高橋 理喜男
社団法人 日本造園学会
造園雑誌 (ISSN:03877248)
vol.27, no.2, pp.10-17,21, 1963-01-30 (Released:2011-07-19)
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The 5th Industrial Exhibition of Japan was held in Osaka city in 1903. The City Government, that was obliged to prepare a large site for the Exhibiton, acquired an of about 30 ha. at a great cost, partly by means of compulsive purchase-the application of Land Expropriation Law-on condition that a large city park should be established there after its closing. That is the origin of Tennoji Park of today. Of course all the site was not used for a park area. It was decided to rent its western part (some 10 ha.) in 1911, in order to have the financial basis indispensable to maintenance and management of established parks.The area let out on lease was generally called “Sakugaichi”i. e. “the Outside Area of Tennoji Park” for the reason of being separated with a fence from the inside area-the actual park area. Soon thereafter Sakugaichi and its vicinities were developed as a kind of amusement centre, and became famous by the name of “Shinsekai”, literally “New World”.At the ending of Taisho era was completed the first and most ambitious Park Planning Scheme, which was involved in the 2nd Town Planning of Osaka a few years later. So the Government tried to sell the rented area to tenants in 1937, for getting a financial source available for execution of proposed parks and playgrounds. Their opposition against disposal, however, was so violent that the accumulation of the park constrution fund got deadlocked.In the meantime the fund problem was fortunate enough to be solved in the form of adding a item of “Park Working” to “Working Expenses for Town Plahning, Special Account”. Because, by all means, the Government had to promote the park planning in memory of the year 2600 of Imperial era, that had been agreed in the Osaka City Council. Consequently the leased area still remains unsettled in the middst of Osaka City. It is very regrettable, for the above mentioned policy has already finished its historical role, which might have been inevitable and important before.
藤井 誠子 土生 学 高橋 理 上原 雅隆 笹栗 正明 冨永 和宏
日本口腔診断学会雑誌 (ISSN:09149694)
vol.29, no.2, pp.81-85, 2016-06-20 (Released:2016-10-12)

Vitapex® is known to promote healing of periapical scars and facilitate skeletogenesis. It is used in routine clinical practice as a root canal filling material after pulpectomy or for the treatment of infected root canals. We report a clinical case of overfilling of Vitapex® from the apical foramen into the mandibular canal that caused inferior alveolar nerve hypoesthesia.A woman in her twenties presented at a local dental clinic for treatment of an infected root canal of the left mandibular second molar and received a Vitapex® injection. After the treatment, she presented with sensory disturbance in her left lower lip and mental region. She was introduced to our department 1 week later. She was diagnosed with sensory disturbance in the left lower lip and side of the chin. A panorama X-ray radiograph revealed a radiopaque image suspected to represent a large overfilling of Vitapex® into the left mandibular canal. After extraction of the left mandibular second molar, the socket was opened. A vitamin B12 formulation was then administered to her, and a series of stellate ganglion blocks was performed. Three months after extraction, radiographic findings revealed that the radiopaque image in the mandibular canal had disappeared, and the sensory disturbance had mostly subsided 4 months after treatment initiation.
高橋 理喜男
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.60, no.5, pp.413-416, 1996-03-28 (Released:2011-07-19)

明治初年に計画された札幌は, 格子状の街区パターンをもち, その中に広幅員の大通 (火防線) を設定した。それが現在の大通公園である。この大通計画の目的は二つあった。市街地を大きく官地と民地に分け, 両者の空間的分離を図ること。同時に, 民地から頻発する火災による官地への延焼防止の役割を担わせることにあった。この大通火防線の計画は, 都市火災の予防という観点から, 近代的都市計画としての評価を受けてきたけれども, 支配, 被支配の構造が色濃くあらわれている近世城下町的な都市計画の論理を踏襲していることは, 角館や大野の事例からも明らかである。
高橋 理 片岡 健司 小島 央士 浅見 雅之
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌. D, 産業応用部門誌 = The transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. D, A publication of Industry Applications Society (ISSN:09136339)
vol.128, no.11, pp.1291-1297, 2008-11-01
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Once the break-down of the train schedule occurs, the crew schedule as well as the train schedule has to be modified as quickly as possible to restore them. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for automatically modifying a crew schedule that takes all constraints into consideration, presenting a model of the combined problem of crews and trains. The proposed algorithm builds an initial solution by relaxing some of the constraint conditions, and then uses a Taboo-search method to revise this solution in order to minimize the degree of constraint violation resulting from these relaxed conditions. Then we show not only that the algorithm can generate a constraint satisfaction solution, but also that the solution will satisfy the experts. That is, we show the proposed algorithm is capable of producing a usable solution in a short time by applying to actual cases of train-schedule break-down, and that the solution is at least as good as those produced manually, by comparing the both solutions with several point of view.
青木 茂 宮沢 修 高橋 理
日本時計学会誌 (ISSN:00290416)
no.129, pp.55-64, 1989-06-20

This paper describes a new quartz watch driving system we developed. With this system, the second hand of a wrist watch moves smoothly as if it is sweeping. An intermittent movement of the stepping motor is transferred to a smooth sweeping motion due to the spiral spring and the viscous regulator. This system also allows the continued superiority of quartz watches.
高橋 理 駒谷 喜代俊 田村 坦之
一般社団法人 システム制御情報学会
システム制御情報学会論文誌 (ISSN:13425668)
vol.16, no.7, pp.313-320, 2003-07-15 (Released:2011-10-13)

Software engineering organizations now tend to improve their processes according to such standards as CMM (Capability Maturity Model), a process evaluation model, in addition to improving their software products. This is because it is believed that mature engineering processes can bring high-quality products within the original schedule. It is reported, however, that the result of the improvement activities is strongly related with engineer satisfaction for the process, that is, effective improvement can be expected on the phases where engineers have not been satisfied with. This paper proposes a method to evaluate how much engineers feel the current engineering process needs to be improved, with Descriptive AHP (Descriptive Analytic Hierarchy Process), one of decision making tools. Our method, based on the idea that the necessity evaluation can be related with engineers satisfaction, evaluates four engineering phases under six criteria defined at CMM Level 2, determining which phases should be improved first. As a result of having system engineers use this method, we found that quality assurance activities in the manufacturing and examination phases need to be superior for improvement to other phases.
高橋 理 大生 定義 徳田 安春 萱間 真美 福井 次矢
医学教育 (ISSN:03869644)
vol.40, no.6, pp.411-417, 2009 (Released:2010-09-01)

世界レベルで関心の高い医師のプロフェッショナリズムは,社会との関係性が十分考慮されることが重要であるといわれている.しかし,医療を受ける側・患者の視点から考える医師のプロフェッショナリズムの構成概念を実証的に検討した研究は少ない.1)東京と大阪の市民各6人を対象に約2時間グループインタビューを行った.2) インタビューの逐語録を質的・帰納的に分析し市民が認識する医師のプロフェッショナリズムを構成する要素を探索した.また,それらを欧米の医師憲章と比較した.3) 探索の結果,医師のプロフェッショナリズムと関連すると考えられる要素は,(1)患者への献身・奉仕 (2)公正性 (3)医師の社会的責任 (4)企業との適切な関係 (5)患者との適切な関係,の5つに分類された.4) 欧米の医師憲章とは重なる要素もあるが,抽出されなかった要素も認めた.患者との適切な関係では,医師への謝礼に関して患者間で相反する意見もみられた.5) 医師のプロフェッショナリズムについて社会から理解を得るためには,わが国の市民の認識を考慮した構成概念が必要であろう.
高橋 理宇眞 藤澤 隆史 長田 典子 杉尾 武志 井口征士
vol.2006, no.90(2006-MUS-066), pp.105-108, 2006-08-08

「音を聴くと,色が見える」という現象は 色聴と呼ばれており,共感覚の1つである.こうした現象は 感覚モダリティ間の関係を明らかにする上で重要な手がかりとなることが期待される.本研究は 色聴保持者において音楽聴取時に実際に色知覚に関与している脳内領野で活動が生じているかをfMRIを用いて計測した.実験はブロックデザインで行われ 課題刺激は音楽,レストはbeep音の呈示が行われた.分析はSPM99を用いて行われた.色聴保持者固有の賦活領域として紡錘状回および上前頭回が抽出され,紡錘状回において色知覚に関わるV4/V8付近で有意な活動がみられた.このことは,色聴が聴覚系と視覚系の直接的な相互作用により生じていることを示唆している.また左紡錘状回が右に比べて広く賦活していることより,色聴は左紡錘状回が相対的に重要な役割を担っていると考えられる.
井上 彬 高橋 理音 村田 年昭 田村 淳二 木村 守 二見 基生 井出 一正
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌D(産業応用部門誌) (ISSN:09136339)
vol.125, no.10, pp.946-954, 2005 (Released:2006-01-01)
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The spread of wind energy converter is progressing in recent years and its capacity is becoming larger and larger. In order to capture more energy from the wind, it is important to analyze loss characteristics of wind generators for operating speed which is determined dependent on the wind speed. This paper presents a method to evaluate various losses in wind generator as a function of wind speed, which is based on the steady state analysis and thus the calculation can be performed quickly. By using the proposed method, wind turbine power, generator output, various losses, and the total energy efficiency are calculated for three types of wind speed data which are represented by a weibull function.
島 義和 高橋 理音 村田 年昭 田村 淳二 戸巻 雄一 富永 忍 坂原 淳史
一般社団法人 電気学会
電気学会論文誌B(電力・エネルギー部門誌) (ISSN:03854213)
vol.125, no.9, pp.855-864, 2005 (Released:2005-12-01)
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Recently, wind power generation is increasing in the world. In the wind power stations, induction machines are mostly used as generators. Since induction generators have a stability problem similar to the transient stability of synchronous machines, it is important to analyze the transient stability of power systems including wind generators. Although there have been some reports analyzing the transient stability problem, wind turbine and wind generator are, in most cases, modeled as one mass shaft system having total inertia constant. This paper presents simulation analyses of transient stability of power system including induction generator which is expressed by a two-mass shaft model and analyzes an effect of shaft system modeling on the transient stability characteristics. Simulations are performed by PSCAD/EMTDC in this study.
高橋 理喜男
社団法人 日本造園学会
造園雑誌 (ISSN:03877248)
vol.38, no.4, pp.2-8, 1974-03-20 (Released:2011-07-19)

The development of municipal parks in Japan commenced in 1873, when the Decree of DajOkan (the Central Government) for establishing parks as recreational place was published. It can be easily imaged that the new government was terribly rushed with a great many difficulties both in domestic and diplomatic fields and could not afford to be deeply concerned in such a “trivial” matter as recreaton for people. Consequently, it is natural to recognize some alien influences, direct or indirect, upon the preparation of the said Decree.The Decree called forth echoes all over the country and numerous parks were born in a mere ten years. Most of them, however, were based on traditional recreation places having scenic deauty and on grounds of shrines and temples or changed from castle sites. And there were some cases that could not obtain wide favor among people owing to being far from the urban area.
青山 弘之 末近 浩太 錦田 愛子 山尾 大 髙岡 豊 浜中 新吾 高橋 理枝 溝渕 正季
