石井 信之 木庭 大槻 許 多 佐藤 イテヒョン 清水 千晶 田中 俊 林田 優太郎 菅原 美咲 水野 潤造 武藤 徳子 鈴木 二郎 室町 幸一郎 下島 かおり 藤巻 龍治 宇都宮 舞衣 山田 寛子
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科保存学会
日本歯科保存学雑誌 (ISSN:03872343)
vol.63, no.1, pp.38-43, 2020

<p> 目的 : 現在では, 歯科用実体顕微鏡や拡大鏡を使用した拡大視野下の長時間にわたる精密歯科診療が求められ, 歯科医師や歯科衛生士の正確な手技への支援や肉体的負担を軽減できる歯科診療支援システムの開発が必要とされている. 本研究は歯科診療アシストスーツを開発することで, 歯科診療の精密性向上, 診療成功率の向上, および歯科医師や歯科衛生士の肉体的負担軽減を目的とする.</p><p> 材料と方法 : 歯科診療アシストスーツの上腕負担軽減効果を解析するために, 表面筋電図による解析と定量評価機能を有した臨床シミュレーション装置を使用した臼歯部窩洞形成を実施した.</p><p> 結果 : 歯科診療アシストスーツを作動することで, 上腕二頭筋および上腕三頭筋の平均振幅値はいずれも有意に減少し, 上腕の負担軽減効果が認められた. 臼歯部窩洞形成の客観的総合評価は, 歯科診療アシストスーツ作動前と比較して作動後に有意な高得点を示した.</p><p> 結論 : 本研究で開発した歯科診療アシストスーツは, 上腕二頭筋と上腕三頭筋の緊張を軽減することによって, 診療精度の向上と長時間診療における術者の負担軽減を可能にする装置であることが示された.</p>
小原 嗣朗 武藤 範雄 KOHARA Shiro MUTO Norio
東京大学宇宙航空研究所報告 (ISSN:05638100)
vol.13, no.1_B, pp.379-402, 1977-03

鎌田 悠奨 滝沢 茂男 武藤 佳恭 田中 敏幸
バイオフィリア リハビリテーション学会
バイオフィリア リハビリテーション学会研究大会予稿集
vol.2016, pp.11-12, 2016

<p>近年, 脳卒中患者数の増加により理学療法士の負担が増加してきている. 私は患者が自ら行うことのできる創動運動が他のリハビリテーションよりも効果があることを示唆したいと考えた. 本研究ではその前段階として, 脳の錯覚を用いた新たな機能の獲得は可能かについて調べたいと考えている. そのため, ミラーボックスを用いたトレーニングの前後での書く能力の変化を測定し, 評価することで新たな機能は獲得可能かについて調べたい.</p>
酒井 康行 成瀬 勝俊 長島 郁雄 武藤 徹一郎 鈴木 基之
一般社団法人 日本人工臓器学会
人工臓器 (ISSN:03000818)
vol.24, no.1, pp.18-23, 1995-02-15

体重10-15kgの肝不全ブタ用のハイブリッド型人工肝臓モジュールに必要とされる細胞数の1/4(2.5×10<sup>9</sup> cells)に相当する初代培養ブタ肝細胞スフェロイドを, 酸素供給用シリコンチュー・ブを装着した1-Lスケールのスピナーフラスコを用いて, 約1日で形成させることができた. このスフェロイドをディッシュレベルにおいて, さまざまな培養形態で10日まで培養した. スフェロイドをそのまま緩やかに浮遊培養(旋回培養)すると細胞数の減少が起こるが, 細胞当たりの機能発現は単層培養細胞の3-5倍であった. コラーゲンゲル包括スフェロイドは, 浮遊培養と比較して機能発現が低下する傾向にあった. 100%のブタまたはヒト血漿と直接接触させながら浮遊培養しても, スフェロイドのアンモニア除去能は合成培地中と比較しても, 全く低下が見られなかった.
大庭 喜八郎 岡田 幸郎 塩田 勇 武藤 惇 岡本 敬三
日本林學會誌 (ISSN:0021485X)
vol.47, no.12, pp.438-443, 1965-12-25

武藤 世良
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.87, no.1, pp.95-101, 2016 (Released:2016-04-25)
5 5

This study examined the reproducibility of the hierarchical semantic structure of respect-related emotions and the prototypical meaning of sonkei (respect) in modern Japanese people. Participants, ages 20–79, rated the semantic similarity of 153 pairs of 18 respect-related words used in previously published work. Hierarchical cluster analysis (n = 515) showed almost the same semantic organization as the previous study. The highest level of abstraction consisted of “person-focus respect, emotional attitude” and “action-focus respect, emotional state.” The basic level consisted of (a) respect mingled with mild love; (b) ought-respect (respect as moral duty); (c) idolatry (worship and adoration); (d) awe mingled with fear; (e) admiration; and (f) wonder. The word sonkei was included in category (a). Additional analyses were conducted according to age. The results revealed that the basic categories seen in adults ages 60–79 differed from those in the whole sample and that sonkei was included in the category which could be considered as ought-respect. These findings suggest that the semantic organization of respect-related emotions is gradually changing under the influence of modern culture.
武藤 明
vol.28, no.2, pp.97-109, 1960

Our knowledge of the biology of Tanypteryx pryeri Selys, the sole representative of an archaic family Petaluridae in the Far East, is still very fragmentary. Since 1956 the author has undertaken ecological studies of this species in the hilly region of Kanazawa-city, Ishikawa Prefecture, Central Japan. The present paper outlines the imaginal life of this species and presents some results of the captive-experiments concerning with the relation between sexual behaviour and territory. Tanypteryx pryeri is a low mountain dweller and is known to occur in Honshu and Kyushu. The flight season is usually in May and June in lower localities of Central Japan. Emergence takes place in the early morning, but in a dark room it occurs notwithstanding the time of a day unless the temperature is extremely low. Since about two weeks before the emergence the nymphs prefer to stay outside their burrows in the daytime. They seem to bath warmth during this period. The type of their emergence resembles that of a Gomphid but shows several interesting characteristics. Exuviae are found clinging mainly on the leaf-face of Houttuynia cordata or Equisetum arvense in Kanazawa area. From a marked area (Mitsukoji) a total of 47 ♂♂ 47 ♀♀ adult dragonflies emerged out in 1959 : Whole duration of emergence was 13 days and the day when 50% of the annual population emerged (EM 50) was reached by the 8th day of emergence. Owing to the heterogeneity, emergence of a reared population (36 ♂♂ 48 ♀♀) was less synchronized : EM 50 was at length reached by the 14th day. Teneral insects fly about to and fro on the sunny slopes in the valley and feed on flying small insects. Since the wing muscles are still rather weak, their flight distance is short, their motion rather sluggish, and they prefer to alight on the trunks of trees. Sometimes they move from shaded valley to a sunny hillside even in the evening, but never show crepuscular activity. When matured (two weeks or so) they come to the mating site. A male insect occupies his territory and defends it against intruders. The place where a territory is frequently settled is an area over which females often come flying about, such an area must have ecologically high potential. Territory of this species is an alighting type and the territorial boundary is obscure if compared with a cruising type shown by Aeschnidae. The duration of territory occupation is not long but rather transient, and the tendency to localize to a definite site is not absolutely strong. When a resident leaves his spot it is soon occupied by a new comer or an invader, probably according to the potential of the site, and, through such a shift of the occupant dynamic equilibrium will be maintained. When a female insect comes flying into a territory the male insect immediately pursues her to mate, but if the passer-by was a male insect or different species a persistent pursuit is not made. The connecting of both sexes occurs sometimes on the ground, the couple then flies away in tandem to some adjacent grove. Copulation takes place clinging on a twig of a small tree. The type of copulation belongs to Anisoptera-type, but it resembles more or less to that of Epiophlebia superstes. Under natural conditions male-by-male coupling, or, coupling with other species hardly occurs, but my captive experiments using a string-tied insect facilitated these erronous behaviours by disturbing or modifying the reactions and flight attitude of the captive test-insect. Male insect even seizes a captive which is of different colours, or of different shapes, or of different sizes, but do not react upon motionless decay, even if it were a true Tanypteryx female. Therefore the first chain of their sexual behaviour must be released by the specific movement of the captive. The territory establishment of this species seems to mean a space and time segregation in a habitat originated from the intra-specific reciprocal reaction, and will result in the dispersal of population density in the mating site. After copulation the female insect separates from the male, and proceeds to anoviposition site. In this species the interference by male insect during oviposition have not been observed. Oviposition is performed by a single female into wet soil, mosses and decaying vegetable matters which cover the ground of a boggy slope along hillside road or forest edge. Females have well developed ovipositor, although the ovipositor type is never endophytic. Details of the larval life and other ecological points of this species will be published in my future papers.
望月 理香 永徳真一郎 茂木 学 八木 貴史 武藤伸洋 小林 透
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.53, no.1, pp.30-38, 2012-01-15

『心はだれにも見えないけれど「こころづかい」は見える.思いは見えないけれど「思いやり」はだれにでも見える』(宮澤,2010).という詩にあるように,人それぞれの感性を外から知ることはできないが,その感性をもとに起こした行動は客観的にとらえることができる.本研究では,感性を言葉やジェスチャなどの表現を駆使して伝えるのではなく,感性に紐付く各人の行動(その人にとっての経験)を介して伝えることで,各人に最適化された分かりやすい表現により,感性のコミュニケーションが可能となるモデルを提案する.近年,ユーザ間のコミュニケーションをサポートするためのツールやインタフェースが発展し,多種多様な表現によって情報を伝えることが可能となってきている.しかし,感性の伝達においては,同じ言語表現・ジェスチャ表現であっても表現に対応付く感性が個人ごとに様々であるため,表現の伝え手がイメージした内容と受け手がイメージする内容が一致するとは限らない.そこで,本研究ではライフログから抽出される自身の経験を介した感性コミュニケーションモデルを提案する.本モデルは,言葉などの表現方法だけでは伝えることが難しい伝え手のイメージを,そのイメージに対応付けられる受け手の経験を提示することにより,情報の受け手が伝え手のイメージを分かりやすく理解できる,という新しいコミュニケーションチャネルを与えるものである.本稿では,本研究で対象とする経験の定義と感性コミュニケーションにおけるアプローチ方法を述べた後,提案モデルの各Pointの概要,実装方法を述べる.続いて,提案モデルの実現において重要なポイントである情報の受け手に提示する経験の選び方の検討を行った.経験に対する「なじみ」の強さを1つの指標とすることで,受け手に分かりやすい経験を選ぶことが可能になると考え,被験者実験によってその有効性を示した."No one can see your emotion but we can see your action (Miyazawa, 2010)." That is to say, we can't see emotion but can recognize the emotion from the action it triggers. We propose an emotion communication model supplement the regular communication modalities of words and gestures. Many tools and interfaces have been developed to support user-user communication. Literal information can now be exchanged in various forms. However, user-user communication is imperfect since it remains impossible to communicate images. In this paper, we propose an emotion communication model that permits images to be exchanged and attendant algorithms that identify "symmetry" experiences to be mined from Life-logs. Experiments are conducted to discover the criteria needed for accurate experience identification. The model establishes new communication channel through an analysis of personal actions (based on Life-log) as related to emotion. Therefore, it eases misunderstanding and increases intelligibility since it draws on personal experiences. In this paper, we report the concept of the emotion communication model and describe how to process Life-log data for matching experiences. Then, we conducted experiments to confirm the impact of explanations based on quantitative similarity and those based on familiarity to confirm the effectiveness of the emotion communication model.
鈴木 麻希 宮田 采実 和田 有史 武藤 孝子 小谷 和彦 永井 成美
特定非営利活動法人 日本栄養改善学会
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.78, no.5, pp.223-231, 2020-10-01 (Released:2020-11-09)

【目的】食品に付したエネルギー情報の違いが,摂食者の心理・生理的応答に与える影響を若年女性において検討すること。【方法】ランダム化クロスオーバー試験として実施した。試験食は,466 kcalのフレンチトーストに,500 kcal表示または 1,000 kcal表示のカードを付した2種類とした。異なる2日間の9時前後に,前夜から絶食した若年女性12名にランダムな順序でいずれかを負荷した。官能評価と摂食への抵抗感,唾液中のα–アミラーゼ濃度を摂食前後に測定した。食欲感覚と呼気ガス(エネルギー消費量)は摂食前と摂食90分後まで測定した。呼気ガス測定値より食事誘発性熱産生を算出した。【結果】心理的指標では,甘さ,脂っぽさ,摂食への後ろめたさは,摂食前後ともに 1,000 kcal表示が 500 kcal表示よりも有意に高かったが,美味しさ,摂食への嬉しさ,食欲感覚(空腹感,満腹感)は,摂食前後ともに試験食による差はなかった。生理的指標では,唾液α–アミラーゼ濃度は,1,000 kcal表示のみ食後に有意に上昇したが,食事誘発性熱産生は,両試行で有意な差はなかった。【結論】本結果より,食品に付した高エネルギー情報は,若年女性摂食者の満腹感や食事誘発性熱産生を高めなかったが,甘さと脂っぽさを強く感じさせるとともに,摂食への抵抗感とストレスを高めることが示唆された。
高橋 尚志 礒田 誠 大浦 みゆき 西原 浩 高木 由美子 佐々木 信行 藤原 佳代子 高橋 智香 金子 之史 末廣 喜代一 松本 一範 稗田 美嘉 森 征洋 松村 雅文 寺尾 徹 川勝 博 北林 雅洋 笠 潤平 福家 弘康 西川 健男 高橋 正人 久利 知光 林 雄二 東条 直樹 横川 勝正 上村 和則 武藤 成継 石川 恭広 長谷川 忍
香川大学教育実践総合研究 (ISSN:1345708X)
vol.16, pp.35-43, 2008

武藤 泰明
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.19, no.1, pp.17-23, 2009 (Released:2009-11-05)
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The Nihon Sumo Kyokai has been making local tours in addition to holding its regular tournaments. Until 2001, the tours were sponsored by companies and operated by the Kyokai itself. In 2002, the Kyokai lost the sponsors and it became difficult to maintain the business model of the tour. So, from 2003, the Kyokai decided to change the business model and began to sell each event of the tour to local promoters.  In this paper the background and purposes of the change of the business model are examined, and the influence of this change is considered.  As the result of the change, the Kyokai became free from the financial risk of the tour. But at the same time, the number of events of the tour decreased because the number of local promoters who had ability to take the financial risk of the event was not enough.  The Kyokai has a philosophy of trying to popularize sumo, and local tours are one of the means to attain it. But it seems there is a trade-off between this philosophy and financial risk of local tours. If the Kyokai wants to hedge the risk, the number of events of the local tours will decrease, so the Kyokai will not be able to attain the philosophy. If the Kyokai has a strong will to attain the philosophy and to hold more events, its financial risk will become larger.
若林 恭子 武藤 志真子 神戸 絹代 石川 元康
日本健康学会誌 (ISSN:24326712)
vol.84, no.1, pp.12-23, 2018-01-31 (Released:2018-02-16)

The influence of stress on employee health has recently increased. The present study aims to clarify the relationship between eating behavior and stress as factors in obesity, which has become a central issue for lifestyle-related disease prevention. We surveyed 220 male employees between February and March 2014 and examined relationships among eight categories of eating behavior in four groups: obesity and high-stress (Group I), obesity and low-stress (Group II), non-obesity and high-stress (Group III) and non-obesity and low-stress (Group IV). We previously compared the scores for each category of four groups with those of a group with normal weight using t-tests. Here, we compared our earlier findings with those from the four groups described above. The responses showed that Groups I and III differed significantly in all categories related to eating behavior. This indicated that high stress was associated with changes in eating behavior and that some respondents had problems with eating behaviors regardless of whether they were obese. These results indicate that health guidance is needed in the future to understand the stress levels of obese individuals.