斎藤 奨 Chiang Chun-Wei Savage Saiph 中野 鐵兵 小林 哲則 Bigham Jeffrey
2019年度 人工知能学会全国大会(第33回)

クラウドソーシングにおいて、ワーカーの多くが十分な賃金を獲得できていないことが問題視されている。原因の一つとして、まだ取り組んだことのないマイクロタスクの「割の良さ」を正確に見積もることの難しさが挙げられる。本研究では、他のワーカーによる過去のタスク作業履歴をもとに、新たに発行された未知のタスクに必要な作業時間と時給を推定する手法を提案する。Amazon Mechanical Turkのワーカー84人に独自に開発したウェブブラウザ拡張機能をインストールさせて9,155件のタスクデータを抽出し、異なる方法で計測した4パターンの時間の候補からワーカー自身に一つ選ばせることで作業時間のラベルを付与した。さらにGradient Boosting Decision Treeのモデルから作業時間を回帰推定するTurkScannerを設計・評価し、約150次元の特徴ベクトルから高い精度で作業時間を推定することを示した。
小林 哲 隅田 洋
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
資源と素材 (ISSN:09161740)
vol.109, no.12, pp.1087-1090, 1993-12-25 (Released:2011-01-27)

Takehara Plant of MMS is located in the city center of Takehara, near the National Park of Seto Inland Sea. At present, 40 different products are manufactured at our plant, including non-ferrous metals, various battery materials and chemical products.Commercial production of Electrolysis Manganese Dioxide (EMD), begun in 1949, was small about 5 ton/month, and the plant was gradually expanded so that it had a monthly capacity of 2, 100 tons in 1982.Our EMD is specifically used for ZnC12, Alkaline and Lithium batteries, therefore EMD's high quality is very important. In this paper, the outline of our process and improvement in our plants and quality are described.
高津 弘明 福岡 維新 藤江 真也 岩田 和彦 小林 哲則
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.34, no.2, pp.B-I65_1-15, 2019-03-01 (Released:2019-03-01)

We have been developing a speech-based “news-delivery system”, which can transmit news contents via spoken dialogues. In such a system, a speech synthesis sub system that can flexibly adjust the prosodic features in utterances is highly vital: the system should be able to highlight spoken phrases containing noteworthy information in an article; it should also provide properly controlled pauses between utterances to facilitate user’s interactive reactions including questions. To achieve these goals, we have decided to incorporate the position of the utterance in the paragraph and the role of the utterance in the discourse structure into the bundle of features for speech synthesis. These features were found to be crucially important in fulfilling the above-mentioned requirements for the spoken utterances by the thorough investigation into the news-telling speech data uttered by a voice actress. Specifically, these features dictate the importance of information carried by spoken phrases, and hence should be effectively utilized in synthesizing prosodically adequate utterances. Based on these investigations, we devised a deep neural network-based speech synthesis model that takes as input the role and position features. In addition, we designed a neural network model that can estimate an adequate pause length between utterances. Experimental results showed that by adding these features to the input, it becomes more proper speech for information delivery. Furthermore, we confirmed that by inserting pauses properly, it becomes easier for users to ask questions during system utterances.
福島 大輔 小林 哲夫
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.45, no.4, pp.225-240, 2000

The Tarumizu pyroclastic flow deposit with intercalation of Osumi plinian fall deposit of 25 ka eruption is distributed in Tarumizu area, southeast of Aira caldera. The deposit is composed of many flow units and the source is estimated to be at the same position as the vent of plinian eruption based on grain-size variation and depositional structure. From these facts, the Tarumizu pyroclastic flow is considered to be a type of intra-plinian fiow generated by successive partial collapse of the sustained plinian eruption column. Based on the stratigraphic suecessions, the generation of this flow is estimated to be a continuous process from the early to the terminal stage of the plinian eruption. The pyroclastic flow distribution, which is in the same direction with the dispersal axis of plinian fall deposit, may suggests that the wind influenced the direction of partial column collapse. Two lithofacies were identified in the Tarumizu pyroclastic flow deposit: the massive facies and the stratified facies. The former is a 'normal' pyroclastic flow, while the latter is a pile-up of many thin layers of pyroclastic flow and pumice fall. The massive facies are mainly distributed on the lower plain near the coast and differ from the stratified facies that accumulated at a bit higher level, usually along the foot of the mountain. These facts suggest that the main pyroclastic flow accumulated on the lower level and that the corresponding marginal part of the flow eventually reached the higher level exhibiting characteristic thin stratified structure.
小林 哲夫
vol.9, no.3, pp.280-284, 1996

自然状態下の土壌中では,液体水と水蒸気が局所熱力学的平衡状態にあると見なせることは既に確認されている(Milly, 1982).本報では,蒸発時には,土壌表面およびその近傍においても局所平衡が成り立つと見なせることが明らかにされる.この結果は,数値気象・気候モデルにおいて土壌表面の含水率から"表面湿度"を推定するために提案された多くの実験公式が,熱力学的平衡公式(本文式(7))に代わるもの(Lee and Pielke, 1992)ではなく,水蒸気の移動に対する抵抗の影響を強く受けた物理的意味の乏しい経験公式であることを示唆する.
三浦 麻子 小林 哲郎
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.32, no.2, pp.123-132, 2016-11-30 (Released:2016-11-30)

This study focuses on “satisficing” (answering behaviors in which participants do not devote appropriate attentional resources to the survey (Krosnick, 1991)) in an online survey and aims to investigate, via various indices, to what extent these behaviors are observed among students whose participation was solicited by the researchers in their universities. This study also aims to explore effective techniques to detect individuals who show satisficing tendencies as efficiently and accurately as possible. Online surveys were carried out at nine universities. Generally speaking, the predictive capability of various types of detection indices was not high. Though direct comparison with online survey panels was impossible because of differences in measurement methodology, the satisficing tendencies of university students were generally low. Our findings show that when using university students as samples for a study, researchers need not be “too intent” on detecting satisficing tendencies, and that it was more important to control the answering environment, depending on the content of the survey.
鈴木 貴久 小林 哲郎
理論と方法 (ISSN:09131442)
vol.26, no.1, pp.31-50, 2011

本研究は,異なる寛容性を持つ評判生成規範が協力に対してもたらす効果について,先行研究より現実に即した制約を課す進化シミュレーションによって検討した.具体的には,エージェントはネットワーク上で隣接する相手のみと社会的交換を行い,社会的交換における行動決定時とネットワークのリワイヤリング時に評判を参照するが,すべてのエージェントの評判情報を参照できるのではなく,評判が参照できるのはネットワーク上で2 ステップの距離に位置する他者までに限定された.こうした現実的な制約の下で,全エージェントがimage scoring(IS)規範,standing(ST)規範,strict discriminator(SD)規範のいずれかに従って評判を生成する条件を比較した結果,(1)全エージェントが寛容なST 規範に従って評判を生成する場合にはネットワークは密になり社会的交換の数は増加していくが,非協力行動が適応的になって協力率が大幅に低下する確率が高くなること,(2)全エージェントが非寛容なSD 規範に従って評判を生成する場合には協力率は安定するが,ネットワークが疎になり社会的交換の数自体が減少することが示された.この結果から,評判の生成規範の寛容性は,社会的交換における協力率だけでなく,社会的ネットワークの構造に対しても効果を持つ可能性が示された.このことは,協力率のみに注目した非寛容な評判生成規範では,副産物的に社会的ネットワークを縮小することで社会関係資本に対して負の効果を持ちうることを示唆している.さらに,相手の評判値を誤って知覚するエラーを投入したところ,寛容なST 規範に従って評判を生成する場合でも協力率が安定した.このことは,社会的交換がネットワーク構造を持つ制約の中で行われる場合には,寛容な評判生成規範でも高い協力率の維持が可能になりうることを示唆している.
田島 靖久 松尾 雄一 庄司 達弥 小林 哲夫
火山 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.59, no.2, pp.55-75, 2014

The Kirishima volcanoes located in southern Kyushu are comprised of more than 20 volcanic edifices. The volcanoes occupy an elliptical area of approximately 330km^2 with the WNW-ESE direction. Among the different types of volcanic edifices, the typical ones are compound maars and lava flows in Ebinokogen. We studied the volcanic history of Ebinokogen by geological examination of tephra layers and lava flows. After the Karakunidake-Kobayashi plinian eruption, seven tephra were formed in this area. We determined the ages of those tephra and two lava flows. The magmatic eruptions, produced Tamakino B tephra, occurred after Karakunidake-Kobayashi tephra eruption. The first activity in Ebinokogen from about 9.0 cal ka BP generated Fudoike lava flow, and Fudoike-Tamakino A tephra erupted from Fudoike crater. Karakunidake north-Ebino D tephra was generated from the northwest flank of Karakunidake at 4.3 cal ka BP, with debris avalanche and lahars. Phreatic Fudoike-Ebino C tephra erupted from the Fudoike crater at 1.6 cal ka BP. Ioyama-Ebino B tephra eruption started from around the 16^<th> to 17^<th> century with lava flow. Phreatic Ioyama east-Ebino A tephra erupted from Ioyama east crater in 1768 AD. The Ebinokogen area is one of the active regions of Kirishima volcanoes explicated by geophysical observations. Our results indicate cyclical tephra depositions mainly produced by small magmatic and strong phreatic eruptions in this area after the Karakunidake-Kobayashi pyroclastic eruption. Furthermore, the vent locations were found to migrate with each eruption.
小林 哲夫 早川 由紀夫 荒牧 重雄
The Volcanological Society of Japan
火山.第2集 (ISSN:24330590)
vol.28, no.2, pp.129-139, 1983-07-01 (Released:2018-01-15)

大隅降下軽石堆積物は, 約22, 000年前に鹿児島湾最奥部で起こった一連の巨大噴火の最初期のプリニアン噴火の産物である.灰白色の軽石と遊離結晶および少量の石質岩片からなる本堆積物は, 全層にわたってほぼ均質な見かけを呈するが, 多くの場合, 上方に向かって粒径がやや大きくなる逆級化層理を示す.層厚分布図(Fig.3)と3種の粒径分布図(軽石の平均最大粒径・石質岩片の平均最大粒径・堆積物の中央粒径;Figs.5, 6, 7)は, いずれも本堆積物の噴出火口が姶良カルデラの南縁, 現在桜島火山の位置する地点付近にあったことを示している.分布軸は火口からN120°E方向に伸びるが, 分布軸から60 km以上離れた地点にも厚く堆積している.又, 堆積物は分布軸の逆方向すなわち風上側にも20 km以上追跡できる.分布軸上で火口から30 km離れた地点での層厚は10 mに達するが, 40 km地点より遠方は海域のため層厚値は得られない.そのため噴出量の見積もりには多くの困難が伴うが, すでに知られている他のプリニアン軽石堆積物の層厚-面積曲線(Fig.4)にあてはめて計算すると, 総体積98 km3(総重量7×1016g)が得られ, 本堆積物は支笏-1軽石堆積物(116 km3)に次ぐ最大規模のプリニアン軽石堆積物であることがわかる.3種の粒径分布図から得られる粒径-面積曲線(Fig.8)は, 噴出速度・噴煙柱の高さ・噴出率などで示される噴火の「強さ」を比較する上で有効である.それにより, 大隅降下軽石噴火の「強さ」はけっして例外的なものではなく, プリニアン噴火の平均あるいはそれをやや上回る程度であったことが判明した.
三浦 麻子 小林 哲郎
メディア・情報・コミュニケーション研究 (ISSN:2432048X)
vol.1, pp.27-42, 2016-03

本研究は,オンライン調査における努力の最小限化(Satisfice; 調査協力者が調査に際して応分の注意資源を割かない行動)について,特に教示を精読しないものに焦点を当てて,その出現比率が協力を依頼した対象集団によってどの程度異なるかを検討した。検出項目にはIMC(Instructional manipulation check)を用いて,ネット調査会社,クラウドソーシングサービス,大学の参加者プールの登録者を対象として,7つのサンプルからデータを収集した結果を比較した(n=22,646)。ネット調査会社モニタにおける努力の最小限化出現比率が,クラウドソーシングサービス登録者や大学の参加者プール登録者より高いことが示された。こうした違いは,回答に際する動機づけの差異によるものであり,それはモニタや登録者の管理方法に起因するのではないかと考えられる。 This study investigatedsatisficing within online surveys, whereby panels do not allocate optimumlevels of attentional resources, particularly in terms of carefully reading the instructions. The difference in the appearance ratio of such satisficing among three target groups (online research company, crowdsourcing service, and university subject pool) with seven samples (n = 22,646) was examined. Instructional manipulation check(IMC)was used for detection. The appearance ratio of satisficing in online research company panels appeared higher than that of registered members of crowdsourcing services and the university subject pool. Such a difference might be because of their motivation when responding, which originates from the method of managing registered members. This study investigatedsatisficing within online surveys, whereby panels do not allocate optimumlevels of attentional resources, particularly in terms of carefully reading the instructions. The difference in the appearance ratio of such satisficing among three target groups (online research company, crowdsourcing service, and university subject pool) with seven samples (n = 22,646) was examined. Instructional manipulation check(IMC)was used for detection. The appearance ratio of satisficing in online research company panels appeared higher than that of registered members of crowdsourcing services and the university subject pool. Such a difference might be because of their motivation when responding, which originates from the method of managing registered members.
川口 浩和 小林 哲生
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.49, no.4, pp.551-557, 2011-08-10 (Released:2012-01-18)

Eye-blink activities are major artifacts for electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements. Various methods have been reported for removing eye-blink artifacts from EEGs. Almost all previous methods focus on how much eye-blink artifacts are removed. However, they concurrently remove a part of EEGs together with eye-blink artifacts. Instead, we focus on how much true EEGs remains, and proposed a localized removal method for eye-blink artifacts. The proposed method is based on the combinations of independent component analysis (ICA). empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and Kalman filter. In addition, we proposed a novel simulation model to test performances of the proposed and previous methods. This simulation model indicates that the proposed method shows the best performance and reduces information loss of EEGs than previous methods.