青木 春美 宮坂 平 石田 祥己 青柳 有祐 三浦 大輔
一般社団法人 日本歯科理工学会
日本歯科理工学会誌 (ISSN:18844421)
vol.37, no.3, pp.171-178, 2018-07-25 (Released:2018-08-28)

各種次亜塩素酸水(強酸性電解水,弱酸性電解水,微酸性電解水),義歯清掃剤,電解次亜水の各液に金合金(キャスティングゴールドM.C.タイプⅣ),金銀パラジウム合金(キャストウエルM.C.,以降,金パラ),銀合金(ミロブライト),純チタン( JIS 1種,Ti),コバルトクロム合金(コバルタン,以降,Co-Cr合金)の計5種を1日間と3日間浸漬したときの色差,光沢度変化,重量変化率を調べた.さらに電子線マイクロアナライザ(EPMA)により構成元素と塩素の面分析を行った.金合金と金パラは,強酸性電解水,弱酸性電解水に浸漬すると色差が大きく,光沢度が小さくなった.銀合金は微酸性電解水に浸漬すると色差が最も大きく,光沢度はすべての液で著しく小さくなった.Tiは色差,光沢度変化,重量変化は認められなかった.同様に,Co-Cr合金は電解次亜水に浸漬すると色差が大きかったが,他の浸漬液では光沢度変化,重量変化はほとんど認められなかった.EPMAによる元素面分析結果から,金合金と金パラでは,塩素濃度の高い部分は銀濃度の高い部分と一致していた.他方,銀合金では義歯清掃剤に浸漬したときには,塩素濃度の高い部分は銀濃度の低い部分と一致していた.
中澤 璃乃 三浦 大和
独立行政法人 国立高等専門学校機構豊田工業高等専門学校
豊田工業高等専門学校研究紀要 (ISSN:02862603)
vol.52, pp.52-17, 2020 (Released:2020-02-25)

One-pod method is applied for the student chemical experiment using chemilumine- scence phenomenon. An activated oxalate ester (cppo) is suitable for it to perform.
三浦 大助 幡谷 竜太 宮腰 勝義 井上 大榮 小俣 雅志 佐々木 俊法 川崎 泰照 佐藤 賢 宮脇 明子 田中 竹延 宮脇 理一郎
一般社団法人 日本地質学会
地質学雑誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.110, no.5, pp.255-270, 2004 (Released:2005-01-07)
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糸—静線活断層系南部の白州断層の活動履歴を再検討した. 白州断層南部には, 北西—南東方向に連続する2列の断層崖 (東・西断層崖) が分布し, 西側の断層上のトレンチ調査結果から2回の古地震イベントが明らかとなった. これらは1695~2720 cal y BPおよび7325~8360 cal y BPの間と考えられ, 後者は東側の断層上の最新地震イベント発生時期と近い. トレンチ調査による西側断層の活動間隔は約5000年, 鉛直の平均変位速度は0.4-0.6(-0.7) mm/yrである. 白州断層全体の鉛直の平均変位速度はイベント間で0.4-0.8 mm/yr, 周辺の変形を含めると1.0-1.8 mm/yrとなり, 少なくとも1.0 mm/yrのネットスリップ速度を持つ可能性が高い. トレンチの断層産状は横ずれ成分を含む斜めすべりを示すフラワー状構造であり, 従来の見解である西傾斜の衝上断層と区別できる.
三浦 大志 伊東 裕司
慶應義塾大学大学院社会学研究科紀要 : 社会学・心理学・教育学 : 人間と社会の探究 (ISSN:0912456X)
no.73, pp.39-48, 2012

論文The revelation effect occurs when engaging in a cognitive task before making a recognition judgment increases the probability of old responses. The present study covered three main points. First, we investigated whether the revelation effect occurred in a between-participants design, using brand names' confidence ratings of knowing (C-ROKs). The following question was used for the C-ROKs: "How confident are you that you knew this brand in high school?" Second, we examined the duration of this effect. Finally, we also investigated whether the phenomenon of higher brand preference ratings, which has been considered a kind of example of the revelation effect, lasted for a certain amount of time. For these purposes, in an experiment, 60 participants were assigned to one of three conditions. All participants viewed a series of brand names and were asked to make C-ROKs. In one condition, participants made the C-ROKs immediately after solving an anagram task (anagram trial) in the first 30 trials. In the next 30 trials, they made only the C-ROKs (no-anagram trial). In the second condition, the order of blocks in the first condition was reversed. In the third condition, the anagram trial and the no-anagram trial were randomly assigned. After all 60 trials, the participants rated their preferences for the brands for which they had previously made C-ROKs.The results showed that the revelation effect occurred in a between-participants design. This is the first study to report the revelation effect when inserted tasks and a between-participants design were used. The results also showed that the revelation effect did not last for a certain amount of time. Moreover, they suggest that the phenomenon of higher brand preference ratings is temporary. These results suggest that the revelation effect is subtle and short-lasting. This means that the revelation effect may capture an instant distortion of memory, of which people are hardly aware in daily life.
三浦 大助 幡谷 竜太 阿部 信太郎 宮腰 勝義 井上 大榮 二階堂 学 橘 徹 高瀬 信一
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.55, no.1, pp.33-45, 2002-07-25 (Released:2010-03-11)

Co-seismic faulting activity during the last three hundred thousands years of the Ichinose fault group, in the southern part of the 150km long Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line active fault system, central Japan, was appraised. The Ichinose fault group consists of the mainly two distinct arcuate reverse fault traces bulged toward the east (frontal) and west (behind) directions. We conducted a trench excavation at the Nakano site across the behind fault, where the detailed geological and chronological information for the last ten thousands years was absent. The excavation resulted in evidences for the latest, at least two surface-rupturing events. The events were present sometimes between 665 and 1275 cal.y.B.P. and between 3355 and 4810 cal.y.B.P. The timing of the penultimate event is coincident with the previously estimated latest event on the frontal fault (3, 990-6, 270 cal.y.B.P.). The recurrence time and slip rate between these two events is approximately estimated as 3, 200 years and 0.9-1.8mm/yr in dip-slip, respectively. In comparison with a slip rate estimated from the geomorphological characteristics, the dip-slip rate from our excavation result is coincident well.A reappraisal of geomorphological reference deposits and a result of the seismic investigation study suggest that the total deformation rate of the Ichinose fault group is 3.5-3.7mm/yr (possibly up to 5.0mm/yr) and it becomes to increase in recent several ten thousands years. While the deformation rate suggests that the co-seismic faulting activity at the Ichinose fault group as a whole is ranked as the one of most active faults in Japan, however, it is smaller than that of 6.3-8.3mm/yr estimated previously from the gravimetric and numerical analyses.
遠田 晋次 三浦 大助 宮腰 勝義 井上 大栄
公益社団法人 日本地震学会
地震 第2輯 (ISSN:00371114)
vol.52, no.4, pp.445-468, 2000-03-25 (Released:2010-03-11)
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The Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL) in central Japan is a complex 150km-long fault system consisting of north-trending east-dipping reverse, northwest-trending left-lateral strike-slip, and north-trending west-dipping reverse faults. To help to resolve segmentation and to estimate the magnitude of future shocks on the ISTL, we conducted four trench excavations across the Hakushu fault, the Shimotsuburai fault, and the Ichinose fault group in the southern part of the ISTL, where no paleoseismological data for the surface faulting had been available. On the trench walls at the Hakushu fault, we found the evidence for the most recent surface-rupturing event occurring sometime between 6, 650 and 7, 000cal. y. B. P. (BC 4700-BC 5050) with approximately one meter of coseismic slip. On the Shimotsuburai fault, we exposed evidence for three events at two trench sites. The low-angle thrust faults and associated sediments record the most recent and the penultimate events occurring between 1, 370 and 2, 500cal. y. B. P. (AD 580-BC 550), and between 7, 940 and 8, 430cal. y. B. P. (BC 5990-BC 6480), respectively. Vertically offset terrace gravels indicate the dip-slip rate of the Shimotsuburai fault to be about 0.5mm/yr during the past 22, 000 years. We also found evidence for the most recent two surface-faulting events on the scarp of the frontal fault of the Ichinose fault group. The most recent event, which accompanied a coseismic slip of 1.8-2.2m, is inferred to have occurred sometime between 3, 990 and 6, 270cal. y. B. P. (BC 2040-BC 4320). The penultimate event, which appears to have a coseismic slip of 2.1-3.0m, is constrained to have occurred between 9, 520cal. y. B. P. (BC 7570) and 10, 930y. B. P. The recurrence time and slip rate are roughly estimated as 5, 000 years and 0.5mm/yr, respectively. Regarding the long elapsed time since the most recent events, the Hakushu fault and the Ichinose fault group have accumulated enough strain to produce surface-rupturing earthquakes today. Based on such long recurrence times and lower slip rates on the southern ISTL relative to the central ISTL, we suggest that multiple segment ruptures of the central and southern ISTL are unlikely to have occurred during the past 10, 000years. However, partial synchronization of rupture timings for the central and southern ISTL might have occurred around 7, 000y. B. P. though. To evaluate the fault activity in the southern ISTL more precisely and to consider fault interaction with central ISTL, we still need to investigate other fault strands of the southern ISTL, and to gather more paleoseismic evidence.
三浦 大生 秋元 崇 宮内 新 石川 知雄
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. AI, 人工知能と知識処理 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.100, no.88, pp.15-20, 2000-05-18

本稿では複数のエージェントを同時に学習する手法として, 遺伝子プログラミングを用いた学習にエージェント間評価を導入して, エージェント同士が互いに評価する手法を提案する.実ロボットに提案した手法による学習法を実装してのサッカーゲームによる実験を行う.まずスルーパスに戦術を特定した学習を行い, エージェント間評価を用いることでスルーパス行動の学習効率を高めることができることを示し, エージェント間評価が有効な手法であることを示す.続いて戦術を特定することなく複数の戦術を1回の学習で同時に学習することができることを示す.
新保 輝幸 三浦 大介 交告 尚史 深見 公雄 山岡 耕作 友野 哲彦 婁 小波 新保 輝幸
