林 忠行
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2018, no.47, pp.1-16, 2018 (Released:2019-10-08)

This paper outlines the movement for an independent Czechoslovak state during the First World War and examines how it was affected by the Russian revolutions of 1917. After the outbreak of the War, only a limited number of Czech and Slovak leaders took up the cause for an independent state, while the majority remained loyal to the Habsburg Monarchy. In 1916, one of the early independence leaders and the first president of Czechoslovakia, T. G. Masaryk, founded the Czechoslovak National Council (CNC) at Paris with the aim of securing the support of the Allied countries. Yet since Allied governments regarded the Habsburg Monarchy as necessary for keeping the balance of power in Europe, they avoided making any commitment to support the CNC and, instead, sought a separate peace with Austria-Hungary. Consequently, the CNC could not achieve any notable results in their negotiations with the Allied governments until April 1918.Just after the outbreak of the War in 1914, Czech and Slovak settlers and emigrants living in Russia joined the war against the Central Powers as a part of the Russian army. The Russian Imperial Governmdent supported Czechs and Slovaks who were loyal to the Russian Empire, but they made no commitment to the independence of the Czechoslovak state. Meanwhile, the Russian state also barred Masaryk, a vocal critic of Czarism, from entering the country. After the March Revolution of 1917, however, Masaryk gained entry to Russia, and he subsequently established his leadership among the Czechs and Slovaks there. He also mobilized newly-freed Czech and Slovak prisoners of war into what later became known as the “Czechoslovak Legion.”In the Bohemian Lands, the Russian March Revolution promoted the rise of radical nationalists who claimed the independence of the Czechoslovak state from Habsburg Monarchy. Between January to July 1918, they gradually expanded their influence in the Czech political circles. Yet they lacked sufficient power to overthrow the Habsburg regime on their own. This situation eventually changed when, in April 1918, the negotiations for a separate peace between the Allied Powers and Austria-Hungary miscarried, and, subsequently, the French government turned to openly support anti-Hapsburg movements including the CNC.After the Bolshevik November Revolution, Soviet Russia and the Central Powers signed the Brest-Litovsk treaty in March 1918. With the eastern front now closed to the Czechoslovak Legion, Masaryk instead decided to transfer his troops to the western front through Vladivostok. On their way to Vladivostok, however, the Legion revolted against the Bolsheviks. This was followed by the Siberian Expedition by the United States and Japan in August. After the outbreak of the rebellion, the CNC was officially recognized by the Allies, and it was regarded as a de facto government by the end of the War. These favorable circumstances led Czechoslovak leaders to declare the independence of the new state and established a new government with exiled leaders at the end of October of 1918.
林 忠行
ロシア・東欧研究 (ISSN:13486497)
vol.2004, no.33, pp.47-58, 2004 (Released:2010-05-31)

This article aims to analyze the responses of the Visegrad Four countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary) to the Iraq War which started on March 20, 2003. Central and East European countries, including these four countries, were considered to be“pro-American, ”particularly as demonstrated by their leaders' signatures to“the Letter of Eight”or“the Declaration of the Vilnius Ten, ”issued at the end of January, and at the beginning of February 2003, respectively.U.S. unilateralism was particularly notable during the period between November 2002, when the UN Security Council adopted resolution 1441, and May 2003, when the US declared an end to major combat in Iraq, and the UN Security Council adopted resolution 1483. Specifically during this period responses of the Visegrad Four countries to the crisis in Iraq differed significantly from one another. Poland, for example, sent its special forces unit (GROM) to Iraq at the beginning of the War. The Czech and Slovak Republics deployed their NBC weapon response units in Kuwait, however they did not engage militarily in Iraq. Hungary allowed the U.S. to use an airbase located in its territory as a training ground where Iraqi opposition members were trained by U.S. forces as police officers and interpreters, but it did not send any military units to the Middle East during this period.The military measures taken by the four countries varied in accordance with the different agendas of their respective key parties in parliament. Generally speaking, the main pro-American factions were the Trans-Atlanticists within the center-right parties, who oriented themselves toward mainstream European Christian democrats or liberal democrats. Realism among center-left social democratic parties, especially the parties in power, was another factor which encouraged conciliatory attitudes toward U.S. policy and the crisis in Iraq. At same time, however, a considerable group of social democrats opposed U.S. unilateral military actions in Iraq because of their high regard for maintaining multilateralism in respect to agreements established by international institutions, such as the UN, NATO or the EU. Therefore, center-left parties faced a dilemma in evaluating whether or not to support military action in the Middle East.Extreme leftists, nationalists and Catholic traditionalists were almost universally opposed to dispatching troops to the Middle East. However, most of these were only“protest parties”which did not have the actual ability to influence decision-making in parliament. One of the key factors which inhibited Central and East European participation in the U.S. military's intervention in Iraq was in fact heavy criticism leveled by populist opposition parties. These parties were sensitive to public criticism of U.S. unilateral military activity in Iraq and thus blocked local involvement therein.Thus, the differing responses of each country to the Iraq War can be viewed as a reflection of local political dynamics between the Pro- and Anti-American forces within each country's internal politics.
田村 伸行 菊池 健人 守屋 雅隆 小林 忠行 島田 宏 水柿 義直
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SDM, シリコン材料・デバイス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.423, pp.47-52, 2010-02-15

林 忠行

家田 修 林 忠行 松里 公孝 月村 太郎 仙石 学

本研究では東欧(旧ソ連のロシア以外のヨーロッパ部分を含む)地域社会全般を射程に入れ、EU統合が及ぼす影響、そして逆にEU拡大がEUに与える影響について包括的な研究を組織した。その中でハンガリー地位法制定を契機として全欧州的な問題となった主権国家論争を取り上げ、欧州統合における主権国家と国民、そして少数民族問題という具体的な論題を巡る国際会議を、本研究計画の総決算という意味を込めて、2004年10月にハンガリーのブダペストで開催した。この会議には日欧米だけでなく、インドやトルコを含む世界12カ国から研究者が参集し、さらに欧州で民族問題を担当する実務専門家も招聘して議論を深めた。この会議は東欧の少数民族問題を理論的、包括的かつ具体的に論ずる貴重な機会であったため、OSCEなどの全欧州的な国際組織から多くの傍聴者が参集し、ハンガリーのマスメディアも大きく取り上げた。この会議では東欧における冷戦後の地域社会形成が国民形成、国家建設、少数民族共同体形成の三位一体として進行したこと、そして問題解決のためには従来のEU統合の枠を越えた新たな市民権概念(fuzzy citizenshipなど)、あるいは柔軟な国境という考え方(flexible border controlなど)、さらにはネオ・ミディーバリズムなどの複合的アイデンティティが必要とされる、などの具体的かつ新たな知見が示された。こうした国際的共同研究の成果の一部は既に本研究代表者を編著者とする英文著書The Hungarian Status Law : Nation building and/or Minority Protection, SRC, Hokkaido University, Slavic Eurasian Studies Series, No.4, 2004として刊行され、さらにThe Status Law Syndrome in Post-communist Eastern Europe, SRC, Hokkaido University, Slavic Eurasian Studies Series, 2005として新たな知見が国際的に発信される予定である。
古矢 旬 久保 文明 大津留 智恵子 橋川 健竜 廣部 泉 常本 照樹 酒井 啓子 中山 俊宏 西崎 文子 林 忠行 遠藤 泰生 久保 文明 大津留 智恵子 橋川 健竜 廣部 泉 常本 照樹
