細川 藤孝 中村 幸彦
文学研究 (ISSN:03872823)
no.60, pp.235-307, 1961-03
中村 秀次
no.3, pp.41-153, 2010-01

藤井 昭二 中村 俊夫 Mappa Haruna
名古屋大学年代測定資料研究センター 天然放射性元素測定小委員会
no.2, pp.70-75, 1991-03

There are very fine marine terrace along the Bira to Pasir Putih coast southern part of south Sulawesi. These marine terrace consists of Miocene to Eocene reef coral with two notches. Position of one notch is in the one of high tide and another one is in 3-4m high above high tide with attched reef corals. ^<14>C ages of these emerged reef corals attached basement rock are dated by the Tandetron method at the Dating and Materials Research Center, Nagoya University. Result of age dating is shown is Table 1. Sea levels of 22to 40ka before present were 120 to 50m deeper than the present sea level. So uplifting rates calculate to 5.5 to 1.5mm/year. It is unresonable that two different rates estimate in same locality. Then sea level of 20 to 40ka before present must have been high geoid surface in this area.
中村 哲士 Tetsushi Nakamura
健康運動科学 (ISSN:2185338X)
vol.2, no.1, pp.55-73, 2011-10-25

We investigated how female college students majoring in physical education classified and positioned new sports, as well as the possibility of their use during coaching and elements that had effects on these factors. The number of athletic events used was 15, and we performed cluster analysis and discriminant analysis. The findings obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. The athletic events were classified into the 3 groups; (1) those utilized actively in a wide range of activities,(2) those not utilized or improved, though the possibility of later use during coaching was high, and(3) athletic events not utilized. 2. New sports belonging to the 3 groups were Short tennis, Kin-ball, Indiaca, Flying disk, Double dutch, Flingo, and Tee ball in group (1); Gate ball, Ground golf, Petanque, and Shuffle board in group(2); and Sports chanbara, Touch rugby, Tchoukball, and Unihoc in group(3). 3. While the possibility of using the activities during coaching was highest in order of group number, awareness and acquisition were classified on a considerably high level. 4. Elements that showed effects on their possible use during coaching were skills, practicality, and amount of exercise. Notably, acquisition of skills was regarded as especially important, following by practicality and amount of exercise.
鳥山 悟 左達 秀敏 中村 純二
日本感性工学会論文誌 (ISSN:18845258)
vol.19, no.3, pp.255-261, 2020 (Released:2020-08-31)

Using near-infrared spectroscopy, the effect of facial self-touching on the prefrontal cortex activity was investigated by comparing the activations produced by the following conditions: 1) pressure applied to the cheeks (cheek-pressing) with bare hands, 2) cheek-pressing with hands wearing rubber groves, and 3) no touching. The results indicated that regions of the frontopolar cortex (FPC) and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) were significantly activated only under condition 1 (cheek-pressing with bare hands). In addition, the standard scores (z-scores) for cerebral blood flow in the FPC and OFC were significantly correlated with the subjective scores for pleasant emotions. These results indicate that the FPC and OFC are related to pleasant emotions during self-touching. These findings are expected to be applied to the quantitative assessment of pleasant emotions during facial self-touching.
田中 祐輔 矢田部 塁 中村 真悟 小野寺 武 都甲 潔
vol.2012, pp.89, 2012

我々は,従来の問題点を解消した迅速かつ高感度な新しい爆発物検知方法として,抗原抗体反応を利用し高選択性を持たせた表面プラズモン共鳴(SPR)センサを提案している.本研究の目的は,プラスチック爆弾の主成分として使われるRDX(Research Department Explosive : 1,3,5-trinitroperhydro-1,3,5-triazine)の高感度検出の方法の確立である.センサ表面に自己組織化単分子膜(SAM)を形成させ,デキストランアミンを介して,RDXの類似物質を固定化し,間接競合法を用いて測定を行った.その結果,RDXに対して100pptの検出限界を実現した.
中村 尚史
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.38, no.2, pp.27-58, 2003-09-25 (Released:2009-11-06)

The purpose of this paper is to shed new light on the relationship between local wealth holders and Japan's industrialization, with particular focus on the enterprising booms in provincial areas during the Meiji Era. It examines the case of the Hiroumi family, the largest manure merchant in the town of Kaizuka in Sennan, Osaka. The following are the significant findings made : (1) The investment behavior of the Hiroumi family changed around the time of the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95). Before the war, Hiroumi depended mainly on income from its manure business. However, the family began to invest in stocks, especially those of local enterprises, after the war, and stock investment eventually became the family's most important source of income in 1897. Since then, the Hiroumi continued to invest in local enterprises and contributed to the industrialization of Sennan area.(2) The Hiroumis' investment behavior had two characteristics : First, in selecting the firms to invest in, the family carefully researched their potentials as well as the reputations of their founders. Second, the family continued to monitor the firms it had invested in and decided to reinvest in them only after screening their performances. Furthermore, the family became actively involved in the corporate restructuring of firms if necessary. In this fashion, by channeling the region's limited financial resources only to firms with potential, the Hiroumi family contributed to the continuing growth of local enterprises in the area.(3) In the industrialization of the region, the Hiroumis played a role similar to that of an investment banker, and many other local wealth holders like the Hiroumis similarly supported the continuing rise of local enterprises in Sennan area. The existence of those local wealth holders was one of the factors that sustained the “provincial vitality” of the Sennan area throughout the prewar period.
中村 尚史
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.30, no.3, pp.1-38, 1995-10-30 (Released:2009-11-06)

In the 1880s, a lot of railway companies were established in Japan. Many of them were promoted by provincial governors, for the purpose of stimulating of the development of industry in local communities. Therefore, in the early years, the railway companies had problems becoming independent of local interests.The purpose of this paper is to investigate the formative process of the top-management structure of Kyushu Railway Company from 1886 to 1890, and to shed light on the relationship between a railway company and local communities in modern Japan.The conclusion of this paper is as follows : 1. At the start, the top-management structure of Kyushu Railway Company was a council system, where in the major directors represented local communities. The first aim of the company president was to achieve independence from the representative who disregarded making a profit.2. At first, the president included stockbrokers in the board of directors. There were two purposes for this. One was for smooth fund-raising, and the other was to increase the number of board members opposed to the representative of local communities.3. But fund-raising was stymied by the panic of 1890, and the super-vision of local communities was difficult to overcome. Alternatively, the railway president managed to enlist zaibatu capitalists as stock-holders and brought them on to board of directors, moreover the president issue a bond for new fund-raising. These measures achieved their purpose in 1900, after which the Kyushu Railway Company was no longer dependent on the local communities.
中村 青志
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.15, no.3, pp.48-74,iii, 1980-12-30 (Released:2009-11-06)

Founded by Okura Kihachiro in the early Meiji period, the Okura zaibatsu did business with the government and the military during the period, and accumulated wealth through its foreign trade activities. From late Meiji through the Taisho period, it carried out a vigorous policy of diversification. One area into which it moved was mining, it ran coal and metal mining operation both at home and overseas. It also invested in numerous activities in China, beginning with mining and forestry, and also lent funds to political authorities there. As, a result, the zaibatsu saw tremendous expansion in the Taisho period, particularly in its three major fields-trade, construction and mining. But with the recession in the early Showa period and with the chaotic political situation in China, Okura run up substantial losses. Faced with meager profits and a lack of investment capital, the zaibatsu was unable to invest in any new areas, including heavy industry. Growth for Okura was severely restricted and the gap between it and Mitsui and Mitsubishi widened considerably.
中村 秀子
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.2, no.3, pp.38-68,iv, 1967-11-15 (Released:2009-11-11)

Raw silk was one of the major items of Japanese export at the beginning of Meiji period and the Italian and French machines were introduced into Japan for the purpose of modernizing the silk reeling industry. The Ono Company started to operate a large scale reeling machines of Italian type at its Miyamada Works in 1872. But on account of the lack of skill needed for handling the sophisticated machine, the output was small and the cost of production was inevitably quite high. Unstable supply of cocoon was another source of trouble for the Miyamada Works which eventually fell into financial difficulties in 1874.Almost all the silk reeling works of Western model had to suffer the same kind of difficulties. But the cotton industry, another textile industry that had introduced foreign machines aggressively almost from England, had achieved a brilliant success in establishing modern mills which were sufficiently competitive in international market. What was the reason for this difference between the two textile industries?
中村 真理子 永田 智子
vol.57, 2014

【背景と目的】<br>&nbsp; 2009年告示学習指導要領における改善の基本方針,及び学習指導要領解説家庭編から,家庭科教育において&ldquo;生涯を見通す視点を明確にし,一生の中で家族や生活の営みを総合的にとらえる力&rdquo;が求められていることがわかる。<br>&nbsp; 一方,学習内容は大して減っていないにもかかわらず,必修科目の主流は2単位の「家庭基礎」であり,家庭科の授業時間は半減したといえる。そこで,学習内容の関係性を高めて一連の流れをつくり,少ない時間ながら内容の濃い授業にするために,ライフデザインを「家庭基礎」の主軸に据えることにした。ライフデザインとは多様な夢や目標を考えることで,生活設計に該当する。<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;「家庭基礎」の学習内容をライフデザインで包括するために,年度当初の単元「自分の生き方と家族(以降「導入単元」とする)」で,ライフデザインに直接関わる授業を実施し,生徒一人ひとりに「人生すごろく」を作成させる。この「人生すごろく」をベースとして,導入単元以降の授業を展開しようという計画である。<br>&nbsp; 本研究では,導入単元の効果を検証するとともに,その後の授業に生かす課題を把握するため,すなわち形成的評価のために,生徒が作成した「人生すごろく」を分析することとした。<br>【方法】<br>&nbsp; 導入単元において作らせた3クラス118人の「人生すごろく」を分析・評価した。<br>【結果と考察】<br>&nbsp; 導入単元の指導目標には「生涯発達の視点」「各ライフステージ課題の認識」「青年期の課題の理解」等があり,これらが達成されたかをみた。ほぼ全員ライフイベントを10以上あげ,分岐を設けていた。悪いこと(アクシデント)については,学生特有の留年や受験失敗等や日常起こりうる嫌なことが多かった。良いことに比べて記入が少なく,また分岐も乏しかった。人生にはどんなアクシデントが潜んでいるか,より現実的に「自分の将来」を考える必要がある。そこで「家庭基礎」のまとめの単元で,もう一度この人生すごろくを振りかえらせ,起こりうるアクシデントについて考えさせる必要がある。<br>&nbsp; ゴールは生徒に自由に設定させた。死を想定している生徒が27%,老年期を想定している生徒が48%であった。これらを合わせると75%の生徒が自分の老年期の生き方まで思いめぐらすことができたと考えられる。成人期までで終わった生徒については高齢者福祉の単元で補充する必要がある。<br>&nbsp; 青年期の課題である進学や就職はほぼ100%記入されていた。また,成人期の発達課題については,結婚が86%,「親になること」は70%の生徒が記入していた。そこで,単元目標はほぼ達成できたと考えられる。しかし,残り30%の生徒が親になることを想定できていないことが明らかになった。保育の単元で補う必要がある。<br>&nbsp; ライフイベントやすごろくのコマの設定等から,具体的に生徒の職業観・恋愛観・結婚観・家族観などを認識できた。「結婚や出産したら仕事は辞めるのが当たり前」と考える女子生徒が多かった。ジェンダー等について授業で説明したにもかかわらずこのような結果となり,性別役割分業意識の根強さが明らかとなった。<br>【まとめ】<br>&nbsp; 「人生すごろく」の分析から,導入単元の目標を達成できたことがわかった。さらに生徒の作品を詳細に分析することによって,「家庭基礎」各分野における指導に生かすための課題を把握できたことから,「人生すごろく」が形成的評価として活用できることがわかった。&nbsp;
中村 広 中村 薫 郡司 定雄
宮崎県総合農業試験場研究報告 (ISSN:03888339)
no.39, pp.1-11, 2004-03

中村 広 中村 薫 郡司 定雄
宮崎県総合農業試験場研究報告 (ISSN:03888339)
no.39, pp.12-22, 2004-03
