矢口 行雄 中村 重正
熱帯農業 (ISSN:00215260)
vol.36, no.2, pp.141-144, 1992

1986年9月から1987年5月の9ヵ月間にわたりハワイ産パパイアの日本到着時における損傷について調査を行った.損傷の発生は, 生理的損傷0.9%, 機械的損傷1.8%, 腐敗0.9%で, これらの季節的変動をみると12月が最も高く, 4月, 5月が最も低い傾向を示した.
齊藤 昌子 中村 弥生 森山 厳與 河本 康太郎
一般社団法人 照明学会
照明学会誌 (ISSN:00192341)
vol.98, no.11, pp.585-592, 2014-11-01 (Released:2015-02-02)

To evaluate the performance of white LEDs as museum lighting, the authors have conducted research and reported on the effect of illuminance level and color temperature on textiles dyed with natural dyes. In this research, four additional white LEDs with various correlated color temperatures and different material constructions and three types of conventional fluorescent lamp were tested yellow textiles that were sensitive to light and ranked in the highly responsive category of the CIE Technical Report (CIE-157-2004) for blue and red dyes. The color degradation degree caused by white LEDs was almost larger than that caused by conventional NU fluorescent lamp. Among the white LEDs, the degradation degree was LED/D (7483K) > LED/UV+RGB (5265K) > LED/B+YAG (5098K) > LED/L (3633K). For the same illuminance level when the content of the 400-500 nm radiation became larger, the degradation degree became larger. When the correlated color temperature was the same, the degradation degree was larger with LED/UV+RGB than with LED/B+YAG. The acceleration degree of degradation differed depending on the LED construction (combination of LED chip and fluorescent material) . From these results, it can be determined that for introducing white LEDs to museum lighting, not only the annual maximum exposure but also the material construction (combination of LED chip and phosphor) should be considered.
前田 光泰 蟹井 瞳 加納 政芳 中村 剛士
日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ファジィ システム シンポジウム 講演論文集
vol.28, pp.713-714, 2012

岡田 弘隆 青柳 領 中村 勇 南條 充寿 林 弘典
武道学研究 (ISSN:02879700)
vol.33, no.1, pp.31-39, 2000-09-30 (Released:2012-11-27)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of actual situations and consciousness between Japanese and Frence Judo participants in order to clarify the cause of decining Japanese Judo participants A questionnaire containing ten items about popularezing Judo was conducted on two hundred and fourteen Japanese and one haundred and fifty-seven Frence Judo participants. Analyzing the data statistically, the following results were obtained:1. French Judo participants began Judo with more positive motivation, at an earlier age and had a better image about Judo than Japanese.2. French Judo participants were taught with various better ideas and enjoyed Judo practice more than Japanese.3. French Judo participants practiced Judo fiwer time and played more kinds of sports than japanese.4. French Judo participants knew their Judo Federation and its activity better than Japanese.5. French Judo participants wanted to be involved with Judo for longer and make theie own children play Judo more than Japanese. In addition, the relationship among obtained factors that contribute to popularize Judo, were investigated with an arrow diagram.
中村 豊郎 沼田 正寛 吉野 裕一 糸沢 きみ子
社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品工業学会誌 (ISSN:00290394)
vol.30, no.5, pp.283-289, 1983

と畜血液を有効利用する目的で,現在比較的入手の容易な市販乾燥プラズマ(血漿タンパク)の食肉製品への利用の可能性を検討した。すなわち,ポークソーセージ,ビーフハンバーグではプラズマによる原料肉の一部置換,ロースハムではプラズマ割増添加を行って製品を試作し,諸性状を調べた。その結果を要約すると次の通りである。<BR>(1) ポークソーセージとハンバーグでは原料肉と10%前後(乾燥プラズマに対し4倍量の水を添加後の重量として)の置換が,ロースハムでは約1%の割増添加が可能であるとの示唆を得た。<BR>(2) 栄養面を考慮すると,粗タンパク含量では十分満足できるものの,テクスチャーが多少劣化した。これは,プラズマの添加量が少なかったことおよび加熱温度が低かったことにより,プラズマのゲル形成機能を十分に引き出し得なかったためと考えられ,プラズマと他の添加物との併用,加水率の減少,加熱条件などの検討が必要と考えられた。<BR>(3) 市販乾燥プラズマの品質は,メーカー間でかなり差があり,それは呈味性の差によく現われた。
高木 繁 中村 善久 鈴木 元彦 伊藤 博隆 村上 信五 西村 穣 植田 恭弘
耳鼻咽喉科臨床 (ISSN:00326313)
vol.93, no.10, pp.879-885, 2000-10-01
7 1

The clinical effect of cetirizine hydrochloride on Japanese cedar pollen allergy patients was analyzed by compairing treatment before the start of the pollen season and treatment after the pollen had been scattered.<br>1. Based on the symptom-medication score method, treatment before the pollen season shows a significantly lower value than that of treatment within one or two weeks after the pollen had been scattered.<br>2. Analysis also revealed that this medication relieved nasal symptoms, even in cases, occurring after the season had started.<br>3. Cetirizine hydrochloride was an effective initial treatment for the clinical effects of Japanese cedar pollen allergic reactions.<br>These results suggest that cetirizine hydrochloride is useful for the treatment of Japanese cedar pollinosis.
野崎 守英 桜井 進 山田 隆信 中村 春作 山泉 進 百川 敬仁 豊澤 一 清水 正之

板倉 和治 中村 勝洋
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.24, no.4, pp.474-480, 1983-07-15

Rivestらが発表した公開鍵暗号方式は 公開鍵機能と署名磯能を備えたすぐれた方式である.しかし 査閲署名 承認署名のように一つの文書に多重に署名をする際に 異なる法(modulo)による演算を多重に実行すると演算のたびにメッセージ長が増加し 演算単位であるブロックの数が増えていくという好ましくない点がある.本論文ではオフィス内の下の地位の人間から順に署名をする限り 多重に署名を行ってもメッセージ長やブロック数が増えることなく かつ地位の変動があったとしても公開されている公開鍵には影響を与えないで 変動のあった個人のもっている非公開鍵のみの容易な変更で済むシステムを検討し 提案している.このシステムではRivestらの方法を直接的に拡張し オフィスシステムに適合した多重署名機能を有する形で用いているが パラメータの大きさ等を考慮に入れれば実際のシステムに適用しても十分実用可能であると考えられる.
市村 恵一 石川 浩太郎 中村 謙一 斎藤 知寿
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科學會會報 (ISSN:00306622)
vol.112, no.6, pp.474-479, 2009-06-20
1 4

目的: 再癒着率の多さや聴力改善率の低さで知られる癒着性中耳炎に対する手術法の一つとしてcartilage palisade tympanoplasty (CPT) を適用し, その有用性を調べる.<br>対象: 2006年1月から2007年12月までの2年間に癒着性中耳炎症例としてCPTによる鼓室形成術を受けた9耳で, 緊張部型真珠腫の合併例は除外した. 平均年齢は35.2歳で, 2例は鼓膜後部のみの癒着で, 残りは全面癒着であった. 術前の平均聴力は3分法で20dBから102dBまで, 平均56dBであった.<br>方法: 耳介軟骨を採取し, 柵状に斜め切りして並べて鼓膜再建材料とした. 2例にI型, 6例にIIIc型, 1例にIVc型が行われた.<br>結果: 術後の鼓膜状態に関しては, 再癒着は1例もなく, 穿孔例もなかった. 一過性の鼓膜表面びらんが2例見られたが局所処置で軽快した. 聴力については術後6カ月の段階で評価し, 気骨導差15dB以内が3/9, 15dB以上の聴力改善が5/9, 聴力レベル30dB以内が3/9で, これらの一つ以上を満たす成功例は7/9 (78%) であった.<br>結論: 予想を上回る成功率であった. CPTが癒着性中耳炎の基本術式になり得るかについては, 症例数を増やして長期の経過を見た上での検討が必要であるが, その期待に応えうる可能性がある.
中村 八重
白山人類学 = Hakusan Review of Anthropology (ISSN:13415980)
vol.21, pp.59-80, 2018-03

There is a movement to utilize Chosen Tsushinshi in local festivals in Korea and Japanrespectively, therefore to utilize it in tourism and local promotion. The fact that the records relatedChosen Tsushinshi (Joseon misshon to Japan) were applied to and registered in the 'Memory of theWorld' in October 2017 jointly with Korea and Japan is not irrelevant.In the background to actively use Chosen Tsushinshi, it is intended that Chosen Tsushinshishould be regarded as a symbol of friendship and peace between Korea and Japan. However, theemphasis on "peace" and "good diplomacy" in the Edo era can leave room to interpret the era of theJapanese Empire as heterogeneous.In this article, it is examined that how the process of establishing the Chosen Tsushinshiparade can be related through the case of the Korean residents, which originated in the imperialistera, Korean Residents Union in Japan (Mindan). Also, it is wanted to clarify the problems of theinternational exchange project which forget the memories of colonial period and imperialism.Specifically, the cases of Tsushima and Shimonoseki are adopted among the local governmentsperforming the reproduction process of Chosen Tsushinshi parades as part of the local festival.Tsushima and Shimonoseki are representative areas that have shared a strong sense ofsolidarity with Korea even after the war, during the Edo period and the imperialist era when theChosen Tsushinshi was active. But Korean residents in Japan and Mindan are not involved inthe reproduction process of Chosen Tsushinshi parade. There is no mention of the colonies in anymunicipality that wishes to use the Chosen Tsushinshi, and a procession is being made solely forthe purpose of local promotion. This means that the memories of discrimination and alienation ofKorean residents in Japan experienced during the Imperial era are being forgotten. And today, it shows that they are not subjective in the event of Chosen Tsushinshi Parades that links Korea andJapan. The Korea-Japan exchange by the Chosen Tsushinshi procession points out the problem oftoday's international exchange which is being used for the local promotion, rather than developingthe original ideology of the overcoming of the history problem and understanding of others.
中村 仁美 ショルツ エリカ バルスカス エミリー
vol.58, 2016

<p>Nature constructs structurally diverse, bioactive molecules using enzymes. Many enzymes catalyze synthetically challenging reactions under mild, physiological conditions. Consequently, they have long been a source of inspiration for developing biomimetic organic syntheses and methods. In addition, enzymes are increasingly being used as biocatalysts in industry. Therefore, the discovery of enzymes that catalyze chemically intriguing transformations can positively impact synthesis in multiple ways. With the recent advances in next-generation DNA sequencing technologies, we are now able to access enormous amount of genomic sequencing data, which encodes a treasure chest of new enzymatic chemistry. The challenge now is to devise a method to efficiently identify chemically interesting enzymes from this vast pool of information.</p><p>One possible solution to this problem is to study the biosynthetic pathways of structurally unique natural products, which are predicted to involve novel enzymatic reactions. We aimed to discover new enzymes that catalyze intriguing chemical reactions through biosynthetic investigation guided by our knowledge in organic chemistry. The cylindrocyclophanes are a family of natural products that contain an unusual [7.7]paracyclophane core scaffold.<sup>1</sup> Based on the results of the previous feeding studies, cylindrocyclophane biosynthesis is predicted to involve an unusual C–C bond formation (Figure 1).<sup>2</sup> To discover the enzymes responsible for this chemistry, we studied the biosynthesis of the cylindrocyclophanes.</p><p>Figure 1. The structures of the cylindrocyclophanes. The predicted biosynthetic disconnection suggests that an unusual C–C bond formation is involved in their biosynthesis.</p><p>First, the candidate cylindrocyclophane biosynthetic (cyl) gene cluster was identified from the genomic sequence of the cylindrocyclophane producer, Cylindrospermum licheniforme ATCC 29412. We next formulated a biosynthetic hypothesis based on the cyl gene cluster annotation (Figure 2). In our original biosynthetic hypothesis, we predicted that cylindrocyclophane biosynthesis initiates with the activation of decanoic acid by the fatty acid activating enzymes, CylA and CylB, to form decanoyl-CylB. The activated decanoyl-CylB is then processed by the type I polyketide synthase (PKS) machinery, CylD-H. The nascent polyketide is released from the type I PKS assembly line by the type III PKS CylI to form the alkylresorcinol, which is the predicted monomeric unit of the cylindrocyclophanes.</p><p>Figure 2. The initial biosynthetic hypothesis for cylindrocyclophane assembly.</p><p>Based on our initial biosynthetic hypothesis, we biochemically characterized the functions of the fatty acid activating enzymes CylA/CylB and the type III PKS CylI. The in vitro activities of these three enzymes were consistent with our biosynthetic hypothesis, which validated the involvement of the cyl gene cluster in cylindrocyclophane production.<sup>3</sup> In addition, we conducted feeding experiments using deuterium-labeled decanoic acid in the native producer to confirm that decanoic acid is a precursor to the cylindrocyclophanes. The incorporation of deuterium-labeled decanoic acid into the final cylindrocyclophane scaffold also indicated that cylindrocyclophane biosynthesis involves functionalization of the unactivated carbon center.<sup>3</sup></p><p>Following our discovery and validation of the cyl gene cluster, we next focused on the investigation of the key C–C bond formation that results in the construction of the [7.7]paracyclophane scaffold. Through bioinformatics and biochemical characterizations of the enzymes encoded in the cyl gene cluster, we determined that cylindrocyclophane biosynthesis involv</p><p>(View PDFfor the rest of the abstract.)</p>
孫野 長治 中村 勉
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
vol.43, no.3, pp.139-147, 1965 (Released:2008-05-27)
90 110

1958年から62年にかけて札幌で落下中の雪片の大きさ,質量及び落下速度の同時観測が行なわれた。その結果,雪片の落下速度はその大きさと密度に左右されるが質量だけの函数として表わすことが不可能であり,もしーつの函数で表わすとすれば,次のように雪片の密度の函数として考えた方がよいようである。u=300(σ-ρ)1/4 C.G.S.ここでuは落下速度,ρは雪片の密度,ρは空気の密度を示す。この理論式は広い範囲にわたつて観測値をよく示す。