上村 一貴 山田 実 紙谷 司 渡邉 敦也 岡本 啓
一般社団法人 日本老年医学会
日本老年医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03009173)
vol.58, no.1, pp.101-110, 2021-01-25 (Released:2021-02-25)
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目的:本研究の目的は,高齢者のヘルスリテラシーが2年後のフレイルの有無に及ぼす影響を検討することとした.方法:解析対象は,65歳以上のフレイルでない地域在住高齢者218名〔平均年齢72.5±4.9歳(範囲:65から86歳),男性81名〕とした.機能的ヘルスリテラシーをNewest Vital Signにより,包括的ヘルスリテラシーをEuropean Health Literacy Survey Questionnaireにより評価した.包括的ヘルスリテラシーは総得点に加えて,ヘルスケア,疾病予防,ヘルスプロモーションの3領域の得点についても算出した.2年後のフォローアップ評価(郵送調査)における基本チェックリストの合計点が8点以上の場合をフレイル有とした.結果:フォローアップ評価の対象者253名のうち,226名から回答が得られた(追跡率:89.3%).欠損値ありの8名を除いた218名のうち,2年後にフレイル有となったのは25名(11.5%)であった.年齢,性別,教育年数,BMI,歩行速度,認知機能,Comorbidityで調整したロジスティック回帰モデルにおいて,包括的ヘルスリテラシーの得点のみがフレイルと有意な関連を示した〔1SDあたりのオッズ比(95%信頼区間)=0.54(0.33~0.87)〕.包括的ヘルスリテラシーのヘルスケア,疾病予防領域の得点についても同様に有意な関連を示し,いずれも得点が高いほど,フレイルのオッズ比が低いことを示した.結論:包括的ヘルスリテラシーが高い高齢者では,2年後にフレイルを有する危険性が低いことが明らかになった.
吉村 健司 岡本 啓太郎 河島 毅之 和田 朋之 首藤 敬史 宮本 伸二
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.78, no.6, pp.1243-1247, 2017 (Released:2017-12-30)

堀 拳輔 董 居忠 岡本 啓公 関 将志 村石 浩 齊藤 典生 Thet Thet LWIN 原 秀剛 渡辺 宝 橋本 雄幸 王 波 武田 徹
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.56, no.1, pp.16-21, 2018-02-10 (Released:2018-06-15)

Lung cancer is one of the most important diseases to overcome, and chest radiography and low-dose computed tomography (CT) have been used for lung cancer screening. In chest radiographs, nodules overlying the ribs and mediastinum are occasionally difficult to detect. Therefore, CT is used as the gold standard modality to diagnose lung cancer, despite the high radiation exposure it entails. Recently, tomosynthesis has been used to detect pulmonary nodules, but mechanical scanning and a long data acquisition time (approximately 10 seconds) are required to obtain the image. Under this circumstance, tomosynthesis using a small number of projections has been anticipated to allow omission of the mechanical system and shortening of the exposure time. A chest phantom with artificial pulmonary nodules of various sizes was imaged in rotating 360-degree projections. Tomosynthesis images were reconstructed using back projection (BP) from ±32-degrees projection data, and the projection numbers were set at 4, 6, 8, 16, 32 and 64. The images were evaluated visually and quantitatively by measuring the contrast noise ratio (CNR) and artifact spread function (ASF). Tomosynthesis images reconstructed from 4 projection images allowed visualization of an artificial nodule 10mm in diameter without overlapping the ribs or the mediastinum. The CNR of a 4-projection image normalized to that of a 64-projection image was approximately 0.34, and the ASF obtained indicated that fewer number of projections was associated with greater z-axis resolution. Thus, 4-projection tomosynthesis allows visualization of pulmonary nodules 10mm or larger in diameter, and image quality appears to be useful.
國本 あゆみ 菊永 茂司 岡崎 勘造 天野 勝弘 佐川 和則 新宅 幸憲 積山 敬経 井上 裕美子 成山 公一 山崎 先也 岡本 啓 石井 信子 田子 孝仁 土岡 大介 福田 隆 林 恭輔 小倉 俊郎 東條 光彦 三村 由香里 松枝 睦美 上村 弘子 津島 愛子 加賀 勝 酒向 治子 土井 真由 鈴木 久雄
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.25, no.2, pp.74-84, 2017 (Released:2017-05-31)

岡本 啓志
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.18, no.6, pp.565-581, 1966

The history of apple-growing in Kagawa Prefecture, in the Shikoku region, is an old one beginning first in the middle period of the Meiji era. But the area under cultivation for this crops in this prefecture has decreased gradually since 1953, when it was most extensively cultivated, having partly been replaced by some other crops such as tangerine orange. However, the situation is quite different in Tokushima prefecture, Kagawa's neighbor, where the area under cultivation for apples showed a sudden, remarkable increase since 1953 to 54, with a gradual declining only in recent years. These facts tell that apple cultivation in these two prefectures, in spite of the similarities in their natural and climatic conditions, has undergone a quite different transition. In this paper, the author has tried to clarify the various reasons why in Tokushima prefecture, which is relatively warm and apparently not a suitable area for apples, apple growing really flourished even for a short period, and especially why it has fallen into decay. What sort of difficulties and problems caused this sudden decline are also the important point of disussion here.<br>Thanks to the untiring efforts of Mr. Kenji Tada, who as a grower as well an investigator, valiantly recommended apples as the most profitable crop, and that of the authorities concerned, apple farms spread extensively in Mima and Miyoshi counties, whose location is along the Yoshino River in the western part of this prefecture. However, apple production began to decrease, though in the up-stream area of the Yoshino River it is less affected. Some of the reasons for this may be listed as follows:<br>1) Small amount of profit from apple production. This is the result of the tied-up market price of apples, and small quantity of the crop in this particular area. Ill or inadequate management of farms has been connected with these reasons and caused a vicious circle.<br>2) Damage by blight and insects.<br>3) Concurrence and consequent competition with other crops in respect of labor.<br>4) Bad influence of spray on mulberry farms; damage caused by typhoons and other reasons.<br>The above-mentioned may be grouped as direct reasons which caused declining in apple-production, while some other indirect causes might be pointed out as is shown below.<br>i) Lack of experience on the part of growers. Consequently, want of necessary information and technical know-how was unavoidable.<br>ii) Small-scale management and scattered and isolated location of the farms.<br>iii) Insufficient guidance and dvice. These problems might have been, more or less, solved if farmers had deen properlhy directed. When a new kind of crop is to be introduced, especially in the case of fruit-culture, which needs a consideralbe amount capital and high level technical know-how, proper guidance and direction after its introduction are of the utmost importance, to say nothing of the sufficient information and understanding before it is planted.
山崎 先也 岡本 啓 松久 ミユキ 野原 隆司 田口 貞善
日本運動生理学雑誌 (ISSN:13403036)
vol.8, no.2, pp.99-105, 2001-10-31

The purpose of this study was to compare the bone turnover between eleven young female rhythmic sports gymnasts(aged 19-21 yr.)and nine sedentary control female subject(aged 21-22 yr.). The gymnasts were training 4-6 hours per day, 7 times per week with dieting. Bone turnover was assesed using speciific biomarkers of formation(serum intact osteocalcin)and resorption(the 24 hours urinary deoxypyridinoline). The gymnasts had significantly lower percent fat and body weights than the control females. The gymnasts showed significantly lower levels of serum calcium but slightly higher urinary calcium concentrations compared with the controls. The gymnasts had significantly higher bone resorption and lower bone formation compared with the control females. The findings suggest that an increased bone resorption in the female rhythmic sports gymnasts may cause loss of bone mass which was probably due to the vigorous exercise training under dieting regimes.