安藤 花恵 子安 増生
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.11, no.1, pp.61-74, 2004 (Released:2007-04-13)

The present study examined facial expressions of actors and laypersons in three conditions. In the first condition, five taste stimuli (sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and astringent) were actually presented to 10 male actors and 10 male laypersons. In the second condition, they made facial expressions to pretend to feel each of five tastes (sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and astringent) without taste stimuli. In the third condition, they made facial expressions to pretend to feel delicious and unsavory without any taste stimuli. Their facial expressions in each condition were videotaped. Untrained undergraduate and graduate students were asked to identify or rate the facial expressions. Both actors and laypersons were not acting in the first condition, so there was no judged difference between them. In the second condition, when another group of judges viewed the facial expressions and tried to identify the taste, there was little difference between actors and laypersons. But, when the judges evaluated how strongly the facial expressions showed the taste, it was found that actors expressed tastes more strongly than laypersons. In the third condition, apparent difference was found. When they pretended to feel delicious, actors looked feeling more delicious than laypersons, and when pretended to feel unsavory, actors looked feeling worse than laypersons. We divided the processes of acting into planning of performances and actual performing. The relationship between the results in this study and planning of performances was discussed. The differences between five tastes were also analyzed.
野崎 優樹 子安 増生
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.6, pp.555-565, 2016

Emotional competence has recently become a widespread concern in schools and workplaces, both which deeply involve laypersons. While academic researchers have discussed the status of emotional competence compared to the traditional intelligence, it is very important to elucidate how laypersons regard emotional competence compared to traditional intelligence as well. The present study investigated the position of emotional competence in the multiple intelligences theory by assessing laypersons' self-estimates of their abilities and their rating of the importance of emotional competence for thriving in society. Participants (<i>N</i> = 584) answered a questionnaire online. Results showed that laypersons regarded emotional competence as a distinct construct, and most strongly related it to personal intelligence. Moreover, their ratings of the importance of emotional competence and personal intelligence for thriving in society were higher than that of traditional intelligence.
Manalo Emmanuel 鈴木 雅之 田中 瑛津子 横山 悟 篠ヶ谷 圭太 Sheppard Chris 植阪 友理 子安 増生 市川 伸一 楠見 孝 深谷 達史 瀬尾 美紀子 小山 義徳 溝川 藍

3年目である本年は、21世紀型スキルの促進ということに焦点を当てて研究を行った。この結果、様々なワークショップや授業を開発した。具体的には、大学教員の質問スキルの向上を目指すワークショップの開発、小学校教員による効果的な学習法指導の開発、高校生の批判的思考と探究学習を促進する実践の提案などを含む。さらに、教育委員会と連携した実践なども行った。こうした研究の結果、研究代表者であるEmmanuel Manaloと分担研究者である植阪友理を編者に含む、英語の書籍を刊行した。この書籍は、自発的な方略を促進するためのあり方を具体的に提案するものであった。この本の論文はいずれも、査読付きであり、このうち9本は本プロジェクトに関わるメンバーが執筆している。のこり10本は海外の研究者が執筆している。海外の著者にはアメリカのUCLA (University of California Los Angeles) やPurdue University、スイスの ETH Zurich、ドイツの University of Munster (Germany) 、University of Hong Kongなどといった一流大学の研究者が含まれており、国際的な影響力も大きなものとなったと考えられる。さらに、日本心理学会、教育工学会などといった国内学会において発表を行った。さらに、EARLI (European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction) やSARMAC (Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition) といった国際学会においても発表した。
野崎 優樹 子安 増生
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.86, no.2, pp.160-169, 2015

Emotional competence refers to individual differences in the ability to appropriately identify, understand, express, regulate, and utilize one's own emotions and those of others. This study developed a Japanese version of a short form of the Profile of Emotional Competence, a measure that allows the comprehensive assessment of intra- and interpersonal emotional competence with shorter items, and investigated its reliability and validity. In Study 1, we selected items for a short version and compared it with the full scale in terms of scores, internal consistency, and validity. In Study 2, we examined the short form's test-retest reliability. Results supported the original two-factor model and the measure had adequate reliability and validity. We discuss the construct validity and practical applicability of the short form of the Profile of Emotional Competence.
古見 文一 子安 増生
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.1, pp.18-26, 2012 (Released:2012-09-26)
5 3

This study investigated the development of “mindreading” in young adults. Forty university students were divided into two groups (role-play group and no-role-play group). Then they participated in a perspective-taking task in which the use of mindreading is essential. The participants viewed a computer display of eight familiar objects in different compartments of a wall divider with four rows of four compartments. Some of the compartments were open to see through, while others had back panels and thus which, if any, object was present could only be seen from the participant's side. They were instructed to touch the display corresponding to an object in a compartment in accord with the instructions of a “manager” who stood behind the divider and thus could not see into all of the compartments. The no-role-play group made more errors than the role-play group, and took longer to respond. The effects of role play lasted during five successive task blocks. These results suggest that experience with role play activates mindreading in this perspective-taking task.
子安 増生

平成15-17年度科学研究費補助金(萌芽研究)研究成果報告書 課題番号:15650045 研究代表者:子安増生 (京都大学大学院教育学研究科・教授)
古見 文一 子安 増生
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.83, no.1, pp.18-26, 2012

This study investigated the development of &ldquo;mindreading&rdquo; in young adults. Forty university students were divided into two groups (role-play group and no-role-play group). Then they participated in a perspective-taking task in which the use of mindreading is essential. The participants viewed a computer display of eight familiar objects in different compartments of a wall divider with four rows of four compartments. Some of the compartments were open to see through, while others had back panels and thus which, if any, object was present could only be seen from the participant's side. They were instructed to touch the display corresponding to an object in a compartment in accord with the instructions of a &ldquo;manager&rdquo; who stood behind the divider and thus could not see into all of the compartments. The no-role-play group made more errors than the role-play group, and took longer to respond. The effects of role play lasted during five successive task blocks. These results suggest that experience with role play activates mindreading in this perspective-taking task.