栗原 岳史
科学史研究. 第II期 (ISSN:00227692)
vol.50, no.258, pp.65-76, 2011-06-24

After the end of the Second World War, the U.S. military services began to support basic research in ivilian institutions. They officially stated that they would transfer their basic research programs to the National Science Foundation (NSF), once it was established. But in fact they did not. This paper has analyzed the institutional processes in which the U.S. military services continued to support basic research after the establishment of the NSF. In July 1946, the US Army and Navy jointly established the Research and Development Board (RDB) to coordinate Their R & D activities. They appointed Vannevar Bush, a famous civilian scientific administrator and the director of the Office of Scientific Research and Development during the war, as Chairman of the RDB. Bush and some military officials attempted to set up a defense research division in the NSF, but they did not succeeded because President Truman vetoed in August 1947 the bill that they had proposed. As a result, the NSF was established without any military research divisions. Following the veto, debates continued among the military officials whether they should continue to support basic research programs in civilian institutions or transfer such support entirely to the NSF. During meetings of the RDB between 1948 and 1951, the decision was made that the military services would continue to support basic research even after the establishment of the NSF.
丸居 夕利佳 青木 美幸 田原 岳治 小川 鶯修 相馬 俊雄
vol.2008, pp.D3P1505-D3P1505, 2009

浦野 雄貴 松原 岳志 林 勇 ジョハリ アブル・ハサン 小平 薫 徐 照男 黒田 忠広 石黒 仁揮
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ICD, 集積回路 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.112, no.170, pp.127-132, 2012-07-26

本研究では高速近接無線通信のための適応パルス幅制御を用いたパルスベース磁界結合通信機を提案する.適応パルス幅制御器はデジタル制御の多位相アレイ発振器で生成した20位相のクロックを用いて,極低電圧下におけるPVTばらつきによるパルス幅の変動を防ぐ.パルス生成とパルス幅検出を同一の多位相発振器で行うことによって回路面積を削減した. 65nmCMOSを用いて作成したテストチップは電源電圧0.7Vにおいてデータレート850Mb/s/ch,消費電力4.1mWを達成した.
桃原 岳史 宮里 智樹
研究報告ユビキタスコンピューティングシステム(UBI) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2014, no.39, pp.1-5, 2014-03-07

劣通信環境とよばれる,通信インフラが貧弱,あるいは存在しない環境化においては,通常のネットワークとは異なるアプローチでの通信様式が求められている.途絶耐性ネットワーク (DTN:Delay Tolerant Network) とは,そのような環境での情報伝達を目的とした通信技術である.DTN の形態のひとつに蓄積運搬型通信があり,移動する端末が移動経路の近辺に存在する端末と相互に情報を転送することで情報伝送を行う.蓄積運搬型通信においては,ノード間の通信可能時間内に転送できるデータ量が限られるため,効果的な伝送制御法が研究されている.本論文では,地域コミュテイでの情報サービスの災害時運用として,DTN の概念を取り入れた情報サービスを設計,平時から非常時までをシームレスにサポートするサービス形態を提案.その概念を実証するためのテストベッドを構築した.転送するデータのメタ情報をもとに通信ノードとの転送ファイルを決定する手法を提案し,提案手法を実装したテストベッドでの性能計測を行い,有効性の検証を行う.In the environment with a poor or no inteernet infrastructure, the communication style in different approach from usual is searched for. DTN:Delay/Disrupt Tolerant Network is the Communication technology aiming at such environment. Store-Carry-Forward is one of the style of DTN. At Store-Carry-Forward,mobile node makes communication by moving between a node and a node. In that case, since traffic is restricted, the various control methods are devised. In this research, the communication service using the technique of Store-Carry-Forward was created and the performance measurement was performed.
Peng D. L. Sumiyama Kenji Yamamuro S. Hihara Takehiko Konno T. J. ヒハラ タケヒコ スミヤマ ケンジ 隅山 兼治 日原 岳彦 Sumiyama K. Hihara T.
American Institute of Physics
vol.74, no.1, pp.76-78, 1999-01-04

We have studied electrical conductivity, σ, and magnetoresistance in a CoO-coated monodispersive Co cluster assembly fabricated by a plasma-gas-aggregation-type cluster beam deposition technique. The temperature dependence of σ is described in the form of log σ vs 1/T for 7<T<80 K. The magnetoresistance ratio (ρ0-ρ3T)/ρ0 increases sharply with decreasing temperature below 25 K: from 3.5% at 25 K to 20.5% at 4.2 K. This marked increase (by a factor of 6) is much larger than those observed for conventional metal-insulator granular systems. These results are ascribed to the Coulomb blockade effect in the monodispersed cluster assemblies.
篠原 岳司
日本教育経営学会紀要 (ISSN:02872870)
no.49, pp.52-66, 2007-05-30

This article aims to clarify a significance and possibility of a theory of school improvement focusing on a reciprocal "practice" by teachers. The examines the theoretical study on "distributed leadership(DL hereafter)" by J. Spillane, it is worked out that teacher leadership is critical in a "practice" to improve both organization and management at the entire school level and educational activity at the classroom level. DL study resolves the problem of how "human" actors should be related with "institutions" or situations. This theory connects actors and situations in a frame, and focuses on the interaction between actors and situations in practice. Distributed cognition and activity theory are the conceptual underpinnings of DL study. The core idea of DL study is the definition of "practice" constituted by the interaction of leaders, followers and their situations. Focusing on its interaction, DL study aims to develop a frame to study the mechanism of how school is improved by leadership practice. DL study derives the significance of teacher leadership to improve school. Teachers are not always followers but potential leaders who are usually near kids in the classroom. Teacher leadership gives three points of significance, which are 1) building internal school improvement against political reform policy, 2) linking to improve academic performance in school, and 3) giving the view that educational government can also improve its capacity including teacher leadership. Besides, the new possibility DL study shows us is the definition of "practice" can involve not only teachers but any other stakeholders like parents. Studying empirically, DL study may expand the existing frame of the study on school improvement and school leadership.
近藤 靖史 小笠原 岳 藤村 淳一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.547, pp.67-74, 2001
2 1

It is well known that water vapor and carbon dioxide in the air have several infrared bands where these gases absorb and emit radiative energy. Therefore the radiative heat absorbed by room moisture may not be neglected in the prediction of room air temperature. Glicksman and Chen(1998) carried out numerical analysis and showed that the effect of radiative heat absorbed by room air moisture should be considered in the prediction of temperature distribution in large enclosed spaces. In this paper the analysis method of the radiative energy absorbed by room moisture is shown and some examples simulated by this method are presented. (1) The numerical analysis with temperature of walls as a given boundary condition was carried out. The simulated results with 25%, 50%, 75% relative humidity were compared to the case with absolutely dry air and the impact of radiative heat absorbed by room moisture on air temperature was confirmed. The effect of moisture on air temperature was remarkable especially when the temperature difference between walls was large and the volume of space was big. (2) The interactive simulation of convective and radiative heat transfer was conducted with the moisture's effect on air temperature simultaneously. The results showed that the impact of the radiative heat absorbed by room moisture appeared not only in air temperature but in the surface temperatures of walls.