武藤 拓之 水原 啓太 入戸野 宏
日本認知心理学会発表論文集 日本認知心理学会第17回大会
pp.2, 2019 (Released:2019-10-28)

複数の選択肢の中から1つを素早く自由に選択する課題において,自分がどれを選択したかについての意識体験が後付け的に決定されるという現象が知られている。このポストディクション現象は,視覚情報が無意識的に処理されてから意識に上るまでの時間差に起因すると考えられてきた。しかし,従来のモデルは現象の言語的な記述に留まっており,数理的妥当性の検証は不十分であった。そこで本研究は,先行研究の理論的考察を踏まえた仮定から,自由選択の認知過程を表現するシンプルな確率モデルを導出し,このモデルでポストディクション現象が説明できるか否かを検証した。水原・武藤・入戸野 (2019) の2つの実験課題から得られたデータにモデルを適用した結果,全てのデータをこのモデルでよく説明できることが確認された。また,無意識的な処理が意識に上るまでの時間差や選択に要する時間の分布といった有意味な情報を推定できることも示された。
武藤 大輔 高野 靖
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 C編 (ISSN:03875024)
vol.74, no.746, pp.2495-2503, 2008-10-25 (Released:2011-03-04)
3 3

The dependence of transmission loss (TL) of a double-wall structure on the characteristics of the gases between the walls was investigated. The relationship between acoustic impedance, acoustic velocity, and TL was calculated by using the transfer matrix method. The results indicated that characteristics of the internal gases have two effects on TL. One is a change in the double-wall effect, and the other is a change in the reflection coefficient. Gases that have slower acoustic velocities or lower acoustic impedance than air increase the double-wall effect. Gases that have faster acoustic velocities increase the reflection coefficient. The calculated results for TL with air, helium, and carbon dioxide agreed well with experimental measurements. Finally, The rating of sound insulation (Rw) defined by JIS A1419-1 (ISO-717) was introduced, and the relationship between Rw and the characteristics of the gases between walls was investigated. The results indicate that gas with a low molecular weight and large ratio of specific heat is more effective to increase the TL.
梶川 正弘 薄木 征三 武藤 哲男
自然災害科学 (ISSN:02866021)
vol.13, no.3, pp.249-254, 1995-01-31

A strong wind disaster was caused by Typhoon 9119 in the Tohoku district on September 28,1991. The purpose of this report is to investigate the relationship between the surface wind field and the localization phenomena of severe forest damage by the typhoon in Akita Prefecture. The results are summarized as follows. 1)The strong wind of about 20 m/s in mean wind speed prevailed for about three hours in the restricted region of the northern inland part in Akita Prefecture. 2)This restricted region was coincident with the towns and villages suffered the severe forest damage. 3)The facts mentioned above suggest that Typhoon 9119 possessed the unique structure in the dissipating stage.
武藤 三代平
北方人文研究 (ISSN:1882773X)
no.12, pp.49-68, 2019

明治中期に設立された北海道協会について、これまでの研究では北海道拓殖事業における後援団体、拓殖専門の政策団体、あるいは貴族院議員らの利益代表団体といったように、論者によって評価が分かれている。北海道協会の活動が政治、経済、拓殖事業、移民奨励事業、出版事業、あるいはアイヌ保護活動といったように広範囲に及んでおり、先行研究はその一側面を対象とし、局所的に評価したものが多数を占めている。これは基本的な協会の性格と組織構造が提示されていないことが原因といえる。 本論では明治中後期を対象とし、北海道協会の基礎的な組織や人的構成、活動内容とその経過を検討する。そのうえで協会の外郭団体としての多面的な性格を提示する。検討にあたり、協会を主導した近衛篤麿、行政側から協会を支えた北垣国道をキーパーソンとし、協会の成立からその盛衰を射程とした。その際、「内務省(中央官庁)― 北海道庁(地方官庁)― 北海道協会(民間)」という「官民調和」の政治構造に焦点をあてる。協会の成立により、民間レベルでの利害を行政に意見することが出来、一方、貴衆両院議員や官吏など、公的な地位を有する者が協会員となることで、行政機構の内外に渡る活動が展開できた点を解明した。また帝国主義下での人種競争という概念のもと、協会が行ったアイヌに対する活動も検討対象とした。こうした北海道協会の基礎的な性格を提示することは、それ以後に続いた植民地経営における外郭団体の祖型を考究することに結びつく。The purpose of this article is to clarify the organization of The Hokkaido association during the mid and late Meiji era through an analysis of personnel, activities, and relation with government office. In the case, I'd like to pay attention to two key persons; KONOE Atsumaro and KITAGAKI Kunimichi. The former is the person who took the lead in The Hokkaido association, the latter supported them from the viewpoint of governor in Hokkaido. They worked out the Hokkaido immigration policy, "Public-private cooperation (Kanmin kyocho 官民協調)" by agreement of Ministry of Home Affairs that controlled the Hokkaido government in March 1893. The word as public and private cooperation offers the key and background to an understanding of The Hokkaido association. I would like to suggest the following three conclusions'. In the first place, the officials of The Hokkaido association are usually government official. Especially the officials of the Hokkaido government and the executives of The Hokkaido association in the region of Hokkaido turned out to be duplicated. Namely, Government officials selectively use public and private as necessary, and smoothly promoted administration concerning immigration. This is one element on the structure of "Public-private cooperation". In the second place, discount enterprises for Hokkaido migrants by The Hokkaido association was a great success. Since the beginning of this enterprises, the number of migrants to Hokkaido has increased sharply. Besides this, they developed various projects. In political activities, they acted as an intermediary to the government and parliament. And they were responsible for informing society of the protection of Ainu. All activities are that government officials can not do, their role was to link the center and region from outside the administrative organization. Only in the final place, to investigate The Hokkaido association will elucidate the prototype of an affiliated organization in colonial administration in modern Japan.
武藤 那賀子
学習院大学国際センター研究年報 = The annual bulletin of the International Centre, Gakushuin University (ISSN:24347469)
no.5, pp.1-25, 2019

Gakushuin University holds a volume of the "Suma" chapter from the Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari) which was copied in the early Edo period, and whose binding is the origami tetsuyousou. It must be noted that the volume was previously owned by the Sanjonishi family, since this type of binding was generally seen in the libraries of renga poets. Moreover, the volume is precious because of its especially small size (13.6 cm long and 9.8 cm wide) and the temporary binding thread. It is also significant that the relationship between the Sanjonishi family and the Koga family can be inferred from a note by "the maid of the Nyudo Koga"( 入道久我殿女房) on the end paper of the back cover. Therefore, this study includes a reprint of the text and the notes in this volume and evaluates it by comparison with the volume of the same chapter held by Nihon University and which also belonged to the Sanjonishi family.

1 0 0 0 OA 米国移住論

武藤山治 著
佐々木 輝美 武藤 栄一
放送教育研究 (ISSN:03863204)
vol.15, pp.57-70, 1987

While the problem of "ijime (bullying)" has become serious among pupils, few scholars have paid attention to this problem until recently. Among the studies done by scholars, most of them are fact-finding surveys and are not enough to explain why pupils bully others. Pupils' ijime behavior is sometimes very violent and such behavior is often portrayed on TV programs. Thus, it is possible to consider the issue from the view point of TV violence. Many researchers have undertaken studies of TV violence in western countries. Several theories on the mechanics of how television violence affects the viewer have been raised. One such theory, supported by past research, deals with the effects of modeling as well as of desensitization. The objective of this study is to examine the effects of "ijime" TV programs on children within the framework of observational learning theory and desensitization theory. The following three hypotheses will form the basis for this study. 1) Pupils exposed to "ijime" TV programs tend to bully others. 2) Pupils learn ways of bullying more through TV than any other medium. 3) Pupils exposed to "ijime" TV programs are more desensitized to bullying behavior by others. A survey was conducted in order to test the above hypotheses. The subjects were 977 (male 497, female 480) junior high-school students. The questionnaire included the following headings: 1) sex 2) programs frequently watched 3) experiences of bullying behavior 4) media through which students learn this bullying behavior 5) degree of desensitization to real bullying (students were asked how they would react if they happened to see real bullying by others) The first hypothesis was proved as a result of a chi square analysis of the obtained data; while the others were not. By discussing these results, the following were suggested. 1) In measuring desensitization, our questionnaire did not seem to be sensitive enough, and this reminds us of the basic problem of difficulty in measuring attitude. 2) In the process of learning bullying behavior, personal media as well as mass media seem to function as sources of acquiring bullying methods. This suggests that it would be necessary to clarify the interaction of these two types of media. 3) Pupils exposed to " ijime" TV programs tend to bully others and this suggests the necessity to control the portrayal of bullying behavior on TV.