平山 勉
東洋文化研究 (ISSN:13449850)
no.18, pp.67-104, 2016-03-01

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the relationship between the middle management of the South Manchuria Railway Company (SMR) and the employees association, Mantetsu-Shain-kai, in order to better understand the characteristics of SMR’s in-house bulletin known as Kyowa. Why focus on middle management instead of upper management officials? The main reason is that the highest ranking company officials―the president and vice president―tended to be hired from outside the company and had rather short terms of office. Moreover, only a few of these people actually stayed for the duration of these relatively short terms. But middle level directors who were promoted internally often had careers of more than ten years either as department heads or chief managers of each section. That is the reason why we must analyze SMR’s middle management. On the other hand, those officers at the headquarters of Mantetsu-Shain-kai were selected in a democratic way. These officials were the chief secretary, the permanent secretary and the chief of section. Most of these people were SMR’s middle management officers at the same time, or would become chief managers of sections later on. Mantetsu-Shain-kai was a facility for the training of SMR’s middle management. According to the account settlement of Mantetsu-Shain-kai, ‘membership fees’ and ‘revenue from publication’ occupied most of the revenue, and ‘publication expenses’ accounted for most of the expenditure. Most ‘publication expenses’ were used to publish Kyowa. The main activity of the headquarters’ officers of Mantetsu-Shain-kai was to declare their own views in Kyowa in order to manage SMR as the key member. Understanding Kyowa is important in order to properly analyze the economic system in China in 1930-40s.
平山 勉
歴史と経済 (ISSN:13479660)
vol.51, no.2, pp.1-17, 2009-01-30 (Released:2017-08-30)

The purpose of this article is to clarify the actions of the South Manchuria Railways Company (SMR) and its shareholders during the period of the 1933 SMR stock issue, using documents from the closed institutional records of its Tokyo branch. My interest in this issue is to establish how the SMR achieved this capital increase from private sector shareholders and investors in general, given the turbulent business environment resulting from the Manchurian Incident and the resulting increased scrutiny of the SMR itself. At the same time, I consider the significance of changes in the shareholder body during the take-up period by examining the reorganization of the SMR. In summary, this article establishes the following four points. First, bids for the newly-issued common stock were distributed approximately into two groups, the majority of bids clustering around the 53 yen mark, below the lower price of the offering. The record of the public offering shows that while some general investors were enthusiastic during the "Manchuria boom," others demonstrated a rather more cool attitude. Second, after the new stock came into circulation, it was rural shareholders who took up new and outstanding stock sold off by urban shareholders in areas such as Tokyo, Osaka, Aichi, Kanagawa and Hyogo prefectures. The proportion of stock held by rural shareholders increased, and the number of shareholders also showed a greater rate of increase in rural areas than in urban. Throughout the take-up period, the relative importance of rural shareholders increased within the SMR shareholder body. Third, the sale of SMR stock by urban shareholders was triggered by political intervention in the SMR from the period of the Manchurian Incident to the time of the stock issue and the resulting management uncertainty and poor outlook. On the other hand, the reason that rural shareholders bought up the stock was that within the context of a widening loss of confidence in regional banks, an improved "environment for investment" brought about the stable circulation of reliable SMR stock which was seen as a haven for investment Finally, the transformed shareholder body successfully demanded the restructuring of the SMR to ensure the recovery of the share price and the payment of dividends Within the context of an increase of issued stock and diversification of the body of shareholders, the SMR could not ignore the specific demands of a large body of shareholders, numbering some tens of thousands of registered individuals, and as such it may be said that the shareholder body was able to exert a form of "governance" over the SMR.
平山 勉

平山 勉
Business History Society of Japan
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1_28-1_51, 2010 (Released:2014-05-23)

The purpose of this article is to clarify reorganization process of production system in the metal mold industry in the first half of the high growth era. In the preceding literature has mainly focused on the positive investment in the metal mold manufacture of this period, and overlooked the shift of the production system which played on important role for the development of this industry. Therefore, this paper focused on the metal mold industry of Tokyo, and examined reorganization of production system.In the metal mold industry at the high-growth period, the shift from comprehensive controI production system to segment control production system has advanced rapidly. The expansion of the mold market caused the shortage of skilled labor. Because it took time to promote skilled labor, it was difficult in comprehensive control production system correspond to the expansion. Therefore, the system of production system that did not need the skilled labor was pursued in the metal mold industry. And, the aggressive capital investment in the latter half of the 1950's had big influence on the shift of the system. The introduction of a special machine and new and powerful equipment enabled the dismantlement of the skilled labor. As a result, the production process was divided, and the skilled labor came to be concentrated on the processes which required the high skilled labor.Thus, the metal mold manufacturing at the high-growth period had reorganized the system of production flexibly with the problem. In addition the productivity of this system was higher than the comprehensive control production system. Therefore, in this article, it is confirmed the expansion of the mold market led the reorganization of the production system which resulted in the high productivity.
平山 勉
歴史と経済 (ISSN:13479660)
vol.51, no.2, pp.1-17, 2009

The purpose of this article is to clarify the actions of the South Manchuria Railways Company (SMR) and its shareholders during the period of the 1933 SMR stock issue, using documents from the closed institutional records of its Tokyo branch. My interest in this issue is to establish how the SMR achieved this capital increase from private sector shareholders and investors in general, given the turbulent business environment resulting from the Manchurian Incident and the resulting increased scrutiny of the SMR itself. At the same time, I consider the significance of changes in the shareholder body during the take-up period by examining the reorganization of the SMR. In summary, this article establishes the following four points. First, bids for the newly-issued common stock were distributed approximately into two groups, the majority of bids clustering around the 53 yen mark, below the lower price of the offering. The record of the public offering shows that while some general investors were enthusiastic during the "Manchuria boom," others demonstrated a rather more cool attitude. Second, after the new stock came into circulation, it was rural shareholders who took up new and outstanding stock sold off by urban shareholders in areas such as Tokyo, Osaka, Aichi, Kanagawa and Hyogo prefectures. The proportion of stock held by rural shareholders increased, and the number of shareholders also showed a greater rate of increase in rural areas than in urban. Throughout the take-up period, the relative importance of rural shareholders increased within the SMR shareholder body. Third, the sale of SMR stock by urban shareholders was triggered by political intervention in the SMR from the period of the Manchurian Incident to the time of the stock issue and the resulting management uncertainty and poor outlook. On the other hand, the reason that rural shareholders bought up the stock was that within the context of a widening loss of confidence in regional banks, an improved "environment for investment" brought about the stable circulation of reliable SMR stock which was seen as a haven for investment Finally, the transformed shareholder body successfully demanded the restructuring of the SMR to ensure the recovery of the share price and the payment of dividends Within the context of an increase of issued stock and diversification of the body of shareholders, the SMR could not ignore the specific demands of a large body of shareholders, numbering some tens of thousands of registered individuals, and as such it may be said that the shareholder body was able to exert a form of "governance" over the SMR.
張 楓 北浦 貴士 柳沢 遊 平山 勉 松村 敏 高柳 友彦 満薗 勇

大前 義次 荒木 智行 小高 泰陸 平山 勉
情報処理学会研究報告グループウェアとネットワークサービス(GN) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1995, no.20, pp.1-6, 1995-03-02

本報告では、RSA公開暗号方式における新しいマスター鍵方式を提案し、その応用としてクライアント,サーバグループ、セキュリティ・サーバで構成されるクライアント/サーバ・システムにおいて、複数のサーバグループがあり、グループ間でのセキュリティが保たれる必要のある環境においての認証方式を提案し,有効性を示す。その有効性は,要約すると以下の3点である。()マスタ鍵方式を採用しているため、鍵の管理が容易であり,また回報通信が可能である。()サーバグループ内のサーバ数が増加しても、十分な数のサーバの個別鍵に対応したマスタ鍵の生成が容易にできる。()ケルベロス方式に比べ,認証のために必要な手順の簡略化,時間の短縮化が可能である。This paper proposes a new master-key-style method of RSA public key encryption, and as its application, describes on security in applications for group cooperation work based on Client/Server systems that are composed of clients, servers' groups and security servers. Then, it is assumed that there are some groups in the same system and secrecy must be kept each other among groups. We show that the proposed method is effective in such environment and applications. The effectiveness is summarized as follows: (1) It is easy to administrate keys because the proposed method adopts master-key-style. And multi-address communication is available. (2) We can generate easily the sufficient number of keys corresponding to the master key even if the number of member of servers' group would be increasing. (3) It is possible to shorten the time for authentication in comparison with Kerberos-style's because the proposed process is simpler than Kerberos-style's.
平山 勉
三田学会雑誌 (ISSN:00266760)
vol.93, no.2, pp.387(99)-413(125), 2000-07

論説1. はじめに2. 設立背景3. 社員会設立4. 仙石貢と職制改正5. おわりに
平山 勉

平山 勉 後藤 明史 竹内 英人

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