中村 周作
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.37, no.4, pp.310-331, 1985-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
4 3

Itinerant peddling has played an important role in the retailing of seafood predating shop-selling in Japan. The origins of peddling forms we find today go back to the early Meiji Period (the late 19th century). In this period, the goods dealt with by peddlers were salt, fish and shellfish, which included fresh, salted and dried varieties. The author has classified the retail forms from the viewpoint of the relationships in the goods, the place of purchase, and markets:I: salt-peddling.II: peddling of fresh fish and shellfish, II-a: from the suburban fishing villages to urban region, II-b: from the fishing villages located in the region which distibutes the salted and dried fish to urban region, to the neighbouring farming villages, II-c: from the remote fishing villages to their neighbouring farming villages, II-d: activity within the urban region.III: the peddling of salted and dried fish (from the remote fishing villages to the broader hinterlands).Since modern times, however, such trade forms of peddling have been largely transformed along with the changing socio-economic circumstances. For instance, first the salt-peddling disappeared through the enforcement of the salt monopoly-system. Also, the peddling areas of fresh fish expanded and the remote fishing villages were included in the distribution-networks of the cities with the development of transportation facilities.The aim of this paper is to consider the spatial pattern of such behaviour, because some past studies on peddling in Japan have been lacking in this viewpoint. For this purpose, the writer first tried to make clear the distribution and distinctions of the peddling forms all over Japan and next investigated in detail the distribution and behavioural patterns of peddling in the San'in District, Western Japan.The results are as follows:1. The peddling forms according to how the goods are carried are classified as follows; a), carrying poles with hanging bamboo baskets (“Ninaiuri”), b), bamboo baskets carried on the head (“Kaberi” or “Itadaki”), c), handcarts, d), bicycles, e), motorcycles, f), automobiles.But a) and b) disappeared about 1960; c) and d) have been used since about 1960; e) and f) since about 1965.2. The number of peddlers who can be observed today is estimated to be roughly 37, 600 persons. Among them, the number using automobiles is about 15, 500 persons.3. The peddlers, except for those using automobiles mostly distribute to the markets located at the place of seafood production and the fishing villages in the metropolitan suburbs. On the other hand, the automobile-using peddlers are mainly working in the inland and isolated regions. Furthermore, in the San'in District, the latter spread remarkably from seashore inland.4. The motives for forming a peddling group are to purchase the goods in the same place, or to use the same transportation facilities.5. Finally, the behavioural patterns of peddling are classified as follows according to the distinctions among peddling forms and purchase-place:I: peddling in the place of production, II: paddlinng in the place of consumption, A: peddling without automobiles, B: peddling with automobiles.Therefore, these combinations make four types; I-A, I-B, II-A and II-B. In the San'in District, with respect to the age structure of peddling groups, in general, A) consists mainly of an old-aged class and B) of a middle-aged class. Concerning the sex of the peddlers, females predominate in I-A. On the other hand, the number of males increases more in proportion as the types tend towards I-B, II-A and II-B. These groupings can be further divided into twelve behavioural patterns.I hope that such results gained from this case study can be applied to more general issues.
中村 周作
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.54, no.4, pp.280-296, 1999-10-28 (Released:2017-04-20)

The purpose of this research is to grasp the moving pattern of stall-keepers at fair markets and make it clear how they have come to be these stall-keepers. To sum up, the results are as follows: 1. Rihe Daikokuya, who sold china and porcelain, traveled mainly around (1) his local area, (2) Saitama Prefecture, (3) Niigata Prefecture, and (4) Tohoku District. As for the time of the year, he traveled around his local area in spring and autumn, in Saitama Prefecture in January to March, which is the most important period for his business, and, in summer, to Niigata Prefecture and to Tohoku District where it is rather cool even in Japan. 2. Tadaharu Kitazono, who sold bananas, traveled mainly around (1) Saga Prefecture, (2) Nagasaki Prefecture and (3) Fukuoka Prefecture. He sold mainly in spring and autumn, and as he travels by his own car now, he mostly goes and returns in a day. His traveling area has become smaller compared with the time he traveled by trains and buses. 3. How has Rihe Daikokuya come to be a stall-keepers? He was born in an area where the pottery industry flourished, and worked as an apprentice in a pottery. But he was not contented as he could not get much money nor make much progress in his art, which made him decide to change his work. He became a member of an organization of stall-keepers (This kind of organization is called Tekiya.) and became a stall-keeper who sells china and porcelain. 4. How have these Tekiya-stall-keepers been born? Some of them have become stall-keepers when they wanted to get a job, and others, after some experiences of several jobs, have become ones with their longing for freedom. Thus they become members of a Tekiya group and stand on their own feet. Anyway, stall-keepers are typical "traveling workers" and we may be aware that they are important in playing the part of the prime mover to enliven fair markets.
中村 周作
地理科学 (ISSN:02864886)
vol.41, no.3, pp.133-149, 1986 (Released:2017-04-20)

The aim of this study is to clarify the formation of peddling system and its development in Fish produsing area. The results obtained from the case study in Sanmiura, Hagi-city are summarized as follows : 1. The development of the peddling activities is divided into the folbwing periods; a) the frst stage (before 1945) as the starting period, b) the second stage (1945-1955) as the confirsing period after the Second World War, c) the third stage (after 1955) to the decline. 2. The peddling areas showed remarkable expansion in the second stage. This change was caused by the transpontation method of Peddlers. In the frst stage, Peddlers named Shl~a hawked on foot, but after 1945 they became to move by railroads. In the third stage, the peddling areas remained unchanged. 3. The backgrounds which produced peddlers in this district were the succession ofShl~a tradition and the scarcity of employment. The opportunities for peddlers to select the establishment of their trade and the peddling places were recognized as the following four patterns ; a) obtaining customers from their mothers, friends and acquaintances, b) being recommended to the peddling places by the people mentioned above, c) accepting the demands of consumers, d) seeking customers by their own efforts. 4. 28 peddlers in this district visit the following places; a) areas along the Mine Line, b) old town within Hagi-city, c) rural viuages back of Saumiura, d) Masuda and Gotsu cities, e) other regions. These peddling areas are limited by the elements of time and distance and the competition with peddlers from other districts.
中村 周作
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
日本地理学会発表要旨集 2017年度日本地理学会春季学術大会
pp.100039, 2017 (Released:2017-05-03)

発表者は,宮崎・熊本・大分を事例として,地域的に好まれる酒の分布圏(飲酒嗜好圏)の析出を試みてきた。今回対象とする佐賀県域を含む北部九州は,従来清酒文化圏として,わが国の大半の地域と共通する飲酒嗜好地域であったところに数次の焼酎ブームで焼酎嗜好が広がり今日に至る。したがって,本研究によって,地域独自の状況把握と同時に,日本におけるおおよその飲酒嗜好とその変容を見通すことができる。本稿の目的は,①地域ごとの飲酒嗜好とその変容を把握すること,②佐賀県域の地域的飲酒嗜好圏の析出を試みる。その上で③わが国の清酒文化圏の飲酒嗜好とその変容について展望する。研究方法として,『福岡国税局統計書』中のデータ分析と,より詳細なデータ,および関係者の声を聞くために,県内全域で57件の小売酒販店に対する聴き取りアンケート調査を実施した。佐賀県は,九州北西部,福岡県と長崎県に挟まれる位置にある。県の面積2440.7km2は,全47都道府県中41位,人口83.3万人も41位,世帯数29.4万も43位の小規模県である。なお,当県内には,税務署管轄区が5(鳥栖地区,佐賀地区,唐津地区,伊万里地区,武雄地区)あり,以下この地域区分により,論を進める。 佐賀県域における飲酒嗜好は,東接する福岡県から波及するブームの影響を強く受けてきた。清酒は,消費の減少が著しい。ただし,これはいわゆる普通酒(大量生産酒)の減少が著しいためであり,特定名称酒は近年好調,佐賀酒ブームが起こっている。単式蒸留しょうちゅうは,消費量が増加し,いわゆる焼酎ブーム末期の2007年にピークとなったが,その後漸減傾向にあり,特定銘柄が生き残っている。連続式蒸留しょうちゅう消費は,漸減を続けてきた。1980~年のチューハイブームと2004年以降の焼酎ブーム時に消費が微増して現在に至る。地区別に飲酒嗜好の特徴をみると,鳥栖地区は,単式蒸留しょうちゅう(特にイモとムギ)の流入と,連続式蒸留しょうちゅうの強さもあって,清酒消費が幾分減じている。佐賀地区は,伝統的に清酒嗜好の強い地区であるが,中で多久は,旧炭鉱地として焼酎消費嗜好が根強い。唐津地区も,清酒嗜好が強いが,ムギ焼酎の消費割合が5地区中で最も高い。伊万里地区は,清酒・イモ消費嗜好が拮抗するが,連続式蒸留しょうちゅうの消費割合も鳥栖地区と並んで高い。武雄地区も,清酒消費の強い地区である。特に強いのが鹿島・嬉野,白石であり,県内有数の清酒産地が,そのまま消費中心となっている。一方で,地域別にみていくと,温泉観光地である武雄市はイモ焼酎の割合が高いし,大町町や江北町でムギ焼酎,江北町や太良町で連続式蒸留しょうちゅう嗜好が強いのは,それが県の縁辺部に残っている例である佐賀県域における飲酒嗜好圏を分類すると,Ⅰ「清酒嗜好卓越型」:伝統の系譜を引き,清酒の生産-消費が直結する地域である。Ⅱ「単式蒸留イモしょうちゅう・清酒嗜好拮抗型」:鳥栖市は,九州の東西南北の飲酒文化が交差する地域であり,伝統的な清酒嗜好に加えていち早く南九州のイモ焼酎のシェアが拡大した。多久市は,かつての炭鉱地で根強い焼酎嗜好がみられる。Ⅲ「清酒・単式蒸留イモしょうちゅう・単式蒸留ムギしょうちゅう・連続式蒸留しょうちゅう嗜好拮抗型」:この型は,県の縁辺部に位置する三養基・神埼地区は,福岡方面から入ってきた焼酎ブームの最も大きな影響を受けた地域であり,同時に連続式蒸留しょうちゅう嗜好も根強い。太良町は,伝統的な清酒嗜好に加えて,福岡方面からの観光客の流入が大きく,観光客の嗜好もあってイモ,ムギ嗜好がみとめられる他,伝統的に連続式蒸留しょうちゅうの強い地域である。
伊藤 不二夫 伊藤 全哉 中村 周 柴山 元英 倉石 慶太 河合 将紀 山田 実 星 尚人 吉松 弘喜 三浦 恭志
一般社団法人 日本脊椎脊髄病学会
Journal of Spine Research (ISSN:18847137)
vol.12, no.1.2, pp.22-31, 2021-01-20 (Released:2021-01-20)

はじめに:脊椎後方除圧術として観血法,顕微鏡下除圧術,内視鏡下除圧術,経皮的内視鏡下除圧術等を行ってきたが,今回導入した片側進入双穴内視鏡Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy(UBE)の臨床経験を報告する.対象と方法:脊柱管狭窄症56例,椎間孔狭窄症3例,ヘルニア5例の計64例を手術した.傍棘突起部で椎間板レベルの1 cm頭側に4 mm径の内視鏡ポータルを作成する.それより2 cm尾側の8 mm径作業用ポータルから,ラジオ波,4 mmダイアモンドバー,直・弯曲ケリソン,剥離子,鉗子等を使用する.結果:手術時間は初期2時間が,20例以降1時間に短縮した.下肢症状・腰痛VASは有意に減少した.Macnab評価の満足率は83%であった.術後血腫はなかった.硬膜損傷は2例にあり,fibrin patch法で修復した.結語:持続水灌流の鮮明視野下で,レンズ先端は組織に近接し毛細血管も拡大され,止血が丁寧にできるため,術後血腫が少ない.外筒は使用せず器具の作業範囲に制限がなく,骨掘削量が少なくて済む.
中村 周作
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.2017, 2017

本発表では,黒潮文化圏における伝統的魚介類食について,主要ないくつかの県,たとえば千葉県,高知県他の具体的な事例をもとに,この圏域の飲食文化にみられる地域的共通性と特異性について考察を試みる。研究方法として,文献等より抽出した各地の伝統的魚介類食に関して,食材他諸要素の分析を通じて地域的共通性と特異性を見出す。さらに,各地の主要な伝統食および,それらに関するイベントなどの実地観察調査の成果を紹介する。<br><br> 2015(平成27)年の都道府県別魚種別漁獲量(属人)統計より,主な県になじみ深い魚種をあげる。千葉県では,生産量の多い順にサバ類(県全量比の32.4%),イワシ類(同31.8%),ブリ類(9.7%)の他,スズキ類が全国1位,コノシロ全国2位,貝類が全国3位の生産をあげている。一方,高知県では,カツオ類(28.4%),マグロ類(24.4%),イワシ類(21.4%)の他,カジキ類が全国2位となっている。この他の主要な漁業県をみると,静岡県では,カツオ類(39.5%),サバ類(27.8%),マグロ類(14.8%),イワシ類(18.5%)の他,貝類が全国4位である。三重県では,イワシ類(42.6%),サバ類(17.4%),カツオ類(17.1%),マグロ類(9.7%)の他,イサキが全国4位,イカナゴが5位である。和歌山県では,イワシ類(26.5%),サバ類(23.6%),アジ類(16.1%)の他,タチウオが全国3位である。宮崎県では,イワシ類(49.9%),マグロ類(15.1%),サバ類(12.0%),カツオ類(11.2%)となっている。これらは,属人統計ゆえに厳密に言えば地産魚介ではないし,今日の全国流通の中にあっては,これらが地元で食べられているとは言いがたいが,少なくとも各地において,馴染みの深い料理(食材)であるということができる。<br><br> 農文協『日本の食生活全集』(全50巻)は,昭和初期に各地で食べられていた食に関する聞き書きをまとめたものである。本シリーズ中に魚介類料理が,のべ2,888品目あげられている。主な県についてみると,千葉県では,計101品目記載された中,食材としてはイワシ(掲載数15),アサリ9など,静岡県では,64品目中ボラ10,カツオ6など,三重県では,57品目中イワシ7,サンマ6など,和歌山県では95品目中カツオ10,クジラ9など,高知県では57品目中サバ5,カツオ,ソウダガツオ,マグロ,アユ(各4)など,宮崎県では44品目中イワシ5,アジ5などが出てくる。こうしてみると,イワシ,カツオ,サバ,アジが濃淡はあるもののほぼ全域,サンマが和歌山以東など広域で食されるのに対し,局所的に出てくるのが静岡のイルカ3,和歌山のクジラ,高知のマンボウ,ウミガメ,宮崎の棒ダラ,ムカデノリなどであった。次に,複数県にまたがって出てくる料理数を各県別にあげると,和歌山県18,高知県16,静岡県13,千葉県12,三重県11,宮崎県10となる。黒潮にのって西へ東へと移動しつつ,各地に定着した紀州漁民が伝えた料理の多いことが推測される。主な料理としては,「ドジョウ汁」(5県),「イワシなどのつみれ」,「カツオの塩辛」,「アサリ飯・味噌汁」(各4県),「サバずし」,「サンマずし」,「アユのせごし」,「カニ巻き汁」(各3県)などが出てくる。<br><br>最後に,発表者が,今まで取り組んできた宮崎県の「こなます」,「ムカデノリ」,「棒ダラの煮付け」,「塩クジラの麦がゆ」他,高知県の「やえこ」他,千葉県のカツオ料理他の伝統的魚介料理の実地・実食調査の成果を紹介する。<br><br><br><br><br><br>
中村 周作
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.45, no.2, pp.192-205, 1993-04-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
中村 周作
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.37, no.4, pp.310-331, 1985
2 3

Itinerant peddling has played an important role in the retailing of seafood predating shop-selling in Japan. The origins of peddling forms we find today go back to the early Meiji Period (the late 19th century). In this period, the goods dealt with by peddlers were salt, fish and shellfish, which included fresh, salted and dried varieties. The author has classified the retail forms from the viewpoint of the relationships in the goods, the place of purchase, and markets:I: salt-peddling.II: peddling of fresh fish and shellfish, II-a: from the suburban fishing villages to urban region, II-b: from the fishing villages located in the region which distibutes the salted and dried fish to urban region, to the neighbouring farming villages, II-c: from the remote fishing villages to their neighbouring farming villages, II-d: activity within the urban region.III: the peddling of salted and dried fish (from the remote fishing villages to the broader hinterlands).Since modern times, however, such trade forms of peddling have been largely transformed along with the changing socio-economic circumstances. For instance, first the salt-peddling disappeared through the enforcement of the salt monopoly-system. Also, the peddling areas of fresh fish expanded and the remote fishing villages were included in the distribution-networks of the cities with the development of transportation facilities.The aim of this paper is to consider the spatial pattern of such behaviour, because some past studies on peddling in Japan have been lacking in this viewpoint. For this purpose, the writer first tried to make clear the distribution and distinctions of the peddling forms all over Japan and next investigated in detail the distribution and behavioural patterns of peddling in the San'in District, Western Japan.The results are as follows:1. The peddling forms according to how the goods are carried are classified as follows; a), carrying poles with hanging bamboo baskets ("Ninaiuri"), b), bamboo baskets carried on the head ("Kaberi" or "Itadaki"), c), handcarts, d), bicycles, e), motorcycles, f), automobiles.But a) and b) disappeared about 1960; c) and d) have been used since about 1960; e) and f) since about 1965.2. The number of peddlers who can be observed today is estimated to be roughly 37, 600 persons. Among them, the number using automobiles is about 15, 500 persons.3. The peddlers, except for those using automobiles mostly distribute to the markets located at the place of seafood production and the fishing villages in the metropolitan suburbs. On the other hand, the automobile-using peddlers are mainly working in the inland and isolated regions. Furthermore, in the San'in District, the latter spread remarkably from seashore inland.4. The motives for forming a peddling group are to purchase the goods in the same place, or to use the same transportation facilities.5. Finally, the behavioural patterns of peddling are classified as follows according to the distinctions among peddling forms and purchase-place:I: peddling in the place of production, II: paddlinng in the place of consumption, A: peddling without automobiles, B: peddling with automobiles.Therefore, these combinations make four types; I-A, I-B, II-A and II-B. In the San'in District, with respect to the age structure of peddling groups, in general, A) consists mainly of an old-aged class and B) of a middle-aged class. Concerning the sex of the peddlers, females predominate in I-A. On the other hand, the number of males increases more in proportion as the types tend towards I-B, II-A and II-B. These groupings can be further divided into twelve behavioural patterns.I hope that such results gained from this case study can be applied to more general issues.