丸山 茂徳 大森 聡一 千秋 博紀 河合 研志 B.F. WINDLEY
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.1, pp.115-223, 2011-02-25 (Released:2011-05-20)
26 42 22

Pacific-type orogeny (PTO) has long been recognized as a contrasting accretionary alternative to continent-continent collisional orogeny. However, since the original concept was proposed, there have many new developments, which make it timely to produce a new re-evaluated model, in which we emphasize the following new aspects. First, substantial growth of Tonarite–Trondhjemite–Granite (TTG) crust, and second the reductive effect of tectonic erosion. The modern analog of a Pacific-type orogen developed through six stages of growth exemplified by specific regions; initial stage 1: the southern end of the Andes; stage 2: exhumation to the mid-crustal level at Indonesia outer arc; stage 3: the Barrovian hydration stage at Kii Peninsula, SW Japan; stage 4: the initial stage of surface exposure of the high-P/T regional metamorphic belt at Olympic Peninsula, south of Seattle, USA; stage 5: exposure of the orogenic core at the surface at the Shimanto metamorphic belt, SW Japan; and stage 6: post-orogenic processes including tectonic erosion at the Mariana and Japan trench and the Nankai trough. The fundamental framework of a Pacific-type orogen is an accretionary complex, which includes limited ocean floor material, much terrigenous trench sediment, plus island arc, oceanic plateau, and intra-oceanic basaltic material from the ocean. The classic concept of a PTO stresses the importance of the addition within accreted rocks of new subduction-generated arcs and TTGs, which were added along the continental margins particularly during the Cretaceous. Besides the above additional or positive aspects of a PTO, here we emphasize the negative effects of previously little-considered tectonic erosion caused by subduction over time. The evaluation of such extensive tectonic erosion leads a prospect of the presence of huge quantities of TTG material in the lower transition zone, where many subducted slabs have ponded, as illustrated by mantle tomography. This is confirmed by density profiles of the mantle, which show that TTGs are abundant only along the bottom of the upper mantle accompanied by slab peridotite, lherzolite, and MORB. The major velocity anomaly in the lower transition zone is best explained by the predominance of SiO2 phases, hence TTG, and not by MORB or ultramafic rocks. Reasonable calculations indicate that at a depth range of 520-660 km TTG material amounts to 6-7 times more than the total mass of the surface continental crust. The traditional view is that the Japanese islands evolved since 520 Ma through five Pacific-type orogenies, which grew oceanward, thus creating a continuous accretionary complex ca. 400-500 km wide, with TTG growth at the continental side of each orogen. However, the subducting oceanic lithosphere has produced five times more TTG crust compared with the present TTG crust in the Japan islands. This is explained by the fact that over time tectonic erosion has dominated the increasing arc-TTG crust. Accordingly, Japan has lost four arc-TTG crusts to tectonic erosion. TTG material, such as trench sediment, arc crust, and continental margin crust, was fragmented by tectonic erosion and transported into the bottom of the upper mantle at depths of 520-660 km. Worldwide data suggest that tectonic erosion destroyed and fragmented most of the Pacific-type orogens.(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
倉本 圭 川勝 康弘 藤本 正樹 玄田 英典 平田 成 今村 剛 亀田 真吾 松本 晃治 宮本 英昭 諸田 智克 長岡 央 中川 広務 中村 智樹 小川 和律 大嶽 久志 尾崎 正伸 佐々木 晶 千秋 博紀 橘 省吾 寺田 直樹 臼井 寛裕 和田 浩二 渡邊 誠一郎 MMX study team
日本惑星科学会誌遊星人 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.27, no.3, pp.207-215, 2018-09-25 (Released:2018-12-21)

火星衛星Phobosからのサンプルリターンに挑む火星衛星探査計画 (Martian Moons eXploration: MMX) は,現在,宇宙航空研究開発機構 (JAXA) プリプロジェクトとして,2024年の打ち上げと5年の往還期間を設定し,精力的な検討・初期開発が進められている.MMXは,サンプル分析,Deimosを加えた火星衛星の近接観測,そして火星大気および火星圏のモニタリング観測を組み合わせることにより,惑星に寄りそう衛星という切り口と視座から,太陽系における大気と水を湛えたハビタブル惑星の形成と進化の解明に迫ろうとしている.
千秋 博紀 滝田 隼 荒井 武彦 福原 哲哉 田中 智 岡田 達明 関口 朋彦 坂谷 尚哉 はやぶさ2TIRチーム
日本惑星科学会誌遊星人 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.24, no.2, pp.120-125, 2015

荒井 朋子 川勝 康弘 中村 圭子 小松 睦美 千秋 博紀 和田 浩二 亀田 真吾 大野 宗佑 石橋 高 石丸 亮 中宮 賢樹 春日 敏測 大塚 勝仁 中村 智樹 中藤 亜衣子 中村 良介 伊藤 孝士 渡部 潤一 小林 正規
日本惑星科学会誌遊星人 (ISSN:0918273X)
vol.21, no.3, pp.239-246, 2012

地球近傍小惑星(3200)Phaethonは,ふたご座流星群の母天体であるが,彗星活動は乏しく,彗星と小惑星の中間的特徴を持つ活動的小惑星(あるいは枯渇彗星)と考えられている.また,ふたご座流星群のスペクトル観測から報告されているナトリウムの枯渇及び不均質は,太陽加熱の影響よりも局所的部分溶融を経た母天体の組成不均質を反映している可能性が高い.部分溶融の痕跡を残す原始的分化隕石中に見られる薄片規模(mm-cmスケール)でのナトリウム不均質は,上記の可能性を支持する.従って, Phaethonでは局所的な加熱溶融・分別を経験した物質と,始原的な彗星物質が共存することが期待される. Phaethonは,太陽系固体天体形成の最初期プロセスを解明するための貴重な探査標的である.また,天文学,天体力学,小惑星・彗星科学,隕石学,実験岩石学などの惑星科学の多分野に横断的な本質的課題解明の鍵を握る理想的な天体である.本稿では,小惑星Phaethon及び関連小惑星の科学的意義と探査提案について述べる.
M. SANTOSH 千秋 博紀
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.1, pp.100-114, 2011-02-25 (Released:2011-05-20)
3 10

The history of supercontinents is briefly reviewed in relation to the origin of the Japanese Islands. The Japanese Islands formed part of the S. China Block, which was a part of supercontinent Rodinia at 1.0 Ga. Rodinia was rifted at 600 Ma, separating S. China Block, N. America, Australia and other continents, to generate the Proto-Pacific Ocean in between. On the other hand, the Hida and Oki islands belong to the N. China Block, which has much longer history than the S. China Block, extending back to 1.9-2.0 Ga with minor older rocks dating back to 3.8 Ga. The 1.8-2.0 Ga high-grade gneiss in the Hida and Oki belts may be part of the 1.8-1.9 Ga Nuna/Columbia supercontinent within which N. China-Japan occurred at the NE corner, as judged from key parallel belts of 1.8-1.9 Ga in N. China. The position of Japan at 1.0 Ga within Rodinia was at the center together with S. China and western margin of N. China. The oldest fossiliferous rocks in Japan may extend back to the Early Cambrian to Ediacaran formed during the rifting of Rodinia directly after Neoproterozoic snowball Earth. Initiation of subduction began ca. 520 Ma, and evolved through five Pacific-type orogenies along the southern margin of S. China. On the other hand, the Hida and Oki belts suffered the Triassic collision orogeny at 230-240 Ma, involving platform sediments up to the Carboniferous age. The final tectonic emplacement above the Jurassic accretionary complex may be related to the extensional event during the opening of the Japan Sea in the Miocene.
千秋 博紀 丸山 茂徳 李野 修士
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.119, no.6, pp.1215-1227, 2010-12-25 (Released:2011-03-17)
6 6

It has long been believed that granite remains on the surface of solid Earth indefinitely due to its low density, hence continents increased in volumes to cover about 30% of the Earth's surface over time. However, recent studies on the accretion history of continents reveals that at least 80% of the granite that ever formed had been subducted into the deep mantle to form “second continents” at the mantle transition zone (410-660 km). These second continents would affect mantle dynamics in two ways. First, as the second continents are gravitationally stable at the depth of the mantle transition zone, they act as a barrier to descending cold slabs. The stagnation of cold slab would be partly due to the pre-existing second continents. Another effect of the second continents on mantle dynamics relates to their chemical component. Because granite is enriched with incompatible elements, including long-lived radiogenic elements K, Th, and U, the second continents act as heat sources in the mantle. In particular, the heat generation of the second continents is a key to understanding the formation-breakup cycle of supercontinents. Granite that piled up beneath a supercontinent during continent accretion would cause thermal instability to form a superplume beneath the supercontinent. A numerical study on the thermal evolution of subducted granite gives the characteristic time scale of thermal instability which is consistent with the lives of supercontinents suggested by geological studies.
丸山 茂徳 大森 聡一 千秋 博紀 河合 研志 WINDLEY B. F.
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.120, no.1, pp.115-223, 2011-02-25
5 42

Pacific-type orogeny (PTO) has long been recognized as a contrasting accretionary alternative to continent-continent collisional orogeny. However, since the original concept was proposed, there have many new developments, which make it timely to produce a new re-evaluated model, in which we emphasize the following new aspects. First, substantial growth of Tonarite–Trondhjemite–Granite (TTG) crust, and second the reductive effect of tectonic erosion. The modern analog of a Pacific-type orogen developed through six stages of growth exemplified by specific regions; initial stage 1: the southern end of the Andes; stage 2: exhumation to the mid-crustal level at Indonesia outer arc; stage 3: the Barrovian hydration stage at Kii Peninsula, SW Japan; stage 4: the initial stage of surface exposure of the high-P/T regional metamorphic belt at Olympic Peninsula, south of Seattle, USA; stage 5: exposure of the orogenic core at the surface at the Shimanto metamorphic belt, SW Japan; and stage 6: post-orogenic processes including tectonic erosion at the Mariana and Japan trench and the Nankai trough.<br> The fundamental framework of a Pacific-type orogen is an accretionary complex, which includes limited ocean floor material, much terrigenous trench sediment, plus island arc, oceanic plateau, and intra-oceanic basaltic material from the ocean. The classic concept of a PTO stresses the importance of the addition within accreted rocks of new subduction-generated arcs and TTGs, which were added along the continental margins particularly during the Cretaceous. Besides the above additional or positive aspects of a PTO, here we emphasize the negative effects of previously little-considered tectonic erosion caused by subduction over time. The evaluation of such extensive tectonic erosion leads a prospect of the presence of huge quantities of TTG material in the lower transition zone, where many subducted slabs have ponded, as illustrated by mantle tomography. This is confirmed by density profiles of the mantle, which show that TTGs are abundant only along the bottom of the upper mantle accompanied by slab peridotite, lherzolite, and MORB. The major velocity anomaly in the lower transition zone is best explained by the predominance of SiO<sub>2</sub> phases, hence TTG, and not by MORB or ultramafic rocks. Reasonable calculations indicate that at a depth range of 520-660 km TTG material amounts to 6-7 times more than the total mass of the surface continental crust.<br> The traditional view is that the Japanese islands evolved since 520 Ma through five Pacific-type orogenies, which grew oceanward, thus creating a continuous accretionary complex <i>ca.</i> 400-500 km wide, with TTG growth at the continental side of each orogen. However, the subducting oceanic lithosphere has produced five times more TTG crust compared with the present TTG crust in the Japan islands. This is explained by the fact that over time tectonic erosion has dominated the increasing arc-TTG crust. Accordingly, Japan has lost four arc-TTG crusts to tectonic erosion. TTG material, such as trench sediment, arc crust, and continental margin crust, was fragmented by tectonic erosion and transported into the bottom of the upper mantle at depths of 520-660 km. Worldwide data suggest that tectonic erosion destroyed and fragmented most of the Pacific-type orogens.<br>(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
千秋 博紀 黒澤 耕介 岡本 尚也

A shooting star is caused by an entry of a cosmic dust particle into the planetary atmosphere. The light from the shooting star composed of thermal emission and emission lines from the gas in from of the dust particle and the vapor from the dust particle. It means that the physical and chemical condition of the dust particle can be estimated from a photometric and/or spectroscopic observations. However a shooting star is a sporadic and un-controled event, and thus the relation between the physical and chemical condition and the resulting spectroscopic observation is estimated by empirical equations.We are constructing a laboratory experimental system to simulate shooting stars by using a two-stage light gas gun at Planetary Exploration Research Center (PERC), Chiba Instiute of Technology, Japan. This gun shoots a projectile with size of 2 mm into a observational chamber filled with gas. The light from the projectile is observed by high-speed camera with 1 Mfps and its spectrum is taken by spectrometer simultaneously.We carried out a series of experiments using the system with a variety of projectile composition. The specific spectra relating to the projectile component were confirmed as a function of the location from the projectile (during head-neck-tail structure). We will give the experimental results and discuss the chemical and physical status of shooting star.
千秋 博紀
