper are to (a) elaborate on the Cyclic Model of Learning(CML; Takeuchi, 2007), which was formed based on the four phases of the design-based research (DBR) framework (Amiel & Reeves, 2008); (b) to put the model into practice through use of technology in the field of EFL teaching; and (c) to examine how the CML-based teaching practice influences students’English ability and the instructor’s teaching methods. Based on the four phasesof the DBR framework, a qualitative investigation was conducted to identify the problems that impede teachers’ use of technology in EFL teaching (Sumi, 2011). To ameliorate the problems, following the second phase of the DBR framework, the CML was created and applied to a research project. The most distinctive feature of the CML is its integration of in-class practices with students’ out-of-class self-learning with aid of CALL technology. The CML was put into practice and tested on 19 first-year undergraduate students of EFL over the course of one year at a university in Japan. Data were collected, both on- and off-line, in a variety of ways including quizzes, weblog, video recording, questionnaires, and classroom observation. Findings confirmed that CML-based teaching practice contributedto the improvement of both students’ English abilities and the instructor’s teaching methods.
長谷川 成一
北奥文化 (ISSN:09114165)
no.15, pp.1-24, 1994-10

北奥文化研究会平成5年度文化講演会記録(平成5年10月31日 於五所川原市立図書館)
奥田 夏樹 Okuda Natsuki
地域研究 = Regional Studies (ISSN:18812082)
no.3, pp.83-116, 2007-03-31

日本では1990年頃から、伝統文化や自然環境の保全、環境教育等の効果を持つ観光であるとされるエコツーリズム等、新しいタイプの自然体験型観光が、各地で積極的な導入が進められており、2000年頃より産業として急速に発展している。エコツーリズムの最大の特徴はガイドを伴うことであり、これによって以前は一定の努力や技能が必要であった良質な自然へのアクセスが容易になることは自然環境保全上大きな懸念材料である。本研究では、ガイドツアーブーム以降、急速に大衆化が進んだ結果、特に自然環境保全上、多くの問題を引き起こしつつある沖縄県西表島のエコツーリズム(自然体験型ガイドツアー)に注目し、その現状を現地調査およびインタビュー等により明らかにし、問題点を抽出した。現地調査は、西表島における自然体験型ガイドツアーによる入域が最も多いと推定される、ヒナイ川流域を含む、複数の地域で実施した。エコツーリズム問題の背景について学際的な視点から議論し、善後策の提案を行なった。エコツーリズムは発展途上国では、現金収入手段が限られる地域における森林伐採→観光への産業転換などで、自然環境保全上も評価できる例も見られる。だが日本では、新たな観光産業ニッチの創出による、新しいタイプの自然破壊要因として機能している側面が強く、さらに地域出身者が携わるケースは稀であり、地域からの収奪と地域アイデンティティの破壊の側面が強いことから、今後エコツーリズムは制限あるいは禁止するべきであると考えられた。 During recent years ecotourism has spread fast in Japan. Such tourism is now causing a threat to the environment. Preliminary surveys have revealed many examples of human impact on the environment. Such cases are probably derived from the absence of reasonable designs for the application of ecotourism in the target areas. Field studies were conducted during three seasons (Aug 2005, Nov 2005, and Mar 2006) in Iriomote Island, Okinawa, Japan. The areas used by tourist companies for guided nature tours and where human impact is seen were identified, and guides and local inhabitants were interviewed. Evaluation of the programs for environmental education included in the ecotours was conducted by joining tours. Many examples of human impact that could cause disruption of the environment were found. It might not be appropriate for all tour programs to usefully act as agencies of environmental education. Interdisciplinary discussion produced recommendations for conservation. The design of ecotourism may need to be completely changed to fit the social conditions of advanced countries such as Japan, since ecotourism was originally aimed to fit the socio-economic conditions of developing countries. The current practices of ecotourism in Japan are unlikely to offer trade off for those natural ecosystems which remain largely intact. This is because, compared with the local communities' traditional ways of getting access to natural resources, the practices of ecotourism in those areas will cause more damage to the ecosystem. Therefore, ecotourism in Japan should be limited or restricted in order to conserve the regional environment and traditional culture that give a region its cultural identity.