岡崎 弘樹
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.37, no.1, pp.69-98, 2021-08-15 (Released:2022-09-30)

The purpose of this paper is to examine historically and sociologically the depiction of “Palestine” in contemporary Syrian literature through two important works. Saadallah Wannous, a prominent Syrian dramatist, in his drama Al-Ightisab (1989), focused on two worlds, the Palestinian and the Israeli. In the epilogue of this drama, Wannous emphasized that the Arab regimes were nothing but a replica of the “Zionist entity”, relying upon occupation and oppression. On the other hand, ‘Ali al-Kurdi, a Palestinian who was born and grew up in Syria, published his novel Shamaaya Castle (2010), a work of fiction inspired by his memories of his childhood in the former Jewish quarter of Damascus during the 1950s and 1960s. As an “intermediate supporter” of the Palestinian cause, Wannous tried to demonstrate the various “actualities” of the Palestinian issue for Syrian and Arab audiences. By contrast, in Al-Kurdi’s novel, the author, despite being a veritable “victim” of the Nakba, focused on the diverse dimensions of the “realities” faced by Syrian Palestinians, describing their misery, embarrassment, stigmas, human friendships and tolerance across diverse religious communities. It is obvious that writing this kind of novel is a creative act for building resilience out of past traumatic experiences in Palestine as well as for reevaluating the history of coexistence in Syria.
岡 真理 宮下 遼 山本 薫 石川 清子 藤元 優子 福田 義昭 鵜戸 聡 田浪 亜央江 中村 菜穂 前田 君江 鈴木 珠里 石井 啓一郎 徳原 靖浩 細田 和江 磯部 加代子 岡崎 弘樹 鈴木 克己 栗原 俊秀 竹田 敏之

岡 真理 宮下 遼 新城 郁夫 山本 薫 藤井 光 石川 清子 岡崎 弘樹 藤元 優子 福田 義昭 久野 量一 鵜戸 聡 田浪 亜央江 細田 和江 鵜飼 哲 細見 和之 阿部 賢一 呉 世宗 鈴木 克己

岡崎 弘樹
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.29, no.1, pp.67-95, 2013-07-15 (Released:2018-03-30)

The purpose of this article is to examine the concept of “Just despot”, which was mentioned in 1899 by an Egyptian thinker Muhammad ‘Abduh. Although he was said to be an Islamic idealist, he was deeply aware of the harsh realities of the Egyptian society. Therefore, he emphasized the importance of a national leadership, whereas he understood the people who have internalized the oppression under the hierarchical system of despotism. In fact, his ideas were, to a great extent, influenced by the preceding ideas. First, the terminology of istibdād signified literally “decisiveness” it only began to be used in the sense of “despotism” in the mid-19th century. Second, the first generation of Nahda considered the despotism as a problem of the abuse of power until the 1860s. Third, in the late 1870s, Afghānī emphasized the necessity of a leader’s ability, whereas Isḥāq began to describe the despotism as a mechanism of reproduction of power. In short, the concept of “Just despot”, employed by ‘Abduh, was, in general, a product of his adaptation and development of these two points of view. He reached the meaning of a modern political concept following the efforts of their predecessors.
岡崎 弘樹
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.30, no.2, pp.33-61, 2015-01-15 (Released:2018-03-30)

The purpose of this article is to examine Adīb Isḥāq (1856–1884)’s interpretation of freedom and despotism. According to him, the population has already been deprived of its natural rights through social customs and manners, such as compulsory right-handedness in Europe and foot-binding in China. If so, it is evident that civil and political freedom is not guaranteed by the authoritarian tradition. The despotic state does not repress the people in the name of “repression” but creates, by giving the public the illusion of freedom, a triangular system of fear, jealousy, and mutual suspicion, as Montesquieu framed it. Additionally, the autocratic Khedival regime in Egypt at that time was strengthened by European colonialism. Under these circumstances, Isḥāq admitted the difficulty of banishing foreign powers by force of arms. He instead suggested gradual reforms, including the establishment of public education. According to him, compulsory education would be the only way to teach the public the value of freedom and isolating the cycle of authoritarianism – from the dictatorship of the state to the patriarchy of the family. His idea differed greatly from the conventional way of thinking of political thinkers of the time: the idea of the just despot. In short, Ishāq’s original, meticulous analysis of despotic power systems was an important contribution to the development of Arab political thought.